
Saturday, February 9, 2019

Victim - Original Writing :: Papers

Victim - Original Writing Such odd patterns the rain do on the wet window. It had been pouring for nearly an hour now Rachel assemble it quite relaxing. She sat on the couch watching some gooselike talk show about people who had been victimized by find out artists. She shook her head slightly, sighed, and stirred her tea. Rising while holding the sign perfectly still, she went into the kitchen to empty what remained of her Earl Grey. Upon her return, she remembered that she had left the window in her room open. originally that night, she had been sitting by that very window the rain felt modify and clean on her rosy cheeks. Rachel cursed herself for leaving it partly open, which allowed body of water to cover a small portion of her bedspread. Oh well. It will be prohibitionist in a while. She said, not to anyone in particular as she was exclusively in the house, after all. There was one person too many another(prenominal) in the house when he sprang from the closet. The man really didnt look dangerous. His vapourous white shirt and black jeans did not appear threatening. His uncombed cook hair and lean build did not startle Rachel. Even his hazel eyes, empty as they were, did not alarm her. It was the butcher knife he gripped in his right hand that chilled her blood. Little girls like yourself shouldnt be sign alone. They might get hurt or killed or.. He sprang at her with the deadly blade, forcing her to the ground. She screamed from both fear and sheer surprise. He held the knife to her throat with one hand and began to unbutton her cream-colored blouse with the other. Rachel struggled violently, yelling, Get off of me, you sick creep He only grinned and continued. She clawed his right arm with her pointy nails, breaking the skin. He shrieked and dropped his weapon. Rachel quickly snatched it in her right hand while her aggressor was briefly injured. She then sliced him across the h and, shoving him off

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