
Saturday, February 9, 2019

Re-entry Student :: essays research papers

Motivation to Return to SchoolI decided at that here and now that I would go through to school and graduate with my bachelor?s degree. I made a promise to myself that I would finish my education. If I plump my education, I would make my parents proud of me. Plus, I want to be the stolon person on either side of my family to attend graduate school. Adults return to college primarily because they desire a higher paying career or a professional job. This could be a registered nurse, an elementary school teacher, a policeman or an attorney. It could also be an accountant, a journalist, a librarian, an inside decorator or a beautician (Smith, 2001). After being on the road for three years, I decided to check into returning to college at the University of Delaware and the University of Pennsylvania. Both universities informed me that I would birth to re opt my first deuce years that I had completed at Chattanooga State. I would have got to commit for a nonher four to six years of co llege. I did not have the time to do this. I wanted to be undone with my bachelor?s degree within two years if possible. So, later, when they pass that their choices are limited, their futures sealed or semi-gelled, they decide that school is where they need to be (Smith, 2001).I had made arrangements for an apartment before I had moved, so any I had to do was wait for the moving van to bring my furniture in. I went looking for a job and found a amaze with the Veterans Affairs. While I was unpacking and settling in, I filled out and submitted my constitution work for UTC.After a few weeks, I received a response from UTC stating that I was accepted and could start fall semester. I was so excited about finishing my education. My major was Healthcare Administration. honest-to-god women -- those in their mid-20s and older -- returning to college make up better than half(a) of the evening enrollments in area colleges. Nontraditional students are usually in their mid-20s to mid-40 s, enrolling part time vs. full time. They generally attend evening classes and have jobs and family obligations to balance with their studies (Richards, 1999).During the meeting with my advisor, I was advised that I would take an unembellished ten to fifteen classes before I could graduate. I was looking at the catalog at the course I could take and the advisor told me to take my freshman classes first before getting into major classes.

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