Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Medical Promise Of Embryonic Stem Cells - 1626 Words
The Medical Promise of Embryonic Stem Cells Why should people suffer from diabetes, Alzheimer’s, sickle cell anemia, leukemia, and plenty of other degenerative diseases while the cure lies in our hands? After James Thompson, a developmental biologist, reported that he had derived the first human embryonic stem cell line (Thomson), the potential of curing degenerative diseases was revealed. Ph.D. holder and deputy director of FDA’s office of Cellular, Tissue and Gene Therapies, Stephanie Simek, explains that stem cells are unspecialized cells (qtd. in â€Å"FDA Warns About Stem Cell Claims†). In other words, since they are unspecialized cells, they can â€Å"†¦generate lots of cells and, under the right conditions, become one of the many cell types†¦show more content†¦The process when stem cells give rise to blood cells, or any other specialized cells, is called differentiation (â€Å"Stem Cell Basics†). Stem Cells’ ability of differentiation can be targeted and directed to gen erate tissue and therefore to cure degenerative diseases (Panno 24-28). However, such medical promise faces the doubts and gives rise to disputes. In fact, federal funds for stem cell research were banned under President Bush’s administration, but the ban was then lifted by President Obama’s administration (Obama). Despite the different arguments, more medical trials should be conducted with embryonic stem cells in order to determine whether the medical promise is applicable or far-fetched. Richard Doeflinger, an official with the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, argues that â€Å"we must not sacrifice one class of human being to benefit another†(qtd. in â€Å"Stem Cells†). However, ignoring the medical promise of embryonic stem cells would end up sacrificing real, living human beings for microscopic cells. Jean Peduzzi Nelson, the author of ‘Adult Stem Cells Are Already Curing Diseases’, argues that unlike embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells have already cured diseases. To support his argument, Nelson narrates the story of Joe Davis Jr. who suffered from a severe sickle cell anemia since birth. According to Nelson, At the age of two, Joe received an adult stem cell transplant; the adult stemShow MoreRelatedEmbryo Based Stem Cell Research1171 Words  | 5 Pages Embryo-based stem cell research The controversy concerning the ethical dilemma related to stem cell research rages on. One particular basis of this controversy emanates from the fact that embryonic stem cells research derives its stem cells from destroyed embryos. Stem cells are cells that are yet to be specialized into specific tissue that serves specific function in the organism. 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