Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Medical Promise Of Embryonic Stem Cells - 1626 Words
The Medical Promise of Embryonic Stem Cells Why should people suffer from diabetes, Alzheimer’s, sickle cell anemia, leukemia, and plenty of other degenerative diseases while the cure lies in our hands? After James Thompson, a developmental biologist, reported that he had derived the first human embryonic stem cell line (Thomson), the potential of curing degenerative diseases was revealed. Ph.D. holder and deputy director of FDA’s office of Cellular, Tissue and Gene Therapies, Stephanie Simek, explains that stem cells are unspecialized cells (qtd. in â€Å"FDA Warns About Stem Cell Claims†). In other words, since they are unspecialized cells, they can â€Å"†¦generate lots of cells and, under the right conditions, become one of the many cell types†¦show more content†¦The process when stem cells give rise to blood cells, or any other specialized cells, is called differentiation (â€Å"Stem Cell Basics†). Stem Cells’ ability of differentiation can be targeted and directed to gen erate tissue and therefore to cure degenerative diseases (Panno 24-28). However, such medical promise faces the doubts and gives rise to disputes. In fact, federal funds for stem cell research were banned under President Bush’s administration, but the ban was then lifted by President Obama’s administration (Obama). Despite the different arguments, more medical trials should be conducted with embryonic stem cells in order to determine whether the medical promise is applicable or far-fetched. Richard Doeflinger, an official with the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, argues that â€Å"we must not sacrifice one class of human being to benefit another†(qtd. in â€Å"Stem Cells†). However, ignoring the medical promise of embryonic stem cells would end up sacrificing real, living human beings for microscopic cells. Jean Peduzzi Nelson, the author of ‘Adult Stem Cells Are Already Curing Diseases’, argues that unlike embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells have already cured diseases. To support his argument, Nelson narrates the story of Joe Davis Jr. who suffered from a severe sickle cell anemia since birth. According to Nelson, At the age of two, Joe received an adult stem cell transplant; the adult stemShow MoreRelatedEmbryo Based Stem Cell Research1171 Words  | 5 Pages Embryo-based stem cell research The controversy concerning the ethical dilemma related to stem cell research rages on. One particular basis of this controversy emanates from the fact that embryonic stem cells research derives its stem cells from destroyed embryos. Stem cells are cells that are yet to be specialized into specific tissue that serves specific function in the organism. Some radical scientists have labeled these cells the building blocks of future medical and biotechnical researchRead MoreThe Debate Over Stem Cell Research1601 Words  | 7 PagesThe stem cell controversy has been going on for many years. The two basic controversies surrounding stem cell research is whether or not it is morally justifiable, and if stem cells will ever live up to the medical promises. Most of these controversies concern embryonic stem cells more than any other stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are unspecialized, but have the ability to divide and make specialized cells like muscles, nerves, and skin cells. These cells a re found in the early stage of human developmentRead MoreThe Debate Of Embryonic Stem Cell Research1460 Words  | 6 Pages I believe that embryonic stem cell research should be allowed in the United States. From previous encounters with the topic I have learned that the many benefits that can come from stem cell research are without a doubt astounding and unimaginable. There are simply endless possibilities that can arise if the research was allowed to be conducted. From giving back vision to rebuilding tissue, any advance in stem cell research would be beneficial to the medical world. With the help that the advancesRead MoreThe Importance of Stem Cell Research Essay1649 Words  | 7 PagesParkinson’s disease (Watson, Stephanie, and Craig Freudenrich, Ph.D). Diseases such as above kill off important cells that reproduce rapidly to help the body function normally. Well, what alternatives does one have to turn to when the time clock runs out for all cells, resulting in d eath. Stem cell usage is a second chance given that doesn’t set death as an essential from these fatal diseases. Stem cell research is an unaware issue to society that could possibly be the antidote to saving lives, and to othersRead MoreAdult Stem Cells Vs. Embryonic Stem Cell Research1108 Words  | 5 Pages4/4/16 Adult Stem Cells vs. Embryonic Stem Cells â€Å"The unspecialized cells are differentiated cells created are known as stem cells†(Miller Ph.D., Levine Ph.D., 2012). Embryonic and Adult stem cells are the only types of stem cells. Stem cell research shows a good deal of promise in the aiding of curing diseases. Both embryonic and adult stem cells show promise in curing diseases, but it is unclear which type of stem cell is more effective. The human embryo for embryonic stem cell research requiresRead MoreSupport of Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay769 Words  | 4 PagesEmbryonic stem cell is one of the most controversial, widely discussed medical issues in the United States today. The medical use of stem cell raises difficult moral and political questions. To understand about embryonic stem cell. I thought we should discuss what embryonic stem cells are. According to Scientific American; June 2004, embryonic stem are derived from the portion of a very early stage embryo that would eventually give rise to an entire body. Because embryonic stem cells originate inRead MoreEssay about Embryonic Stem Cell Research1357 Words  | 6 PagesHuman Embryonic Stem Cell Research Embryonic stem cell research is a highly controversial topic in todays society, this kind of stem cell commits to regenerate any type of tissue. Unfortunately, Embryonic Stem Cell Research has a dark side. To obtain these cells will kill the embryo automatically. In other words, the acquirement of the Human Embryonic Stem Cell includes performing an abortion. To obtain these cells, it would kill the embryo. This has created controversy since abortion is suchRead MoreSupporting Stem Cell Research Essay1691 Words  | 7 Pagesinformation concerning stem cells and their use in regenerative medicine, and learned about a physician who was creating windpipes out of stem cells and transplanting them into patients. The family got into contact with this doctor and the Children’s Hospital of Illinois at O.S.F. Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria, Illinois, and eventually Hannah underwent the treatment with impressive results. The doctors had successfully grown a new windpipe for Hannah out of her own cells and saved her life,Read MoreEssay on Stem Cells: The Cure for Uncontrollable Diseases of the Past1246 Words  | 5 PagesLou Gehrig’s disease, Sickle Cell Anemia, Alzheimer’s. This world is plague by countless diseases and there existed a time where, after many failed research attempts, scientists began to believe that people would always suffer from these diseases. However, with the introduction of stem cell research those past notions were dismissed. Upon their introduction, stem cell’s provided a new hope to the world and it proved itself to be an invaluable asset. Through stem cell research, a multitude of curesRead MoreThe Heated Debate Concerning Stem Cell Research Essay1477 Words  | 6 PagesStem Cells Few scientific issues in recent years have managed to draw as much attention, both scientific and otherwise, than stem cell research. I was first introduced to the term ‘stem cells’ when I was in high school, and since then, I have had a keen interest in the direction science is taking them. When considering medical research as a whole, stem cells appear to have the makings of a 21st century medical revolution a la discovery of antibiotics . The open-ended nature of stems cells has
Sunday, May 17, 2020
e-commerce Essay - 1426 Words
Remember the time when there was no Internet? Where advances in telecommunications and computing largely occurred side-by-side in the past, today, they converge in the Internet. Timesharing, the concept of linking a large numbers of users to a single computer via remote terminals, was developed at MIT in the late 50s and early 60s. In 1973, Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf developed the basic ideas of the Internet. Now days almost everybody is connected to Internet. WORLD INTERNET CONNECTIVITY (As of 6/15/95) ( There is another thing that Internet brought us at affordable price: it is electronic commerce (e-commerce). There is no specific definition for what is e-commerce everybody interprets it†¦show more content†¦The retail Web sites of and offer good examples. The primary purpose of these sites is to sell the companys supplies, although they do combine other functions such as communication and service manageme nt. These examples also highlight the fact that the four functions are not mutually exclusive. (Kalakota 6) There are a lot of advantages with EC it is hard to mansion them all but some of them include low cost, low barriers to enter, error reduction, and increased efficiencies. One good example of low cost is advertising. It can run a company well over 50,000 dollars to put a full-page advertisement in a newspaper with a circulation of 1 million. In contrast, assuming that there are at least 1 million Web browsers and the annual costs (hosting and maintenance) for a small corporate Web site are $900, then the daily cost for 1 million viewers ($900/365) on any given day is approximately $2.50. ( Another benefit of Web sites are the low barriers to entry they offer companies in certain industries. For example, is a completely virtual based company. Without the Web, it would probably never have started s elling books given the dominate position of its competitors like Barnes and Nobel and the tremendous amount of money they would have to invest to open and operate a store like that. Other benefits of Web sites include error reduction becauseShow MoreRelatedE Commerce1203 Words  | 5 PagesElectronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce, is a type of industry where buying and selling of product or service is conducted over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerceRead MoreElectronic Commerce ( E Commerce )1286 Words  | 6 Pagesopportunities (E-business, eEurope, n.d). More and more companies have discovered the advantage of using the Internet as a com munication tool to reach consumers at any place and at any time. This also enables consumers to search and gather information about products and services online. The word e-commerce refers to all transactions online. Electronic commerce (e-commerce) is the area in which we are to do our research and throughout this dissertation we will discuss consumer trust in e-commerce. The termRead MoreElectronic Commerce And E Commerce1452 Words  | 6 PagesE-commerce Definition Electronic commerce or e-commerce is a term for any type of business, or commercial transaction, which involves the transfer of information across the Internet. It is often associated exclusively with online consumer shopping, but the term extends beyond that category. Additional businesses covered under the umbrella of e-commerce includes online auction sites, such as EBay, and businesses that exchange both goods and services.[3] History The history of e-commerce is oftenRead MoreElectronic Commerce And E Commerce2337 Words  | 10 PagesElectronic Commerce Electronic Commerce Defined Salvatore (2013) defines electronic commerce or e-commerce stating, â€Å"E-commerce refers to the production, advertising, sale, and distribution of products and services from business to business and from business to consumer through the internet†(p. 150). These activities can take place in many environments between businesses and consumers. E-commerce has changed the way goods and services are exchanged and have given light to businesses and consumersRead MoreE Commerce Vs. Electronic Commerce1527 Words  | 7 PagesThere are plenty of ways to define the definition of E-commerce. For example, according to the Oxford Dictionary, E-commerce or electronic commerce is the commercial transaction that conducted electronically on the Internet. Some people define E-commerce as the processes of buying, selling, or exchanging products, services, and information by using the computer network technology such as the Internet. E-commerce does not only provide the function of buying and selling goods and services online viaRead MoreE Commerce And The Internet1060 Words  | 5 Pagestopic of e-commerce. The reason e-commerce interests me is I would like to find out how it relates to business in terms of importance, benefits, and influence. E-commerce is relative to my area of study because the goal for my future company will deal with providing services and content to customers via the internet. So what exactly does e-commerce mean? Let’s see how Merriam Webster’s online dictionary defines the word: â€Å"e–commerce noun e–com ·merce ˈē-ËÅ'kà ¤-(ËÅ')mÉ™rs Simple Definition of e–commerceRead MoreE Commerce Is On The Rise772 Words  | 4 PagesI agree with your post. I believe that brick and mortar businesses are highly relevant despite the fact that e-commerce is on the rise. I too enjoy shopping online sometime mainly due to my shopping habits and simply out of convenience. Joseph (2016) acknowledges that, E-commerce has the convenience component nailed down. Moreover, that is essentially why people like online shopping, consumers like that they have to exude little effort or difficulty, they simply just have to scroll down a pageRead MoreEssay on E-commerce678 Words  | 3 Pagesmore businesses look for ways to secure electronic marketing online, there is a greater need for E-commerce. defines E-commerce (EC) as the â€Å"buying and selling of goods and services on the Internet. As more and more companies accept the challenge of E-commerce, e-business security and security software is becoming a factor th at corporations need to meet. We will discuss what E-commerce is and how it is used and the advantages and disadvantages. Security systems for EC have fourRead MoreE Commerce And E Business Essay2218 Words  | 9 PagesOnline businesses are those kinds of firms that do not have a physical presence, and their operations are mainly virtually run and controlled. These types of activities are in other words referred to as e-commerce or E-businesses. The management of the businesses, as well as the supervision of the day to day operations of the business, is done virtually. The business does not have physical stores, warehouses or shops. This type of activity utilizes electronic means for the firm transactions as opposedRead MoreE Commerce in Thailand5356 Words  | 22 PagesEvaluation of Market Potential 3 E Commerce Industry Overview in Thailand: 4 Demographic 4 Internet Usage 4 Internet 5 Access to Internet 5 E Commerce Business Models: 11 Internet Retail: 11 Intermediaries (3rd party market place): 11 General and vertical classifieds: 11 Lead Generation (Comparison Shopping): 11 COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE (Top 10 E Commerce Website) 12 Weloveshopping: 12 Dealfish 13 14 Pramool 15 Notable E Commerce Startups: 16 Priceza 16 Lazada
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Notes On Human Resource Management Essay - 3593 Words
633 Human Resource Management Answer (I): On the based scenario above the owner John’s situation is really similar to old or traditional human practices. In this kind of practice the people who works are the things to be managed by the people. The employees only performs only those task which are designed by the management, training team, recruitment teams or the talent management and the work evaluations are also done which are prepared or developed by HR. The old definition of HR clearly says that the employees are the resources for the company just as the capital or assets. John’s following the same kind of strategy in his business as he only believes in getting the work done from the employees and do not have anything thing to do with the Health and Safety act or policies. John’s theory of being a typical owner is quite similar to the older model of management theory, the system came before the people. In 1965 ITT said that â€Å"the prime point of administration is dependably to make a solitary individual as the advantages of the organization. Answer (ii) HRM is absolutely another form of sorting out and overseeing staff. There is no real contrasts in the middle of HRM and Personnel Management. However few minor differences are as follows: 1. Personnel management is an old approach to organise and manage staff in a firm whereas HRM is a complete view of managing staff and their powers in an organization. 2. HRM is mainly based on acquiring, attaining, developing andShow MoreRelatedNotes On Human Resource Management3007 Words  | 13 PagesHRM502 Human Resource Management Submitted by: Submitted to: Andrea Sloan Final Report of Holden â€Æ' EXECTIVE SUMMARY Table of Contents 1. Introduction 4 2. Layoff planning of Holden 4 2.1Downsizing 5 2.2 Alternatives to downsizing 5 2.3 Limitations 5 2.4 Benefits of downsizing for Holden 6 3. Performance management system in Holden 6 3.1 Set and regularly revise HOLDEN Directives 7 3.2 Translate Holden Directives to Goals throughout organizationRead MoreNotes On Human Resource Management Essay2237 Words  | 9 Pages805: Human Resource Management in Innovation Facilitator Fiona Tyrie Assignment # 1 Total No. of Pages 8 (Including cover) Submission Date 22/04/2015 Date received by facilitator ------------------- Date returned to student ------------------- 1. Purpose Human resource is a vital component of every organisation for their effective function and achievement of their objectives. 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Management is the process of reaching organizational goals by working with and through people and other organizational resources. It is a procedure or arrangement of proceeding and related exercises. It involves and concentrates on reaching organizational goals. It reaches these goals by working with and through people and other organizational resources. Some think little of the significance of administration inRead MoreA Brief Note On International Human Resource Management1846 Words  | 8 PagesInternational Human Resource Management â€Æ' Table of Contents Introduction 3 Identification and discussion of the issues identified in the HRM 3 Issues’ regarding the employment relations impacting on the manager’s working life 5 Conclusion 6 References 7 â€Æ' Introduction Rothenberg et al. (2015) commented on the essential fact that Human Resource Department is one of the essential departments within the organization that helps in management of the entire organization in the most successful and methodicalRead MoreA Brief Note On Human Resource Management And The Philips Company2297 Words  | 10 Pages HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (4.707) ASSIGHNMENT ON HIRING PROCESS BY SALES MANAGER SUBMITTED BY SHAMANTH GOURISH BABU STUDENT ID: 20141895 E-MAIL: WORD COUNT QUESTION 1- 1117 STREAM - 136 SUBMITTED TO - DR. BOB BEAVE DATE: 5 June 2015 INTRODUCTION I was working in Philips Company in India as a sales manager of the different types of the product and the Philips Company was founded in 1891 by Gerard Philips his father Frederik PhilipsRead MoreHuman Resources, Strategy And Business Ethic1545 Words  | 7 PagesHuman Resources, Strategy and Business Ethic Page Break Introduction The 21st century workplace environment is established on numerous reforms and transformations in different aspects that constitute the management of human resources. Therefore, the human resource departments in different departments have adopted different approaches to managing their employees. In this regard, most businesses and organizations across the globe have adopted different concepts of strategic human resource managementRead MoreMgmt 410 Final Exam 100% Correct Answers1204 Words  | 5 PagesInformation Visit Our Website ( ) Email us At: or FINAL EXAM TOPICS/CONCEPTS WITH RELATED QUESTIONS (10) 1. Human Resource Management and Strategic Planning – Identify and describe the Functions for Human Resources Management Define the concept Strategy Planning within HRM? 1. Describe and give an example for the following functions: 1. Employment 2. Compensation †¢ Benefits 1. Employee Relations 2. Training/Development
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Discrimination and Food Chain Supermarkets
Application: Individual Case Study Analysis, Case 10 Analyzing Promotion Data: Applying to 80% Rule Lakisha Richardson Abstract This analysis explains the thoughts and ideas about Case 10: Analyzing Promotion Data. It references the problems noted and within the case as well as the legal issues that apply. Based on the background and research, an overview of a solution to the problem and an implementation process to be executed by Tom Rutherford, HR director of Food Chain Supermarkets, Inc. can help with the discrimination issue(s) presented in the case. Summary of Case Human resource director of Food Chain Supermarkets, Inc., Thomas L. Rutherford was disturbed by a conversation he had with Walter Jackson, an employee†¦show more content†¦The immediate problem of concern is whether the claim has some truth. The complainant presented the HR manager with a group (black employees) that are protected by law, but are being disproportionately impacted. This constitutes the initial burden. HR Legal Issues †¢ Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VII), which prohibits employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin (2009). †¢ The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (CSRA) contains a number of prohibitions, known as prohibited personnel practices, which are designed to promote overall fairness in federal personnel actions. 5 U.S.C. 2302 (2009) †¢ Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Laws-The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces all of these laws. EEOC also provides oversight and coordination of all federal equal employment opportunity regulations, practices, and policies (2009). Alternative Solutions †¢ â€Å"Implement and integrate a strict policy that makes employment discrimination of any type unacceptable in your workplace†(Heathfield, 2012). †¢ â€Å"Train your managers in the implementation of the anti-discrimination policy with the expectation that prevention is their responsibility†(Heathfield, 2012). Analyze Each Alternative Solution An advantage of implementing and integrating a strict policy that makes employment discrimination of any type unacceptable in your workplace employers can lower cost ofShow MoreRelatedPricing Strategy1042 Words  | 5 PagesCurrent Crystal Light pricing is at a suggested retail price of $2.56 oz for a 1.4 oz package ($3.54) that includes 10 on the go packets and $1.25 oz for a 3.2 oz canister which can make a 12 quart pitcher ($4.00) according to Pea Pod by Giant supermarket ( The initial pricing strategy for Crystal Light Kicks will take a penetration pricing strategy to introduce the product to assist in dispersing the brand quickly and widely throughout the new market segment. Since the target marketRead MoreThe Retail Market Of Australia1505 Words  | 7 PagesAustralian household spend roughly 12 to 14 percent of income on supermarket goods and services. The one-stop shopping model has raised the consumer loyalty to the supermarket rather than various small retailers. The two giant supermarket players are Woolworths and Coles who holds around 80 percent of the total retail markets according to the Australian Food and Grocery Council. By the entry of the German-based cut-price super market chain Aldi who holds 11 percent of the grocery market has forced theRead MoreKroger Benefits Of Kroger Co1322 Words  | 6 Pageswere the first to sell meats and groceries in one convenient location. Today, Kroger is â€Å"one of the largest food manufacturing businesses in America†and â€Å"operates 38 food manufacturing facilities†whose products range from â€Å"bread, cookies, and milk to soda pop, ice cream and peanut butter†(â€Å"Our History†). Kroger, like most supermarket chains, have their own brands. However, unlike other chains â€Å"26% of Kroger’s total store dollar sales†come from their own privately owned label, not generic brand salesRead MoreThe Good Food Revolution By Allen Talks1047 Words  | 5 PagesGood Food Revolution, Will Allen talks about his struggles as an African American male trying to live out his dream of sustaining a profitable farming career while doing well for the community. What started as a small roadside market is now a national business which helps low-income families gain access to healthy foods and also helps build a better community. Throughout his journey, Allen experienced countless setbacks and was exposed to several issues dealing with race. Access to healthy food isRead MoreThe Food Of Food And Its Effects On Health And Health1429 Words  | 6 Pages The term â€Å"food desert†was first defined by a British Low Income Project team as â€Å"areas of relative exclusion where people experience physical and economic barriers to accessing healthy foods†. (Reisig and Hobbiss). This description is in reference to the recent shift of food retailers away from urban areas into suburban developments. This is significant because it illustrates that where you live has a direct influence on access to food, and consequently, the quality of food readily availableRead MoreWoolworth’s Strategy and Its Implementation3134 Words  | 13 Pagesrequirements’ (Cravens, Piercy Baldauf 2009, p.32). Woolworths has for many years been the dominant player in the Food and Staples Retailing Industry but since Wesfarmers’ takeover of Coles, Woolworths has had to be more on the defensive matching Coles in its low-cost pricing strategy on many product items (Sell on News 2011). Whilst Coles is trying to regain market share within its supermarket division, Woolworths is endeavouring to develop operational scope in the area of hardware, where Coles has heldRead MoreWhite Employees And Employment Discrimination1863 Words  | 8 Pagesit can be seen from the calculations above, a clear pattern of discrimination has occurred in both the warehouse and store promotion decisions in 2008. In both cases, as well as in the overall combined promotion rates, black employees were consistently hired at a lower than acceptable rate than their white counterparts. Therefore, any black employees who applied for a promotion during 2008 may have a case for employment discrimination depending on their unique circumstances. 2007 on the other handRead MoreEconomic Status Of The United States1637 Words  | 7 Pagesthrough job opportunities, access to healthy foods, facilities, and work related outcomes. The Latino population has become one of the most growing ethnic minority groups which has accounted for 56 % of the nation’s growth in the past 10 years. This group of individuals has not only expanded but continues to grow as years go by. However, despite this increase in the Latino community it has also lead to an increase in the amount of discrimination towards this group. This has been shown throughRead MoreRetail Market Of The Retail Industry1726 Words  | 7 Pagesdivided into several types of retail stores such as, department stores, supermarkets, convenience stores, online stores and malls. The history of retail business is as old as 1800. In the early 18th century in the United States the concept of retail was limited to a general store where people would go and shop for articles of necessity (US Retail Industry, The Retail Industry of USA, 2007). These general stores became the major food marketing channel distribution in the 18th century. Toward the endRead MoreLucas Benitez And Cesar Chavez762 Words  | 4 Pages Human rights is a subject that is shown in our everyday life. The discrimination some groups face in the workforce is horrible. However, some people have stood up this and fought against discrimination. Three examples of these people are Cesar Chavez, a man who revolutionized the farming workforce, Mary Jones, a woman who changed the lives of young workers forever, and Lucas Benavidez, who fought against companies who mistreated farm workers. Lucas Benitez, Mary Jones, and Cesar Chavez all helped
Questions On Writing Assignments The Klandermans And...
Writing assignments: Below are six prompts based on the ideas presented in the Klandermans and Staggenborg text and in earlier readings in Creswell. Select three of the six prompts. Write a minimum 500-word response for each of your selections. 1. What is survey method? What kinds of survey methods are used in social movement?s research? Discuss their benefits and limitations. In the realm of social science there are a variety of measurement tools that academics use to perform social research. One of the most important tools is survey research, a measurement procedure that involves asking questions of respondents (Trochim, 2006). The importance of survey research cannot be understated, as it is estimated that in the 1980s and 1990s one†¦show more content†¦Ultimately, the data collected from research is applied to answering a research question. John W. Creswell (2007) recommends, in his book, Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing Among Five Traditions, that there be a single central question and several sub questions. Therefore, one of the challenges in survey research is ensuring that questionnaires and interviews yield results that somehow assist in answering the central question or related sub ques tions pertaining to the study. A variety of survey-related studies are provided by Klandermans and Smith (2011) that normally focus on comparison of movements, events, other social movement features, or a variety of integrated comparisons. Additionally, they acknowledge one of the major challenges in comparative research studies: Unless we obtain measurements that both precede and follow participation or exposure to movement activities, we will not be able to determine the extent to which individuals participate because of their beliefs and the extent to which their beliefs are shaped by their participation ((Klandermans Staggenborg, 2002, p.5) Finally, results must be analyzed with standard statistical techniques. Klandermans and Smith (2002) accentuate the importance of multilevel analysis during the data analysis process. With respect to survey methodology, selecting the type of survey is one of the most critical decisions in many social research texts (p.25). Similarly,
Othello As He Saw Himself Essay Example For Students
Othello As He Saw Himself Essay Shakespeares Othello includes the memorable tragedy of a husbands jealousy, a wifes innocence, and mans ability to manipulate any situation. In the play Othello, Othello sees the person that he is in many different ways. For example, in Act I, Othello states that he is rude in speech and little blessed with the soft phrase of peace (scene3.83-84). This indicates that he knows his limitations and he has accepted what he does for what he is. Also, Othello is strong and valiant, but also compassionate as shown in lines 169-170: She loves me for the dangers I had passes, and I loved her that she did pity them (act 1, scene 3). Othello shows that he can forgive and move on when he said Id whistle her off and let her down the wind to prey at fortune (act 3 scene 3 lines 278-279). In writing this play, this line parallels to the action of a hawk that is released downwind so that it will not return. Similarly, Othello is saying that he would let go of Desdemona forever. This shows that he is humble and can admit defeat. Othello views himself in a very low position when he states: O, now, forever farewell the tranquil mind! Farewell content! (act 3 scene 3 lines 363-364). Also, this line suggests that he has resolved to do something and that his mind is committed to it. This shows that he is a determined man with very much self-motivation. Finally, Othello states: Of one whose hand, like the base Indian, threw a pearl away richer than all his tribe (act 5 scene 2 lines 356-358). This line compares Othello to an ignorant savage who could not recognize value. In saying this line, Othello sees the foolish man within himself in throwing away the pearl, Desdemona.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Ikea Supply Chain free essay sample
Introduction: IKEA is a privately held, international home products company that designs and sells ready-to-assemble furniture such as beds and desks, appliances and home accessories. The company is the worlds largest furniture retailer. It was founded in 1943 by 17-year-old Ingvar Kamprad in Sweden. As of October 2010, the chain has 313 stores in 38 countries, most of them in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia. The word IKEA was an acronym of his name and address: Ingvar Kamprad and Elmtaryd, Agunnarydthe name of his farm and the name of the village it was located within. IKEA’s Business Model: IKEA’s competitive advantage is its business model which strives on continuous improvement, best prices, quality products, self-service, production centric design, proactive partnership with suppliers (1500 suppliers in 46 countries) and an integrated global supply chain. IKEA was pioneer of designing and selling ready-to-assemble furniture and practicing flat-packaging. IKEA introduced the concept of flat pack furniture which is a form of furniture that is purchased in multiple pieces and requires assembly. IKEA’s furniture generally arrives in a box and contains instructions for the buyer to follow in order to assemble it after purchase. For that IKEA depends upon the wide array of suppliers who are skilled and have got good natural resources. IKEA also publishes an annual catalog in 55 editions, in 27 languages for 36 countries and is considered to be the main marketing tool of the retail giant, consuming 70% of the companys annual marketing budget. The IKEA stores are large and customers can pick their own purchases. Further services are provided through the IKEA catalogue and home delivery. When IKEA entered Russia, the company noticed that wherever a store was opened, the value of the nearby real estate increased dramatically. Hence IKEA explored two business models simultaneously: selling through stores and capturing the appreciation in real estate values through mall development. IKEA’s new division: Mega Mall makes more profit on developing and running malls in Russia than on its traditional standalone retail business. IKEA Distribution Services is reacting to the growing number of online orders with a new Order Tracking System to help it manage deliveries. Also IKEA works with suppliers to reduce waste or use waste products in further manufacture. To help it has a Code of Conduct called the IKEA Way (IWAY). Supply Chain Model: The global planning process is owned by a central function at IKEA of Sweden (IoS), where decisions concerning the number of articles, purchasing, suppliers, distribution, store coordination, and so forth, are made. As such, IoS is the centre of all planning activities in the new planning process. The phases of supply chain of IKEA are: 1)Sales Planning: The sales planning starts with the overall sales forecast made by the corporate management (Group Management, GM) at IKEA. The forecast is made on an aggregate level in terms of total sales volumes in monetary units for IKEA in total. The forecast is related to the strategic business plan, involving business cycle and market intelligence issues, and includes the remaining part of the current fiscal year plus five years into the future. 2)Demand Planning: Some 32 Demand Planners are active in the tactical demand planning process each responsible for forecasting a certain part of the assortment. The tactical forecast resides with IoS (IKEA of Sweden) and is done on a rolling 84 weeks planning horizon on store level, with new historical sales data loaded once a week. The operational forecast is a manual forecast (for the most of the time – replenishment needed in the stores) registered by the respective sales unit (i. e. store) for the coming three weeks, whereas a tactical forecast (based on sales history) is used for weeks four to 84. The operational forecast and the tactical forecast are combined to create a final forecast for each article on the selling unit level (i. e. the store level). Thereafter the forecasts on store levels are aggregated, reconciled, and compared with the sales frames on the retail forecast group level (i. e. normally country level) and on the distribution services region level (several countries). 3)Need Planning: The need planning process follows traditional distribution requirements planning (DRP) principles. The stores provide a forecast for each article for the coming three weeks (after the product lead-time). The forecasts are netted against current stock levels and safety stock requirements at the stores, and also netted against goods in transit. Thereafter the stores net requirements are aggregated into distribution centres (DCs) and also here netted against DC stock levels and goods in transit to replenish the DCs. Each DC Group is thereafter aggregated and the calculated forecasted demand for the coming 84 weeks is established. Volumes are divided between suppliers based on a so-called Supplier Matrix that determines the split of volumes between different suppliers. One DC SKU could for example be sourced from two or three predetermined suppliers. 4)Supplier capacity planning: The need calculation is used to plan capacity requirements at the suppliers. In the general agreements between IKEA and its suppliers, IKEA often commits to provide a certain volume to a supplier. This is to make the supplier willing to invest in plants and equipment to produce the desired products. Furthermore, the supplier communicates a capacity limit to IKEA up to which the supplier can guarantee delivery of volumes. IKEA’s planning process enablers: 1)Planning Organization: Two specialized planning positions were developed to carry out the main processes in the global planning concept: Demand planners (sales planning) and Need planners (to match need planning with the capacity planning). 2)Data Quality: The importance of improved data quality was early identified as an important cornerstone in order to make the global planning concept successful. Insufficient maintenance of lead time data gave wrong input to need calculation and caused stock out problems in stores. Process improvement was difficult because of incompatible data capture and lead time measurements throughout the supply chain. As a response to these problems, a new lead time concept that assigns clear responsibilities to different actors was implemented. Furthermore, a work group was established with members across the supply chain deciding on working methods and lead time issues and a web-based application (based on a data warehouse solution) was created to visualize lead times and exceptions on missing lead time data. 3)Software Support: The JDA Networks Demand module was implemented to support the forecasting processes. The software, in combination with organizational changes, made it possible to reduce the number of forecasters from 120 to around 30, and at the same time the average forecast accuracy increased from 60 % to 80 %. 4)Project and change management: Part of the recent change efforts, the change process has been taken seriously. A Four-Step model has been defined clearly recognizing the need to create awareness in the first step, create interest in what is coming in the second step, making users try out the solution in the third step and finally adopt the changes in the fourth and last step. References: †¢http://www. plan. se/files/Jonsson_Rudberg_Holmberg_08. pdf †¢http://www. businessweek. com/magazine/content/05_46/b3959001. htm †¢www. tejonranch. com/tic/img/tenants/ikea/ikea_case_study. pdf †¢www. jda. com/file_bin/casestudies/IKEA_casestudy_022610. pdf †¢www. impgroup. org/uploads/papers/7227. pdf †¢http://martonhouse. wordpress. com/2007/06/25/the-ikea-business-model/ †¢http://khookaypeng. blogspot. com/2007/03/ikea-business-idea. html
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