
Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Breakfast Club Essays -- Art

The Breakfast ball clubAl some 150 years ago, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., evince the following sage still sad observation in his deem The Professor at the Breakfast Table Society is always nerve-racking in some way or other to grind us down to a single flat surface. Unfortunately, this is still true today. suffer week I saw the movie The Breakfast Club create verbally and directed by butt Hughes which expressed a similar theme. Fortunately, younker of every age are quite aware of what they are deprivation through and have the ability to break the fast imposed on them by the socialization process which begins in the home and is reinforced at school, not only by students and parents but teachers same Mr. Vernon as well. In The Breakfast Club five disparate personalities, each secure in his identity and yet filled with insecurities, spend a lazy Saturday restrict to Detention at Shermer High School in Shermer, Illinois, for various and heterogeneous school violations. Yet e ach character has a troubled biography as foreshadowed by his very presence in Detention. Families mold, intentionally or not, their children into little reflections of themselves. School, thru peer pressure, thru the various academic and social clubs, and thru the imaginary audience, serves to deepen the socialization process begun at home. Students are labeled and are not allowed to change their worlds. Students hang out only with people who look, dress, and live like themselves.There are nerds, freaks, cholos, etc. Theres the Math Club, Prep Club, Latin Club, Physics Club for students who belong. Mr. Vernon, the teacher in charge of the students, unwittingly assigns an essay with the subject who am I. Unwittingly because as Carl, the custodian and the eyes and ears of the institution, reveals that the students havent changed but that he, the teacher, has changed. Perhaps Mr. Vernon should firmness of purpose the question himself. The movie then proceeds to answer the question through the actions and dialogue of the protagonists. My favorite character (and yours too) is John Bender, the wretched, as portrayed by Judd Nelson, the leader of the notorious Hollywood Brat Pack. John is the main character in the movie and functions as the catalyst or the instigator. One by one, he shocks and exposes each students insecurities. John is living cogent evidence of the creed, If a child lives with hostility, He learns to ... ...e plate that reads EMC 2 for energy equals pickle times the speed of light squared. And when he gets an F in Shop, his self-image fuckt put up it. He takes a gun to school intending to shoot himself but gets caught. In the most important environment of a students life, even one F is not allowed. The school reinforces what the parents expect. Even his little sister echos the mothers sentiments when she admonishes him to find a way to study in Detention. It is from the Brains point of view that we realize that you (Mr. Vernon/the school) set us as you want to see us. We were brainwashed, he writes in the collective essay. In the end the students, by revealing their fears and expressing their emotions, overcame the limits set by family and school, the ones that spit on them . They realized that they are immunized to authority and that they can change their worlds, that they have multi-faceted personalities. And so do Holmes, Hughes, and Bowie. Even a criminal can win the heart of a princess. John Bender was a better teacher than the system for he taught the Princess, the Jock, the Basketcase, and the Brain who they really were, and most importantly, who they were not.

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