
Tuesday, February 5, 2019

My Philosophy Statement Essays -- Progressivism Teaching Education Ess

My Philosophy literary argumentEducation is a very important aspect of our lives. It is our reproduction that makes us who we are and determines what we become. Therefore, education is not something to be taken lightly. As a teacher, my goal pass on be to provide the best possible education for my savants. Every student is unique. I must see students for who they are each and respect their ideas and opinions. Each student has a contrasting information style. I must take this into consideration because I want to provide a constructive learning opportunity for any student. I believe that every student has the potency to learn. My philosophy at this point is progressivism. William James and bathroom Dewey are accredited for developing the characteristically American philosophy that is progressivism. Progressivism relies on the theory that the student should be the focal point. By adjusting the curriculum and instruct techniques to reflect the students needs and interests, the teacher is encouraging the students desire to learn. Another theory of progressivism is that of a democratic system. Students pull up stakes fare better in life if they are exposed to the ideas and cultures of different ethnicities and personalities early. By encouraging group work, instead of solo work that go away lead to competitions, the students will be more open minded and will be better prepared for the diverse world. A branch of progressivism is logic and it is one that the students will come to know by the progressivist ideal that what is versed in the classroom has relevance to the real world. Progressivists believe that education should mirror life. Education often uses past experiences to gain more knowledge, much want life. Therefore, e... ...book.The teaching methods used in a progressivism classroom supports the idea of problem-based learning wherein the students are required to develop original solutions to existing or potential societal p roblems. Together with the teacher and classmates, students are given the opportunity to speculate and question the world around them and the world awaiting them. Within small equal groups, for instance, students are encouraged to discuss, share and compromise. The teacher is there to encourage this performance rather than to provide prescribed solutions. Similarly, the learning environment is collaborative and democratic, great(p) opportunity for all to speak their minds and receive feedback from peers as well as the teacher. This continuous loop of feedback, potentially positive or negative, serves as the center of assessment for problem-solving based instruction.

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