
Monday, February 18, 2019

Football Referees: Friends or Foes Essay example -- essays research pa

Football(a) Referees Friends or Foes?In football referees can be categorized into three types Blind, Deaf, and Dumb. Being a football player myself, I have experienced all of these different types and I am up to now trying to discover which one I like best. The referees categorized as blind were cursed with the inability to see more than two feet in front of their faces. No matter how blatantly obvious a penalization appears to be, this type of referee will flabbergast the orbit by reservation no call. In fact, the absence of penalties has led fans of the high to speculate as to the real cause of these referees optical challenges. Some suggest that perhaps their eyeball have nothing wrong with them at all. Just maybe, the bright stadium lights draw in all of their attention. While they focus on the lights, honoring the game becomes nearly impossible. Another suggestion is that they left their glasses in their other striped shirt and the whole game is nothing nevertheless a bl ur. Regardless of the cause of their visual disturbance, blind refs continue to ball over the crowd with their inability to see the game as well as any fan seated in the cheap seats of the stadium.The referees tagged as deaf I like to consider as the aristocrats of all the referees. These refs commit that they were born with a superior ability to see the game. They believe that wherever they position themselves on the field, they have the capability to see the game better than any other individual. This ability of thei...

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