
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Animal Farm, by George Orwell Essay examples -- Animal Farm Essays

The English wording is iodine of the most complex languages known to man. Words, sentences, and ideas can be built and misconstrued because of the languages depth. In the novel Animal Farm, the head pigs in charge, Napoleon, twists dustup in order to gain look and power over the total farm. The Manor Farm transforms from the totalitarian rule of Mr. Jones, a mean farmer who feeds his animals meager portions, to Napoleon, a pig that will have you liquidated for a bottle of liquor. Language is used as a means of complaisant control because of its irony, it changes, and its illegible by some.Irony is the first reason that language may be used as a form of social control. Many words have double meanings, for example break, spread, dress, match, etc. For this reason, sundry(a) meanings and definitions can be derived and used as a person pleases. In Animal Farm, when all the animals were first rebelling, Snowball said, The only good clement being is a dead one. Human being can b e interchanged with numerous words, which is what Napoleon did in order to control the animals with an iron fist. ...

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