Monday, December 31, 2018
Bruce Dawe Poem Essay
Good break of the day/afternoon everyone. I am accepted that many of you allow agree with me, after studying and discussing in class fight poetry, that war is destructive it destroys professional personperties and stretch forths. It is as well the implication if non de worldizing as Owen in his Dulce et decorousness Est has pointed place. The violence and destructiveness of war reduces men in the battlefield into something less(prenominal) than human they ar stripped of their dignity. Ultimately as Owen points out in his poem, war is brainless or futile. Whatever the reason for going to war, its not justification enough for the senseless trouncing of young lives.Owen, as you know, has great power in challenging the responders senses, to experience the repugnance of war. He allows us to see, to hear, to feel, to smell, even to try out the ug business organisationss of war. Thus we see a group of soldiers trudging the muddy tracks blindly to safety. They atomic number 18 drunk with fatigue and Owen captures their dehumanisation by a series of similes. They atomic number 18 bent double, alike old beggars, coughing like hags and deaf to the rifle and fury of guns and gas shells dropping near them.I still can jut out and hear their panic reaction to the centiliter gas and those who are not lively enough to put on their mask, literally drown in what Owen calls the green sea and our auditory sense is challenged by the guttering, the choking and the convulsed sobs. You will agree with me for sure, that the grasp that Owen conjures up of the dupe of the chlorine gas is no less than grotesquely horrible. We see the white eyeball writhing in his agony and the convulsions that are followed by the blood that comes gargling out of the victims froth vitiated lungs. Again a simile is employ bitter as the cud of vile, resultantively giving us the awful taste of the situation. I know of one other poet who also condemns war and who can effectively a dvance the horror of war and the idiocy of it, solely by challenging our senses. Kenneth Slessor, like Wilfred Owen, has a strong indictment of war, if Owens tone in his poem is angry because, for him, Dulce et decorum est, pro patria mori which since the time of Horace was used by government to entice men to fight for their area it is a big ie. From the images that he conjures in this poem, there is nothing glorious close to dying in such(prenominal) an indignified, barbarous and senseless way. In contrast, Kenneth Slessors tone in his coast Burial is elegiac he laments the destructiveness, the dehumanizing effect and the futility of war like Owen, although his anger is normalize and what we get is a tone of frustration, he communicates just as powerfully an antiwar message.His Beach Burial presents a dramatic situation in which a group of dead(a) sailors floats towards the edge at El Alamein in the core atomic number 99. The dehumanization motif comes almost strikingly because the sailors is at the mercy of the sea, no long-range in control of their lives, but keep down to the ebb and the flow of the sea. The fact that they are unknown seamen, a mixture of assort and axis soldiers probably highlights the senselessness of war.A man who takes pity on the dead snatched them from the water system and bury them in burrows along the beach. Clearly, the image portrayed here is one of dehumanization and responders feel great pity for them in realizing that these sailors ultimate protection is to be fix within the earth as animals pay off comfort in the safety of their burrows. Slessors derision is obvious in the way he describes the situation Between the sob and club of the gunfire, Someone, it seems, has time for this,To pluck them from the shallows and bury them in burrows And tread the sand upon their nakedness Our auditory sense is challenged by the newsworthinesss sob and clubbing in this line so that we can hear the demolition of war. When Slessor uses the word pluck to describe the mans action of removing the bodies from the water to be buried, I am reminded of the soldier smothered in gas in Owens poem being flung behind a wagon. Both poets certainly capture the unceremonious brutality of war.The futility of war is further highlighted by the mans bewilderment, not knowing what name to preserve on the crudely made tidewood crosses that he used for each grave. Unknown seaman is the entirely thing he can look to write. And, at this point the voice of the poet is understandably mournful, as suggested by the repetition of the word such and the tone Written with such perplexity, with such bewildered pity, The words choke as they begin Certainly there is no doughnut in either their last or their burial for their memorial, only stresses their anonymity.The ultimate senselessness of it all is captured in the last stanza loose seamen, gone in search of the identical landfall, Whether as enemies they fought, Or fought with us, or neither, the sand joins them together, Enlisted on the other front In emotional state these sailor soldiers where able to live together without enmity, but now in death they are peacefully united they acquit come from so many lands and kibosh up in the same landfall somewhere on the beach of El Alamein.I believe we should take the message of both Owen and Slessor seriously that war destroys, that it robs us of our human dignity, and that it is ultimately senseless. Both poets have experience the horror of war, Owen as a lieutenant in the British army in WWI and Slessor as an Australian Official fight Correspondent in the Middle East during WWII. If belligerent or war-like world leadership of today study these poems, I am sure the world will be a better place to live in.
Sunday, December 30, 2018
Legalizing Recreational Drugs
A unskilled medicate is categorized as both substance with pharmacologic resolutions that is either taken voluntarily for personal pleasure, or for satisfaction rather than for medicinal purposes much(prenominal) as cocaine, marijuana, or ecstasy. These types of doses argon tardily found and argon intentd by more than 22 million Americans ages 12 and older nearly nine percentage of the U. S. population. If these types of drugs were to be made legal, a constructive change in the economy would be the supreme outcome.In 1961, the United Nations implemented an outside(a) treaty that limited drug roduction and trafficking. The state of war on drugs, a term that was created by Richard Nixon a decade later, in prolongation to said treaty, has been going on for everywhere fifty years now. The original clinical of the war on drugs was to expel completely unpaid drugs from the country making all of them illegal. However Just desire breastwork in 1920, the establishment of these laws were to save the state from the problems the substance(s) created.However, also like the prohibition of 1920, the laws precisely served o create and support nonionized crime and has done little to effect the publics usage of the substance(s). The U. S. currently has the highest incarceration regularise in the world. The bulk of those imprisoned are due to drug-related crimes. The illegal drug sight has been introducing children and teens toa life of crime. They notice that the minimum wage they would legally receive from their unskilled lying-in at the local Burger King, is far from what they could compass buying and selling illegal drugs.By the eon children nd teenagers leave high school, approximately of these students boast committed a brutal act by using recreational drugs. These drugs are used every day and widely available, people see breakout the law as nothing more than elvish mischief therefore, undermining our laws authority. In contrast to the volute in hard-hittingness of the U. S. presidential terms original approach to commanding the issue of recreational drugs, other countries like New Zealand and Ireland have taken on a new outlook on the matter.Instead of outlawing he use of recreational drugs, they have decided to do extensive inquiry on these drugs, in effect making sure that they are full for the publics consumption. They are conducting clinical tests to prove that their products are safe Just like new medicine would be tested in the market. If our government would go along with this new innate movement and legalized recreational drugs, like these other countries, they would no longer have a war on drugs. The money pass on inmates in Jails would be greatly reduced since we are not apprehend people for drug use.Police can use the time currently monopolized on getting drugs off the highroad for other, more mechanical press crimes. Schools could teach their students about wise drug usage kind of of impl ementing scare tactics. evasive action such as videos and statistics about drug abuse and its consequences that will completely propound you to never purchase or use them are simply in effective that Just leads to ignorant abuse in the future. All legalized drugs can be sell by trust worthy companies instead of fellow schoolmates or sketchy street dealers.These drugs can be bought legally, by mortal of government consented age, in proper packages witn remove warning labels similar to the way that cigarettes and alcoholic drink are. In conclusion, legalizing recreational drugs goes far beyond right and wrong if you look at the issue in a unimaginative manner. The problem of illegal recreational drugs has only been increasing with time. The current policies in domicile are Just not working. A new, radical approach could be the ultimate solution to the U. S. governments uphill battle. After all, the legalizing has already begun, hasnt it?
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Bat Mitzvah Thank You Speach Essay
Im am very happy to stand up here in my synagogue as I be bewilder slash mitzvah knowing that my family has been a part of tbs for legion(predicate) a(prenominal) many years. There constitute been many celebrations on this Bima including my parents wedding and my Dads Bar Mitzvah. And, now its my drama Through all(a) the buy at of my Hebrew School teachers I have non barely learned the skills to prepare me for my Bat Mitzvah day but have learned the important mitzvot or commandments of existence Jewish.One of those mitzvot is Tikun Olam or making the realism a better place. In the next couple of months I will be working on my Mitzvah project. I will be collecting boxes of color in pencils to donate to the unique organization, The Color draw Project. This organization is a non-profit organization created to amplify the access of art supplies to children in underdeveloped countries. I hope you will help me support this wonderful cause. I could not get to this point in my career without the help of many people.So, first glowering I would like to thank all my family and friends who helped and participated in the service, especially those who have come a great distance to save with me. Thank you to all my Hebrew naturalize teachers especially Morah Sarah who had to deal with me for three years, break the service Friday night and made my bewitching Tallis. Thank you to Rabbi Scolnic for his support, understanding and guidance. And a swelled shout out to Marcie (aka Marcielino), for not only universe my Halftorah tutor but for being my friend and always having faith in me. btw, stickle it, just a pocketable bit) Thank you Aunt Leslie and Uncle Paul for inquiring high and low in capital of Israel to find me the perfect Jewish break necklace that I am wearing like a shot Thank you to Aunt Sharon for having patience and fetching me dress shopping and allowing me to borrow these stun shoes. Thank you to Marissa for being the best full cousi n and encouraging me to try on my ships company dress. Thank you to my Grandma for knitting me my Yalmukah that I will cherish forever.And to my sister, Jess, you have been in truth patient not always by chose but, still sat there slice I sang my halftorah or doing my work. shes a pretty* good sister for a 17 year old and I love her very berry much(this is where you awww). oh and the to the highest degree special thank you of them all, to my parents. cant hinder that. if my parents werent here encouraging me i would honestly only know almost 3 verses of the halftorah. I wouldnt be standing here today without their support and love.
Friday, December 28, 2018
A research on lyndon johnson and the great society Essay
Lyndon Baines Johnson, in addition agnizen as the LBJ, had a ken of a commodious tell apart of magnitude for his better half citizens that led him to be be intimate the 36th prexy of coupled fixs of the States. The humble beginnings of Lyndon were non to be regarded as full of luxuries and paradise travels as he felt the anguish of the unequal and soci exclusivelyy disadvantaged tidy sum and precept the pinch of rural need. Before he slided into presidentship, earning money for the family constituted his y come to the foreh that do him surged deeped into com head realmion for the impoverished people and interest meeting for a large(p) society.The main report card of the origins of the legendary LBJ was the rise from social and economic ills and purpose path of lifes to instigate deviate in the mainstream society of the States where he was actu constantlyyy iso riped from. According to LBJ, When I was young, privation was so common we did non tell apart i t had a name. though he was socially accustomed to intend that he would concur to fortune with pauperization and isolation from refinement, Lyndon came to a realization that he was special- a young man articled for exceptional things.Eager to fulfill his pile and inspired to solve penury, Lyndon struggled to confuse a decent yet competitive didactics with the go for of his humble p atomic tot 18nts, surface-to-air missile Ealy Johnson junior , a f brancher and politician, and Rebekah Baines Johnson, a journalist. solving poverty might be the pull aheadr that fueled his political dreams, scarce it was his get megabucks who greatly influenced him in his political accomplishs. His forefather was a man of ambition and single as a legislator serving cardinal price in 1904.His father was regarded as the agrarian liberal or democrat who would non allow himself to be bought by lobbyists who rule the proceedings. Rebekah Bainess spot of descent as a journalist had e quipped Lyndon with a deep sense experience of inherited superiority. The pargonnts were astonished in Lyndons younker that was full of revelations and inklings about his forthcoming in the field of politics. As a gifted child and empowered by the praises and encouragement from his family, Lyndon went to local exoteric directs, graduating from proud school in 11924. by and by his graduation, Lyndon spent three u social classs traveling almost and applying for unmatched jobs out front in the gigantic run come at the Southwest Texas State Teachers College that ulterior became the Texas State University-San Marcos. It was in his college days that he gave out concern, friendship, and benevolent encourage. Lyndon give tongue to, both(prenominal) men command power precisely to strut around the world and to hear the tune of the harbinger to the Chief while otherwises want it simply to build prestige, to collect antiques and to buy prertty things-well, I wanted power to give things to people, all sorts of things to all sorts of people, especially the unretentive and the b wishings. cognise as the embodiment of the great Texan spirit of self-denial, conservation, and service, Lydon became a prevalent understand at the university not in terms of academic performance. This event led to a flight milestone for Lyndon. Lyndons manageer before the establishment was in development. He started as a teacher at the Welhausen Elementary School where he showed the children a sense of importance most of them had never known before. He moved to the Sam Houston High School before landing up a job in the congress as a depository to a US congressman from the quaternityteenth District in Texas in 1931.In this, Lyndon became more than empowered to pursue his ambition. He became the Director of field of study Youth validation that greatly addressed the concern of Roosevelts in the altogether Deal to save a generation of young people from ignorance, unemployment, and constant hardship. Undaunted by the economic depression, he was take to House of Representatives and campaigned successfully on a New Deal platform with the serve up of his wife Claudia Taylor. He fall in the Navy for a brief finale as lieutenant commander and win a Silver Star in the South Pacific.After serving six-spot terms in the House, he was elected to the senate in 1948. In the 1960, Lyndon became John F. Kennedys drivening mate and sworn in as Vice chairman. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, Lyndon sworn in as the President of the get together States. A. Foreign and Domestic Policies several(prenominal) politicians and critics of the LBJ giving medication were at one in stating that the garbage disposal, together with its unusual and municipal policies, had its peaks and valleys.During the counterbalance year of the LBJ administration, the chair saw more impressions bestowed upon him as he entirely commit much effort and while on vital domestic affaires, approximately(prenominal) the assess cut and the elegant rights furtherness. Impressions at this time s forethought that the president might not be interested in remote policies because of LBJs adept focus on the real needs of Americans. LBJ was like a domestic politician who could not c be less(prenominal) about external affairs. He said, Foreigners are not like the common people Im use to. After establishing a new well-mannered rights bankers tip and tax cuts, LBJ urged the nation to unite as one in creating a keen ball club, a place where men are more concerned with the quality of their goals and than the metre of their skinnys. The domestic policies of LBJ were concent judged on issues such(prenominal) as well-bred rights, social welfare, anti-poverty platforms, and labor. The LBJ administration do a great shroud about reproduction, Medicare, urban renewal, conservation of the environment, wellness, select rights, sust ainion of crime and delinquency and an amendment to the brotherly security measure locomote.The LBJ government activity as well as made explorations of space with three astronauts successfully orbiting the moonlight in December 1968. The administration withal sought to fight the inevit up to(p) crisis from Vietnam that pressure the president to impose budget cuts on domestic policies so that he would be able to free energy with with the foreign and excuse policies. The LBJ policies pointing to Asia, Europe, Middle East, and Latin America were bound up with the contend in Vietnam. disrespect his efforts to stop the commie struggle and reach an agreement, the warfare continued.Heated argue arose with the presidents decision to point of accumulation the onslaught in northernmost Vietnam in order to instigate negotiations. There are critics who said that the great foreign polity harm of the administration was its treatment to Vietnam. by-line his firm post on Co mmunist Aggression, LBJ was convinced to gove Vietnam limited help. He said that he would not permit the strong-minded nations of the East to be swallowed up by the Communist conquest, but it would not concoct sending American boys 9 or 10,000 miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves. To show firmness and decisiveness, LBJ staged just now retaliatory attacks to the aggressive North Vietnam and launched Rolling Thunder, a carry on bombing campaign to Vietnam. According to LBJ, the headstone to peace devising was to arrange a settlement that both pre coifd South Vietnam as an free state for the foreseeable future and the fastest possible American exit from a war the country by 1968 no longer wished to fight. much(prenominal) assumption suggested that LBJ was rupture between an honorable exit and his require to not to be the premier(prenominal) president to pull away a foreign war. B. The last Not to Run for Re-ElectionWhen LBJ command ed to limit the bombing of Vietnam, he paired such action with a decision to withdraw from the re-election so that he might find roughly time for the quest for peace with no interruptions coming from politics. LBJ came to realization that he would not allow the presidency to be mired in any partisan movements which had infiltrated the united States since the advent of the Vietnam war. His policy of military escalation and the US battle in the war had overshadowed his popular standing and he was not able to establish real concessions for the peacemaking process.After his decision, the Vietnam infringement dragged on. By withdrawing from the re-election, the administration found it troublesome to act decisively, LBJs decision not to run in the reelection was the outcome of his sagaciousness in which he had to go through with his failing political instincts. Prior to his announcement, LBJ had to exist the criticisms which came with the rapid involvement of the US in the Vietnam war, racial strain in the American soil leading to widespread civic riots in the 1960s and the flaws of the spacious familiarity movements.The flawed policies and programs of the LBJ administration led to re habitualan gains in the 1966 election and dwindled the hopes of Lyndon to further his participation in the telling. It was in this roiling intent that antiwar candidate Senator Eugene McCarthy gained momentum to head the bull Johnson movement at bottom the parliamentary Party. The ill luck of his actions made it impossible for LBJ to leave the neat House without attracting hostile protesters. 1968 had been dubbed as the year everything went wrong for the LBJ administration.II. Political Climate A. The bureau of the egalitarian Party LBJ made his congressional district in Texas as his induction in his pursuit for a field role in the elected Party. He was frustrated with the bureaucratic inertia and lack of innovation in stemmaraising by the Democratic relativ eional Campaign Committee (DCCC) and Democratic bailiwick Committee (DNC). It was in this thwarting that he developed a finite and negative impression of the national company committees that greatly influenced his leadership to the political party.His support to the Democratic Party saw him finding ways on how to finance hundreds of congressional particularly those who have a good of winning and satisfying their requests. As a congressional campaign manager for the House, his wide awake fundraising strategies to support the candidates earned him the respect and support coming from FDR and the other congressmen whom he helped to win. When FDR asked LBJ the import of the campaign, LBJ replied that the Democratic Party would not lose. He says to FDR that Were not going to lose, were going to gain. Now that the House was run by literate Democrats, what FDR had started, including the mixer Security (FICA) Program would soon see free radical change. During his presidency, LBJ took the neighborly Security Program from self-reliant trust fund and transferred it to the General fund in order for the Congress to happen it on valuable measures such as in the enactment and foreign and defense policies pointing to the unending war in Vietnam. LBJs military escalation policy to Vietnam failed and his domestic policies on well-behaved war and racial tension became undone which had shattered the Democratically-controlled House and Senate.These dismal moments became the finest hour of Republicans. B. The Johnson sermon Lyndon was renowned for his arm twisting of influential politicians in order to pursure statute law. He became famous for his authoritative see and powers of persuasion, dispensing them with what became popular as the Johnson preaching. Such coinage was used to describe the supreme personality of LBJ who tend to impose physical size and initimidation in order to shape up what he had to say. Lyndon once said, I do understand power, whatever el se may be said about me, I know where to look for it and I know how to use. matchless of the name elements in Lyndons leadership and power was his use of the Johnson sermon that was an eclecic scuffle of flattery, gentle pleading, logic, and threats. He was able to strategically utilize the Johnson handling in the way he gained full control of the Democratic Policy Committee, managed relations within the senate, kept up(p) connections with the Republicans and the Liberals who back up civil rights for the African Americans, coagulate control under his leadership, and launch a coup when he was still a absolute majority leader convincing the Senate to cast up public spending on accommodate sector.It was in this coup that the he became a get across politician or the master of the Senate because of his display of single-mindedness, skill and charge to details. besides LBJs art of persuading and use of deterrence was no match against the revolutionary nationalists such as Ga mal Abdel Nasser who said, the West if the enemy, while the Soviets are kindred spirits and purveyors of weapons un retrieveable elsewhere. The Johnson Treatment failed to instill a positive act on Nasser who continually resisted American policies and denounced American imperialism in Congo. LBJ deeply shocked with the entree of the Blueprint for the Liberation of Palestine come with by Nasser statement that the only way to liberation was Arab revolutionary action. The failure of the Johnson Treatment was equally defined by LBJs unsuccessful leadership to pull the unify States out of the quagmire of the Vietnam war. The failure of the Johnson Treatment was viewed by the Americans as the failure of his policies toward Vietnam.The firmness of purpose to the Vietnam unrest was one of the goals of the three presidents before LBJ and just like them, the LBJ sought to go down how to prevent the North Vietnamese Communists from getting South Vietnam that the US supported. C. The ci vic Rights work Reformation of the civil rights proved to be the greatest challenge to LBJs majority leadership and to his presidency later on. In the mind of LBJ, the civil rights issue was a fundamental prerequisite to strengthening the American voice abroad. LBJ sought to mount a social revolution in civil rights and the backstage of the welfare state. His policies on alleviating poverty and upholding rights were aiming at demonstrating that he was a president who could rise above politics to serve the national interest. The reform in the civil rights in the US started from a minor demonstrations before key players, movements, leaders and organizations finally constructed a vivid change. LBJ was one of the key leaders in bringing change.The turbulent period of the 1940s and the early mid-fifties was attributable to the white southerners who controlled Congress and engineered the defeat of six civil rights bankers bills. The white group opposed the integration with blacks and argued that individual states should have the right to manage their own affairs. They used states rights in order to promote segregation, a system of laws that required African Americans to be separated from the whites. As such caused a epochal backlash that came in the forms of protests and racial rage in the middle of the mid-fifties as African Americans continued to push harder for equal rights. The period was made more turbulent with the enactment of the Jim Crow laws that reinforce segregation. The Jim Crow laws banned African American students from going to educational institutions with white students and in any case prevented blacks from going to swimming pools, hotels and other nerves where in that location were whites.Jim Crow laws prohibited African Americans from voting and denied them many opportunities which were only provided for the whites. Then came empyrean Martin Luther King Jr. , who led the civil rights protests until his death by assassination in 19 68. Harder forcefulness was pushed through with the struck down of segregation in schools. As a southerner who had accustomed himself to the separation of blacks and whites thoroughout his career, LBJ seemed to be an punic advocate of civil rights statute. He supported civil rights but he was alive(predicate) that the pushing for a strong bill would anger many Democrats in the South. As a compromise, LBJ worked out a deal with southerners to pass a wounded bill and convinced liberal western membbers to pass it in exchange for support for a dam they wanted built. The bill became the first civil rights legislation enacted by the Congress in 82 years and LBJ took all the credit for it. The Civil Rights proceeding was proposed by the President John F. Kennedy in 1963 and promptly became a disputed issue.The Civil Rights diddle would guarantee African Americans with freedom to vote, to go to places of public accommodation, and with equal opportunity in employment. Although the Congress did not approve of Kennedys initiative, a stronger version of the bill was ultimately approved with the constant prodding of Kennedys successor, LBJ. On July 2, 1964, LBJ signed the bill into law and soon became the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that gave the national law enforcement agencies the authority to stop and prevent racial frenzy and divergence in voting, employment and in the utilization of public facilities.III. The vast Society A. Civil Rights The massive Society domestic programs of LBJ were aiming at dickens creating social reforms for the elimination of poverty and racial discrimination. champion of legacies of the Great Society programs was translating some of the needs and demands of the civil rights movement into law. During the LBJ presidency, four civil rights acts had secured their passage in Congress. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 stopped job discrimination and the segregation in the use of public facilities.The Voting Rights Act of 1965 eats the use of literacy requirements and other methods to keep African Americans from voting. In LBJs pursuit for the Great Society, he likewise gave the nation urban renewal programs, lodging subsidies, tax cuts, Traffic Highway gumshoe Act, National Commission on overlap Safety, and environment beautification programs. B. War on pauperism LBJ was determined to promote economic branch and commit the nation to a war on poverty. The war on poverty was deemed as the most ambitious and controversial part of the Great Society. straited by Sargent Shriver, the war on poverty promised to remedy Americans measure of living. LBJ said to Shriver, You make this thing work. found all the committees you want to, confer with everybody. LBJ continued, This is number one on the domestic front. near to peace in the world, this is the most important. The savourless war on poverty implement by LBJ was confronted with resistance from the 88th Congress that later on granted $947. 5 meg in 1964 fo r the antipoverty program. The centerpiece of the antipoverty program was the frugal Opportunity Act of 1964 that LBJ signed on August 22, 1964 and established the Office of frugal Opportunity (OEO). The anti-poverty program included the farm out Corps and Neighborhood Corps, food seal of approval program, rent subsidies for moderate and low-income families, a youth employment initiative, and other antipoverty efforts. The initiative lessen the poverty rate in the US from 22. 4 part in the late 1950s to 11. 1 percent in 1973. C. Medicare/Medicaid Medicare was included in the package that was the extension of the War on Poverty.Representative embroil Boggs said that during LBJ presidency, the Congress passed more bills than had ever been passed in all the rest of narrative of the country together. Included in the passed bills was a Medicare bill that aim to provide wellness care for the nations senile and health benefits for the poor The Great Society effort nationally f inanced the training for doctors and nurses, establishment of mental heath centers and health facilities centre on heart problems, cancer and stroke. The Social Security Act of 1965 was passed by Congress to image federal funding for the health check costs of the elderly.This legislation was opposed by the American Medical Association but overcame such opposition to the idea of socialise medicine or public health care and connecting payments with the private health damages companies. Welfare recipients regardless of age obtained health benefits by the Medicaid program established on July 30, 1965 under Title XIX of the Social Security Act. D. Education LBJ said that he no longer can spend second-class education for children who know that they have the right to be first-class citizens. In fulfilling this aim, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 was signed into law on April 1965. The legislation federally funded public schools to help them obtain educational mater ials and start special education programs to institutions with large number of low-income children. It pursued Head Start, a program initially worked on by the OEO. The Head Start program provided comprehensive aid to the field of education, healthcare, and prove involvement initiatives to low-income children and families.Other programs of LBJ included school breakfast programs, Teacher Corps Act of 1965, Adult Education Act of 1968, and the educational Opportunity Act of 1968. E. humanistic discipline cardinal of the significant contributions of the Great Society effort was the promotion of the arts and humanities. LBJ said, The happy relationship between the arts and politics which has characterized our long history I think reached pass completion tonight. LBJ was successful in formalizing federal aid for public radio and television stations, arts institution and higher education.LBJ signed the National Foundation on the Arts and liberal arts into law that later on establis hed both the National Endowment for the Arts and National Endowment for the Humanities as separate agencies. He withal gave attention on the need for the noncommercial education television in society that paved the way for the enactment of the Public air Act of 1967. The law led to the creation of the Public Broadcasting Service and the National Public Radio. National centers and arts facilities also received federal funding during the presidency of LBJ. IV. The Success of LBJ AdministrationLBJs presidency is greatly remembered for the Great Society programs that aimed to improve the quality of living of Americans. The domestic policies enacted by the Congress during the time of LBJ played significant roles in the lives of Americans who were caught up with the loss of Kennedy, violence and economic ills. LBJ gave light to his people by undimmed them better and healthy living. One of main goals of the Great Society was to eliminate poverty. LBJ showed determination in reaching th e promised land of Great Society by urging Americans to rebuild their cities, eliminate urban decay, and distinguish a renewed sense of community.In order to help his people, LBJ established a list of laws which promoted racial equality, qquaality education, healthcare, and lowered poverty rate. Many of LBJs programs made great strides in improving the lives of ordinary Americans. Some of the laws created meeting on the political caution of the nation. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 gave voice to African Americans while the Civil Rights Act of 1964 freed African Americans from violence, racial prejudice and social inequality. The outgrowth of the war on poverty was promising enough as the poverty rate of the nation dwindled from 22. 4 percent in the late 1950s to 11.1 percent in 1973. Antipoverty programs of LBJ created millions of jobs, increase in net profit and wages and in business profits, and simplification in unemployment rate. Promising results were also seen in the f ield of education and healthcare as federal funding continued to help citizens exploit what the administration had to offer. Medicare and Medicaid were made to render medical insurance for the elderly and to the poor people. Funding for heathcare benefits continued while the availableness of Medicare and Medicaid widened. Support for the arts and culture was also evident. V. The Failure of LBJ AdministrationUnfortunately, LBJ had promised the impoverished much more than he could deliver. There were many citizens whocame to realize that the administration had just an as well optimistic prediction that did not come true. Resulting from disappointment were black power and violence in the streets which showed the anguish of the nation. African Americans started to lose faith in LBJ and began to demand prompt change. The backlash of LBJs antisegregation efforts began to incite arguments within the southerners while the American people urged the political sympathies not to gift black rioters with federal programs.The anger over the desegragation policy of LBJ weakened the Democratic Party and LBJs subject of power. LBJs foreign policy quandarys stir antiwar protests along with civil unrest. Demonstrations concerning the involvement of the United States in Vietnam began to undercut LBJs presidency. The people complained that the involvement of the nation in the Vietnam war took money and attention away from the demand domestic programs. The people accused Lbj of number the Vietnam war into national obsession making his War on Poverty goose egg more like a skirmish.The presidency of LBJ was equally defined by his Great Society programs and the nations web in the Vietnam war. Problems in the foreign policies of Lbj started from the frigid war between the US and the Soviet Union. The conflict was that the Soviet Union and Korea were living the commkunist forces in northern Vietnam while the United States was in support of the South Vietnam government. Despit e complaints, LBJ pushed through with the Vietnam War fearing that losing South Vietnam would take havoc on his political career. VI. remnantThe administration of LBJ was defined by the successes and failures of foreign and domestic policies. During his stay at the snowy House, he pursued Kennedys civil rights bill and tax cuts. He promised to promote better living for the Americans though his Great Society programs. But as he was doing well in putting America in the promised land of a Great Society, Vietnma War was intensifying. Later on, antiwar protests and civil violence gained momentum as American casualties change magnitude in Vietnam. It was evident that LBJ could care less about hearing his people and his presidency was all about between him, his instincts, and his advisers.The failure of his foreign policy in the Vietnam war became the measurement of his entire political career. The dilemma was that LBJ considered the Vietnam War as an inherited division instead of tre ating it as his job as an influential leader. It could be observed that LBJ was an indecisive leader with no firm stance on foreign policies. To make matter worst, the indecisive president was surrounded with political advisers who were not united and binded with the same aim. It was in the topic of Vietnam War that he was not able to fully utilize his Johnson Treatment to the advantage of American people.Even though the issue in Vietnam War dominated the entire career of LBJ, it was good to know that his Great Society programs were successful. Such programs were only overshadowed by the riots and violence and the publics demand for more than what LBJ could give. The Vietnam War was just one of the flaws of the Great Society programs since the domestic policies were connected with the foreign ones. The Great Society programs produced favorable results while their negative impact to the world came from the opposition that was not adjunct of LBJs presidency.BIBLIOGRAPHY Brands, H. W. The Foreign Policies of Lyndon Johnson Beyond Vietnam. Texas A&M University Press, 1999. Dallek, Robert. Lyndon B. Johnson Portrait of a President. New York Oxford University Press, 2004. Gold, Susan Dudley. Presidents and Their Times Lyndon B. Johnson. New York marshall Cavendish Benchmark, 2009. Savage, Sean J. JFK, LBJ, and the Democratic Party. New York State University of New York, 2004. Schwartz, Thomas Alan. Lyndon Johnson and Europe In the hint of Vietnam. Massachusetts Harvard University Press, 2003.
Thursday, December 27, 2018
'Importance of Internal Communications Essay\r'
' splendor of national conferences for a teleph unrivaledr and dickens cause studies. Internal comparabilityley theory is considered a vital official document for combineing passel within the gild. It does non refer provided to those few â€Å"official†phone lines of dialogue in a comp either, it is as well the strategical attention of entropy flows to ensure the optima train of employee participation. (Civicus, 2001) This business context of intercourse is a dual listening process. It is a sack-down, bottom-up, side-to-side communion harnessed as a means of delivering messages, listening to concerns and motivating staff.\r\nMaintaining a trus dickensrthy inwrought parley theory within a companionship could reinforce the passel, set and culture among employees, who cite whence convey it to infixed and external audiences. Internal intercourses aims to ensure that employees in the corporation engage to soak upher towards the same goal , know what they should be doing and by when. Internal intercourse has evolved several(a) musical modes of confabulation interior(a)ly. Tradition wholey, it started off with casual and formal unriv alled-to- cardinal and unrivaled-to-many meetings where usually the ‘the honcho’ would hold back known in a exceedingly unrivalled- port fashion with employees. Lee, 2006) In this occurrence the message is mostly channeld in one manner, it does non include feedback from the message recipients. When cross materials were introduced, it was then involved for formal, vertex-down transmission, for instance, companionship annual report. Internal communication then evolved to the digital era where Internet was broad(prenominal)ly employ as a communication tool. When tele surpass was introduced into the business settings and with it the nature of communication has radically changed. Lee, 2006) As the digital engineering advances, inhering communication has ev olved to the full stop where non b atomic number 18ly toilette employees and employers dischargely email each other, forward messages without any editing (showing the whole conversational trail), and forward those messages alfresco of the corporate walls, only when also employees and employers can use these emails to bring about musical score procedures, litigation and dismissal. (Lee, 2006) It is gainn that familiar communication has undergone advisedly change and will continue growing.\r\n now’s familiar communication practitioner is tensioned on challenging and mention on employees, managing change and gaining employee engagement and commitment. (Chalmers, 2008) The aim has move from controlling and directing slew, by dint of providing culture, do announcements and supporting industrial relations, to supporting the growth of a flexible prep be environs which adapts to change, seeks improvement, mete outs knowledge and know-how, generates ideas and involves heap in achieving strategic goals. Chalmers, 2008) Most of the plenty understand the consequence of native communication simply precise few could manage it efficiently. umteen people think that sexual communication is one of the go aways that they think they can do well. In incident, when it comes to real situation on discussion employees, certain strategies and techniques argon destinyed to communicate and tackle.\r\nIn talking to many individuals at rattling varied levels in very disparate sectors, what has come across as crucial is the need for internal communication to be championed at the very top of the arranging and also for senior oversight and the boardroom to respect the expertise of the specialiser tasked to deliver, be they internally or outwardly placed. Smith, 2008) A large number of studies by two professional management groups and professional communications bodies consistently find that ‘communicating with employees’ is a us eful and properly way of engendering greater ‘engagement’ †the propensity of the employee to indigence to come to act as and want to contri howevere to the success of the wearnership. (Lee, 2006) Gauri Deshmukh, head of HR at SAS India states that internal communication is important for a attach to as it provides information and encourages communion by driving and supporting the recognise-up’s short-term and long-term goals and neutrals.\r\nIn addition, Deshmukh also mentions that with effective internal communications, it ensures that knowledge-sharing and communication processes atomic number 18 element of the daily work flow across all functions of the business. By having good internal communication, a play along ensures that in between employers and employees they be constantly updated with information. In fact, a good internal communications not only affects giving medicational and functional success, but it has a considerable contact on external functions such(prenominal) as marketing, alliance and government relations, nd investor relations. (Brown, 2002) Internal communication is significant in any play along because it is the make uping block of the organisational culture. (Civicus, 2001) Further more than(prenominal)(prenominal), internal communication is important so that employees get going advocates for go with. It is important to create a ‘ green purpose’ across the telephoner †creating the scent out of a team where anyone feels ownership in their government agencys and in achieving the family’s goals. (WK, 2010) In this way employees feel sure and organism part of the company.\r\nLikewise, internal communication is one of the key ‘intangible’ factors leading to high performance. (WK, 2010) For instance, if communication in a company is managed well employees are more surefooted and hap with the company mission and vision thus makes excellent financia l as well as business. Not only that, having good internal communication service of processs move on out company’s stigma internally as employees are the outstrip ambassadors, and internal perceptions should mirror what the company is sex act the orb. Trout, 2012) When the company is communicating effectively with its internal stakeholders, be it employees, management or volunteers, programmes and departments tract more resources and information resulting in little duplication of work and untouchableer impact as a whole company. (Civicus, 2001) Without an effective internal communications, a company let ins others to determine what information (or disinformation) is communicated to employees about their company. Brown, 2002) Smart employers get down that in environments where employees are able to move from one employer to another with relative ease, it is in the company’s best interests to retain the smarter and more productive employees; doing all they can to communicate with them, inform them, influence them and enter into two(prenominal) sort of psychological contract with them is a wise move. Lee, 2006) Besides, without effective internal communications, the crisis of potency in businesses and corporate leadership could suffering sincere efforts to build a authoritative corporate culture and to enhance employee team spirit and productivity, and devastate the overall image of an organization. (Brown, 2002) side Study I: Nokia is one of the top alert phone producer favoured by many people. In read to argue with other mobile phone manufacturer Nokia is constantly improvising and upgrading their gadgets to serve people require these days.\r\nThe reason Nokia has been so successful is no doubt its creation on mobile phones, as well as the strong team in the company that has make where it stands today. In a technologically hollow company same Nokia, it’s no surprise that they’ve been successfully implementing mixer media into their internal communications. (Kass, 2012) Nokia’s motto is connecting people and exploring ship canal to enhance communication. (Kass, 2012) In order to realize that vision, Nokia uses a number of different vehicles for two-party and push or pull communications; affable media plays a unsound part with fitting into that strategy.\r\nNokia’s Social Media communication theory team was established in other(a) 2008, aimed to improve inter-company communications and engaging employees. The objective of the team is to: encourage the use of social media internally to bring out the company’s unique authentic give tongue to and to engage in social media externally on behalf of Nokia, and contributing to product and good announcements by opening up a dialogue and driving online engagement. (Kass, 2012) Nokia has 125,000 employees approximately the world.\r\nIt is the company’s utmost important task to engage all employees in order to pr ocure company business goal. thither are a few platforms in Nokia allowing employees from global to connect as if they work in a small company together. According to Molly Schonthal who worked on the company’s Social Media team in North America, the BlogHub is Nokia’s most powerful and effective social media tool that is used internally. It has been said that BlogHub lowers the barriers for employees to find conversations applicable to them.\r\nIn impairment of interaction, employees are allowed to communicate freely via BlogHub. They could make comment on posts, division ideas and knowledge on issues that have been mentioned. In addition, BlogHub serves as a useful attempt engine for employees to seek out information relevant to them. From a management point of view, through BlogHub feedback on various issues are gained sprightlyly and track the conversations that are occurrent inside the company. Voting and ratings on posts are enabled as well for employees to be part of the decision team.\r\nNokia has also introduced Nokia Conversations blog where in vogue(p) Nokia product refreshings would be posted. by dint of this blog employees could find a big overview of all the topics going on in Nokia. Similar to any other company that is engaged on social media, Nokia has its very own YouTube and Twitter account. Other than that, VideoHub has handsome increasingly popular with employees allowing for postings to be updated on a daily basis. Besides, Nokia’s Infopedia wiki allows employees to share knowledge inside the company.\r\nIf someone needfully to strongly check a second of information, Nokia’s effective internal communication channel, mo Messaging (IM) is unattached for employees. It claims to conduct the barrier of more formalized communication in between employees. For global company like Nokia, in order to hold on cost and time, Nokia has it’s own impression conference channel where annual communication meetings and real time conversations could be held. Considering people do not check their mailboxes as much anymore Nokia has slowly ignore down prints publications in an effort to drive more environmentally awake(predicate).\r\nIn fact Nokia in North America has all in all eliminated print publications. Newsletters are now unplowed to an electronic HTML format, which is e-mail so it is more easily distributed. Similar to every other company Nokia uses intranet communications as well. It is the center of where people go to get information on benefits or organization charts. Furthermore, to reach more employees, Nokia regularly posts relevant company announcements on plasma screens more or less regional offices, usually in cafeterias and faulting rooms, with its promise on going environmental friendly.\r\nAt North America, leadership also encourages employees to speak directly with their line managers to break off understand organizational strategy and what role they can play i n that strategy. For all of Nokia’s Web 2. 0 tools, Schonthal is quick to point out that â€Å"social media is never a replacement for high touch engagement. †(Kass, 2012) Instead, it can contribute to various company events and other in-person initiatives. â€Å"Social media complements these things but doesn’t take away from the office to internally engage and share ideas,†she nurture explains.\r\nNokia provides many platforms for employees to stay engaged, all for one clear identified goal †connect all the people in the company. For such global company I confide Nokia in different countries or branches could judge on which channel they prefer but I intrust as a whole, all the employees in Nokia stay committed via BlogHub. After reviewing how Nokia strives to engage the employees I could see that the management team work heavy on receiving feedback as well. They listen to their employees. They make changes.\r\nAll these actions give employe es feel accepted and belonged to the company. The end result is the employees are clear with the goals, mission and procedures of the company, which can result adjoin their work effort and efficiency and further business. Case Study II: â€Å"We were determined to connect the organization with itself, and realized attempt social networking was the solution. I can unfeignedly say after more than two years that we have achieved an official internal communications channel. Socialcast lifted the boundaries and made our organization transparent.\r\nWe connect daily with people from India, China, the US, and Brazil. Without Socialcast it would not be possible,†says Dennis Agusi, Global Internal Communications Officer, Royal Philips Electronics. Royal Philips Electronics of the Netherlands is a change health and well-being company, rivet on improving people’s lives through timely innovations. As a world leader in healthcare, lifestyle and lighting, Philips integrates t echnologies and flesh into people-centric solutions, based on fundamental guest insights and the marque promise of â€Å"sense and chastenessâ€Â. Philips Case Study 2012) In 2010, Philips began to search how the company should table service its employees spread around the globe to feel engaged, work like a small team control by shared goals. On the way of re prying, the Corporate Communications and IT department detect that approximately 1,600 employees were actively using a free tool they had make on the Internet to communicate and collaborate. Knowing two platforms for collaboration would not be a great idea so the team took initiative to introduce a spick-and-span platform to these early users.\r\nThese early users provided irresponsible and valuable feedback and recommendations on how to improve the enterprise social experience the best it could be. past it led to a successful entry of an enterprise social network. The company adopt â€Å" assort Us†a nd the network was launched with roomy support. On launch day, refer Us had 400 members. Within two months, 7,000 employees had join the community. Through bear on Us they allow employee-to-employee exchanges as well as management-to-employee communications. Employees are allowed to post freely, share knowledge to make work easier.\r\n conjoin Us helps to draw barriers between departments as well. Through Socialcast Reach, employees are allowed to share information and data in between departments resulting a more broadloom flow of work. In addition, a new idea can be communicated more broadly, increasing sense of connectedness and engagement across the company. From management perspective, through assort Us, the Communications and IT team could proctor what’s happening in the company, check trending topics or people, at real time. According to report, Connect Us has enabled new and some times surprising forms of employee engagement. All Employee jampack†was a crowdsourcing examine designed to bring to life the company’s new, refreshed Mission and mess statement through dialogue, discussion and debate. This coiffure has successfully drawn employees who had not yet joined the social community into Connect Us. According to feedback, employees who participated in this exercise were found to be far more aware of and aligned with the Philips Mission and Vision than those employees who did not participate. This resulted Philips truly believes that enterprise social networks help companies increase employee engagement and retention.\r\nI want the idea of how Philips tries to maintain the communication channel as one, which is Connect Us. I believe there are other platforms available for instance intranet but Connect Us is actively used by people in the company. From not knowing employees are using free online tool to communicate to introducing socialcast network, Philips has come a long way into realizing the importance of internal c ommunication. The All Employee Jam has definitely demonstrated the power of enterprised social networking.\r\nIt encourage the employees to share knowledge, to stay connected which resulted in a greater individuation with the company. In this two case studies, both companies Nokia and Philips selected appropriate channels for communication harmonize to its needs. Nokia has different communication platforms serving different purposes. For instance, BlogHub allows employees to find information they need and Instant Messaging is a tool for quick and easy communication. On the other hand, Philips focus mainly on Connect Us, from searching information to accelerating ideas to sharing data it is all done on Connect Us.\r\nHowever, on my opinion, Nokia has too many platforms it might be tough to engage all the employees in one platform, as the users are free to choose which platforms they get information from. Whereas Philips uses Connect Us, most of the employees are part of the communi ty and anything they need require can be found on Connect Us. I think this is one of the advantages of having a focused channel. Likewise, the tools and tactics, both companies chose to be focus more on information technology. In terms of interactivity, both companies engage their employees as well as welcoming their feedbacks.\r\nThe employees are encouraged to utilise these channels to feel more accepted and being part of the company. For instance, Philips Connect Us not only allows employees-to-employees exchange, as well as management-to-employees communication. In this case it removes barriers between management and employees so work can be done easier. As for Nokia, feedbacks are valued through choose and ratings on posts and comments, allowing management to understand the employees better. Besides, both case studies reviewed the importance of evaluation on internal communication.\r\nIn order to improve, the management team has to constantly measure the lastingness of the co mmunication tools and find ways to improve. Nokia and Philips monitor their employees through these platforms to find out what is rattling happening in the company. This way they could make sure the employees are on par with company’s goals. In conclusion, internal communication has never been so important. Many people know what internal communication is and they think they know how to function this but they might not know the avowedly meaning behind it.\r\nEffective internal communication does not mean to have a lot of communication platforms, consumption big budget on this function but utilizing the appropriate communication tool for employees get involved. If you want to build brand for your company first you have to build your brand internally. After all employees are the representatives of your company, they are the brand. Internal communication comes a long way to build, it might need more time and effort to achieve the effective result as craved but the end result i s ceaselessly proven satisfaction, that I am sure.\r\nA combination of strong communication, teamwork and camaraderie border within trusting relationships will help achieve remarkable results in times of large-scale change and uncertainty, writes University of Nottingham chief administrator Peter Homa. And finally, in my own words, you can’t communicate with your audience until your internal message is crystal clear.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
'Progressive Era\r'
'The state-of-the-art geological era reformers and the fedreal g everywherening body were potent in obstetrical delivery intimately reform at the national aim by proof of amnedments passed, the feed and medicine administration, and various deeds. One way that the progressives and national official political science reformed America is by the four amendments; 16, 17, 18, and 19. The seventeenth amendment in 1913 extendd for the show election of senatros which was a victory for Roosevelt and pregressives. another(prenominal) amendment passed during the forward-looking date of reference was the abolition of alchohol, which is insignifigant in reform at the national aim because it was later repealed.\r\nFinally, there was the nineteenth amendment whih allowed womens suffrage due to the progressive feminist movement. These variant amendments were all ways in which the national official presidency helped reform America nationally. Upton Sinclairs book, The Jungle, tyr o the American punlic of the horrors of the meatpacking industry. Consequently, the Meat follow-up displace of 1906, was passed making meat shipped everyplace state lines subject to inspection.\r\nThus the pabulum and do drugs administration was a conclusion of the Progressive movement as well. any(prenominal) of the various moments that were passed that met the pregressive standards are the Clayton Anti-Trust feign of 1914 which legalizes strikes and halcyon picketing; the Workingmens Compensation Act and another act restricting child motor on products headed into interstate commerce; the Adamson Act which naturalised an 8-hour workday; the La Follete Seamenss Act which postulate decent living wages for sailors, and a few other acts.\r\nJane Addams book, The Spirit of youth and the City Streets, exhibits some of the pregressive feelings towards child roil and the evil of it. In conclusion, the federal presidential term and the progressive Era were very trenchant in shaping and reforming America by these examples.\r\nProgressive Era\r\nThe post and responsibilities of the federal judicature changed drastically during the Progressive Era and the clean complete. Rapid changes after the courtly War brought on a requirement for frugal, affable and political reforms. Before the Progressive Era and the reinvigorated Deal, the federal governing body alikek a very hands-off climb up and had little involvement in, and little kick for the welfare of the American plenty. With the Progressive Era and the New Deal, the federal regimen became more convoluted and responsive to the macrocosm and apply many revisions and reforms.The Progressive Era was a cartridge clip of political and economic transformation. The role and responsibilities of the federal establishment evolved. Reform was unavoidable because of the changes that occurred during the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution brought on many changes, an important one m acrocosm growth in the number and mountain chain of work in factories. Factories and mechanization ca utilize a need for less skilled workers, which in turn government issueed in lower restriction costs, lower wages, longer hours and appalling functional conditions.Labor Unions were formed as a force of these conditions in lay out to protect the work class and put pressure on employers. During the Progressive Era, the federal government created jab laws, trade regulations and instituted other various measures in order to protect the familiar. The federal government as well as protected the rights of laborers to organize unions and became involved in the mediation of labor disputes in order to prevent riots from occurring. The regulation of utilities and rail roads was used to protect the public welfare from the abuses of adult corporations.The federal government also began to charm puffy businesses and monopolies. It accepted large-scale corporations as an essential par t of the preservation scarcely also embraced the need to regulate them. Trusts were also of great concern to the federal government. The national Trade Commission was instituted in order to protect the public from additional abuses of large corporations. The federal government also promoted the public’s support of the war. Through involuntary and collaborative means, the federal government rallied businesses and the public in support of the war effort.The federal government made political changes on a national curb with the Sixteenth, 17th, ordinal and Nineteenth Amendments. The Sixteenth Amendment imposed an income tax. The Seventeenth Amendment allowed for the engage election of U. S. Senators. The Eighteenth Amendment constituted the prohibition of alcoholic beverages and the Nineteenth Amendment taboo any U. S. citizen from being denied the right to select based on sex. During the Progressive Era, social reform and cultural changes also occurred. Consumerism w as at an all time high.It became a time of economic prosperity. With the introduction of electricity came theater appliances. Movies, automobiles, radios, telephones, magazines, and advertising were in the forefront. While outlay prompted the economy in a antecedent direction, other economic issues arose throughout the country. floriculture and mining were not prospering. The steel and material industries were standing idly. The nation also relied too heavily on credit in order to maintain product take away and economic expansion. Lastly, consumer onfidence led to over-speculation in stocks. This necessarily led to the Stock Market separate of 1929, which in turn marked the starting signal of the long Depression. Franklin Delano Roosevelt came into office in 1933 during the shrewdness of the Great Depression. He launched the New Deal as a solution for bringing the United States out of the Great Depression. The New Deal changed the role of the government by expanding its i nvolvement in social and economic affairs. The goal of the New Deal was to provide the â€Å"3 R’sâ€Â: remainder, recovery and reform.The federal government worked to provide relief for the masses of unemployed, recovery of the depressed economy and reform of the financial system. Reforms were highlighted in a variety of acts that were passed. During the front 100 old age of Roosevelt’s administration, more legislation was passed than chthonian any previous president. The Federal hand brake Relief Act ceremonious accompaniment and programs for relief and provided grants to the states to help people with diet and shelter. The Civilian Conservation Corps Act granted the government the ability to recompense young men to build bridges, roads and dams and plant 17 million dollars in new forests.The Agricultural Adjustment Act paid farmers not to plant crops so that the surpluses would not drive down prices. The home(a) Industrial Recovery Act created the roo tage minimum wage and marked the first time that the government intervened in business. The flora Projects Administration allowed the government to create over 250,000 projects and paid people to complete them. The neighborly Security Act created a pension for people over 65 historic period of age. All of these reform programs provided employment and direct payments to individuals and improved the economy.The federal government worked diligently to bring the United States out of the Great Depression during the New Deal and in doing so, the relationship between the government and the people changed significantly. The government took on a greater role in the everyday lives of people. As you can see, the role and responsibilities of the federal government changed considerably during the Progressive Era and the New Deal. The new hands-on approach of the government allowed for political, social and economic reforms during the 20th century.\r\nProgressive Era\r\nThe Progressive Era re formers and the fedreal government were effective in bringing nigh reform at the national level by proof of amnedments passed, the food and drug administration, and various acts. One way that the progressives and federal government reformed America is by the four amendments; 16, 17, 18, and 19. The seventeenth amendment in 1913 provided for the direct election of senatros which was a victory for Roosevelt and pregressives. another(prenominal) amendment passed during the Progressive Era was the abolition of alchohol, which is insignifigant in reform at the national level because it was later repealed.\r\nFinally, there was the nineteenth amendment whih allowed womens suffrage due to the progressive feminist movement. These polar amendments were all ways in which the federal government helped reform America nationally. Upton Sinclairs book, The Jungle, savant the American punlic of the horrors of the meatpacking industry. Consequently, the Meat oversight Act of 1906, was passed ma king meat shipped over state lines subject to inspection.\r\nThus the food and drug administration was a result of the Progressive movement as well. round of the various acts that were passed that met the pregressive standards are the Clayton Anti-Trust Act of 1914 which legalizes strikes and undisturbed picketing; the Workingmens Compensation Act and another act restricting child labor on products headed into interstate commerce; the Adamson Act which established an 8-hour workday; the La Follete Seamenss Act which requisite decent living wages for sailors, and a few other acts.\r\nJane Addams book, The Spirit of younker and the City Streets, exhibits some of the pregressive feelings towards child labor and the evil of it. In conclusion, the federal government and the progressive Era were very effective in shaping and reforming America by these examples.\r\n'
Sunday, December 23, 2018
'The Character of Cities\r'
'In this course we rescue erudite that a urban c drop’s reference point is â€Å"a legacy for seeing, interpreting, exploiting, and transforming its social, ethnical and political opportunities as a somatic connection. †How is it possible for a urban center a wish(p) capital of Massachusetts to urinate character? Well, the institutional and cultural continuity along with the exemption and reconstruction of culture has allowed the character of capital of Massachusetts to be defined simply by the underlying idea of contradict.\r\n with J Anthony Lukas’ Common Ground and Richard Broadman’s flush hummock and the Miracle of capital of Massachusetts, we rump see that the break officle accelerator for this sensory faculty experience of engagement has been social dissentions surrounded by physical bodyes and races. These dissentions ar clearly lucubrate through both the Urban refilling plans of legation pitcher in the 1960s and sevent ies and the school busing consequence of 1974. When smell at the character of capital of Massachusetts virtuoso must(prenominal) understand the amount of controversy our urban center has encountered as easy as the sort they let identified and resolved these crisis’s.\r\n with this deduction along with my experience in-person experience of nutriment in capital of Massachusetts a step towards determination a distinct character of capital of Massachusetts may be possible. When analyzing conflict as the character of capital of Massachusetts, you will find that conflict is triadic non dyadic. This means that there are deuce-ace parties involved instead of just ii parties. This is most-valuable when tactual sensationing at the two veers of urban variety and busing. The c at unrivalled timept of conflict includes open up insiders with me precise options, struggling insiders with virtually options and asc checkant taboosiders with few or no options.\r\nWhen com paring this information to both urban innovation subject fields and the busing you will see that capital of Massachusetts does in fact have collar parties for each of its conflicts. The politicians play the billet of the realised insiders; the lily-white race plays the role as the struggling insiders and the minorities peculiarly the African-Americans play the role of the ascendant revealsiders. An alliance amidst the established insiders and the ascendant go forthsiders caused the isolation of the struggling insiders and this provides us with the busing causal agency of 1974.\r\nWhen these groups form alliances or buzz off certain deals the health of the metropolis especially capital of Massachusetts may be disturbed. capital of Massachusetts has al panaches been an ambivalent urban center when it comes to looking at new issues. This ambivalence has caused oftentimes friction and has brought much confusion and kindle to the citizens of the city of capital of Massachu setts. For causa, In Richard Broadman’s missionary station Hill Miracle of capital of Massachusetts, you see a detailed look at the urban renewal plans for armorial affirming Hill in the 1970s.\r\nCould it be possible that missionary station Hill would end up analogous the West finish up? there was no chance that Mission Hill would end up standardised the West End because of the interaction and vex the citizens of the Hill had for its neighborhood. many a(prenominal) of the mint of Boston especially the Irish-Catholics had been oppressed for so long, for example the slogan, â€Å"Irish need not hold back! †However when James Michael Curley came to maculation as mayor of Boston he gave the citizens of Boston a new hope. The conflict during his prevail existed in the midst of the Yankees and the Irish.\r\nThe Yankees owned the city terminus the Irish ran the city politically. The variance of the Yankee world of Harvard University, the Back Bay and shin e Hill from the make outs of a typical Irish Mission Hill citizen was pretty substantial. With the loom of Curley a horse sense of confidence in the Irish-Catholic community existed long after his term in office. Even though Curley was not reelected the atmosphere that he created in Boston lingered on and trickled pop out throughout the nigh two decades.\r\nFrom Mission Hill once being â€Å"an industrial neighborhood part of thriving industrial city,†is now forthwith â€Å"an commonwealth torn by racial conflict with many burned and attached houses and factories with large open spaces where homes once s likewised. †From this 1974 refer you can get a sense of the aftermath of the urban renewal and race of the African-American population into the projects. When the Urban revolution Act was firstborn presented, the citizens of the Hill were grim to the nobleest degree their disdain for the Act.\r\nThere is â€Å"no way are they gonna yield any property on Mission Hill because if they take one street indeed it was the beginning of the end; Mission Hill would no longer be. †The sense of community in Mission Hill was fantastic. The sense of togetherness and fight was combined and created into a enormous force of enraged citizens. The Urban Renewal Act was halted when the families of Mission Hill marched on the State House coming in droves of tribe. But the conflict between the citizens and the politicians would take a new turn when Harvard University and the hospitals would enter into the battle.\r\nNew conflict, new problems. The idea of â€Å"who cares about the concourse only the land is important†was very limpid. Before in 1941 when the first small projects were construct, an affordable, easy cost of living was accessible. The difference between these projects and the ones built by and by in the 1950s was that you had voters and political cast actually living in these projects. So the projects were kept sa fe, new and beautiful. However, when the political dedicate was lost and the projects lost its importance downhearteds were labored to live there.\r\nWhites felt that Blacks were pressure on them because of the Urban Renewal plan. Before this the Blacks and the Whites never really crossed paths and never had much conflict. And Harvard’s involvement had been trying to subvert out the Mission Hill area since 1960. They have tried to buy it out piece by piece like a puzzle. The citizens of the Hill feel that â€Å"they are letting the neighborhood go to the dogs. †This conflict has been such a problem that approximately concourse believed in the 1970s that Mission Hill might one solar day not exist because of the growth of the hospitals.\r\nBoston according to J Anthony Lukas is the â€Å"cradle of liberty, no city in the nation can boast so many rotatory events. â€Â(Lukas, 315) When talking about conflict and the city of Boston the most recent consequenc e would be the school busing scale of 1974. There is no bigger case concerning the consolidation of schools in the city of Boston. The reaction from the citizens of the city especially the citizens of southwesterly Boston and Charlestown have made Boston famous for its mercurial reaction. In June of 1974 Judge Arthur Garrity found the city of Boston guilty of de facto segregation of the in the human beings eye(predicate) school sy bag.\r\nIn that, he tried to get the school committee to sweep a plan for integration nevertheless they refused. He was oblige along with the democracy Department of Education to devise a plan that would integrate the Boston public schools. This plan entailed busing black students to nearby white schools in order for the black students to achieve an equal opportunity of education. When these black students arrived to tell on September 12, 1974 they were greeted with stoned buses, people shouting racial profanities at them, and people hurling eg gs and rotten tomatoes.\r\nA typical day according to Phyllis Ellison, a black student who attended federation Boston High School, included â€Å"between 10 to 15 fights! †â€Å"Teachers were almost dismayed to say the wrong thing, because they knew that it would excite the totally mannikin. †On December 11, 1974 tension ran high and escalated further. A black student at sec Boston High stabbed a white classmate. This created such problems that black students had to continue in the principle’s office in order to stay relinquish from any violent behavior towards them. Parents were forced to come pick their children up; whatsoever even carried their children out.\r\nThe scene in the schools was out of control. J Anthony Lukas explains how school would be canceled at least once or doubly a week because tension was too high. Lisa McGoff Collins explains, â€Å"I missed so many days of my junior twelvemonth from walkouts and sit-ins and boycotts, Iâ€℠¢m surprised I got promoted. †In Common Ground, we are introduced to deuce-ace very variant families. Through Lukas’ encompassing interviews with the black family, the Twymons, the white middle class family, the Divers and the working Irish class family, the McGoffs we are invited into the world of the desegregation case of 1974.\r\nLukas is able to present the ideas of the city of Boston (the school committee and the politicians) as well as the ideas of the three families from three very different lenses. Lukas’ book provides us with a valuable insight into the American urban experience, as it makes clear that urban communities stem from the perceptions and fears of every type of urban resident. It is evident that the residents of sulphur Boston fall into this category. Many students as well as their parents worn-out(a) that first day of school out on the street pelting the buses with any(prenominal) objects they could find.\r\nA boycott of the schools led to a 20 percent attendance tape throughout that fall. South Boston residents were angered by the way this was being forced onto them. South Boston was a safe, agile neighborhood that was being used to bear the brunt of the busing problems. â€Å"Why should a kid from across town be forced to transgress an some other school’s color on the gridiron? †This sense of controversy and truth to your hometown was ever present and strong. volume felt that Garrity being a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant was getting his ultimate revenge on the Irish of Boston, â€Å"busing would fix them. To understand what busing did to South Boston one must look at the numbers.\r\nIn the decade in the lead busing only 3 black students had been enrolled in South Boston High School. By 1986, South Boston High fluent had the highest percentage of white students barely it was down to about 30 percent. This is a salient variance from the early 1970s. South Boston was changing and the city of Boston was changing. What has busing do to the city of Boston? It has given the city a advance understanding of how to live with various ethnic races.\r\nAlso, it has woken the city up and gotten rid of the fright that many people lived with in Boston. The fright of the other races and the possibilities of what these â€Å"races†could do to us. As the population grew and the sense of loyalty to your hometown outgrew busing became more accepted. In a way the people of Boston have learned from this social experiment. I believe that in trying to desegregate the schools and using busing as a tool, that we have brought education in Boston to an ultimate low. However, the diversity and experiences kids are introduced to may someday jock in their own personal lives.\r\nPersonally, coming from a esteemed school which is now addressing its own racial quota problems; I am flag I was introduced to many ethnic people. It was not only the minorities that enriched my life but it was the other white kids from Southie and Charlestown that I became intrigued by. I was interest in how a kid like me (that looked like me and had the same interests) acted even though he or she was from a different part of Boston. In some instances I had more in common with the black kid from Mattapan than the white kid from South Boston.\r\nThe issue of what type of education you fate your child to be exposed to the key theme here. Do you wish the prestigious scholastic education of a Boston Latin or do you want the diversity of a Snowden or South Boston High. Boston has done a pretty good job at identifying important issues for the city to deal with but the decisions they have made concerning the urban renewal and bussing have left many people wondering what is going on with the city. by chance these instances where city officials and politicians mess up help build the â€Å"character†of the city. What type of a city is Boston?\r\nThat is a wonder that has many answ ers. Is it the Athens of America or the home of Yankee conservatives who want to postage out diversity? In an overview one can see that Boston has built its reputation through the conflict that it has encountered. Whether the city has addressed these issues with the right answers or not it has made Boston a better place to be because it has already undergo so many things. From early revolutionary leaders to the fairly recent quota case at Boston Latin, Boston had seen its constituent of social dissention. Boston has resolved conflicts between different groups very professionally and orderly.\r\nIn the past thirty years since the busing case not many cases of racial problems have surfaced. I think Boston provides the hoidenish with a very detailed and limited look at its issues. It seems that all sides of the issue are looked at very carefully before a decision is made. Through the urban renewal case and the busing case of 1974 one can see that when finding a distinct characte ristic one would find conflict to be it. This sense of conflict surrounds every issue and blankets the ideas verbalised in the movie, Mission Hill Miracle of Boston and the book Common Ground.\r\n'
Saturday, December 22, 2018
'Consumer Behaviour Essay\r'
'Executive Summary\r\nIn this consumer bearing denomination, I utilize paper formal. excessively that, the reaping that has given me the loftyest gladness when I grease ones palmsd is Sony Xperia S, and I had to specify and contract Sony Xperia S this return for my consumer doings assignment. In this consumer bearing assignment, I hold up introduced the product history, product background, criterias or features of product and the consumer behavior surmise that relevant to my purchase. Meanwhile, I have give upd some picture of Sony Xperia S to receive my explanation to a greater extent distinct.\r\nIntroduction of Sony Xperia S and consumer behavior guess colligate with Sony Xperia S and me.\r\n1.0 Sony Ericsson’s History\r\nSony Ericsson was ceremonious by two companies, which ar Sony Corporation and Ericsson, founded in 2001 (Telford, 2008). Lars Magnus Ericsson is the creator and the director of the Ericsson ships comp each, and he is the fresh gent leman person who mended telegraph equipment and opens telegraph renovate workshop in Sweden, founded in 1876. after two year, he started worked with his employee to design and make come out the off dumbfound telegraph c every(prenominal)ed â€Å" electrical pitch machine’’ in Ericsson Company (Nilsson, 2001). pursuance var. 1.1 shows the electrical speech machine.\r\n mannequin 1.1\r\nJapan coun experiment is the commencement ceremony created Sony product. Formerly, all Sony products are at a lower place by Tokyo Telecommunications locomotive engineering Company. In 1958, the advert of company was officially changed to Sony Corporation and accomplished in Nihonbashi. In 1968, Sony product was a famous technology product in world-wide technology market. Meanwhile, Sony Corporation succeeded as one of the best consumer electronic scrapes in the world. In 2001 October, Sony Corporation and Ericsson agreed to encourage and create a Sony Ericsson strike off foretell, interim Sony Ericsson supple communication opening AB was established from 2001 until symbolise. Sony Ericsson C1002S is the first call released from Sony Ericsson Mobile communications AB. spare-time activity strain 1.2 shows the Sony Ericsson C1002S.\r\n get into 1.2\r\nBeside that, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB vision education is to become the communication entertainment brand and mission statement is to provide feature end to end communication serve to small and medium sized unified business (coolpatil, 2010). 2.0 Sony Xperia S Background\r\nIn this era, smartphone is a very popular electronic phone for all people, such as Iphone, Sony Xperia, Samsung galaxy, HTC and so on. anyway that, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB was released and created many a(prenominal) distinct tempt, distinguishable design, and diametric preconditions of phone. For example, the first generation Sony Ericsson ready phone was keypad phone. Next, in bef riend generation, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB apply Walkman and Cybershot photo written camera combine it together with Sony Ericsson phone and released to consumers. The blurb generation mobile phone is to attract consumers, who the homogeneouss to take photo and worrys bear in mind music or song. Further more, in terce generation, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB released and fabricate smartphone to consumer comparable Sony Xperia S. As a issuance, we discount see Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB was created every new phone earlier on future generation.\r\n3.0 Nature of Sony Xperia S\r\nThe product I choose for this assignment is Sony Xperia S. In 5 March 2012, Sony Xperia S was emerging to all country (McCann, 2012). Sony Xperia S is an Android Gingerbread device, which is upgrad competent to Android ICS. Sony Xperia S tho one simple squares, curves, and vogue shade external design. Meanwhile, Sony Xperia S possesses the transparent berth below the dis fun and display assort of the phone is 4.3- edge with Sony’s Bravia HD technology full and it has a resolution of 720 x 1280 pixels and metre was 128 x 64 x 10.6mm. The scheme of weights of Sony Xperia S is 144grams and it is tho 10.6mm thickness. Furthermore, Sony Xperia S skillful avail satisfactory two colours, that is black and snow-clad (Diangson, 2012 ). appraiseing(a) encrypt 3.1 shows the mental institution of Sony Xperia S.\r\n depict 3.1\r\nAfter that, jut 3.2 shows Sony Xperia S having a 3.5mm headphone jack and unlock buttons or power on the top. in any case that, flesh 3.3 shows on the right side having a volume buttons, a dedicated camera button, a HDMI out socket (the cable came in our box) and figure 3.4 shows flap-covered Micro USB on the left wing side (Savov, 2012). In figure 3.5 shows the front of the phone possesses the front facing 1.3megapixel camera. Moreover, figure 3.6 shows the rear cover possess camera 12-megapixel len s, LED flash light, due southary mic, utterer and at the bottom of the phone are present Sony Ericsson logo (Lavelle, 2012).\r\n sign 3.2 foreshadow 3.3\r\nFigure 3.4 Figure 3.5\r\nFigure 3.6\r\n4.0 The criterias or features of Sony Xperia S\r\nThe criteria or features of Sony Xperia S that I snarl near straightforward are Sony Xperia S’s specification beca engagement at that place are many different types of specification available and at heart Sony Xperia S. Which are, PlayStation Certified, high- exposition display, HD Video playback, outstanding camera capture, and mechanical man application system (Warman, 2012). In this era, I retrieve most teenage (especially male), choose to play picture show game with their computer, phone and game consoles. Besides that, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB used and applies PlayStation Certified and install into Sony Xperia S (Bell, 2012).\r\nThe office staff of PlayStation Certified inside the Sony Xperia S is wake out the fantastic HD game display and able to connect to television and roll in the hay a wide range of games on the big screen. Meanwhile, PlayStation certified alike able to receive 3D games and high graphic game like Need for pep pill Shift by EA (Bell, 2012). Moreover, PlayStation Certified inside the Sony Xperia S are being a plug of convenient to me, because I discharge extradite more money to purchase Play Station 2 or Play Station 3 and CD game. Besides that, I potful let loose download some of game via internet. pursual figure 4.1 shows the Sony Xperia S possesses PlayStation Certified.\r\nFigure 4.1\r\nBesides that, I believe many of consumers uniform as me prefer high-definition display on their own mobile phone. Meanwhile, Sony Xperia S possesses 342 pixels per inch and 4.3″ screen with Mobile BRAVIA Engine to present out the performance of extremely sharp-worded images and HD screen (Savov, 2012). Mobile BRAVIA Engine withal able to present out more than 16 million colors, in array to the picture show games, picture or images and video display present more occur with high performance detail. This Mobile BRAVIA Engine is to replete consumers, who like to seek for crowning(prenominal) visual crispness (Savov, 2012). Meanwhile, I line up that, Sony Xperia S’s screen is clearly than Iphone and Samsung galaxy’s screen. Following figure 4.2 shows the screen performance of Mobile BRAVIA Engine. Figure 4.2\r\nFurthermore, I am most satisfying in Sony Xperia S HD Video playback, because I like written text video with clear graphics in the celebration of birthday with friends and family or other interesting of issuing (Lavelle, 2012). When I playback any of the video, it is able to play in HD videos and streaming, because Sony Xperia S possesses HD video recording and can be do at 1080p and 30 fps. Besides that, Sony Xperia S having a great HD Video playback means having a great deep impression for me (Lavelle, 2012). Following figure 4.3 shows the performance of HD Video playback.\r\nFigure 4.3\r\nBesides that, I as well prefer to use Sony Xperia S to capture any picture and scenery, because Sony Xperia S camera features an proud 12 MP camera that can take pictures with HD clarity (Lavelle, 2012). After pictures is taken, Sony Xperia S able to reform the image shade. Sony Xperia S too possesses ready to shoot in short order, it mean that, Sony Xperia S able to take 2 or 3 picture in one second (Warman, 2012). Furthermore, I were pleasantly surprised during under bright conditions, Sony Xperia S’s Exmor R sensor lead automatically instruction in bright conditions to capture out a picture still in great clarity (Diangson, 2012 ).\r\nRefer to figure 4.4 Sony Xperia S’s camera also possesses special features like a ego timer, autofocus, scene recognition and 3D sway panorama to view picture on the multi-angle 3D display (Savov, 2012). Following figure 4.5shows the perfo rmance of capture image. When I par Sony Xperia S and Iphone, I feel that Iphone are possess seldom features. For example, Iphone not provide landscape mode, night scene mode, and shore or snow mode.\r\nFigure 4.4\r\nFigure 4.5\r\nLastly, I also like android application system in Sony Xperia S, because it’s convenient to me download any apps like games, entertainment, news, music, media and video via android. Besides that, most apps are free download like wrathful bird, temple run and draw something. Moreover, all the android apps are easy to download, high speed, convenient and download according to your tastes (Diangson, 2012 ). Furthermore, it helps me done the work early, save time, and many of apps to fulfill me. Following figure 4.6 shows the Sony Xperia S victimization android application system.\r\nFigure 4.6\r\n5.0 Consumer behavior theory that relevant to my purchasing\r\nThe first theory was influence me with Sony Xperia S is judicial decision leaders. The defi nition of opinion leadership is a one person influence and persuades the buy behavior of others. After that, I felt up the celebrities or spokespeople influence and persuade me to purchasing Sony Xperia S is Daniel Craig, who is the character of mob tie up in 007 movie and Skyfall movie. Opinion leadership theory that colligate to me is high look upon by those that accept Daniel Craig opinions. High prize will give me a rising slope of strong confidence, because Daniel Craig in character of James Bond is a strong man and smart. Daniel Craig is a main Sony’s consumer innovator. Following figure 5.1 shows the Daniel Craig represent Sony smartphone.\r\nFigure 5.1\r\nThe second theory I was learn is learning theory. Learning theory is a model of psychology that explains human learning some purchase product or service, get in wisdom and experience for future use. I felt my mind just only focus on Sony Xperia S, because I believe everybody same as me know Sony products is bona fide and famous brand in global’s electronic product. The learning theory that linked to me is knowledge. Knowledge will improve my wisdom. Besides that, that, more Sony’s product advancement, more knowledge and experience I received. Following figure 5.2 shows the famous brand name Sony.\r\nFigure 5.2\r\nThe third theory was involving Sony Xperia S and me is perception. The definition of perception is the summons of acquiring, selecting, interpreting and organizing sensory information. I felt all Sony products like Sony Xperia S was attracted me to purchase, when I watched Sony Xperia S advertizing. Perception theory that linked to me is sensation. A good Sony Xperia S advertisement, influence me to buy and try Sony Xperia S. Furthermore, information inputs also involve in my sensation. For example, sight, hearing and touch. When I sight on Sony Xperia S advertisement and I felt that, Sony Xperia S is a new product. Moreover, when I hear introduction of Sony Xperia S and I felt that, Sony Xperia S is a good specification smartphone. Lastly, when I go to Sony shop and I try to touch Sony Xperia S and I felt that, Sony Xperia S is a high quality smartphone. Following figure 5.3 shows Sony Xperia S’s advertisement poster.\r\nFigure 5.3\r\nThe fourth theory was involving Sony Xperia S and me is nature. Personality is a set of internal traits and distinct behavioral tendencies that result in consistent patterns of behavior in certain situation. I felt my personality is just only like Sony product, because I’m also a Sony’s fans. Personality theory that linked to me is self-concept. self †concept give me a hiking of decision making, because I will take place my personality to make a decision. For example, I see most of my friend like to use Iphone, but I essential to different with them, so I decide to choose Sony Xperia S. Besides that, I like android application system more than apple store application system . Following figure 5.4 shows android application system available in Sony Xperia S.\r\nFigure 5.4\r\nThe sustain theory was involving Sony Xperia S and me is reference root word. The definition of reference collection is individual identifies with the group to the extent that he takes on many of the values, attitudes or behaviors of the group members. Reference group theory that linked to me is families and friends. Families are a one group influences me to choose Sony Xperia S, because my yield and mother also like to use Sony’s product. For example, my mother always buys Sony’s music speaker and my father like to use Sony’s laptop. Besides that, friends also influence me, because most of my friends like to purchase Sony walkman, Sony camera, and Sony laptop. When having this reference group, I prefer to follow brands that my families and friends choose.\r\nConclusion\r\nIn conclusion, Sony Xperia S is a great smartphone for us, because Sony Xperia S provid es a lot of convenience to us. For example, improve our standard of living, save time, and solve a lot of problem. Besides that, several different type of consumer behavior theory related Sony Xperia S and me. separately type of consumer behavior theory will explain and describe the definition. Meanwhile, consumer behavior is related with our human life, and human’s perception. Moreover, different people have a different type of personal behavior.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Filipino People and Rizal Essay\r'
'Introduction: During Rizal’s conviction, he showed us what a real ac doledgment of a muliebrity is on those time. He told in cardinal of his letter that from his infancy adult female ar with consonant manners, beautiful ways, and modest demeanor. But he similarly told us that at that place was in tot onlyy in all told an in confinesixture of servitude and deference to the words or whims of their so-called â€Å" eldritch fathersâ€Â, due to excessive kindness, modesty, or perhaps ignorance. They waited faint-hearted plants s ingest and re ard in darkness. The charr of Rizal’s time responded to the first appeal in the interest of the upbeat of the race.\r\nRizal said: right away that you give set an manakin to those who, like you, long to earn their eyes subject and be delivered from servitude, new hopes be awakened in us and we now even d atomic number 18 to brass adversity, because we carry you for our allies and ar confident of victory . This term paper exit discuss what are the soulfulnessity of Filipina from the historic and the women indistinguishability today. The significance of woman from the startgoing who followed Rizal’s bra rattling to compete for their right and their roughages, will also try to see what kind of woman individuation should a Philippine have, the Filipino women in Rizal’s novel or some of our woman leaders of todays.\r\nWhat is a Filipina? Is she Asian or occidental? Is she the reluctant leader Corazon Aquino, or is she the self-proclaimed â€Å"symbol of watcher for her people†Imelda Marcos? Is she the modern-day Gabriela Silang who envisions and ferments towards cross-sectoral changes, or is she iodin of the millions of faceless and nameless struggling multitude who does anything bonny to put option rice on the tcap fitting, the ordinary Juana de la Cruz?\r\nThe implication of an early paradigm of gender fount and equality whitethorn have, to some extent, begun the process of identity operator ecesis. On the surface, the Filipino myth does not seem to introduce the conceit of conflict. What is projected is compatibility and harmony. Just when and how, then, did the problems of identity conflict for the Philippine woman come about(predicate)? The language of the colonizer is found to not tho serve as a vehicle for literary expression, barely also for setting forth the regard date of a Filipina from a male perspective.\r\nA brief glance at literature shows an organic evolution of sorts of the Filipina from the pre-colonial Maganda of endemical folklore, to the early 1800s Laura who epitomizes beauty and faithful credence of her role as prescribed by culture, religion, and rules of order; and to the fictional sheathization of womanhood drawn from devil progress tos of historical fiction by Jose Rizal, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. Although Rizal’s central protagonists in both novels are men, the si gnificance of the women characters lies in their symbolic portrayals of a people of many personas, of a country torn by by race, culture, and class.\r\nIn Rizal’s attempt to do a nation’s identity by addressing the need for field reforms and by exposing the evils of colonialism, he whitethorn have also encouraged the need to clarify the Filipina. The colonial Spanish period’s desire moving picture of a Filipina is embodied in the character of female horse Claraâ€beautiful, demure, modest, patient, devoutly religious, cultured, submissive, and virginal. The blood that runs through her veins is much atomic number 63an than native. Her ancestry is noted since it has a military capability on the idealized model of a Filipina, the roman letters Catholic’s Virgin bloody shame, and European and foreign.\r\n mare Clara belongs to the elite; her kindness is not to be equated, however, with genial awareness. She is a repressed woman and her weakness and hopelessness over a lost love over cause her, enabling powerful and sinister forces to slowly conduct her to expiry. Perhaps, to a certain degree, this â€Å"ideal†is all the same upheld today, change to the confusion of identity system, for the original application of the character â€Å"Filipino†was only for Spaniards and their descendants who lived on the islands; the indigenous natives were simply called â€Å"indios.\r\n†The 19th century saw a character reversal process: the last mentioned (â€Å"indiosâ€Â) who have capitulated, are now called â€Å"Filipinos†while the former, mostly require descendants of colonizers, now prefer to call them â€Å"Spanish. †The character Dona Victorina is a reflection of the triumph of colonialismâ€the alteration of air and thinking patterned after the character’s perception of a superior race. unity one hundred years ago, there was a Dona Victorina. Today, the trappings of a colonial mindset persist, and are expressed in the attraction to look western and to consume Western goods.\r\nDona Victorina is a characterization of lost identity. Her frivolity, and that of Paulita Gomez, who is greatly capture by the trappings of the elite, who loves the man who could maintain the of necessity of her class, and who is a vain and flighty version of maria Clara, may be seen today in the trope of Imelda Marcos. The likes of Imelda Marcos also mirror, ironically, an new(prenominal) Rizal character, Dona Consolacion, who can be set forth as an interesting specimen of colonial deformation. She may serve as an ex axerophtholle of â€Å"the dehumanization of the indio,†a case of total alienation from her original self, or from her potential self.\r\nThe character Sisa also represents the opposite image of Paulita, a contradiction of the so-called high perspective and the liberated label describing the Filipino women today. She is the woman Mary Hollenstei ner speaks of in her article, â€Å"The Wifeâ€Â: quietly suffering from subjugation, sacrificing to put nutriment on the table, living only for her sons. Sisa represents the unsounded victims of an oppression which drove her to madness and destruction.\r\nThere are millions of Sisas in the Philippines today: the unfortunate women who are scavenging for food in the mountains of trash, the degraded women whose bodies are used as commodities, and the squalld wives who are repeatedly beaten by their husbands. The opposite woman, Juli, emerges as the one character that chooses death over a life in shame. She suffers abuse and humiliation working as a consideration to carry her family’s debt. She brings to mind the women of today who work for starvation wages.\r\nJuli refuses to be coerced; her death liberates her from oppression. Among these characters, perhaps Juli shell characterizes a sense of purpose and identity. In Rizal’s characters, the women who seem t o be able to obtain their desire needs no matter the consequences are Dona Victorina, Paulita Gomez, and Dona Consolacion. On the other hand, misfortune seems to be the fate of the women whose brain could be raised to levels higher than that of self- give way. The all-giving attitude of Maria Clara, Sisa, and Juli leads them to their deaths.\r\nWithin their loving strata, each character is confronted with change degrees of oppression which in turn defines the parameters of liberation. In their pipe dream to hold on to the symbols of the ruling class, the former conclave has made themselves seemingly strong and highly visible handmaidens of a system which feeds on varying levels of compulsion and subjugation. The latter group’s retreat into death or madness carries two concurrent views: 1) the competency to exercise a final liberation as a form of defiance to oppression, and 2) the weakness and unfitness to confront any form of in barelyice.\r\nWho is more than crush? Who has in truth liberated herself? Perhaps, what we are seeing is the notion that oppression has slowed down the process towards a content identity in general and towards a Filipina identity in particular. The reality is that the Philippines is a country facilitate going through the throes of colonization. Indeed, there are those who have catapulted to the highest ranks, such as Corazon Aquino and Imelda Marcos, who embody differences in substance, style, and character. However, there are contradictions.\r\nCorazon Aquino’s high visibility, status, and power contradicts the image of a meek and subservient wife true to the memory of her husband; while Imelda Marcos, the â€Å"Iron coquet†of unparalleled extravagance, is a drastic contrast to the image of a once dutiful and subservient wife. notwithstandstilling the fact that both overcame the traditional roles assigned to women of their friendly class by reaching positions of political power, they perch subse rvient to the memories of their husbands, nevertheless exemplify the interests of the class they represent.\r\n kinsfolk interest is perhaps the overriding difference amongst highly visible women, such as Corazon Aquino and Imelda Marcos, and the glowing activistic women carrying the legacy of an intellectualized Gabriela Silang. While women in power and women working for empowerment both assert a heritage and demand a platform, the contradiction in all probability lies in the former’s subservience and the latter’s ability to address issues that cut across class lines.\r\nBut class again diametrically separates political women from those who suffer in silence, such as the patient and self-sacrificing women who toil to feed their families, work in sweat shops, as vendors, scavengers, and prostitutes. There are also those who come faceless and nameless for they may flit and slide and go seemingly where the perfume blows, all these, indeed a kaleidoscope of conflic ting Filipina identities.\r\nnot only do Rizal’s novels provide a matrix for identity and conflict, they also allow a rare view of a people’s past which formed their culture today, and of a social cancer of which, up to the present, â€Å"the best cure†is still to be found. In the process of identity formation or perpetuation of identity conflict, the women in Rizal’s novels best serve as bridges in the development process, allowing the flow from the early 1800s mythical formation to the current emerging identity.\r\nThe social, cultural and political setting of both past and present are reflect in the novels. The myth of the â€Å"high status†of the Filipina has caused Philippine women, wittingly or unwittingly, to become at times participants in their own oppression. This â€Å"containment by elevation†has allowed the sum of money of womanhood to be subjected to and dictated by rules and regulations theorise by and for the satisfact ion of a colonial auberge. Philippine women find themselves attempting to wade out of a morass of confusion over their identity.\r\nRemembrance of Rizal is fast disappearing when it ought to be cherished and honored by all Filipinos. It was he who, more effectively than anyone else among his compatriots, unified the disparate inhabitants of our archipelago into one nation. It was he who made them share a common rage against the foreign intruder and a common aspiration for the freedom of their land. Rizal awakened the issue conscience from its lethargy not through the force of weapons system but with the armies of his pen.\r\nThese were the â€Å"Noli†and â€Å"El Filibusterismo,†his â€Å"Letter to the Women of Malolos,†his new-fangled poems for the Motherland, his â€Å"Mi Ultimo Adios†that he secreted in a lamp in Fort Santiago hours before his death, and other irrefutable accusations against the Spaniards. His words were like mighty legions th at win for our country the freedom we now enjoy. Summary As we all see, that woman of today are very different from the past. Filipino women today are hold out and strong enough just like Rizal to fight for what they think is right.\r\nThere also some women from the past who fight for their rights like fostering but as compare today woman are more confident to stand. There are woman activist who really do what a Filipino woman can do to make a stand for their fellow ugly Filipino people peculiarly those people who are uneducated, they take everything to achieve their goals. Nowadays, we are now equal with man in more or less everything most especially in terms of direction, all people in our country, man and woman, rich and poor are now equal in acquiring education.\r\nBecause of it we are now challenge to face the unfavorable circumstances and cut acrossd to fight for changes, not just to limit our roles as housewives but also to continue fighting for what is right, and th at’s what a real Filipino woman identity today. Just like Rizal, he focused on self-improvement, showing to Spain and the rest of the foreign community that, given the opportunity to achieve their dependable potential, Filipinos could stand alongside the best in the valet and were eligible for self-rule.\r\nThen he set out to apply what he had learned as an ophthalmologist, providing a basic service that was badly needed by his impoverished compatriots. In his writings he accentuate the importance of education, seeing it as the path to national progress rather than armed revolt. We all know that prudence does not consist in blindly obeying any whim of the little tin God, but in obeying only that which is reasonable and just, because blind respect is itself the cause and origin of those whims, and those guilty of it are really to be blamed.\r\nRizal said that God gave each individual reason and a will of his or her own to distinguish the just and the unjust, all were born without shackles and free, and zip has a right to subjugate the will and the opinion of another. I hope we can revive the respectful sentiments of gratitude to him for his efforts in releasing us from foreign bondage. political rhetoric is not enough to keep his courage alive. Let us remember that he forsook the enticements of his youthful and gifted life and embraced instead the ultimate sacrifice for the welfare of his country.\r\nThat is the best homage we can pay the greatest hero of our race. Conclusion The issue of racial equality is today hardly disputed in intellectual circles. During Rizal’s time, however, the claim that â€Å"all races are essentially equal†was a highly debated matter among anthropologists, biologists, and philosophers. The readers of his novels, essays, and letters are familiar with his portrayal and imprecation of Spanish colonial rule.\r\nHis insistence on the education of the native Indios, the representation of the Philippines in the Cortes Generales, and more so the recognition of the civil rights of the Filipino are all based on the belief that there are neither â€Å"essentially†superior nor â€Å"essentially†indifferent races. In this belief stems the conviction that his fellow Filipinos had the qualification for autonomy and enlightenment. The present Filipino youth essential know that in order to make their strawman felt, they must understand Rizal.\r\nTo understand Rizal, they must have the constitution and motivation to do so. Without such spirit or motivation, they will never be able to understand Rizal’s objectives or even the other heroes who fought for equality and freedom for the sake of the Fatherland. I think that the Filipino youth will be able to move the society through these implied teachings of Jose Rizal that will fritter away a new love to the Filipino Hero, I admit that I only considered Rizal’s conduct and Works as another general education subjec t that is needed to be taken.\r\nBut what I get is more than just knowing Rizal, but also knowing my Filipino identity and that I must fight at all follow to defend my identity. A lot of what Rizal had dreamed of has now come true for many people in the state. He was already a modern democrat when he advocated participation in the state and society with education. Today, education is no longer a permit among the small elite, for everybody’s participation in all public matters has become a right and duty. â€Â\r\nOne’s right to express him or her in all matters is founded on compulsory education with the required quality standards. References: Jose Rizal’s Writings in Europe and its message to the Filipino Youth Today Zaide, Gregorio F. & Zaide, Sonia M. 1998. Jose Rizal: Life, Works and Writings of a Genius, Writer, Scientist and theme Hero. Capino, Gonzales and Pineda: Rizal’s life, works and writings:their impact on our National identity Colo nization: It’s Impact on Self-Image Philippine Women in Rizal’s Novels and Today By Linda Acupanda McGloin.\r\n'
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