Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)+Multi-objective analysis or Essay
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)+Multi-objective analysis or indicators - Essay Example Therefore it is a key factor contributing to project success. Nevertheless, procurement strategy selection decisions have been mostly judgmental, and hence subject to biases of the decision-maker. In this respect, the need to have a more objective and systematic selection model is self-evident. Developing a model for procurement selection is therefore of strategic importance and several leading research works have been reported (Masterman and Gameson, 84; Skitmore and Marsden, 121; Love et al., 221). This paper reports a study conducted in Hong Kong on the development of a procurement selection model based on multi-attribute utility technology (MAUT). The robustness of the model is enhanced with the use of the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to determine the importance weightings for the selection criteria. The proposed method seeks to improve the objectivity of the procurement selection process by utilizing the expertise of industrial experts to determine the utility factors. The analytical hierarchy process is used also to determine the importance weightings of the selection criteria. When construction clients face the problem of selecting a procurement method for a project, the clients’ previous experience plays an influential role. As well as the degree of subjectivity, the decision is complicated by the multitude of decision criteria and options available. The nature of the problem fits nicely with multi-attribute utility technology (Edwards, 3; Green, 1992). MAUT is a methodology that can be used as a tool for measuring objectivity in an otherwise subjective area of management (Fellows et al., 27). MAUT is considered to be appropriate as it enables the integration of both the effects of the priority rating and the utilities derived from the respective procurement options. The approach involves first assigning a rating to each of the selection criteria. The ratings are then applied to the utilities derived from a particular procurement method against
Monday, October 28, 2019
Are The Theories Of Thucydides Relevant?
Are The Theories Of Thucydides Relevant? Are Thucydides and his History of the Peloponnesian War still relevant for the analysis of contemporary international relations? Why? It can surely be said that the realism school of thought was created by the great Greek historian Thucydides after his studies on the Peloponnesian Wars. His main assumption, which embodies the realist school of thought, is that relations between states are not based on right but rather on might, and that a state of anarchy prevails. To answer this essay question, the essay will dispute the degree of relevance of Thucydides theories and ideas in the modern world politics, by mainly using the Melian Dialogue as an insight of comparison. Thucydides observations begin during the Peloponnesian Wars between the different Greek city-states (polis). His first recognition was that there was a certain degree of pattern between the strategies adopted by these city-states concerning the relationship between them. He points out a hierarchical system of actions, while a change in smaller states will not make a difference, a change in stronger states car arguably unbalance a whole system. The following quote exemplifies this: What made war inevitable was the growth of Athenian power and the fear which this caused in Sparta. Two reasons can be identified of why the start of the Peloponnesian War. The first reason is the amazing growth of Athens in all spheres, and the second, the release of the Megarian Decree. Athens did this due to its preoccupations about the loyalty of its colonies. The Megarian Decree was essentially an economic sanction towards Megara in order to break its alliance with Sparta, which in turn becomes a threat to Spartas and Corinthian security (Gilpin, 1991: 34). The next chain of events was that the Corinthians made an ultimatum to the Spartans, suggesting a front against the Athenians, otherwise they would form a new alliance, thus harming Spartan security. In response, the Spartans demanded the annulment of the Megarian Decree, however Athens refusal to do so was probably the direct cause of war. Thus the security dilemma can be said to have driven the two powers into an undesired war (Lebow, 1991:127). To compare it with a modern example it has to be mentioned the sudden change in US perception of Soviet power after the Soviet Union launched its first ICBM. This action led to a growing US insecurity, Kennedys concern to maintain US power led to an increase in US strategic build up (Lebow,1991:142). However Kauppi states that there are intervening variables preventing the shifting balance of power leading to war in the cold war world. He cites modern examples of the restraining effect of nuclear weapons, and the existence of neutrals as having a stabilizing influence by not entrapping the superpowers in a zero sum game. He also cites the role of ideology as convincing both superpowers that they could win without war (Gilpin, 1991: 47). Moreover, it has to be mentioned that while power transition theory and the resultant fear may explain the stress imposed on the states, other factors can avoid fear from resulting in war. Lebow matches the power transition theory by arguing that Athens reached the peak of its power twenty years before the war started, he con cludes with the notion that it is the perception of power that is vital to power transition theory and war, the effect of middle powers like Corinth is another factor to consider (Lebow, 1991: 128). Again, during the Cold War, even though there was not a direct confrontation, the large defence spending and the development of weapons of mass destruction demonstrates that both superpowers used fear to dissuade each other and acting on fear by arming themselves, the MAD doctrine comes into consideration. Self interest is also one of the main features of Thucydides thought, according to Gilpin, Thucydides thought that human nature was unchangeable and since human beings were determined by interest, fear and pride, they always look for to augment their wealth until others driven by the same, try to stop them (Welch, 2003: 304). In the Melian dialogue the Athenians say: Our opinion of the gods and our knowledge of men lead us to conclude that it is a general and necessary law of nature to rule wherever one can (Brown, Nardin, Rengger, 2002: 57). The speech by the Athenians shows that their only worry is of preserving their empire, and they try to convince the Melians that it is in their best interest to surrender. They ask the Melians to ignore the matter of justice and claim that it is not in Spartas interest to interfere on their behalf (Brown, Nardin, Rengger, 2002: 57). It can be stated very confidently that the Melian dialogue reflects the law of nature of self interest being the m ost useful strategy. To give a modern example of self interest, the statist concept or the national interest, observed in the Mytilenian debate. Both Diodotus and Cleon try to deal the situation to Athenss benefit, even though they have diverse opinions, as Diodotus considerations of justice are inapplicable to interstate relations (Welch, 2003: 76). An example of self interest in US doctrine on Space (Oct 2006): The United States will preserve its rights, capabilities, and freedom of action in space and deny, if necessary, adversaries the use of space capabilities hostile to US national interests (BBC News. (2006). US adopts tough new space policy. Available: Last accessed 20 Dec 2009). In modern times the principal of self interest still guides the actions of states, however, it may not always be that of a single state, as states may cooperate to pursue their common self interest. This is highly considered by the states, as th ey understand that in a more globalised world they must re-think their actions of self interest. The expansion of international law, above all, humanitarian law, indicated that there are rules of non intervention and human rights that states are coerced to pursue. Disapproval from the international community in case of their infringement would not be in a states national or self interest. Therefore, while the national interest is an important constituent of state decision making, in the present day, the knowledge f two world wars and the predominance of liberal ideas indicate that the national interest is still imperative but not the only motive for state behaviour. Power politics is the effect of fear and self interest. To engage in power politics, the Athenians conclude: depends on strength: The standard of justice, depends on the equality of power to compel and that, in fact, the strong do what they have the power to do and the weak accept what they have to accept (Brown, Nardin, Rengger, 2002: 52). Therefore, the skill of imposing your demands depends on relative power. As the quote from the Melian dialogue demonstrates, Athens warns Melos to submit as they are too weak to oppose. In view of the fact that there is anarchy between the states relations, the command that exists is created and continued by the powerful that inflict their power inside their sphere of influence. States, resembling to individuals, are encouraged by self interest and fear, and plea to justice only when their interest is provided. The natural right of the stronger to rule over the weaker is a rather simplistic explanation of imperialism (Brown, Nardin, Rengger, 2002: 75). A present day example is that of US warning countries that they were either with us or against us. It can be said that this is a warning to force unity in the war on terror. Thucydides adds that an actors power determines his treatment thus showing the essential nature of the balance of power in international relations. This is the safe rule to stand up to ones equals, to behave with deference towards ones superiors and to treat ones inferiors with moderation. (Brown, Nardin, Rengger, 2002: 58) A quote from US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice about nations that didnt support the war on Iraq illustrates this: Punish France, ignore Germany and forgive Russia. (Reuters. (2003). Rice Quoted Saying U.S. to Ignore Schroeder. Available: Last accessed 20 Dec 2009.) Thucydides finds that it is a law of nature that the weak become subject to the strong and when the opportunity of aggrandisement is offered by superior strength considerati ons of right and wrong are sacrificed to self interest (Welch, 2003,75). The notion of universal justice is not denied by Thucydides, he merely admits that for better or worse it has no limiting strength in a system composed of states not equal in power (Welch, 2003:75). On the other side, Bagby disputes that not all states choose to maximise power. The example of Sparta and how the Corinthians call them shy and weak in contrast to Athens, comes to mind. These national differences are established by King Archidamus when he tells the Spartans: be not ashamed of the slowness and dilatoriness for which they censure us most. (Bagby, 1994:138) Doyle points out that the political ideologies of Athens and Sparta and the dissimilar sectors of society they attract were a significant constituent of their conflict. Doyle reveals that Thucydides stress on the national character of Athens, in its impatient culture and its democratic institutions (Doyle, 1997:150-152). Consequently, the aim of ma ximising power can be understood as a powerful encouragement, but domestic pressures and domestic character are also vital. In conclusion, Thucydides was one of the first to create three assumptions of classical political realism: states are the main players, they take power as an end in itself or as a means to other ends and act in ways that are rational. (Keohane, Bagby, 1994:132) Although Thucydides has been interpreted in many ways, his theories about human nature: self interest, power maximisation and fear, are lasting. They describe the strains acting on states in todays world pushing them to take decisions. Even though there are many differences between today and his time Thucydides successfully makes clear the psychological and social propensity in strategy and is therefore relevant today, as the Athenians state: And it is not as if we were the first to make this law, or to act upon it when made: we found it existing before us, and shall leave it to exist for ever after us; all we do is to make use of it, knowing that you and everybody else, having the same power as we have, would do the same as w e do.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Gaelic League :: Essays Papers
The Gaelic League After the famine and the institution of Home Rule on Ireland as part of the United Kingdom, the partially broken country, Ireland, became in need of nationalism in its land, along with something that would set the Irish apart from England. Answering the call for leadership in a country with a desperate need for it, Douglas Hyde and Eoin MacNeill stepped up. In 1893, the two joined to form the Gaelic League. The effects of this organization change the success of Ireland as a country. The Gaelic League was not only a source of nationalism and unity for the country, the league also gave Ireland a sense of uniqueness from its dominating and overbearing neighbor, England. The League eventually helped the country gain its independence. The Gaelic League did, however, experience great difficulties throughout its existence and became a factor in the eventual civil war in Ireland. The Gaelic League was designed by Douglas Hyde and Eoin MacNeill in order to separate Ireland from England. Similar to today, when countries do not want to loose their customs and traditions to the American customs and traditions, Ireland was striving to maintain its sense of individuality. Ireland, from the perspective of other nations, was just part of the United Kingdom and considered under the control of England (MacDonagh 68). Hyde and MacNeill, along with many others, were not content with the partial freedom Ireland received from the Home Rule Act. The act gave Ireland a chance to hold its own parliament, but would keep English institutions and speak English as their national language. In order to keep the Gaelic language alive, Gaelic speaking and singing contests were held to promote the learning of the language (Brown 94). These contests were associated with the Gaelic Athletic Association which was a precursor to the Gaelic League. The Gaelic Athletic As sociate created teams from Ireland which would compete against each other, creating another source of income, although very minimal, for some peasants and another part of the economy for a financially weak country. These speaking competitions eventually lead to the creation of the Gaelic League. The goal of The Gaelic League was to maintain the Irish language by teaching it in schools.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Comparison Paper
Comparison Paper Brittany Seawright NUR/ 408 February 11, 2013 Beth Edwards Comparison Paper According to a report published in 1988 by the Institute of Medicine, public health was defined as â€Å"what we, as a society, do collectively to assure the conditions in which people can be healthy†(Stanhope & Lancaster, p. 7, 2012). The mission of public health was â€Å"to generate organized community effort to address the public interest in health by applying scientific and technical knowledge to prevent disease and promote health†(Stanhope & Lancaster, p. , 2012). The definition and mission of public health has not changed. â€Å"In the United States, the local-state-federal partnership includes federal agencies, the state and territorial public health agencies, and the 3200 local public health agencies†(Stanhope & Lancaster, p. 990, 2012). Healthy People 2020 and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are agencies of public health at the national level . The state health department is an agency of public health at the state and county levels. The interaction of these agencies is critical to effectively leverage precious resources, both financial and personnel, and to protect and promote the health of populations†(Stanhope & Lancaster, p. 990, 2012). History of Public Health People who are born today can expect to live 30 years longer than those who were born in 1990 (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). Advocacy begun in the late 1910s, policymakers and social welfare representatives strived to constitute national health insurance (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). In 1965 congress amended the Social Security Act to include health insurance benefits for older adults (Medicare) and increased care for the poor (Medicaid)†(Stanhope & Lancaster, p. 36, 2012). The Social Security Act did not cover preventive services, and home health care was only reimbursed with a doctors order (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). Local and state health dep artments changed their policies to allow agencies o reimburse home care as bedside nursing, which reduced health promotion and prevention (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). In the 1970s, nursing was viewed highly for improving the health care of communities (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). â€Å"Nurses made significant contributions to the hospice movement, the development of birthing centers, daycare for older adults and disabled persons, drug abuse programs, and rehabilitation services in long-term care†(Stanhope & Lancaster, p. 38, 2012).In the 1980s, there was concern about high cost of health care in the United States, and health promotion and disease prevention services were not top priority because funding was more essential in other areas (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). Fewer nurses were employed by official public health agencies because of low state and federal funds (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). During the 1900s and 2000s, the focus was on cost, improving quality of care, a ccess to health care services, and advancing the public health nursing profession (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). Federal public health agencies develop regulations that implement policies formulated by Congress, provide a significant amount of funding to state and territorial health agencies for public health activities, survey the nation’s health status and health needs, set practices and standards, provide expertise that facilitates evidence-based practice, coordinate public health activities that cross state lines, and support health services research†(Stanhope & Lancaster, p. 90, 2012). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was established on July 1, 1946 on a floor of a small building in Atlanta, Georgia (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). â€Å"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was initially focused on fighting Malaria by killing mosquitos†(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Para 2, 2012).Presently, the  "Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the nation’s premier public health agency†, and has a mission to â€Å"collaborate to create the expertise, information, and tools that people and communities need to protect their health- through promotion, prevention of disease, injury and disability, and preparedness for new health threats†(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Para 2, 2012). Healthy People 2020 is also a national public health agency. â€Å"Since 1979 the U. S. Surgeon General has worked with local, state, and federal agencies; the private sector; and the U. S. population to evelop objectives for preventing disease and promoting health for the nation†(Stanhope & Lancaster, p. 999, 2012). Healthy People 2020 objectives were presented in 2009 to the public, and one of the goals is to â€Å"promote quality of life, healthy development and healthy behaviors across all life stages†(Stanhope & Lancaster, p. 999, 2012). The health department is a state public health agency that prevents disease, improves health and wellness, promotes quality of life, and assists the people of each region in building healthy communities (South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, 2012).The county health department is where much of the direct health care is provided to the people of the communities in each state. County and state level public health agencies collaborate and partner with national agencies to promote healthy communities. Local public health departments are responsible for implementing and enforcing local, state, and federal public health codes and ordinances while providing essential public health services (Stanhope & Lancaster, p. 1003, 2012). Differences between public and community health Public and community health are specialty areas and each have their own focuses.Public health focuses on the communities and populations as a whole, and community health focuses on the individuals, famili es, and groups within a community. Both specialty areas have the same goal, and that is to promote health and prevent disease and illness. â€Å"Public health is not a branch of medicine; it is an organized community approach designed to prevent disease, promote health, and protect populations††(Stanhope & Lancaster, p. 990, 2012). The settings of where public health nurses and community health nurses work are different.Public health nurses may work for organizations or government areas, such as the state health department. Community health nurses may work in schools, clinics, hospitals, home health, county health department, or nursing homes. Health care is changing and improving every day. Nurses have a huge role in promoting health and preventing disease and illness in populations. Public health is built on partnerships (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012). Governmental agencies at the local, state, and federal levels are partners in the public health system that must work together to develop and implement solutions hat will improve a community’s health (Stanhope & Lancaster, p. 990, 2012). References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012). Our History – Our Story. http://www. cdc. gov/about/history/ourstory. htm South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. (2012). Region 2 Public Health Office. Retrieved from http://www. scdhec. gov/health/region2/index. htm Stanhope, M. , & Lancaster, J. (2012). Public Health Nursing: Population-Centered Health Care in the Community (8th ed. ). (Elsevier, Ed. ) Maryland Heights, Missouri: Mosby
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
I Am Sam Film Analysis Essay
Sam is an intellectually disabled man whose place in society is questioned regularly as many members of society look down on him as a person and a parent, judging him and alienating him and showing him that he doesn’t belong. These opinions are strengthened in a scene where Sam’s daily routine is partially altered when he takes Lucy to Big Boy instead of IHOP and is unable to get his usual order; he has a mental break down and this reaction from the slight change only reinforces to the rest of society that as a mentally disabled man, Sam doesn’t belong as a regular part of society. As a director of the film, Nelson uses different colours as a technique to convey emotion and create the feeling of belonging or not belonging. When Sam and Lucy are together the colours are bright which creates a warm, welcoming atmosphere showing that he belongs. Although in contrary scenes where he wishes to make it seem as though Sam doesn’t belong, such as in the courtroom scenes where Lucy, the one person who makes him feel as though he belongs is taken from him, he creates a sad and dark atmosphere turning the colours dark and this to be more emotional. Background music is used to control the mood and atmosphere of the film and is used as an instrument to represent the sense of belonging and not belonging Sam feels. This technique is shown in the beginning of the film when Sam’s routine has to change and he rushes to hospital in order to see the birth of his daughter, the music is turned to a frantic percussion beat representing the feeling of stress and desperate nature of the situation he is in. Throughout the movie this quick pace percussion beat continuous emphasising the stress for Sam in particular scenes when he feels stressed or as though he doesn’t belong, like at the time when he realises Lucy is holding back her education because of him in order to make him feel smarter the beat represents his quickening heart rate, which is how Nelson used sound to reinforce mood and atmosphere. Nelson also uses props to show the loving nature of the relationship between Lucy and Sam. A scene where this is depicted is when they are on the swings together at the park, Nelson uses doves, which is a symbol of love, flying across the sky above them at the beginning of the scene in a birds-eye view camera shot which symbolizes the everlasting love between them. Another camera technique used to convey love between Lucy and Sam is conveyed when the camera zooms in on Sam and Lucy who are holding hands showing that despite his intellectual incapability she accepts and loves her fath er regardless.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Thomas Couture “Decadence Of The Romans“
The name of this painting is â€Å"Decadence of the Romans,†and the painter is Thomas Couture. This painting was done around 1879, and is located the RISD Museum of Art. It was done with oil paint on a canvas, and the dimensions are 16 13/16†X26  ½. The composition of this painting is based on a central point. Around this point or horizontal line are equal amounts of weight. Each side of the composition balances out equally. The shadows are also included in this; there are equal amounts of light and darks spots on each side. The colors are toned down bights. There are some bright blues in it, but for he most part there are toned down colors. Also Couture used a chiaroscuro effect. The light spots emphasize the people who are meant to be noticed. I noticed that for the most part, the women are lit up brighter than the men are. The men seem to be almost in the shadows. Because of this emphasize on the women, this painting seems to be geared towards a male audience. The scale of this painting is small compared to a person. It is very small compared to more ancient paintings. This painting seems to use Linear Perspective. All of the diagonals and the shadows suggest a vanishing point that is almost exactly on the penis of the centr al statue. This could be because there is a sexual meaning behind the painting. Couture’s’ painting seems to be religious in a way. The woman in the middle, who is the brightest person in the painting, is Mary. She appears to be very sad, this is another sign that she is meant to be Mary. The man to her right, on the floor, is Jesus. He has a crown on and he has his head down like he is dead. Also, there appears to be around twelve men in the painting who may represent the twelve apostles. The emotional tone in this painting seems to be very sexual, but also extremely somber at the same time. Also, there is the use of symbolism in the fruit that is on the floor. It may relate to the part of a Christi... Free Essays on Thomas Couture â€Å"Decadence Of The Romansâ€Å" Free Essays on Thomas Couture â€Å"Decadence Of The Romansâ€Å" The name of this painting is â€Å"Decadence of the Romans,†and the painter is Thomas Couture. This painting was done around 1879, and is located the RISD Museum of Art. It was done with oil paint on a canvas, and the dimensions are 16 13/16†X26  ½. The composition of this painting is based on a central point. Around this point or horizontal line are equal amounts of weight. Each side of the composition balances out equally. The shadows are also included in this; there are equal amounts of light and darks spots on each side. The colors are toned down bights. There are some bright blues in it, but for he most part there are toned down colors. Also Couture used a chiaroscuro effect. The light spots emphasize the people who are meant to be noticed. I noticed that for the most part, the women are lit up brighter than the men are. The men seem to be almost in the shadows. Because of this emphasize on the women, this painting seems to be geared towards a male audience. The scale of this painting is small compared to a person. It is very small compared to more ancient paintings. This painting seems to use Linear Perspective. All of the diagonals and the shadows suggest a vanishing point that is almost exactly on the penis of the centr al statue. This could be because there is a sexual meaning behind the painting. Couture’s’ painting seems to be religious in a way. The woman in the middle, who is the brightest person in the painting, is Mary. She appears to be very sad, this is another sign that she is meant to be Mary. The man to her right, on the floor, is Jesus. He has a crown on and he has his head down like he is dead. Also, there appears to be around twelve men in the painting who may represent the twelve apostles. The emotional tone in this painting seems to be very sexual, but also extremely somber at the same time. Also, there is the use of symbolism in the fruit that is on the floor. It may relate to the part of a Christi...
Monday, October 21, 2019
A Time Of Change Essays - Epistemologists, Continental Philosophers
A Time Of Change Essays - Epistemologists, Continental Philosophers A Time of Change The enlightenment was a great time of change in both Europe and America. Some of the biggest changes, however, happened in the minds of many and in the writings of many philosophers. These included some of the beliefs of David Hume, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Immanuel Kant, and Francois Voltaire. Writers during this time focused on optimism, which is the opinion to do everything for the best (Chaney 119), and the best for these philosophers was to stretch the minds of the ordinary. David Hume was Scottish and was born on April 26, 1711 and died in 1776. He states that he was not born into a rich family and was born into the Calvinist Presbyterian Church. However, after being influenced by the works of Isaac Newton and John Locke he began to draw back from the Church. He writes in Enquiry, "The idea of God, as meaning an infinitely intelligent, wise and good Being, arises from reflecting on the operations of our own mind, and augmenting, without limit, those qualities of goodness and wisdom." (Pomerleau 214) The questions he brought up against religion were that concrete experiences must lead us and that we must think about the quality of the stories that were handed down to us. He wanted everyone to only believe the actions that one experienced, there has to be proof. He also believed that there were four basic problems to the stories that we hear. First of all, the facts to the stories are never the same to everyone. Second, we stretch the truth to make everyt hing interesting. Third, people who do not understand these stories tend to make things up. Finally, not all of the religions agree. Therefore, the stories conflicted each other leaving a person to not know what to believe. He believes that "Our most holy religion is founded on Faith, not on reason; and it is a sure method of exposing it to put it to such a trial as it is, by no means, fitted to endure." (215) Hume also believed in the social contract. This is that kings are in power because of luck and citizens should have control over their own power. During Hume's lifetime a representative government was not something that countries thrived on. He also thought that the duties of men were to love children and to pity those that are less fortunate. He also thought that one should respect other's properties and keep our promises. Hume argued that we are born into our family with the knowledge passed on to us, from this point Hume says that government is only an interference in the lives of people. He uses the example of American Tribes where no one needs a government to keep peace within the group (Pomerleau 222). These are the two main points that Hume tried to make. They are the basis of what got people to think about their lives and decide that what they have now might not be the best thing that their life can accomplish. From his points of view, we can move on to another influential philosopher, Jean Jacques Rousseau. Jean Jacques Rousseau was born in Geneva in 1712. His first years in his life were very hard because his mother died shortly after birth and he was sent to live with his aunt. However, his life turned around and he married and began his life as a philosopher. Rousseau was involved with the social contract like Hume. His book, however, did not become popular until after the French Revolution because these were the conditions that the revolution was based on (Chambers 669). His ideal government would contain a small state, prevention of overpowering businesses, and equality in rank and fortune (Castell 419). He distrusted the aristocrats because he believed they were drawing away from traditions that were once held very high ("The Enlightenment," http). To him kings are just concerned with themselves and when one dies, another one is needed. None of these people ever take in to consideration the less fortunate. Everyone has to move to the beliefs of one man. Rousseau felt that the gov ernment should be in the hands of many, not just one. Ideally, everyone in a society
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Berenguela of Castile
Berenguela of Castile About Berenguela of Castile Known for: role in the succession of Castile and Leon; regent of Castile for her brother Enrique I Occupation: briefly, queen of LeonDates: January/June 1, 1180 - November 8, 1246Also known as: Berengaria of Castile More About Berenguela of Castile Berenguela was born to King Alfonso VIII of Castile and Eleanor Plantagenet, Queen of Castile. An arranged marriage to Conrad II of Swabia did not happen; he was murdered in 1196 before the marriage was held. Berenguelas Marriage In 1197, Berenguela was married instead to Alfonso IX of Leon, her dowry including lands were settlement of a conflict between Leon and Castile. In 1198, the Pope excommunicated the couple on grounds of consanguinity. The couple had five children before they dissolved the marriage in 1204 to remove their excommunication. Berenguela moved back to her fathers Castilian court, with her children. Berenguela and Castile When her father, Alfonso VIII, died in 1214, her mother Eleanors grief was so great that Berenguela had to handle the burial of Alfonso. Eleanor died less than a month after her husband did. Berenguela then became regent for her young brother, Enrique (Henry) I. Enrique died in 1217, killed by a falling roof tile. Berenguela, the eldest daughter of Alfonso VIII, renounced her own claim to the throne in favor of her son, Ferdinand III, later to be canonized as Saint Ferdinand. Berenguela and Alfonso IX - Battles Over Succession Berenguelas former husband, Alfonso IX, believed he had the right to rule Castile, and he attacked Berenguela and Ferdinand who won the battle. Berenguela and Alfonso IX also fought over who would succeed Alfonso in Leon. He wanted his daughters by his first wife to be preferred in the succession. Alfonso tried to marry one of these elder daughters to John of Brienne, a French nobleman and crusader who had been named King of Jerusalem. But John selected instead Berenguela of Leon, a daughter of Alfonso by his second wife Berenguela of Castile. Some of their descendents became Englands House of Lancaster. Unification Under Ferdinand When Alfonso IX of Leon died in 1230, Ferdinand and his mother Berenguela negotiated a settlement with Ferdinands half-sisters, and he brought Leon and Castile together. Berenguela of Castile remained an active advisor of her son, Ferdinand III. Background, Family: Mother: Eleanor, Queen of Castile, a daughter of Henry II of England and Eleanor of AquitaineFather: Alfonso VIII of CastileSiblings included: Urraca of Castile, Queen of Portugal; Blanche of Castile, Queen of France; Mafalda; Constanza; Eleanor of Castile; Enrique (Henry) I of Castile Marriage, Children: Husband: King Alfonso IX of Leon (married 1197-1204)Children:EleanorFerdinand IIIAlfonsoBerengariaConstance
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Briefing paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Briefing paper - Essay Example The level of misunderstanding does increase terribly such meeting occurs between people of different countries. Variations in the methods applied to communication also show the difference in culture that is available in the country. These variations, therefore, tend to cause challenges for international companies like Secure IT Mobile towards their globalization system. As a business company in Italy, the Secure IT is faced with a lot of difficulties concerning corruption practices by its employees and the clients themselves. However, in some cultures within the country do accept bribes but it is still detrimental the development of such companies within the market structure. Some forms of bribery that may include money, gifts, some favors, and even entertainment to those targeted by such bribes. Any bribe is quite illegal in Italy and also is unethical business practice in a healthy business operation environment. Some countries, however, bribes are allowed to such an extent no any business can operate in such countries without offering bribes. Bribery, therefore, should be discouraged at all costs since inhibits total income collection from most investment companies, with reference to Secure IT mobile too in Italy(Soerens & Hwang 2009). Businesses such as the Secure IT mobile in Italy may find themselves paying bribes. They can find themselves spending because of the following conditions; competition from other firms, pressure from top management and legalization of the practice itself by the country. Lastly, they may also do them because of high taxation levies, government regulations, and reduced payment to government officials and bureaucratic business delays(Rotschild & Wingfield 2008). The language used for communication in Italy is the Italia no. However, English is the most recognized business language all over the world. It has, therefore, proved to be very difficult for Secure
Bans on Texting While Driving Dont Work Assignment
Bans on Texting While Driving Dont Work - Assignment Example Since only four states out of the many states that have already imposed texting-while-driving banning laws have been subjected to the survey, the statement that such laws are ineffective is not really conclusive. However, it is not too far-fetched to presume that texting-while-driving banning laws are really hard to implement. The offensive act takes place inside a vehicle in these cases and chances are law enforcement authorities would actually have a difficult time spying who is and who is not using his or her cell phone while driving. Nonetheless, it has been established that texting while driving is a road hazard that can jeopardize the health and safety of people on the road. Thus, despite the difficulty of implementing such a law, the government should continue with zealously enforcing it. At the same time, a more effective and relentless campaign against the dangerous habit must be conducted in all media. AdelaVoice, a venture-funded company located in Massachusetts, is announcing the launching of StartTalking, a software solution that promises to solve the hazard of texting while driving. Once installed on an Android mobile phone, StartTalking can be made useful when a person needs to use his phones but has to keep his hands and eyes on other things – like when he or she is driving. StartTalking runs quietly in the background ready to execute the voice commands of the user which can be initiated by uttering certain â€Å"prompts†like the words ‘computer’ and ‘operator.’
Bans on Texting While Driving Dont Work Assignment
Bans on Texting While Driving Dont Work - Assignment Example Since only four states out of the many states that have already imposed texting-while-driving banning laws have been subjected to the survey, the statement that such laws are ineffective is not really conclusive. However, it is not too far-fetched to presume that texting-while-driving banning laws are really hard to implement. The offensive act takes place inside a vehicle in these cases and chances are law enforcement authorities would actually have a difficult time spying who is and who is not using his or her cell phone while driving. Nonetheless, it has been established that texting while driving is a road hazard that can jeopardize the health and safety of people on the road. Thus, despite the difficulty of implementing such a law, the government should continue with zealously enforcing it. At the same time, a more effective and relentless campaign against the dangerous habit must be conducted in all media. AdelaVoice, a venture-funded company located in Massachusetts, is announcing the launching of StartTalking, a software solution that promises to solve the hazard of texting while driving. Once installed on an Android mobile phone, StartTalking can be made useful when a person needs to use his phones but has to keep his hands and eyes on other things – like when he or she is driving. StartTalking runs quietly in the background ready to execute the voice commands of the user which can be initiated by uttering certain â€Å"prompts†like the words ‘computer’ and ‘operator.’
Friday, October 18, 2019
What is the one finance related experience or extracurricular activity Essay
What is the one finance related experience or extracurricular activity that is most important to you and why - Essay Example In addition, it provides useful information to investors willing to inject funds into the market through stocks. The comparison also allows one to understand how healthy competition should be maintained to prevent both consumer and business exploitation. One of the most common events that take place in the finance industry is the buying and selling of stock. The companies trade shares and stock in order to improve their financial status and portfolio. The purchase and sale of stock is one of the supplementary activities in finance. I also researched data on each company individually by looking at their financial statements to analyze net profit, loss and ability to break-even. The process is useful in analyzing internal profits, especially how the company got to that level. The University Finance Association has not only been beneficial, but also eye opening. It has enhanced my critical and analytical skills by allowing me to compare companies. As a result, I can make suitable investment
Financial services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Financial services - Essay Example Transactions on derivative contracts occur between two parties in which a financial agreement is done whose payments depend on the value of the underlying assets and securities. Derivative contracts are broadly categorized into lock and option products. Lock category derivative contracts bind the two parties into an obligation of executing the contract according to the terms and conditions over the period for which the contract is agreed upon. Option product derivatives are contracts that provide the right to the buyer but not the obligation to execute the contract over the period of the contract (Whaley, 2007, p.121). The derivative contract includes an agreed upon price between the two parties to buy or sell the product within a specified period of time. The derivative contracts may be traded in the exchange in which case these are called exchange-traded-derivatives or may be privately traded in which case these are called Over-the-counter derivatives. Over the counter derivatives are not traded in specialized exchanges. Recent examples of banks and companies making heavy losses from using derivatives The financial meltdown of 2007 in US was largely due to the fall in the mortgage prices which served as underlying assets for loan products. Irresponsible lending, relaxed policies of the banks, corporate houses and happy-go-lucky attitude of the regulators in assessments of the derivative products led to the fall of big banks like Lehmann Brothers. After a meagre financial recovery from the support of the government, derivative market is again one of the biggest markets in today’s global financial scenario (Schwartz and Smith, 1997, p.499). Banks today are carrying out transactions on derivative markets on a much larger scale than ever before. The banks are more opaque and are indifferent to the risky derivative products. Banks, however, are unwilling to disclose the face of the derivative contracts to their investors. It is understood that a change i n the underlying market factors would lead to massive losses of the world economy as a result of devaluation of the underlying assets. The size of the derivative markets has grown from $500 trillion in 2007 to $707 trillion in 2011. Lack of transparency in trading of derivative contracts reflect the risk involved as a result of probable fluctuation of underlying market factors. This can be observed in the light of recent examples. J P Morgan has registered a loss of $6 billion due to trading in risky derivatives. The increasing size of derivative markets and declining due diligence in investments in order to achieve higher profits imposes higher risk. Several high ranked officials from big companies like Meryl Lynch, Morgan Stanley, and Citigroup commented that the banking industry is vulnerable in the wake of huge losses in derivative markets. After the earthquake in Japan, J P Morgan decided to reverse their position in derivatives due to the huge losses to be incurred. In 2011, D eutsche Bank decided to reduce the foreign currency exposure of Post bank by â‚ ¬8.1 billion looking at the heavy losses in their investment in derivatives. Deutsche bank themselves lost $1.74 billion in US derivative markets. A huge foreign exchange option for Hewlett Packard was executed early in order to reduce the losses predicted out of market uncertainty. Due to lack of transparency on the investments in derivative ma
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Introduction to american civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Introduction to american civilization - Essay Example By the 1840s, steam powered locomotives became the major source of traveling and transportation in the United States. The railroad was used to transport large items which reduced the costs of transportation. By the 1880s, electric railways were being used for transportation in cities like New York (Steven, 2006). The Transcontinental Railroad brought much profit and efficiency to organizations and individuals in the United States. The Industrial revolution allowed the massive cultivation of the American West with the use of new farming techniques and mechanization. This led to efficiencies in production and the railroad ensured the distribution of foodstuff to distant markets. Industrialization also led to the increased urbanization of the American people. Automobiles would further revolutionize the concept of traveling. Mass manufacturing led to an increase in goods and as a result a new middle class emerged eager for these products. The progressive era in the United States was launched in order to protect the rights of workers and reduce waste and corruption. This era was also marked with a desire to improve the lives of ordinary citizens. Alcohol was prohibited in this era and women’s rights were achieved. Media exposed corruption in political circles. Political reforms to enable the citizens to rule directly were implemented. Theodore Roosevelt launched the square deal to ensure that food and drugs would be safe for citizens. The railroad rates were also regulated. Universal health care, health insurance and conservation of the environment were some of the major goals of his government. President Howard Taft also believed in the progressive era. During his presidency, the civil service was expanded and the US postal service was made more efficient. He also launched many antitrust suits against large companies and promoted world peace. President Woodrow Wilson is credited with the establishment of the F ederal Reserve System which is the central
Roth Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Roth Response - Essay Example It was explained that Zuckerman’s interest in Coleman’s life is triggered by the latter’s death when he discovered that his friend is actually African-American while all the while his identity has always been that of a white man. Silk was a professor of classics in a community college in New England when the story took place. His life harbors one secret - that of his black ancestry - as his stature in the community was carefully cultivated. The world thinks that Coleman Silk is Jewish and even his family – his wife and children - didn’t know that he was African-American. This choice was influenced by a rejection he experienced when he was young. The story revolved around the lives of Silk, his coworkers in the college, his love affair with Faunia – a woman half his age and a utility worker to boot- and the issues that they have to deal with such as racism, gender, relationship and contemporary American life as a whole. The Human Stain tackled two different kinds of passing. First is the one that concerns crossing the race line and second is that of the class line. The story effectively captured the scenarios that illustrated the arguments in answering the question: Which is more difficult of these two? Forgetting your past involves cruelty, cowardice and the anguish that come with betraying yourself and your roots. In crossing the class lines, people have to contend with the absence of common references, education, social background, manners, tastes, behaviors and attitudes including what the society has to say about the discrepancies. The Human Stain is a philosophical novel that gives us valuable insights about the contemporary American life. It highlighted, for instance, the fact that today most of us find it difficult to deal in depth with someone from another class than someone from another race. It was different about a hundred years ago. The Human Stain in Roth’s opus referred not exactly to the human color or race per se.
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Introduction to american civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Introduction to american civilization - Essay Example By the 1840s, steam powered locomotives became the major source of traveling and transportation in the United States. The railroad was used to transport large items which reduced the costs of transportation. By the 1880s, electric railways were being used for transportation in cities like New York (Steven, 2006). The Transcontinental Railroad brought much profit and efficiency to organizations and individuals in the United States. The Industrial revolution allowed the massive cultivation of the American West with the use of new farming techniques and mechanization. This led to efficiencies in production and the railroad ensured the distribution of foodstuff to distant markets. Industrialization also led to the increased urbanization of the American people. Automobiles would further revolutionize the concept of traveling. Mass manufacturing led to an increase in goods and as a result a new middle class emerged eager for these products. The progressive era in the United States was launched in order to protect the rights of workers and reduce waste and corruption. This era was also marked with a desire to improve the lives of ordinary citizens. Alcohol was prohibited in this era and women’s rights were achieved. Media exposed corruption in political circles. Political reforms to enable the citizens to rule directly were implemented. Theodore Roosevelt launched the square deal to ensure that food and drugs would be safe for citizens. The railroad rates were also regulated. Universal health care, health insurance and conservation of the environment were some of the major goals of his government. President Howard Taft also believed in the progressive era. During his presidency, the civil service was expanded and the US postal service was made more efficient. He also launched many antitrust suits against large companies and promoted world peace. President Woodrow Wilson is credited with the establishment of the F ederal Reserve System which is the central
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Tylenol Exigencies Business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Tylenol Exigencies Business - Research Paper Example This in turn, marked the beginning of the company’s integrity in baby business (â€Å"Our Timeline†, n.d., para.3). The company’s efforts to help through provision of relief goods in the aftermath of disasters in the 1900 and 1906 also did a lot to carve its name in the industry. At present times, Johnson & Johnson is in partnership with 250 companies and holds offices in 57 countries distributing their goods in over 175 nations (Johnson & Johnson Corporate, n.d., para.3). In the year 2011, the company’s pharmaceutical sales approximated to $65 billion. Tylenol, McNeil Laboratories & Johnson & Johnson Acetaminophen is the active ingredient in Tylenol. It is widely used for relieving pain and reduction of body temperature for fever. The sales team of McNeil Laboratories came with the term Tylenol by choosing letters from its chemical form N-aceTYL-p-aminophENOL (West, 2009). McNeil Laboratories founded by Robert McNeil was the first to manufacture Tylenol i n 1955 as a prescription drug elixir for children. There was an ongoing issue during that time about the harmful effects of then widely used drug, aspirin. McNeil Laboratories marketed Tylenol as the benign alternative to aspirin (West, 2009). It was in 1959 when Johnson & Johnson acquired McNeil Laboratories and the same year marked Tylenol as a prescription-free drug. From then on, Tylenol has been one of Johnson & Johnson’s most widely sold and most profitable product, bringing an average year to year profit share of 33% (Griese, 2001). The 1982 Tylenol Tampering Widespread scare enveloped the nation when seven deaths have been attributed to Tylenol ingestion in September of 1982. Two off-duty firemen unintentionally hypothesized the connection of Tylenol while listening to police radios and talking about the supposedly mysterious deaths (Kaplan, 2005). Among the victims were a 12 year old student Mary Kellerman; three family members Adam Janus, his brother Stanley and Sta nley’s wife, Theresa, aged 27, 25 and 19 respectively; 27 years old mother of four, Mary Reiner; stewardess Paula Prince, 35 years of age; and 31 years old Mary McFarland. These victims have died within hours after taking Tylenol due to the cyanide content of the capsules, which was stronger by 10,000 times to the cyanide dose the human body can take (Kaplan, 2005). Johnson & Johnson acted promptly. At that time, nobody thought of such tragedy. These murders became the first of its kind. It was revealed in the investigations, that the capsules were tainted by cyanide through the act of an intent person because no specific evidence can link that the Tylenol capsules were laced by cyanide during manufacture (Kaplan, 2005). At the turn of events, Johnson & Johnson decided to put out a major recall for all the Tylenol capsules in the country. The manner in which Johnson & Johnson handled the controversy is regarded by professionals â€Å"to be one of the best in the history of p ublic relations†(Kaplan, 2005). In Griese’s book (2001), she cited the Tylenol tragedy as a befitting example on making the right decisions during time of crisis. Griese enumerated eight steps as guidelines in decision-making. The first step after the identification of the situation is to conduct research. The company McNeil Consumer Healthcare under Johnson & Johnson, which is
Monday, October 14, 2019
Educational psychology Essay Example for Free
Educational psychology Essay Fluency is†a measure of the reader’s competence at decoding and recognizing sight words with automaticity at a specified reading level†(Pennington, 2013). It is believed that the higher the level of fluency, the higher the level of comprehension. Fluency involves three major areas: intonation, pacing, and phrasing. Intonation is the pattern of pitch change when reading a passage. It allows the audience to tell when there’s excitement or even a question. Pacing is the speed in which the student reads a given passage, and phrasing allows the student to use â€Å"meaning and structure sources of information†to help them solve problems as they are reading (Reading Recovery, n. d.). For the purpose of this task, I will describe a three-day literacy unit including the strategies, activities, and the reason for both. The first day of the unit to improve fluency will involve choral reading. Choral reading is when the students all read together in unison. Not only does it improve fluency, but also self confidence in students who might otherwise not like to read in front of the whole class. It is also good for building vocabulary. For the choral reading part of the unit, I will use the book, Chicka-Chicka-Boom-Boom. This book has text with a rhyming pattern which is an excellent way to improve fluency. For the next day’s unit, I will use partner reading to try and improve fluency. The students will be paired in groups of two, one with a higher reading level to help the lower level reader. Each will read every other page from the book Alexander and the Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. This book has a rhyming pattern which helps improve fluency. Partner reading encourages cooperation and supports the peer-assisted learning. The two students will re-read missed words to each other to support their partner’s reading. The third day of the literacy unit will be a reading theater. â€Å"Reader’s Theater is a dramatic presentation of a written work in a script form†(Teaching Heart, 2008). Students are given a part from a script and practice reading their part with expressive voices and gestures. Reader’s Theater addresses all three aspects of oral reading fluency: intonation, pacing, andphrasi ng. Studies show that it â€Å"enhanced oral reading word recognition, comprehension, and also boosted confidence and motivation toward reading†(Millin Rinhart, 1999). The students will read the book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. They will divided up into groups of five children, all with different reading abilities, and each reader will be assigned a number from one to five. They will each be given a script with the different parts highlighted with numbers one to five and read their particular assigned part. Each of the three chosen strategies support the three parts of oral reading fluency: intonation, pacing, and phrasing. Repeating these strategies will help readers of all levels to improve their oral reading fluency and in the process, build their self-esteem and develop a more positive attitude towards reading. References Millin, S. K., Rinehart, S. D. (1999). Some of the benefits of readers theater participation for second-grade title i students. reading research and instruction. Informally published manuscript, University of West Virginia, Morgantown, West Virginia, , Available from Title I. Pennington, M. (2009, June 15). [Web log message]. Retrieved from Heart. (2008, July). Readers theater. Retrieved from
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Essay Contrasting Mending Wall with Other Poems in Frosts North of Boston :: comparison compare contrast essays
Contrasting Mending Wall with Other Poems in Frost's North of Boston  "Mending Wall"' is the opening poem of Frost's North of Boston. One of the dominating moods of this volume, forcefully established in such important poems as "The Death of the Hired Man," "Home Burial, " "The Black Cottage," and "A Servant to Servants," and carried through some of the minor pieces, flows from the tension of having to maintain balance at the precipitous edge of hysteria. With "The Mountain" and with "A Hundred Collars," "Mending Wall" stands opposed to such visions of human existence; more precisely put, to existences that are fashioned by the neurotic visions of central characters like the wife in "Home Burial," the servant in "A Servant to Servants." "Mending Wall" dramatizes the redemptive imagination in its playful phase, guided surely and confidently by a man who has his world under full control, who in his serenity is riding his realities, not being shocked by them into traumatic response. The place of "Mending Wall" in the structure of North of Boston suggests, in its sharp contrasts to the dark tones of some of the major poems in the volume, the psychological necessities of sustaining supreme fictions. The opening lines evoke the coy posture of the shrewd imaginative man who understands the words of the farmer in 'The Mountain": "All the fun's in how you say a thing," Something there is that doesn't love a wall, That sends a frozen-ground-swell under it And spills the upper boulders in the sun, And makes gaps even two can pass abreast. It does not take more than one reading of the poem to understand that the speaker is not a country primitive who is easily spooked by the normal processes of nature. He knows very well what it is "that doesn't love a wall" (frost, of course). His fun lies in not naming it. And in not naming the scientific truth he is able to manipulate intransigent fact into the world of the mind where all things are pliable. The artful vagueness of the phrase "Something there is" is enchanting and magical, suggesting even the bushed tones of reverence before mystery in nature. And the speaker (who is not at all reverent toward nature) consciously works at deepening that sense of mystery: The work of hunters is another thing: I have come after them and made repair
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Essay --
This Ocean energy is found around the world. 70% of the oceans surface is covered in water. According to alternative-energy-news website â€Å"Ocean energy is recovered when the wave power farm operates on the wave energy that is created when a float/ buoy flows with the natural movement of the waves.†The equipment needed is a very big buoyant crafted buoy, a long reliable cable wire and a heavy weight so the buoy does not float away and ruin your research. â€Å"The concept is simple†, says John Lienhard, a University of Houston mechanical engineering professor: â€Å"Every day the moon’s gravitational pull lifts countless tons of water up into, say, the East River or the Bay of Fundy. When that water flows back out to sea, its energy dissipates and, if we don’t use it, it’s simply spent.†The stronger the waves the more energy can be taken from it to power our world. We as humans use and waste this energy doing everyday work. Yes, you do need special equipment for processing wave energy from the ocean, main thing you need is a buoyant buoy to throw into the ocean and weigh it down with one solid weight, so you don’t lose almost 3 million dollars. Our energy sources is formed when the tidal energy is produced through the use of generators in the ocean. The generators are large under water turbines that are placed in areas with the highest tidal energy.The turbines’ job is to take in the kinetic motion of the withdraw and flow of the ocean's tides (shallow water) to get electricity. The tidal turbines are best used for shallow waters, because it is stronger than and most stable than casting it into the ocean where you would have to check on it everyday in almost deadly weather. They help because turbines rotates slowly so ships and passing ani... ...ards fuel and on going operation that represent upwards of 80% of the plant’s cost of energy. The greater availability of wave energy in areas means that devices will be able to absorb more energy and convert that to power at a greater rate that devices in areas with low wave energy density. Ocean power technologies will to live initially in areas with wave energy density.†As you read this excerpt from the website what are your opinions. Early-stage prototype government backed funding. We can conserve ocean energy by not polluting the ocean, save energy (use less lights and electricity). We can also conserve other natural energies. Ways to conserve energy would be: walking, biking, carpooling, using the mass transit. You can turn your refrigerator down, wash clothes in warm or cold water, turn down water heater, and the big thing we can do is Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
Friday, October 11, 2019
How does Steinbeck prepare us for the end, and link it to the beginning? Essay
Steinbeck prepared us for the end by many different reasons that occur in the play. The Incident at weed, killing mice, killing a dog and crushing Curley’s hand is all evidence for this. The ‘weed’ incident prepared us for the end by alerting the readers that something has gone wrong at one place and how long will it be till something else like this occurs. â€Å"An’ you ain’t gonna do no bad things like you done in Weed, neither.†George liked to stroke mice in his hand, but he doesn’t know his own strength as he is a big bulky strong man. ‘I could pet it with my thumb while we walked along’ said Lennie, but as Lennie is so strong he just crushes the poor animal. Candy’s old dog was shot because it is wrong to let an animal suffer in pain. The dog â€Å"Got no teeth, He’s all stiff with rheumatism†and he is â€Å"ancient†. Lennie killed Curley’s wife by acciendent because they were in the barn together and Lennie was stroking her hair, but she didn’t want him to mess it up ‘You stop it now you’ll mess it all up’. And she yelled and Lennie put his hand around her mouth and said â€Å"Oh! Please don’t do that. George will be mad†. George broke her neck another incident were Lennie doesn’t know his own strength. Steinbeck links the beginning to the end with George and Lennie. They both continue through out the play reminding them selves of ‘The American Dream’, and that is what they talked about before going on to the ranch George thought it would be nicer to lay under the stars with one night relaxation. The last time they ever dream of ‘The American Dream’ is at the end when George shoots Lennie while he is dreaming of the rabbits. â€Å"Le’s do it now. Le’s get that place now†– was the last words he ever said. Lennie is the same old Lennie with a childlike mental age. George is always there to look after him and tell him what to do like in a adult child situation, â€Å"come on, give it to me†. Stienbeck always describes Lennie as a animal from the beginning to the end â€Å"snorting into the water like a horse†. They always argue and Lennie says he will go away, but george knows that his best friend wont be able to look after him self and will end up getting shot, at the end he says â€Å"I can go away †¦ an’ find a cave†. At the beginning Lennie says the same thing â€Å"go off in the hills†¦. I’d find a cave†. George said â€Å"somebody’d shoot you for a coyote if you was by yourself†Lennie is also a killer, he attacks Curley, curlys wife, kills mice and throws his dead pup on to the floor in anger. Lennie is not mean, he doesn’t want to cause pain or suffering. George knew that if he let Lennie live then he would sooner or later be found and caught, and would most likely be tortured by Curly then be put in a prison for the rest of his life or killed on the spot. George didn’t want to she George go through any pain or suffer so he put him out of his own misery, just like the dog!
Thursday, October 10, 2019
What It Means to Be a Blackbelt
Ryan Cloninger Denver Tae Kwon Do Mr. Putnam November 8, 2009 What a Black Belt Means to Me When I was thirteen I started taking Tae Kwon Do. I wanted to learn how to fight and break boards. I have come a long way since my first Tae Kwon Do class. As a candidate for black belt rank, I now have a different perspective of Tae Kwon Do, and different motivation for attending each class. To me a black belt consist of displaying great character, becoming a leader, and reaching your goals, and understanding the history of Tae Kwon Do.To become a true black belt, you have to look back and remember the men who started Tae Kwon Do, and understand their history. Tae Kwon Do means the way of the fist and foot. In Tae Kwon Do you are empty handed. When empty handed you must use your hands and feet. In the early times Korean men used their hands and feet as weapons. Koreans used Tae Kwon Do for self-defense when invaders came to savage their village. Men died fighting to protect their loved ones a nd their homes. What once was a military form of fighting soon became a way of life for the Koreans.The history of Tae Kwon Do has taught me that becoming a black is not about what color material you receive. Tae Kwon Do black belts never quit. They work hard to achieve goals, even when the journey is difficult. I have learned to never retreat in life, and that victory is the goal. Becoming a black belt has always been a goal of mine. The respect and honor you gain from becoming a black belt is priceless. Knowing you worked hard for a black belt makes your accomplishment so much better. I have been taking Tae Kwon Do for over four years and am yet to have earned my black belt.The school I train under believes in working hard for the rank of black belt, and this can take a very long time. I believe the long road will make the destination that much more rewarding. Another goal I have is to attend college at Clemson University, after graduating high school. After college I hope to be a professional chef. My goals of going to college to become a chef have been with me ever since I can remember. Growing up around my grandparents who were always cooking got me interested in becoming a chef.Tae Kwon Do has taught me to stay in pursuit of this goal. In order to be the best college student and the best chef, I know I need to be a leader and not a follower. During the Tae Kwon Do summer camps I had a chance to practice my leadership skills. My instructor, Mr. Cloninger, allowed me to teach the Tae Kwon Do classes to work on and critique my leadership skills. Instructing the students really helped me correct my own mistakes in technique and forms. As I have grown through the ranks, my instructor has allowed me to instruct the classes.Instructing is another way of learning. If you cannot teach the material you truly do not understand it yourself. This is required to perfect your material, as I learned from personal experience. I believe my instructor, Mr. Cloninger, is an example of a great leader. He pushes me to my limit and beyond. He makes me a better person, better in the karate school, and in the community. Mr. Cloninger is dependable, hardworking, and possesses many great character qualities. Displaying good character is essential for being a great leader and a great black belt.Positive characteristics, such as respect for others, self-control, obedience, and humbleness, are the building blocks of a well-trained black belt. Respect is always important when training. Respect is earned. It is not simply given to you. You must work hard and be respectful to your instructor. Self-control is an important characteristic to have, not only in martial arts, but also in life. Self-control is harnessing your actions and emotions. When in training all emotions must leave the room. Your mind should be set on your material and goals.Self-control also applies in every day life, whether it is when you are driving down the road and some one cuts you off, or w hen your peers upset you at school. Obedience is another attribute a black belt must have. Whether it be listening to my parents or my instructor, I need to be able to listen and follow through when something is asked of me. Black belts are portrayed as people that can be trusted, doing what they are told and doing it the first time. Obedience comes easier when you have respect for others and self-control of your own wants and desires.A true black belt should be humbled in his achievement of his rank. Black belts should have respect for the art and not use their rank to show off, bully, or be intimidating. Black belts should not to be portrayed as cocky, arrogant or boastful. This is not being a good leader or representative of martial arts. I continually try to implement respect, self-control, obedience, and other positive characteristics into my life. These characteristics help me learn in school, train in Tae Kwon Do, and be a good member of my family.I am grateful and honored th at I was given the chance to test for my black belt. I received the best training from Mr. Putnam and Mr. Cloninger. These great leaders have taught me to stay strong and to work hard for my goals. If I receive the rank of black belt, one of my many goals will have been accomplished. My journey to becoming a black belt has taught me to display great character, build my leadership skills, reach my goals, and understand the meaning behind Tae Kwon Do. I look forward to continuing my Tae Kwon Do journey for many years to come.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Determinism Versus Free Will Essay
Freedom is an ideal that many people in privileged society take for granted on a daily basis. Just because some people find themselves at home in a country where social norms have evolved to allow a rational sense of individualism and free will within its borders does not concede that free will is a universal right. In fact, many other countries such as Syria struggle to bring their policies up to speed with more progressive democracies such as Spain or the Australia, and their populace suffers backlash from corrupt legal systems and government. However, one thing that these countries stand to learn from successful nations such as the United States is that populations with more personal freedom tend to be happier with their lives as a whole than those who feel limited and stagnant in their development. At the same time, as freedom is important in making any group of people happy, there must be limits placed on their actions to avoid moral misconduct; that is, the concept of personal responsibility is a crucial one to keeping society clean, and it is commonly accepted that accepting responsibility for one’s actions is a way to keep society tidy. However, the weighting of moral codes and ethics is a difficult thing to do with accuracy because of the varying nature of such an abstract concept. In â€Å"Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility,†Harry Frankfurt describes a principle that states that â€Å"a person is morally responsible for what he has done only if he could have done otherwise. †Called the principle of alternative possibilities, this proposition purports that moral responsibility and choice go hand in hand; without one, the other can’t be just. As Frankfurt mentions in his writing, most people would take for granted this idea as a faultless constituent of the rationale behind lawmaking. However, Frankfurt conjectures a few obscure ways in which this principle could be contradicted. One example given was of a man named Jones who had decided to do something morally wrong, and when a second party was notified of his intent, Jones was forced to follow through with his actions. Here, Jones obviously would have been considered morally liable because whether or not the second individual had forced him to commit his crime of choice, he would have done so anyways. The logic stands to reason then, by the example given, that such a possibility does exist to make a similar situation happen. Whether by karma or by blackmail, myriad similar things could happen, and since moral fibre lies within the conscience and not in the physical realm, evil has been done as soon as one decides to act. At the same time, in this example, Frankfurt manages to give a proof that determinism and moral responsibility are compatible because, as he points out, it is possible to be responsible without the option to do otherwise. That is, in the case given, the threat of blackmail could have been so severe that Jones would have had no choice but to do what he had done. This would mean, then, that Frankfurt’s example would present a large hole in the way most people would see the intersection of free will and determinism; that is most would see it as incompatible, but by Frankfurt’s proof, they can sometimes run side by side practically parallel. While Frankfurt was quite perceptive to realize such a possible proof of compatibilism, this also presented a hole in his argument in that free will and determinism are not necessarily compatible because at the same time that one could be forced to do something without prior intent, if determinism were true, then the whole situation would have been predetermined, and if everything were predetermined then responsibility cannot exist as an option. Responsibility is defined as a state of having to deal with something, which in itself entails making certain decisions. However, despite the fact that determinism seems to dictate a timeline of events that completely eliminates the importance of making decisions, perhaps the brain’s ability to make decisions is a real one and decisions are, in cognitive terms, actually taking place. Determinism has merely caused one line of thought or line of decision making to necessarily end up coming true over the other. If determinism were true, then that would not entail that there is no such thing as a decision, it simply means that all our decisions would have been made beforehand. In that sense, the idea which Frankfurt presents is lent credence. If free will and determinism were indeed compatible, then every Christian, every latter-day saint, and every last-minute convert would be happy to know that they were much more likely to be granted a spot in heaven. According to the most popular scriptures, God is an all knowing, all powerful, and all good being, who granted the right of free will to all humans as an ultimate test to determine their destiny for better or worse. In this way, God is purported to be both liberal and deterministic; it only goes to follow that Frankfurt’s theory would be happily received by many religious believers. In some sort of real-world sequel to the book 1984, there would be signs all over the place proclaiming the existence of God based on some study created by Frankfurt’s constituents. Mass converts would line the streets of all the New York burroughs. Heaven would be a doorknock away. Though such an extreme scenario could only be conceivable in a novel, the image is clear. Sarcastic as it may be, such a magnitudinous occurrence in modern society could not be expected to occur based on some example with such abstract and intangible results. Perhaps in some warped space-time corollary the same would be seen in the science of philosophy. Perhaps a new theorem would be passed in its discourse, and textbooks with the same tired old vocabulary would be entirely rewritten to include Frankfurt’s new theorem. Though no one cares about philosophy as much as religion, still such a magnitudinous occurrence would be like an earthquake caused by everyone in the town of Athens jumping at the same time: difficult to conclude based on the lack of further evidence. Perhaps this pattern of occurrences is one of the holes in Frankfurt’s theorem. Well, not a hole in the sense that it disproves his logic, but a criticism nonetheless; it seems that his idea is too marginal to conclude something so physically contradictory as to say that just because a person could be forced to do something that he would otherwise not have done could prove determinism as right as the theory of relativity. Surely the scientific community would be all ears to Dr. Frankfurt’s dissertation as to why they should all wear underwear to work the next day: in a word, â€Å"who cares! †with determinism proved true, the scientists would probably feel a lot more relaxed for the next few weeks, however, when they tallied up all the evidence as to why they suddenly converted to Dr. Frankfurt’s new school of thought, they would have only one piece of evidence as to why: the mysterious case of Mr. Jones. Realizing that it was fate, they would rest their faces in their palms and wait for something else to happen. While Frankfurt’s logic is as technically true as is that of a Cartesian argument for the existence of reality all in one’s own imagination because of the lack of evidence to the contrary, perhaps the shoddy reputation of philosophical theories as being worth anything besides food for thought is nil. They are always careful with words, so as to traipse around the discerning and cold ears of the left-brained. There, they peacefully coexist with poets, artists, and other like minds. However, no matter the precision of their wording, it is always the popular decision to simply stay in the third dimension of thinking without bringing in any extraneous points of view that would go against common sense in an inherently immaterial way. â€Å"One nation, under god, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. †This famous verse marks the final few words of the American Pledge of Allegiance. Without prior knowledge of the country, one would probably be led to assume that Americans value freedom highly. In this case, they would most certainly be on to something. Freedom is a beautiful thing, yet it is powerful at the same time. Its power can be used for good or for evil, and that is why America (as well as every other model society) simply is not complete without a decent legal system. Obviously murder, rape, and theft are all violent crimes which must carry harsh penalties for those who commit them, and they all share one thing in common that no minor traffic violation does at heart: a morally wrong motive. Truly it would take a sick individual to commit any one of these things with intent to do so. So where does the idea of determinism in relation to the concept of free will fit into this picture? It is a tight fit in an ever-evolving jigsaw, but one of the obscure pieces nonetheless that must be considered to get the bigger picture. Laws are changing all the time, and morals have to remain at their core. When one remembers the addendum, â€Å"under god,†of the Pledge of Allegiance, it becomes ever clearer how determinism can fit into the moral scheme of the country as well. However, when it does in a legal sense, it goes against what is clearly stated in the constitution: America has secular laws unlike some other countries, and although some of the laws on the books are outdated and had better jurisdiction in a time when America is more religious, new laws as of late are much more secular. This adds to the point that determinism is becoming an increasingly abstract concept in society as times progress; that is, it has less place in law than it does in philosophical thought. Determinism is a concept that no proof, no theorem, and no scientific data will ever elucidate and validate before society. It would mark a monumental moment in the history of things, but if it were true, it would not matter very much what happened; all events thereafter would be destined to occur. For this reason and the reason of practicality, it is necessary to view determinism as an abstraction rather than reality. In such a dimension where determinism were held to be true, it would follow from assumption that free will would be merely an illusion. But why then, one would suppose, would humans have evolved to become such complex decision makers? If one believes in an omniscient and omnipotent God, then determinism’s validity seems much more promising, however for all other parties, it seems better left in the realm of abstraction. However, despite its realistic application, determinism remains as essential to philosophical abstraction as does the concept of good and evil. That is one reason it manages to justify itself in the vocabulary of philosophers worldwide  a broad vocabulary, indeed. Frankfurt happens to be like a Newton or Aristotle of his day and age, postulating truly genius and more importantly original ideas in such a relevant field as his own, A polite way to put it but an apt one as well. It is an inventive mind who decides to venture well beyond the blurred lines of the abstract and metaphysical in order to question an a priori truth so firmly believed to be accurate as the perpendicularity between determinism and free will; it is an inventive mind indeed. Works Cited Frankfurt, Harry. â€Å"Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility. †N. p. : n. p. , n. d. N. pag. 620pixeltable. Web. 05 Dec. 2013.
What does it mean to be free What is Individual Freedom Essay
What does it mean to be free What is Individual Freedom - Essay Example There are some people who feel obliged to take accountability of family members and communal affairs. People should pursue their dreams regardless of what others perceive about it in order to realize full joy in life. Individual autonomy has different meaning to different people. What a person thinks is fine, may be perceived differently by other people. People should pursue their own decency regardless of other people’s opinion. For example, in Bellah (3), Brian believes that personal autonomy is attained when a person is able to accomplish individual dreams. For example, those who want to pursue success in trade, their joy becomes absolute the moment they are able to achieve that vision. Relatives or communal commitment should not hinder a person from achieving his or her life happiness. For example Brian had to put extra effort after he got married in order to sustain his family. He used to burn the midnight oil so that his family could have a decent living. According to hi m, family commitments made him sacrifice his personal independence. However, autonomy means doing what one desires without limitations (Bellah, 167). Without money Brian could not be able to enjoy nice trips or meet successful people in life. However, Brian later came to realize that he could not achieve full joy in life without family affection. Being able to provide for the family and achieve other essential things in life is a great victory. Regardless of the means used to acquire wealth, being able to provide for the family, such as paying school fees for the children and providing magnificent building, amounts to personal independence. With material possessions, people can do what they want at their own will (Bellah, 21). The dilemma occurs when it comes to gauging the level of achievement attained in a particular moment, and in appraising it with previous success or relating to what others have achieved. However, there is no need to contrast your victory with others, but the m ost essential consideration is your ability to achieve what you purposed to achieve in life. People should put effort towards helping their families and the society. The success of the community in which individual comes from also determines their victory (Bellah, 8).This is because, individuals and the society are reliant on each other. A person should contribute towards success of the society. In the same way, the community will also influence individual’s victory in one way or the other. Also, taking care of the family makes the person feel esteemed. Similarly, an individual draws happiness from the family and the society. For example, Joe engaged in activities of the society and his pleasure was in helping the public (Bellah, 54). Those organizations which are interested in satisfying the public will always ensure they give back to the community. They will design community activities and ensure they succeed. People who come from successful families or societies feel conte nted, and such contentment is what makes a person free. However, it is difficult to compare different communities or families to determine which family or society provides better satisfaction than the others. What matters are not comparing oneself with others but to be contented with own situation and work towards improving existing conditions. Those who find fulfillment in their own victory rather than communal tends to be deceitful. They can deprive the community of its resources to enrich themselves (Bellah, 63).
Monday, October 7, 2019
The Role of Black Holes in the centers of Galaxies Essay
The Role of Black Holes in the centers of Galaxies - Essay Example In the Milky Way, the supermassive black hole is known as Sagitarrius A*, which is read as â€Å"A-star†(Naeye & Gutro, 2008). Sagitarrius A* is known to be â€Å"27,000 light years from the Earth [and] is four million times bigger than the Sun†(Ghosh, 2012). However, NASA reports Sagitarrius A* to be 26,000 light years away from the Earth, and not 27,000 (â€Å"A Mystery,†2002). In fact, the existence of black holes has long been theorized by British astronomer Sir Martin Rees in 1974 and, according to him, â€Å"Supermassive black holes [or] ones with a million or even a billion solar masses might exist within the centers of some galaxies†(â€Å"A Mystery,†2002). According to Durham University astrophysicist Ian Small, â€Å"The black holes [that we studied] are seen precisely at the point where they can have the most influence on the properties of the galaxies they reside in†(qtd. In Lovgren, 2005). This means that if the supermassiv e black holes are located at other points in the galaxy except the center, then it cannot exert equal influence on all parts of the galaxy. In short, for it to exert an almost equal gravitational force on every part of the galaxy, then it has to be at its center. The same principle works if the supermassive black hole is to release energy towards every part of the galaxy it is in, but this release of energy is merely hypothetical. According to Professor Richard Genzel of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, â€Å"The center of the galaxy was a â€Å"unique laboratory for the study of the strong gravity, stellar dynamics and star formation with a level of detail ‘never possible beyond our galaxy’†(qtd. in â€Å"Black hole,†2008). This means that there must be one good reason for the supermassive black hole to eventually reside in the galactic center other than position. Genzel’s hypothesis is therefore the possibility that the ph ysics of the center of the galaxy is unusually different from the rest of its parts. Perhaps then there is a much stronger gravitational attraction as well as different principles of stellar dynamics and star formation towards the galactic center. Furthermore, according to Cain, the center of the galaxy, where the supermassive black holes reside, serves as the place where â€Å"every galaxy serves to focus and concentrate material as the galaxy was first forming†and it is also possible that this is the same exact point â€Å"where the black hole formed first, and collected the rest of the galaxy around it†(Cain, 2008). The aforementioned statement means that the possible origin of the galaxy may in fact be the exact point where the supermassive black hole is located and perhaps the galaxy still continues to grow from that central point. The implication of this theory is that, if it is true, then much constructive material is located in the black hole and that the gal axy is in fact never growing old and its parts constantly being replaced by these materials from the black hole. Another observation of Lovgren (2005) is that, according to scientists, â€Å"pairs of galaxies – and their black holes often merge together [thus producing] tidal forces [that] drive a lot of gas toward the center of the
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Reflaction Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Reflaction - Essay Example In an effort to achieve the high standards of masculinity set by sexism and heterosexism alike, men fall short of engaging in anti-violence efforts (Grove 287). The thesis of the article is persuasive given that it highlights the true nature of the society, especially regarding men and anti-violence efforts. While society expect men to hold their masculinity standards as high as possible, supporting efforts against violence becomes a daunting task given that the two run parallel with each other. It is quite impossible for a man to remain masculine in the eyes if the society while at the same time supporting efforts against violence. The article further presents possible strategies of engaging men in anti-violence efforts such as engaging men in activities that challenge both sexism and heterosexism while providing them with an entry point that support their male identity (Grove 285). The second article lays emphasis on the creation of alternate community based intervention to violence. The efforts contributed by the existing interventions to violence are not adequate to mitigate the violence to a tolerable level. It therefore suggests the creation of community based interventions as a solution to violence. It cites the lack of implementation of alternative frameworks on the ground as a major problem facing the fight against violence. The efficiency of the community based intervention to violence lies on engaging the community in taking active role in actually intervening violence (Mimi 293). The alternative intervention to violence proves to be an effective way of mitigating violence given it approaches the problem from the grass root in addition to actually involving the community in an effort to fighting violence. The strategies outlined in community based intervention programs heighten chances of success of the intervention. The paper has enlightened me on alternative intervention
Saturday, October 5, 2019
International Media Communication Research Paper
International Media Communication - Research Paper Example With the free flow of information in the international arena, where the participants in the other countries now possess better accessibility to the facts and issues faced by the neighboring countries, the international media communication channels such as the news media are often criticized of being influenced by the socio-cultural and political biases or else raising the risk of ‘false consciousness’ and even ‘racial stereotyping’ (Barnhurst, 2005; Media Monitoring Project, 1999). Based on these aspects, the discussion henceforth will intend to illustrate and critically review two news stories presented from distinct ideologies by two international media channels, the Fox News of the United States and The Guardian of the United Kingdom. The stories have been selected based on the same issue, the recent support of President Mr. Barack Obama of same-sex marriages in the United States. Background of the Story: President Obama’s Support of Same-Sex Marri age Same-sex marriages have long been under critical scrutiny by social and political institutions in the United States. Even though six states of the geopolitical region of the United States, including Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and New York, have legally permitted the performance of same-sex marriages, the federal law yet restricts the act to be accredited openly in the American society. Apparently, the depiction of agreeability or vice-versa of the legal approval for same-sex marriages has emerged to be a base for distinction between social groups. In the social context of America, the polarization based on same-sex marriage accreditations has been apparent since the implementation of the policy measure â€Å"Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell†by the former President Mr. Bill Clinton in the year 1992. This policy measure placed emphasis on restricting the open depiction of homosexual behavior, especially within the military base (Singer, 2008). This polar ization in the American society has become more perceptible with the statement in favor of homosexual marriages made by the President Obama to the ABC News. In his words, â€Å"...I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married†(Klein, 2012). This particular appraisal by the current President of the United States attracted a mass attention not only in the national context but also from the international horizon, making an obvious presence in the international media channels. Recently, after being aired in the news media, the support of Mr. Barack Obama came reverberating in the Fox News as well as in The Guardian, the former being a renowned tabloid in the United States and the latter in the United Kingdom. However, in both the narratives a distinct ideology can be examined in the course of illustrating the statements connoted by the American President. Where the narra tion or the story portrayed by the Fox News can be identified as highly
Friday, October 4, 2019
Business Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business Plan - Research Paper Example Customers would be able to connect to an employee of the company who in turn would manage the customer’s account. The company would maintain a flat structure of organization with efficient use of low cost solutions to meet customer’s demands. The core value of the company lies in the fact that the employees in the company can be connected from anywhere behaving as virtual neighbors. With targets to meet profits by the end of the fourth year from the commencement of the business, the company has plans to expand its workforce thereafter. Presently, the capital required for starting up would be managed from the partners and later on, additional amounts would be collected through loans and other agreements. The company has made detailed study on the different factors like seasonal factors, technological factors, other regulatory issues that may affect the business. This has helped it to be prepared accordingly. It wants to utilize the environment where social networking is widely being accepted and used, and thus wants to expand the business based on the market condition to serve the farmers. Geographically, Midwest has been chosen by the company as its target market, covering the area from the Sierra Nevada Mountains to the Mississippi River.
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Achievement Motivation Essay Example for Free
Achievement Motivation Essay What is it? This links personality with the degree of competitiveness shown by an individual. Its main focus is the extent to which an individual is motivated to attain success. Some Theories about it  Murray (1938) indicated that it was natural for individual to strive to surpass another (genetically) like trait. Bandura (1977) believed that a competitive drive was a product of learning (social learning). Atkinson and McCelland (1976) has the view of an interactionist and predicts achievement motivation is generated through a combination of personality and situation factors. Atkinson and McCelland view of achievement motivation as a personality trait which is activated by a situation, the situation comprises the probability of success and the incentive value of success. -Probability of success;the extent to which success is likely;For example success is more likely of the task is found by the individual to be easy. -Incentive value of success;the incentive value experienced by the individual after success-been achieved. For example the harder the task the greater will be the incentive value because the probability of success is reduced. There are two personality types to determine achievement motivation and these are; 1.High need to achieve (high Nach) Linked with the low need to avoid failure (Low Naf). With these characteristic, desire to succeed overcomes the fear of failure. These performers=high in achievement motivation (high achievers) 2.Low need to achieve (Low Nach) Also linked with high need to avoid failure (High Naf). These characteristics the fear of failure overcome the desire to success. These performers=low in achievement motivation (low achievers) Characteristics of high and low achievement motivation personality traits. High Nach Personality Characteristics Low Nach personality characteristics High need to achieve Low need to achieve Low need to avoid failure High need to avoid failure Approach behaviour is adopted Avoidance behaviour is adopted Challenges is accepted Challenges is rejected Risks are undertaken Risks are declined Shows persistence and perseverance when task is difficult Curtails effort when task is difficult Success tends to be attributed to external factors Failure tends to be attributed to internal factors Failure is seen as a route to success Failure is seen as the route to further failure Aspire to mastery orientation Adopt learned helpessness Key Terms Approach behaviour-describes behaviour that accepts a challenge Avoidance behaviour-describes behaviour that rejects a challenge Attribution-The process that predict reasons for success or failure Mastery Orientation-The strong motive to succeed found in the high achievement. This type of person will expect to succeed but will persist when failure is experienced Learned helplessness-The belief that failure is inevitable and that the individual has no control over the factors that cause failure. Atkinson and McCelland Their theory of achievement motivation is best at predicting behavioural responses in situations where there is a 50/50 chance of success. This will trigger motivation for those performers with high achievement traits=likely to display approach behaviour and mastery orientation characteristics in these circumstances. Incentive value=high when chance is evenly balanced. In contrast to performers who show low achievement motivation would experience greatest anxiety in situations with a 50/50 chance of success later adopt avoidance behaviour and experience learned helplessness. Approach or avoidance behaviours likely to arise when in a evaluative situation=Situation in which an individual believes they are being assessed. Drawbacks 1.Achievement or success can interpreted in many ways. Some performers regard success as victory over others. For example a long jump athlete winning an event. These people are said to have ego goal orientation. Those with this believe that ability and comparison over others=criteria for success. 2.Others judge on the basis of person improvement in a given task-For example a second long jump athlete may view success as the achievement of an improved performance. These people are said to have task orientation. Those with the task orientation value internal goals and believe that effort and comparison with self=criteria for success. Sport Specific Achievement Motivation(Competitiveness) Competitiveness in this context means- motivation to achieve in sport. Gill and Deeter (1988), using their own test called the ‘Sport Orientation Questionnaire’ (SOQ), confirmed that athletes were far more competitive than non-athletes. As as statement, this would appear obvious. Evidence of greater significance-athletes favoured performance goals (task orientation) while non-athletes emphasised the importance of winning (ego orientation) The type of goal set by the teacher as the measure of success in sport-related activities has, therefore, a significant influence upon the decision to adopt and sustain an active and healthy lifestyle. The important association between sport-specific motivation (competitiveness), confidence and goal setting.
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