Monday, September 30, 2019
Principles of Marketing: Individual Assignment Essay
‘Healthcare Marketing: What is Salient? ’ was written by Mary J. Kay from School of Business, Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey, USA. The purpose of the research is to develop a perspective on what is â€Å"salient†or critical to the discipline of healthcare marketing by analyzing and contrasting the consumer perspective with the organizational perspective. Based on the research report, in a complex institutional environment there is an existence of healthcare marketing. The difference of healthcare system in organizational and business structure significantly affect many priorities. In healthcare system, marketing significantly affect it. Thus, marketing are important and can play a role in the healthcare system – it provide the healthcare service and at the same time aiding the health information for consumer. The healthcare organizations usually will face many types of marketing problems due to organization and technology issues; and changes of health problem. So, this research discussed about the salient issues that are faced by healthcare marketing practitioner through contrasting it with consumer or patient perspective to the organizational perspective. From the consumer viewpoint, healthcare issues are important for them. The salient issues are framed in terms of cost and quality. The consumers are depending upon ‘trusted experts’ to evaluate the quality of the health services. The consumers need the quality of health services since they do not have any knowledge regarding the quality of health services. In their health decision, they are reluctant to accept lower quality of health services. Thus, critical or life-sustaining care should never be perceived by healthcare organizations because if they do, it will put a risk to organization’s reputation. For many critical treatment choices, consumer or patient always confront a lack of accessible of information to decide which brings the most benefits for them. In addition, there are many advanced technology that made new choices in testing that contribute to further decision dilemma. Also, choice is increasingly constrained by increasing in health insurance plans or national health programs. Thus, consumers need assistance to understand the critical components of medical care and regarding their decision. The pricing of the healthcare services is usually frustrating from the consumer perspective. High billings are especially troubling to the consumer or patients. Without a doubt, the quality, cost, and effectiveness of healthcare systems are complex interrelated matters that are difficult to understand. From the healthcare organization viewpoint which also involves doctors and staff, they are the ones who work harder to provide quality service, armed with medical knowledge and faced changing medical procedures. Quality is the main healthcare organizational priority but priority can be manifested differently in different healthcare organizations. The problems in fulfilling the demand of quality are difficult. There is some way that improving healthcare quality which is the doctor can be guided by good scientific practices which can be called as ‘evidence-based medicine’. But, there is a problem regarding this because of complexity of medical knowledge. Another way to improve the quality of healthcare services is by scientifically weighs the efficacy of differing treatment regimes. Through the system, the doctors are compulsory to utilize scientific databases that provide accurate information as to which treatments are working or not. Next, the quality priority shift due to technology advance. By advancing technology, the health priorities change as the root causes of health problems and new health threats come to light. Marketing for healthcare organizations is only managing the perception of quality by responding to customer satisfaction concerns. But, organizations also need to optimize real health outcomes. The quality of healthcare organizations needs to be understood in the scope of rising costs and changing treatment regimes. There are many issues related to medical industrial complex or can be describe as medical system. Firstly, issues according to positioning and resistance to change. ‘Affordable care’ is now the marketing buzzword used to justify any new ways in healthcare. This ‘affordable care’ is proposed by the government or politician. As the players in the medical system increased, it’s hard to change. The importance of strategies to develop a political consensus among the fragmented players in the healthcare system is apparent. As institutional processes and bureaucratic procedures become entrenched, healthcare systems are even more difficult to change. As a consequence, healthcare marketing, especially the type that would usefully improve health outcomes has become complicated by systemic problems due to the structure of the healthcare system. Next issues are about systemic problems. The systemic problems of healthcare can be examining through spending figure. Healthcare costs are higher due to the wage requirement. As an example in United State, the doctors are paid much more than their counterparts in other countries. Medical test and procedures are employed more frequently. USA is the major profit centre for pharmaceutical companies, who are able to price their products higher due to any lack of price controls. As medical costs are shifted to hospitals, the effect is to raise costs to other services as the burden is shifted to paying customers. As the cost is rising, it leads to many effects. The effects are health insurers and health management groups do not necessarily improve the overall the efficiency of the healthcare system. Market solutions are not apparent when it comes to healthcare. Thus, there is a dilemma in health reform. In the prospects for healthcare marketing, it has certain important contribution. There are two broad healthcare marketing problems which are relevant that would stand a chance of improving healthcare. The first is the important problem of consumer access to information that would improve patient healthcare decision-making. The second is the problem of the organizational diffusion of information which providing better access to â€Å"evidence-based medicine†to improve healthcare practice. Better publicizing treatment information and setting standards could improve healthcare and the role of marketing to positively affect health outcomes through promoting awareness of disease prevention measures is highly important. Some changing also may lead to the cost and organizational problems. Target marketing, specialization and fragmentation are important in maximizing health outcomes. The discipline of marketing provides tools and techniques for companies to profitably target consumer segments. Certain healthcare organizations have been able to profitably and effectively maximize the quality of outcomes for particular patient groups and in the process, have become increasingly specialized. However, as the healthcare system grows fragmented and specialized, issues of both cost and quality have been raised. Through DTC advertising and new marketing concerns, the educational quality of DTC can motivate discussions that enhance visit efficiency, patient/physician trust, patient satisfaction, or health outcomes. They found that while consumer attitudes are largely neutral, physician are usually negative, being distrustful of pharmaceutical promotions. There is new challenge in healthcare marketing. But, there are also ways to facing it. Public awareness of marketing campaigns can have an important impact. Given the behavioural aspects of many health problems, however, promotions alone can have limited effectiveness. Persuading people to change behaviours is a much more difficult problem than informing them about risks. Moreover, funding for better health awareness needs to be reconsidered as a public spending priority. Consumers (and their employers or insurers) make healthcare decisions within quasi-market system, and better access to salient healthcare information is clearly needed. Organizations clearly need to critically review treatment delivery systems to avoid mistakes and improve quality. Both consumers and healthcare organizations would benefit from more transparent systems to support healthcare decisions. The marketing challenge in healthcare is to develop and sustain better healthcare relationships for consumers. In my opinion, the marketing in healthcare systems is very significant due to its important role in providing the healthcare service also aiding the health information for consumer. In addition, healthcare organizations usually will face many types of marketing issues and problems as organizations, technologies health problem keep shifting and changing. The healthcare industry should engage in new thinking in understanding about their customers. They should find inspiration from other industries by scrutinizing the competition, health reform, consumer demands or the way they get to know their customers, moving beyond basic transactions and embracing their patients. Several service industries outside of healthcare are helping shape healthcare consumer experiences and expectations. Today’s technologically savvy consumers prefer to do their own research when selecting a doctor, investigating treatment options, and making major health care decisions. Targeted marketing also enables organizations to tailor communications to each stage of the member relationship. By identifying customer needs and be more prepared for the challenges and focused on raising the benefits of the healthcare services would markedly result in customer satisfaction and loyalty. Such situation can be illustrated by the recent big news when famous actress Angelina Jolie announced in a New York Times op-ed article on Tuesday 14 May 2013 that she underwent a preventive double mastectomy after learning that she carries a mutation of the BRCA1 gene, which sharply increases her risk of developing breast cancer and ovarian cancer. She signifies the empowered patient by deciding to be proactive in her health decision making!
Sunday, September 29, 2019
It’s Effect to Education Essay
The researcher give their deepest and sincerest gratitude to Almighty God for the guidance and blessings in doing this study and for the knowledge and strength in all their understanding. The researcher wish to acknowledge Mrs. Riza G. Amarillo, our research paper writing adviser and consultant for her concern and encouragement in giving wonderful suggestions which enable the researchers to pursue the completion of this study. All respondents who contributed a lot of help to the researchers in gathering the needed data and information. To the researchers special someone who gave them inspiration; and last but not the least to their parents, brothers, and sisters for their financial support in the conduct of this study. Title: DOTA: its effect to education. Thesis Statement: People get addicted to DOTA because they enjoy making bets while playing it. 1. Introduction There are many students and even some young professionals are addicted to Defense of the Ancients or DOTA. This is a kind of computer games that can be played by many players and is one of the most popular games among young students. Many students are getting addicted to this game that they even spend long hours inside the computer shop just playing this game. There are studies that getting addicted in playing computer games greatly affect student’s performance in school besides of spending most of their money to rent a computer where they can play DOTA with their classmates. What makes the game more exciting is the deal to pay those who will win the game and it is already becoming a form of gambling. The time spent on the computer, playing DOTA games or cruising the internet reaches a point that it harms a child or adult family and social relationships, or disrupts school or work life, that person maybe caught in a cycle of addiction. Like other addictions, DOTA game has replaced friends and family as the source of a person’s emotional life. Increasingly, to feel good, the addicted person spends more time playing video games or searching the internet. When a person spends up to ten hours a day or more rearranging or sending files playing games, surfing the net, visiting chat rooms, instant messaging, and reading emails. They are spending more or less seventy to eighty hours a week online with the computer and it will probably result to major social, school and work disruptions. It can lead to irresponsibility and it triggers the player to lose his/her temper and values. Besides due to playing eating is irrelevant and it can lead to ADDICTION. 2. Meaning of Addiction Addiction is the continued use of a mood altering substance or behavior despite adverse dependency consequences, or a neurological impairment leading to such behaviors. Addictions can include, but are not limited to, drug abuse, exercise abuse, sexual activity and gambling. Classic hallmarks of addiction include impaired control over substances or behavior, preoccupation with substance or behavior, continued use despite consequences, and denial. Habits and patterns associated with addiction are typically characterized by immediate gratification (short-term reward), coupled with delayed deleterious effects (long-term costs). Physiological dependence occurs when the body has to adjust to the substance by incorporating the substance into its ‘normal’ functioning. This state creates the conditions of tolerance and withdrawal. Tolerance is the process by which the body continually adapts to the substance and requires increasingly larger amounts to achieve the original effects. Withdrawal refers to physical and psychological symptoms experienced when reducing or discontinuing a substance that the body has become dependent on. Symptoms of withdrawal generally include but are not limited to anxiety, irritability, intense cravings for the substance, nausea, hallucinations, headaches, cold sweats, and tremors. The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved in something. A habitual or compulsive involvement in an activity, such as gambling being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming. Computer addiction is a mental illness which causes the excessive use of computers to the extent that it interferes with daily life. Excessive use may explain problems in social interaction, mood, personality, work ethic, relationships, thought processes, or sleep deprivation. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders does not include a diagnosis for such a disease. The term ? computer addiction? originated long before the Internet. Some people develop bad habits in their computer use that cause them significant problems in their lives. The types of behavior and negative consequences are similar to those of known addictive disorders. Internet addiction disorder (IAD), or, more broadly, Internet overuse, problematic computer use or pathological computer use, is excessive computer use that interferes with daily life. These terms avoid the term addiction and are not limited to any single cause. IAD was originally proposed as a disorder in a satirical hoax by Ivan Goldberg, M.D. , in 1995. He took pathological gambling as diagnosed by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) as his model for the description of IAD. It is not, however, included in the current DSM as of 2009. IAD receives coverage in the press, and possible future classification as a psychological disorder continues to be debated and researched. Online activities which, if done in person, would normally be considered troublesome, such as compulsive gambling, or shopping, are sometimes called net compulsions. Other habits such as reading, playing computer games, or watching a staggering amount of internet videos or movies are all troubling only to the extent that these activities interfere with normal life. Supporters of disorder classification often divide IAD into subtypes by activity, such as excessive, overwhelming, or inappropriate pornography use, gaming, online social networking, blogging, email, or Internet shopping. Opponents note that compulsive behaviors may not themselves be addictive. DOTA like drugs, is simply addicting for some. What is addiction anyway? Microsoft Encarta defines addiction as the habitual repetition of excessive behavior that a person is unable or unwilling to stop, despite its harmful consequences. People can be physically addicted to a drug, meaning they may suffer ill physical effects if they stop taking the drug. They also can be psychologically addicted to drugs, gambling, or other behaviors, meaning they feel overwhelmingly deprived if they attempt to stop. Although there is no major documentation yet if DOTA creates hallucination and other symptoms when one is deprived of it but twitchy fingers and DOTA talks are a common occurrence. Causes of Addiction 3a. Radiation The increased use of computers in the work place has brought about the development of a number of health concerns. Many individuals who work at a computer report a high level of job-related complaints and symptoms, including ocular discomfort, muscular strain and stress. The level of discomfort appears to increase with the amount of computer use. Visual discomfort and related symptoms occurring in computer workers must be recognized as a growing health problem. The complex of eye and vision problems related to near work experienced during computer use has been termed â€Å"computer vision syndrome†. Many individuals who work at a computer experience eye-related discomfort and/or visual problems. However, based on current evidence it is unlikely that the use of computers causes permanent changes or damage to the eyes or visual system. This report will review the factors relating to eye and vision problems associated with computer work and provide recommendations for preventing or reducing their development. Viewing a computer screen is different than viewing a typewritten or printed page. Often the letters on a computer screen are not as precise or sharply defined, the level of contrast of the letters to the background is reduced and the presence of glare and reflections on the screen may make viewing more difficult. Viewing distances and angles used for computer work are also often different from those commonly used for other reading or writing tasks. As a result, the eye focusing and eye movement requirements for computer work can place additional demands on the visual system. Older workers particularly may find adjusting to these working requirements difficult. Eyeglasses or contact lenses prescribed for general use may not be adequate for computer work. Specific occupational lenses prescribed to meet the unique demands of computer work may be needed. Special lens designs, lens powers or lens tints or coatings may help to maximize visual abilities and comfort. Computer workers who receive eye examinations and occupational eyewear have reported improved comfort and resolution of their symptoms. The quality and efficiency of their work have also been improved. Some computer workers may experience problems with eye focusing or eye coordination that cannot be adequately corrected with eyeglasses or contact lenses. A program of optometric vision therapy designed to treat specific binocular vision dysfunctions may be needed. A preventive approach to reducing visual stress from computer work incorporates the use of rest or alternate task breaks throughout the workday. Many computer tasks are repetitive and can become stressful both mentally and physically after an extended period of continuous work. Occasional rest or alternate task breaks are helpful to combat fatigue and stress. They provide an opportunity to incorporate different and less visually demanding tasks into the work regimen. Specific rest or task breaks should be based on the individual visual needs of the operator. 3b. Peer Influence Peer pressure is the influence exerted by a peer group or an individual, encouraging other individuals to change their attitudes, values, or behaviors in order to conform to group norms. Social groups affected include membership groups, in which individuals are â€Å"formally†members (such as political parties and trade unions), or social cliques in which membership is not clearly defined. A person affected by peer pressure may or may not want to belong to these groups. They may also recognize dissociative groups with which they would not wish to associate, and thus they behave adversely concerning that group’s behaviors. Peer pressure is most commonly associated with youth, in part because most youth spend large amounts of time in schools and other fixed groups that they do not choose and are seen as lacking the maturity to handle pressure from friends. Also, young people are more willing to behave negatively towards those who are not members of their own peer groups. Peer pressure can also have positive effects when people are pressured toward positive behavior, such as volunteering for charity or excelling in academics or athletics, by their peers. This is most commonly seen in youths who are active in sports or other extracurricular activities where conformity with one’s peer group is strongest. Pressure, planned or unplanned, exerted by peers to influence personal behavior. Peer pressure is the influence of a social group on an individual. When you were a little kid, your parents usually chose your friends, putting you in playgroups or arranging play dates with certain children they knew and liked. Now that you’re older, you decide who your friends are and what groups you spend time with. Your friends  your peers  are people your age or close to it who have experiences and interests similar to yours. You and your friends make dozens of decisions every day, and you influence each other’s choices and behaviors. This is often positive  it’s human nature to listen to and learn from other people in your age group. As you become more independent, your peers naturally play a greater role in your life. As school and other activities take you away from home, you may spend more time with peers than you do with your parents and siblings. You’ll probably develop close friendships with some of your peers, and you may feel so connected to them that they are like an extended family. Besides close friends, your peers include other kids you know who are the same age  like people in your grade, church, sports team, or community. These peers also influence you by the way they dress and act, things they’re involved in, and the attitudes they show. Peer conformity, sometimes referred to as peer pressure, occurs when individuals choose to adopt the attitudes or behaviors of others because of real or imagined pressure. In Western cultures, as the amount of time spent with peers increases, so does the influence and support they provide. 3c. Gambling Gambling is the wagering of money or something of material value (referred to as â€Å"the stakes†) on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods. Typically, the outcome of the wager is evident within a short period. Gambling is also a major international commercial activity, with the legal gambling market totaling an estimated $335 billion in 2009. In other forms, gambling can be conducted with materials which have a value, but are not real money. For example, players of marbles games might wager marbles, and likewise games of Pogs or Magic: The Gathering can be played with the collectible game pieces (respectively, small discs and trading cards) as stakes, resulting in a meta-game regarding the value of a player’s collection of pieces. The act of playing for stakes in the hope of winning (including the payment of a price for a chance to win a prize) preoccupied with the pursuit of pleasure and especially games of chance. Betting (wagering) that must result either in a gain or a loss. Gambling is neither risk taking in the sense of speculation (assumption of substantial short-term risk) nor investing (acquiring property or assets for securing long-term capital gains). It also differs from insurance which may reduce or eliminate the risk of loss but offers no legitimate chance of gain. An activity characterized by a balance between winning and losing that is governed by a mixture of skill and chance 4. Solution to Addiction 4a. Don’t focus on computer games, play sports DOTA takes away the healthy physical activity from the basketball games or team sports that the youth is driven away from. It’s a theft that creates a diversion from sports and negatively diverts real sports that is, from taking place. To reduce the growing population of obese children in the world the parents need to encourage sports and outside play over video games. Kids in the world today know little about sports and the rules. But spend more time playing video games then outside being active. What happened to neighborhood hide and seek, or pick-up basketball games with other neighborhood kids. Today children are more interested in video games, computers and television, and parents are afraid of letting their children run around the streets because of kidnappings. When I was a kid I had video games but I spent most of my time outside playing. Being outside with the fresh air and the sunshine was the best thing for me. In this year today there are a lot of kids who don’t know how to play sports or are too obese to play sports. Take basketball for instants I personally think it’s one of the easiest sports besides football. The rules are simple in basketball, dribble the ball one hand at a time, and don’t carry the ball. Also in basketball it’s up to you and your team to score as many points as you can. But in the game of basketball like any other sport you have to work as a team. One of the major benefits you get from playing sports understands how to work really good with other people. In my mind TEAM means Together Everyone Achieves More, which means if you try to do everything by yourself you won’t get very far. Video games don’t teach you how to work with others. Also most of the video games today prompt violence and use profanity. The majority of kids are no longer interested in physical activity. There are a certain percentage of kids today that are addicted to video games. I believe that at a youth age kids shouldn’t be addicted to anything. Video games in today’s society have a negative influence on kids because it separates them from reality. We no longer live in a society where kids run around actively throughout the neighborhood. Late night soccer games, pickup games in the park, and innocence children are gone in sports. Today children are more interested in video game, computers and television, and parents are afraid of letting their children run around the streets because of kidnapping. The majority of kids are no longer interested in physical activity. Why do most kids enjoy video games rather than sports? Video games were first introduced in the 70’s and have been gaining popularity ever since. By the end of the decade video games had already become a preferred activity for kids. According to a recent study by Harris Interactive 1,178 children in the U.S, almost 9 percent of children gamers are pathologically or clinically â€Å"addicted to video games. However, 23 percent of youth say that they have felt â€Å"addicted to video games,†with about one-third of males and a little more than one in 10 females reporting the sensation. 4b. Focus on reading books Anyone who has played video games, or has watched someone playing video games, can easily see the level of focus required, and the endless hours a gamer spends very much interacting with this form of entertainment. Why? What is it about this medium that keeps kids glued to it in a way few things can? Hour after hour. And what do they say when they finish? That game was too short. The key thing is that video games are goal oriented. You set out to achieve something. And you know what that goal is from the off. Give the player a clear aim, make it difficult to achieve, let them go. That’s all it takes to get them hooked. Yes, flashy visuals and cool kill cams can make fan boys’ hearts flutter. But some of the most popular games are the most simple, from Pacman to Tetris to Angry Birds. These aren’t just useful questions to ask if you’re writing children’s books, or thrillers, they apply in some degree to any narrative structure. Learning how to build scenes so the reader is ever more interested and more invested in reaching the end is a delicate balancing act. If it’s too easy and predictable, they will get bored. If it’s too complicated and impossible to navigate, that will also put them off. Obviously there are big differences between books and video games, but one thing should be the same for both gamers and readersâ€â€they should reach the end and feel like they want more. 4c. Learn to save money Learning to save money is important for those experiencing income loss, out-of-control-debt or simply a desire for increased frugality. Whether you want to save money for long-term investing, to buy a new car or home, or just to increase your overall wealth, it’s important to go about it in the best way possible. Follow these tips when learning to save money. Teaching your children how to save and spend money helps them become smart consumers and financially responsible adults. Start the process when your children are very young by explaining the various values of coins and bills and teaching them that cash is exchanged for goods and services. As your children grow into teenagers, explain checking and savings accounts, credit cards, credit ratings and various types of investments so they have a comprehensive understanding of what it means to make smart financial decisions. 5. Conclusion 5a. Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Advantages: 1. It helps you automate various tasks that you cannot do manually. 2. It helps you organize your data and information. 3. It has much more computing and calculating power then an ordinary human. 4. It may help your work to be a lot easier. It can help you communicate with friends, coworkers and other contacts. 6. It has many search engines to help you find information quickly. Disadvantages: 1. It can have negative effects on your social life and interactions with other people if you do not maintain the balance between time online and offline. 2. It may have a negative effect on your eyesight due to radiation. 3. It may cause pimples and wrinkles. 4. It may distract you from your studies. 5. Too much time in front of monitor may adversely affect your eyesight. 6. Sitting in front of a computer for too long without exercise can cause a weight gain. 5b. Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet Advantages 1. Information. The biggest benefit offered by the Internet is information. It functions as a valuable resource of information. You can find any type of information on any subject with the help of the search engines like Yahoo and Google. 2. Communication. The primary goal of the Internet is communication. It has done extremely well in this field, however the development process is still going on to make it more dependable and quick. By sending an e-mail, we can contact a person who is physically present thousand miles away within the fraction of a second’s time. 3. Entertainment. Internet functions as a popular medium of entertainment. A wide variety of entertainment including video games, music, movies, chat room, news and others can be accessed through the Internet. 4. E-commerce. E-commerce is the idea that is implemented for any form of commercial strategy or business transactions that entails transmission of data from one corner of the world to another. E-commerce has become a fantastic option through which you can shop anything. Formation of communities Internet helps in formation of communities or forums. Here a number of people can participate in different types of debates and discussions, express their views and gather valuable knowledge. 6. Services. A variety of services are offered via Internet, for example job searching, online banking, buying movie tickets, hotel reservations and consultation services etc. When you avail these services offline, they become more expensive. Disadvantages 1. Spamming. Spamming denotes distribution of unsolicited e-mails in large numbers. They are meaningless and they unnecessarily block the whole system. These activities are treated as illegal. 2. Theft of personal details while using the Internet, there is high probability that your personal details like name, address and credit card number may be accessed by con artists and used for fraudulent purposes. 3. Pornography. Pornography is definitely harmful for your children. There are numerous pornographic sites available over the Internet and watching any of those can have very bad influence on the mental health of your children. Virus threat. Virus is a program that interrupts the usual operation of your personal computer system. PCs linked to the Internet have high probability of virus attacks and as a result of this your hard disk can crash, giving you a lot of trouble. 5c. Advantages and Disadvantages of DOTA Advantages 1. Dota helps the youth who are playing this game to become mentally alert, cooperative, and strategic. 2. It increases their knowledge in mathematics by computing the gold’s, damages, magic and physical reduction present in the game. 3. Playing DOTA is for the youth to communicate teenagers who initially don’t know each other can easily be friends. Disadvantages 1. It can lead to irresponsibility. 2. It triggers the player to lose his/her temper and values. 3. Due to playing, eating is irrelevant 4. It can lead you to addiction! 5d. Advantages and Disadvantages of Facebook Advantages 1. We can keep in contact with our relatives or friends who live far away. 2. We can know what happens in our surroundings. 3. It can create fun and its rapidity of learning knowledge. 4. It can use as love attraction. Disadvantages 1. Waste of life! 2. Ruining your professional life. 3. It can create intrigues, fights etc. 4. It can lessen the dignity of a person. 6. Recommendation 6a. For problematic parents 1. Limit Internet access to public areas at least for certain times of the day and avoid having televisions and computer games in bedrooms. 2. Plan screen time, whether television or Internet use. For television, those are easy in the era of DVRs. Sit and watch a show you like then stop watching. For the Internet, which is more free-flowing, use an egg timer? Do the same for video games. Stress to children that they shouldn’t put anything on the Internet that they wouldn’t want on the home page of Google, YouTube, ESPN, StLtoday. com, etc. (Nothing on the Internet is truly private. ) 4. During exam times or other times when kids need to avoid screen time, delete games or programs or install passwords so the temptation isn’t there. Reinstall/remove passwords when exams or a report are complete. If a child is having difficulty with the Internet or screen time and none of the above recommendations are helping, contact your pediatrician. For addicted students 1. Complete a self-assessment test that will indicate whether you have truly problematic internet addiction. The Center for Internet Addiction has a free, online self-reporting questionnaire that measures internet habits, feelings, and emotions relating to internet usage. 2. Make a list of the ways that your internet usage may be disrupting your life. For example, is it interfering with relationships? Do you neglect chores or tasks that need to be completed because of your internet usage? Are you lying to others about your internet usage? These are clear signs of internet addiction symptoms. 3. Identify any specific websites or internet applications that are consuming the majority of your time when surfing online. A few examples or pornographic websites, web chat rooms, specific internet forums, or online games such as MMORPG. These things may be contributing to your internet addiction. 4. Adapt new time patterns for internet usage. The Center for Internet Addiction recommends practicing the opposite of your internet habits currently. In other words, fill the time that you would usually be spending online with tasks and chores that need to be accomplished. For example, if you use the internet on weekday mornings, reverse the schedule and only use the internet during weekend mornings. 5. Set clear goals for your internet usage to break the internet addiction. If you currently use the internet for forty hours every week, make a goal of twenty to twenty-five hours per week. Write these goals down in a journal or somewhere where you can see them everyday. 6. Compose a schedule of allowed internet usage times and set alarm clocks and other reminders of when you should log off. Try to limit yourself to 2 hours at a time maximum for each period of internet usage. Post this schedule near your computer and don’t forget to set your alarm or reminder. 7. Make a list of the negative consequences of your internet addiction and some of the benefits of regaining control of your internet habits. Keep this list in your pocket or in your wallet and take it out as frequent reminders of why you need to cut down on your internet usage. This will help when trying to reach the goals you have set. 8. Take up new hobbies or spend more time outdoors to avoid the internet temptation. Exercising, jogging, swimming, biking, hiking, and going out with friends are all great things to do instead of spending time on the internet. In addition, by spending time doing other things your mind will be less consumed with your internet habits and you will reduce your internet addiction. 9. Consider seeking help from a licensed counselor or professional psychologist. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy can help with the thoughts and feeling associated with an internet addiction and can help with successful goal setting and reaching. 10. Join a local support group in your community for internet addiction. If there are no specific internet addiction support groups, join an addiction support group anyway to see if they can help. 11. Communicate openly with family members and friends about your internet addiction. Ask them to help encourage you with your goals; family members can even help by proactively helping you achieve internet usage goals that have been set.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Bus 617-week 12 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Bus 617-week 12 - Essay Example It varies from the day and individual. Cafeteria benefits allow the employee to choose benefits from array of menu benefits. First the employer must identify the benefits package. This will help to evaluate and monitor whether benefits objectives are meet in a set targets of goals. The benefits improve the employee morale, productivity and motivate the employee. The flexible benefits are synchronized with other social insurance programs that employee subscribes and the organization pays to maximize the benefits and reduce the risks of the employee. With updated communication on the benefits programs the employee confidence grows and organizations’ values are meet. The benefits choice highly influences the employee satisfaction toward the organization (Raymond A. Noe, 2011). Self managed teams incorporate a wide range of benefits. With team decision making capabilities, productivity is improved, there is a high interconnection between the employees and there can be negotiated flexible benefits depending on the job roles and responsibilities. Depending on the personal life different employees have different scope of priorities. Thus a health care plan may differ according to responsibilities and personal life. A 55 yrs. old man need a cover for himself, and the wife and the rest cover channeled to other retirement plans where as a 30yr old single mum needs a comprehensive cover for herself and children. All these scenarios can be negotiated on a team level and budgeted for with little input for he management. The team can decide on the flexibility of the job apply mode of flexibility depending on the work schedules and responsibilities of each employee. The compressed work schedules can be incorporated for the employees who are furthering their studies externally. The tele-commuting can be applied for the sales and marketing workers who’s productivity is measured via the sales targets and other factors and have a little to do in daily production of
Friday, September 27, 2019
Excutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Excutions - Essay Example Keeping in view this social condition, the sociologists try to explore crime, crime control and the administration of criminal justice from the point of social constructionism. They view 'crime' and 'criminals' a product of social and political interests and where besides other, the most dominating factor are class, race and gender. They also take into consideration the historical and contemporary practices of criminal justice which is shaped and experienced by the racial and ethnic minorities and majorities, the rich and poor and by men and women, so as to help us understand the numerous social realities of justice in the United States; as this essay will try to examine the pattern of execution based on race, gender and class. The study of social inequalities has always been the central focus of sociologists. They are not only interested in issues related to race/ethnicity, gender and class but also the intersections of these dimensions by employing a wide variety of methods from the ethnographic fieldwork and in-depth interviews to multilevel social and networks methods and statistical models. According to The ABA Kennedy Commission Report (June 23, 2004), the United States puts more people behind bars than any other country in the world and needs to eradicate the disproportionate impact 'tough on crime' laws it has for minorities. This is not because of higher criminal behavior among blacks, but because as compared to non-whites, they are more likely to be imprisoned especially as drug users. Though white drug dealers outnumber the black ones but 86.8% of those imprisoned for drug charges are blacks. In the 1980s, the media talked about drug-addicted mothers, perpetuating the racial stereotypes of African American women who trading sex for drugs rather than a white middle class woman snorting the more expensive cocaine powder. While the poor black pregnant women became targets of the criminal justice system, the middle and the upper class women escaped scrutiny of the criminal justice agents into the private facilities of detoxification. Similarly, most studies on crime take a narrow approach to the subject by treating a crime as simply a violation of legalized social norm that carries a penal sanction. The figure among black males was 3,405. Much of the history of sentencing reform both in capital and non-capital punishment has been influenced by implicit concerns about racial disparities and discriminatory decision making in the criminal justice system. In a study carried out to find whether the four delinquency theories, strain, social learning, low self-control and control theories could better explain juvenile offending in comparison to gender, race and class impact on delinquency. The findings suggested that the quantitative analysis is an effective tool for detecting intersectional differences resulting from gender, race and class to support feminist assertions that general theories are less universal than claimed by their proponents. Based on the unfair racial disparities in federal sentencing, a report released in 1984 by the United States Sentencing Commission confirmed, that the average federal prison sentence for black offenders was about five months longer than for whit es. By 2001, the average sentence
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Biology Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Biology Questions - Essay Example Prokaryotic initially prior infusion with the other forms was able to support itself via utilizing free O2 in processing both its energy and food. This is via diminutive heterotrophs mitochondria via respiration and ensuring that they produced useful food and energy liable for their sustainability. Primarily, the Eukaryote Evolution bears two pathways, which encompass Endosymbiosis and Membrane infolding (Virtual Fossil Museum). Researchers have accepted and utilized Endosymbiosis in expounding the evolution of Eukaryote contrary to the latter pathway. Membrane infolding process contends that unit’s’ membrane engulfed the invading prokaryote where instead of digesting the cell wall it remained intact and formed an extra membrane surrounding protomitochondria and protochloroplast (Virtual Fossil Museum). Hence, the external membrane developed Eukaryote characteristics where its continued evolution yielded to endomembrane system (The virtual Fossil Museum). Conversely, En dosymbiosis claims that two entities that are diverse structurally fused due to their entirety dependence (symbiosis). The theory contends that eukaryote mitochondrion emanated from autotrophic organism engulfed by a large heterotrophic entity (Virtual Fossil Museum). Prokaryote was unable to utilize O2 to support its metabolisms process losting its outer cell wall, though, it developed an extra flexible membrane. This yielded to more infolding forming the nucleus and diverse numerous internal organelles as indicated in Fig.1. Alternatively, Eukaryote engulfed alphaproteobacteria (autotroph) without digesting it, which utilized O2 in synthesizing energy via photosynthesis (Fig. 2). This established symbiosis relationship existing amid the Eukaryote and the autotroph in the cell (The virtual Fossil Museum). Eukaryote’s responsibilities entail protection and nutrients provisions while the endosymbiont prokaryote energy via respiration (Virtual Fossil Museum). Symbiosis normally entails diverse entities that usually exist in the same environment and co-exist via mutual dependence, for instance, Eukaryote and prokaryote. This is via each entity having a distinct role, which the other cannot undertake on its own, but it is essential for own continued existence. Figure 1: Endosymbiosis Theory Retrieved from Figure 2: Endosymbiosis Theory. Retrieved from Qn. #2 Zonation entails how diverse ecosystems normally distribute themselves owing to their capability to withstand certain climatic aspects and can adequately thrive in their midst. Primarily, it depends on altitude, latitude or other factors that prompts diverse ecosystems and tend to inhabit certain geographical positions than others. Since, they do possess the necessary adaptation characteristics; these will enable their sustainability contrary to others, which could become extinct if exposed to the region (Keddy 101). Local zonation refers to small fragments having distinct characteristics and ecosystems that normally inhabit certain region, for illustration, intertidal zonation. This lies amid the high and low tidal lines, mainly on the shoreline (Keddy 269). Animals or plants meant to dwell in this region entail that they do bear diverse
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
PDP (personal development plan) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
PDP (personal development plan) - Assignment Example I have always been a very independent person who prefers to work autonomously in nearly all aspects of academics and professional life. However, with the advent of internal business auditing and external auditing consultants that continuously monitor business function and adherence to accepted accounting standards, I realised that team-working was a very strong deficiency at the personal level. Auditing systems designed to measure compliance require collaboration between accounting professionals, management and a variety of external servicepersons which prevents autonomous working. Diagnostically, I discovered through secondary research literature that many companies do not rotate their auditing teams, which builds familiarity with business professionals throughout the organisation and familiarises auditing servicepersons sustaining years of tenure with business operations, accounting procedures relevant for the business, and social relationship development.1 This will require freque nt interaction, communication and collaboration with a variety of business professionals that will expect contribution to discussion and mutual respect. This tends to conflict with my traditional need to work in segregation from others in the organisation. Developing my cooperative abilities, therefore, was established as my SMART goal since it is going to be a realistic part of the accounting environment when entering the workplace. I determined that the most appropriate goal was to ensure that I gained experience working with others by purposely engaging myself with team activities both in-school and in terms of extracurricular activities. I decided that I would begin attending study sessions and attempt working collaboratively with individuals at the Student Union in order to prepare myself for partnered study and building a sense of inter-dependency with diverse individuals maintaining unique viewpoints. This was the most practical and viable methodology of learning teamwork,
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Relationships between climate and river flow in the Alps Essay
Relationships between climate and river flow in the Alps - Essay Example annual totals of river flow (discharge) in the Massa, which drains from Grosser Aletschgletscher, measured at Blatten-bei-Naters, for the same months ( x 106 m3 )(C). Annual totals of river flow in the Gornera, which drains from Gornergletscher, measured 0.75 km from the glacier terminus, for the months June through September( x 106 m3 )(D), and annual totals of precipitation (mm) between October (year-1) through May of the given year at Grà ¤chen (E), often called P10-5. Both of the glaciers are in tributary valleys of the upper Rhone basin in Kanton Wallis, Switzerland hence are likely to have had very much the same pattern of climatic events over the 30-year period. Hence, runoff from the two basins is likely to be strongly correlated. The Swiss Alps lie within Switzerland and the north is drained by Inn, Rhine and Rhone rivers, which empty into Black and Mediterranean seas whereas the south is drained by Ticno River, which empties into Adriatic Sea. The pattern for Gornera river flow is uniform over the 30 years period with the highest flow being at around 1993. The flow for river Massa is however not keeps changing at quite big margins over the period. Both rivers however have the highest flow at around the same period, which is in 1993. (5) Calculate the Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient between the two series. [Choose an empty cell on the spreadsheet – say G1 – and clickthere. In the text bar type = and then select CORREL from the drop down menu. Correlation coefficients are usually reported to two decimal places. Format cell number, decimal places 2, enters]. How well are the two series correlated? Are there any periods when the series are not moving in tandem? The Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient shows the correlation between two variables. (6) Summer discharge from glacierised basins is likely to fairly strongly influenced by energy availability for melting snow and ice. Plot the xyscattergrams
Monday, September 23, 2019
First Ancient Civilizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
First Ancient Civilizations - Essay Example Religion is of crucial importance to society since it facilitates the guarding of morals in society. The word Mesopotamia in the Greek language means ‘the land between two rivers’, because the civilization began between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. It was in the Eastern Mediterranean, had the Zagros Mountains to the northeast and the Arabian Peninsula to the southeast, and corresponded to the present-day Iraq, most parts of Iran, Turkey and Syria. It was called Al Jazira by the Arabs and has been termed to as the Fertile Crescent. This civilization is the earliest in world history and, one which lasted for the longest time having begun around 3500 BC and ended in (Chadwick, 2005). It had much influence in western civilizations and most of these civilizations laid their foundations based on its example. Unlike other civilizations, Mesopotamia was a collection of various cultures, which were only bound together by their gods, writing and how they treated women. Mesopotamia is regarded as the cradle of civilization because it was the first to build cities, use the potter’s wheel, to develop writing, to organize armies, use large quantities of bronze and is called the place where history began. The yellow river civilization in china began in 4000 BC in China. Since water is known to play a critical role in the development of a civilization, the yellow river civilization owed its origin and development to the yellow river. The yellow river occupies a place of importance in china and has been known as the mother river of china. Just as the Egyptians credit their existence to the river Nile, the Chinese also attach great importance to the yellow river, referring to it as the cradle of Chinese civilization. The yellow river population was the centre of politics, economy and culture of the Chinese. It was also the center of science and technological advancement. It existed for 2000 years, covering the period
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Why states act through formal International Organizations Essay
Why states act through formal International Organizations - Essay Example The paper tells that in the earlier centuries, humans spread out to new geographical territories for various purposes. These territories with the passage of time evolved into civilizations, kingdoms and eventually into states or countries. However, this ‘evolution’ part was not a smooth affair, as certain territories wanting to annex more territories and also to dominate others, indulged in wars and other aggressive actions. These aggressive actions led to major wars including two World Wars. On the positive side, from the last few centuries, especially from the second half of the 20th century, states have become more ‘civilized’ and are acting in a more controlled manner. This happened and is happening due to various factors and one of the key factors is the formation of formal International Organizations (IO) by the states themselves. States wanted to develop omnipresent overseeing organization or organizations, which can handle a state’s ‘int eraction’ with other countries in sensitive issues, pre-empt any detrimental actions carried out by one state against others, warn and act against states and their governments, when they act against their own people and also to manage social welfare issues like health, education, refugee issues, science, etc. This formation of IOs have actualized a positive environment throughout the world, with the countries acting with self-discipline, minimizing aggressive overtures, and at the same time indulging in welfare activities. However, this is not the scenario all the time, because certain countries without following the tenets of the IOs continue to act aggressively and unilaterally. Even amidst these dishonouring of the IOs, countries tend to obey and act through IOs for certain valid reasons. Historical Background The earliest precursor or the historical prototype of the present day International Organizations is the Delian League. According to Zweifel (2006, pg.31) Delian Lea gue was started around 4th century AD as an association among the Greek city-states, dominated by Athens, with the main â€Å"purpose of facilitating military cooperation against their common enemies†. Although, other regional groupings were formed by the territories to oversee and manage the relations among themselves throughout the last few centuries, nothing materialized on a large geographical scale. One of the main reasons why that did not actualize is because of the absence of sovereign states all over the world particularly in Europe. The evolution of territories and kingdoms into states or modern-day nations did not start till 17th century, with the complete evolution taking place mainly in the second half of the 20th century. According to Archer (2007, pg.4) the key turning points for the formation of IOs were the Peace of Westphalia, 1648, which ended the Thirty Years War and the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713. Before that, the concept of European unification based on Ch ristianity dominated the political circles of various European territories. However, when that did happen, it facilitated the formation of sovereign state system in Europe, and later throughout the world. Thus evolved states also understood the need to actualize a natural law or entity that can guide and manage the relations between them, and in that direction created bilateral, trilateral and even quadrilateral agreements. However, those agreements among states and did not enlarge maximally. However in the next few centuries, nothing concrete evolved due to various historical reasons including conflicts among the various states, imperialism, etc, etc. Although, international cooperation in terms of collective action happened with the Concert of Europe (1815-1914), Geneva Convention in 1864 and even Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) in 1889, it was not until after the First World War, that the work for the development of International organizations got started. Because of the unpreced ented suffering caused by the First World W
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Children Reading Essay Example for Free
Children Reading Essay â€Å"Children are not reading as much as they should presents danger†As Mr. Russell states, children not reading presents a risk in terms of their learning abilities. I believe Mr. Russell is correct. When children do not read enough, their development of creativity, attention span, imagination and vocabulary are not as developed as they should be. Overall they fail to develop to their full potential because reading comprehension strengthens our brain by making it active. When children’s brains are not at their fullest potential when they get older, it could lead to a lot of problems. They can receive poor grades, have a difficult time when completing assignments, have a low self-esteem and behavior problems, become shy and get easily frustrated. If a whole generation of children grew up to have these issues, it could lead to many problems in society as a whole. â€Å"A book requires that we think, and that is the great adventure to reading.†When we read a book, it forces us to use or brains. It requires us to take every element in the story such as the characters, plot and setting and putting them together to create a theme. Putting together these elements enhances our creativity and forces us to use our intelligence. While reading a book one imagines in their mind what is going on with the story. This visual then enhances our creativity. It also forces us to use our intelligence. The vocabulary and solutions to the problems makes us think. Personally, I think one of the best things about reading something that you enjoy is the adventure that you have while reading. I forget about my everyday issues and enter into a world where my mind can just explore a whole other world that I cannot physically experience myself. The combination of these aspects makes reading an exciting experience.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Making Preschool a Supportive Environment
Making Preschool a Supportive Environment Childcare – Making A Pre-School Setting A Supportive And Safe Environment Introduction Section 1 explores the variety of pre-school providers and summarises the services they provide. Section 2 investigates how children develop. Section 3 examines the strategies pre-school providers need to implement in order to meet the requirements of the Foundation Stage Curriculum. Section 1 – Early Years: Where Your Child Can Learn There is a wide variety of early years’ education and childcare available for young children. It is best to check out the different providers in your area to see what services and facilities they provide. A great deal of learning and development takes place before the age of five, and your child can learn in a number of settings. These include: Nursery classes, nursery schools and day nurseries Pre-school playgroups Reception classes Accredited childminders who are part of an approved network Children’s Centres Finding An Early Education Place Near You – It is possible to find out what is available in your area by contacting your local Children’s Information Services (CIS). Your CIS can also provide help and advice with all aspects of childcare and early years’ education. You can also search for nurseries, childcare and schools online by accessing the following website: and clicking on Early Years. This facility provides you with the opportunity to type in your postcode to get a list of providers near you. This on-line facility allows you to: Find a new school Find out more information about schools, such as contact details, School Profiles, Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) reports, maps and achievement tables Find childcare options, such as childminders, crà ¨ches, nurseries, out of school care, holiday care and pre-school care Of critical importance to a child’s long-term development is sourcing a highly effective provider in your local area. School Profiles are the new way for schools to report annually to parents, replacing the Governors’ Annual Report. All schools use the simple format, designed to provide information about the school’s performance and its broader achievements, both in and beyond the classroom. The School Profile is intended to give parents the information they need to understand the school’s performance, strengths and areas for improvement and contains: The school’s successes Details of extra-curricular activities Health and safety information The school’s response to the latest Ofsted report Free Education For Under Fives – All three and four year olds in England are entitled to a free, good quality, part-time early education place. The entitlement consists of a minimum of 12.5 hours per week for 38 weeks a year. It begins after your child turns three (the exact date depends on when their birthday falls). It ends when they reach compulsory school age. Nursery Classes, Nursery Schools And Day Nurseries – Nursery classes and schools fall into two groups: state and private. Most day nurseries are privately run. Most nurseries: Will take your child between the ages of three and five, although many day nurseries take younger children Open throughout the school year, although some private day nurseries open during the school holidays Operate a core day of 9.00 to 3.30 pm, although many nurseries offer longer days Offer five half-day sessions, although some types of nursery will offer part-time or full-time places depending on your needs Nursery schools and classes have a minimum ratio of two adults to 20 to 26 children – one must be a qualified teacher, the other a qualified nursery assistant. Day nurseries have more intensive staffing ratios and different rules on qualifications of staff depending on the ages of children being cared for. Pre-School Playgroups – These are often non-profit making. They may be run by volunteers, often including parents. Most playgroups: Will take your child between the ages of three and five, although some will take two year olds Open throughout the school year Usually offer half-day sessions, although are not always open all week, and others may be able to provide you with longer hours Provide places for between 10 to 20 children – there must be one adult for every eight children, and at least half of the adults must be qualified leaders or assistants Reception Classes – Some primary schools are able to admit children under five into a reception class. Reception classes: Take children aged four and five Open throughout the school year May take your child for half-day sessions at first, and then build up to full-time attendance Are limited by law to up to 30 children – most have assistants Childminders – They usually look after children in their own home. Some childminders work as part of a network to offer early years’ education. All childminders who care for children under eight agree to certain quality standards and must be registered, checked and inspected regularly to make sure they are suitable to look after children. Childminders: Look after your child from a few months old up to the age of five and some will also look after school age children after school and in the holidays Can often be flexible about the days and times they work: however, every childminder will be different so you will have to discuss this with the childminder Can look after up to six children under eight years old, although no more than three must be aged under five years of age. Children’s Centres – Sure Start Children’s Centres can provide early education and full day care for children under five, as well as a range of other services such as family support and health services. They are open a minimum of 10 hours a day, five days a week, 48 weeks a year. Section 2 – Child Development The importance of the first five years of a child’s life in terms of mental, emotional, social and physical development is now widely recognised. To this end the Labour Government since it was elected in 1997 has introduced a number of measures, which have improved the availability and quality of pre-school provision. The variety of this provision was explored in section. All pre-school providers must comply with a number of legal acts e.g. The Children Act 1989, The Care Standards Act 2000 etc, which are administered by a variety of regulatory bodies. The most effective way to make the pre-school environment safe is for the staff to fully understand how children develop. When children are stimulated and are actively encouraged to become involved with learning activities, this reduces the occurrence of bad behaviour and makes a significant contribution to improving the safety of the pre-school provision. This section is concerned with exploring how children learn and develop. How Do Children Develop? During the last 10 years, there has been an explosion in our knowledge of the ways in which humans develop and learn. When educators discuss children’s development, they usually talk about physical, mental, social and emotional development. It is important to remember that some children progress faster than others and that the time spent in stages does not reflect their intelligence. They may have a personality which needs to move slower in order to enjoy life and really internalise their learning. Physical Development – Once born, children develop strength from top to bottom (head, then body, then legs, then feet); from the inside to the outside (trunk, then arms and legs, then hands and feet, then fingers and toes); from large muscle (jumping, hopping, running, throwing, catching, carrying, climbing and balancing) to small muscle (using muscles of the wrist and hand in activities such as cutting, drawing, stringing beads, building block towers, working with play dough) skills. This is a sequence that all humans follow. While children are young we need to do many activities to strengthen their large and small muscles. Muscle skill development and maintaining a healthy body are especially important for future reading, writing, and maths success. Mental Development – When a child is born, he / she comes with a brain ready and eager to learn. The brain is very much like a new computer. It has great potential for development, depending on what we put into it. Early experiences greatly influence the way a person develops. Everyone who works with children has a major responsibility for the future of those children. The activities you do with them from birth to 10 will determine how their learning patterns develop. As children interact with their environment, they learn problem solving skills, critical thinking skills, and language skills. Social Development – First children develop a sense of self and then a sense of belonging to a family. They begin to watch other children and want to interact with them. Children’s plays develops through stages (playing alone, playing near others but not sharing, playing and sharing, playing with a purpose, organised games). These stages develop over time and with practice. Later, children develop their ability to respect the rights of others and to feel empathy for them. They learn to work cooperatively with others and to resolve conflicts in peaceful ways. You can interact with your child in ways that encourage cooperative behaviour and respect for the rights of others. Interacting with others in positive ways is critical to successful life. Emotional Development – As babies grow, they learn that they are not the centre of the universe and that they can depend on others. They develop a trust or mistrust of others. As toddlers, they learn to be proud of their accomplishment and state their opinions and desires. As they become pre-schoolers, children learn to separate from their parents and adjust to the school environment. They begin to participate in classroom activities. They learn to take turns and to solve conflicts using words. They begin to learn to control their emotions. They learn that it is okay to make a mistake. They develop confidence in themselves and learn to love themselves. You can help your children by encouraging them and showing your faith in their abilities. Having confidence in yourself and liking yourself are critically important to future success in school and in life. How Do We Prepare Children To Be Ready To Learn? – There is great interest on the part of parents in teaching children their letters and numbers and writing skills. The following lists show the pre-reading and pre-writing skills and beginning number skills that every child must develop in order to learn to read, write and do well in maths. Reading Skills – Reading skills develop in sequence and teachers try to help each child progress along the sequence as he / she is ready to progress. First, a child develops a love of books. At the same time they are beginning to develop eye-hand coordination. Next, they acquire tracking skills (the ability to follow words and pages from left to right through a book). Then children begin to recognise individual letters and later they realise that letters form words. Next they begin to understand that words remain the same from day to day. Listening skills improve at about the same time. The child begins to hear letter sounds and connect them with the written letters. Later, he/she begins to string sounds together to make words. The child then learns to hear and use the rhythm of the language. Reading ability continues to improve as he/she receives positive feedback from interested adults. Writing Skills – This is a sequence which each child passes through. One step follows another. A lot of practice is required at each stage. First the child begins to develop the sequence of drawing skills (from scribbling to making representational drawings). Encourage them to draw often. Small muscle strength needed for controlling writing instruments is increased through activities using squeezing, pinching and cutting. Then the child begins to imitate letters and numbers for fun and then to write for a purpose. When they receive positive feedback from interested adults, children’s skills will continue to improve at a fast pace. Maths Skills – These skills develop with much practice and we encourage their development as the child is ready. The child begins to count for fun (rote counting). Then they begin to see the purpose for counting and begin counting objects in a set (meaningful counting). Next they begin adding to or subtracting objects from a set. They begin comparing objects in a set. Then the child begins sorting (by size, shape, colour etc.) and ordering (by size, first-second-third etc). They enjoy learning to estimate (guess how many) and predict (what will happen next). They begin to sequence objects (red, yellow, blue, yellow, _____). This is a slow process and requires a lot of practice. At last the child begins to recognise numbers and associate the number with a like number of objects. They also begin to write numbers. Later, they will write the number words. If we make the learning fun, children will enjoy learning maths through their school years. SECTION 3 – FOUNDATION STAGE 3-5 The Foundation Stage was introduced as a distinct phase of education for children aged 3-5 in September 2000. In preparation, Curriculum Guidance For The Foundation Stage was distributed in May 2000 to all schools with nursery and reception classes, and to early years settings receiving education grant funding. This guidance sets out six areas of learning which form the basis of the Foundation Stage Curriculum. These areas are: Personal, social and emotional development Communication, language and literacy Mathematical development Knowledge and understanding of the world’ Physical development Creative development Each area of learning has a set of related early learning goals. Curriculum Guidance For The Foundation Stage is intended to help practitioners plan to meet the diverse needs of all children so that most will achieve and some, where appropriate, will go beyond the early learning goals by the end of the Foundation Stage. The Education Act 2002 extended the National Curriculum to include the Foundation Stage. The six areas of learning became statutory, and the Act also specified that there should be early learning goals for each area. A national consultation on the content of the early learning goals as set out in Curriculum Guidance For The Foundation Stage was carried out in autumn 2002. Following this consultation the early learning goals and use of the Curriculum Guidance as a guide, became statutory in March 2002. The Act also established a single national assessment system for the Foundation Stage, replacing baseline assessment schemes. The Foundation Stage profile was introduced into schools and settings in 2002-03. The Foundation Stage profile has 13 summary scales covering the six areas of learning, which need to be completed for each child receiving government-funded education by the end of his or her time in the foundation stage. The curriculum for the Foundation Stage should underpin all future learning by supporting, fostering, promoting and developing children’s: Personal, Social And Emotional Well-Being – In particular by supporting the transition to and between settings, promoting an inclusive ethnos and providing opportunities for each child to become a valued member of that group and community so that a strong self-image and self-esteem are promoted. Positive Attitudes And Disposition Towards Their Learning – In particular an enthusiasm for knowledge and learning and a confidence in their ability to be successful learners. Social Skills – In particular by providing opportunities that enable them to learn how to cooperate and work harmoniously alongside and with each other and listen to each other. Attention Skills And Persistence – In particular the capacity to concentrate on their own or on group tasks. Language And Communication – With opportunities for all children to talk and communicate in a widening range of situations, to respond to adults and to each other, to practise and extend the range of vocabulary and communication skills they use and to listen carefully. Reading And Writing – With opportunities for all children to explore, enjoy, learn about and use words and text in a broad range of contexts and to experience a rich variety of books. Mathematics – With opportunities for all children to develop their understanding of number, measurement, pattern, shape and space by providing a broad range of contexts in which they can explore, enjoy, learn, practise and talk about them. Knowledge And Understanding Of The World – With opportunities for all children to solve problems, make decisions, experiment, predict, plan and question in a variety of contexts, and to explore and find out about their environment and people and places that have significance in their lives. Physical Development – With opportunities for all children to develop and practise their fine and gross motor skills and to increase their understanding of how their bodies work and what they need to do to be healthy and safe. Creative Development – With opportunities for all children to explore and share their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of art, design and technology, music, movement, dance and imaginative and role play activities. In order to fulfil the requirements of the Foundation Stage Curriculum and provide a safe and supportive environment, pre-school providers need to implement the following strategy: To Encourage Physical Development Pre-School Providers Need To: Feed children meals with good nutritional value and teach nutrition activities to children and parents Teach children and families about good hygiene Practise large motor skills (balancing, galloping, skipping, building muscles in the arms, legs, and trunk) Build small motor skills through practise (cutting, holding writing instruments, drawing, painting, stringing beads, using play dough, water play) Present activities to develop eye-hand coordination Offer many movement activities Play instruments to the rhythm of the music Play games that involve listening to and following directions Parents should be encouraged to take their children for regular medical and dental checkups To Encourage Mental Development Pre-school Providers Need To: Ask open-ended questions (questions which encourage children to think because they have no right or wrong answer) Give children choices Allow and encourage creativity (through art, music and movement, dictation, re-telling stories and creating new ones) Building language skills (through conversation with adults and each other, word games, reading stories, learning nursery rhymes, singing, dramatic play, introduction of new words, providing a writing centre with word cards and writing materials, activities with puppets, listening centre activities) Provide science experiments and introduce concepts about our world to help them make sense of it Learn about the neighbourhood and the city through walks and field trips Provide many manipulative materials which encourage the development of problem solving skills Encourage counting objects through games and individual questions Ask the children for their opinions Make charts with their predictions and their opinions and re-read them often Provide small groups and individual activities involving counting sets and adding or subtracting; provide manipulative exercises which encourage classifying (by size, colour shape, general classes like animals or plants and by function such as library and book) Read daily to the children Help them learn sequencing by telling stories back to the teacher Observe each child in order to provide activities to encourage their individual learning It is important to remember what children know depends on the experiences they gain To Encourage Social Development Pre-School Providers Need To: Set up their classrooms in learning centres to enable and encourage children to work together in small groups Help them develop self-esteem by accepting and respecting their efforts Give children jobs and responsibilities in the classroom Teach children to clean up and straighten up at the end of their work time Help them learn to respect others through adult action, words, stories and conversations Encourage children to help other children in need and to share Give them encouragement Invite them to share their culture with others and encourage their parents to come into centres Introduce them to children of other cultures and different abilities Help children develop a positive attitude by being trustworthy role models Read books and have discussions which show parents leaving their children at school and being there when their children arrive home Talk about careers and jobs and why parents have to work Have a structured day so that children will feel secure Let children help make the rules for the classroom and let them choose projects to work on Through example and opportunity help the children learn to work and play cooperatively with others Give the children the words to use to solve their problems with other children To Encourage Emotional Development Pre-school Providers Need To: Help children learn to control their own behaviour through setting a positive example Help the children to learn to wait for a turn and to share with others Help them develop plans for activities to do while waiting for a turn Reassure children that it is okay to have feelings and to express them in acceptable ways Give them the ability to channel their energy in constructive ways Through showing respect to our children we help them to learn to show respect for each other Give children self-respect through accepting them as they are and helping them develop their negotiating and problem-solving skills REFERENCES Bee, H. and Boyd, E. (2004), â€Å"The Developing Child†, (10th Edition, Pearson Education) Gopnik, A. / Meltzoff, A. / Kuhl, P. (2001), â€Å"How Babies Think†, (Phoenix) Hobart, C. and Frankel, J. (1999), â€Å"A Practical Guide To Child Observations And Assessment†, (Nelson Thornes) Foundation Stage 3-5, QCA, ( Early Years, DFES, (
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Different Ideas Of What Is True :: essays research papers
As a child I repeatedly stood in line with my mother at the supermarket waiting to pay for our groceries. I often grew bored and found cheap entertainment in reading the thick, dark print of the supermarket tabloids. I would gaze my eyes and drop my jaw in shock at their stories; but, the one thing I never did doubt was the drama of their plots. As I grew older, I would watch television news magazine programs and think how different the facts, and pictures, as presented on television were from those of the supermarket tabloids. Now I have learned that in order to be constantly informed I must become a media critic, and I must judge for myself the facts which stories are correct. For some time I have found myself straining away from the supermarket tabloids and towards magazines I think I can trust. Upon examination of two periodicals, Time and Globe, it is easy to see the distinction between reputable and irreputable media, with regard to the JonBenet Ramsey case. Through the use of facts, photographs, and aim towards a certain audience a discrimination between drama and information is clear. It is disturbing that the Globe magazine uses melodrama and tension to sell a story in which the drama lies not in the pages of a magazine, but in the heart of all the victims. Â Â Â Â Â The facts discussed in both magazines contradict one another, and further the confusion of the reader. Time magazine challenges its readers to weigh the evidence and decide upon the guilt or innocence of John and Patsy Ramsey. Time magazine concludes that the investigation of the parents has come to a halt, due to the fact that no new evidence has been brought forward for months. This information does nothing to clear the Ramseys of murder, but does nothing to encourage their punishment. In the Globe magazine, a mention of a nylon cord is made to imply that the Ramseys will be arrested and charged with the murder of their daughter. There is no discussion of this report in Time magazine, and Globe magazine does not mention a source leading one to believe that this report is false, or concocted. By linking the Ramseys to the murder of their daughter by the use of fabricated evidence, the Globe encourages the readers to prosecute the Ramseys while destroying their na me. Â Â Â Â Â Photographs spread across the pages of Time magazine do nothing to add drama to the JonBenet Ramsey case, whereas Globe photographs add emotional illustrations to a excessive story.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Statue of Liberty: A Lie? Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Essays
Statue of Liberty: A Lie? As I sat on a park bench in the middle of Manhattan, eating a pack of stale peanut butter crackers, I couldn't keep myself from thinking about the woman I had met the day before. The lady I met seemed to be a strong woman of high morale, but after our interaction I came to the conclusion that she was living a lie. Well-known and noticeably the tallest female in the community, many people looked up to her as somewhat of a motherly figure. I'll never forget the tattoo on her ankles that partially read: †¦. cries she with silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" She was a very old woman who really didn't look as old as she was. As we stood side by side, we had a long interesting debate about violence, values and where we thought the United States was headed as a nation. She kept saying how she had been around a long time and how she has personally witnessed the downfall of America; however, she seemed unemotional. Suddenly, tears began to flow down her solid face; or maybe it was rain? What bothered me the most was her body language, which spoke to me like a smart remark. At first, I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but something about her struck me as being hypocritical. She told me her name was Liberty. The Statue of Liberty is a national symbol of freedom for the people in America. Many Americans interpret Lady Liberty in different ways depending on their gender, ethnic, racial background and other social factors that influence our personal opinions of the United States. After personally evaluating how Lady... ...ican values, when at the time females weren't even allowed to vote. There it is! Evidence shows that Lady Liberty is a contradiction because her message hasn't been consistent with society's beliefs. Most Americans firmly embrace the Statue of Liberty, but never stop to question its validity as a representation of America. Lady Liberty is portrayed as being an icon of America but I feel she is one of the largest unchallenged contradictions in our present society. The statue of liberty's main objective depicts America as something it is not. At times I feel angry when looking at the statue because I feel as though we are lying to ourselves by accepting a false reality. It's very unfortunate that "Americas ego" is the cause of so many deaths. Personally, I feel that until we honestly accept the truth about ourselves, we will forever be a misrepresented nation.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Violent Females and Restorative Justice Essay -- Violence, Women
2. Introduction As of the early 20th century, there has been a rise in violent crime committed by women. This is due to a change in gender roles that result in women having a lack of informal control, giving women the mindset that they are more assertive (Kruttschnitt, et. al, 2008). It has been found that women as a whole are less likely to reoffend after attending a restorative justice conference (Hayes, 2005). Due to the female violent offenders only being a minority offender group (Bonta,, 1995), there are gaps in research in terms of the effectiveness of restorative justice on their recidivism rates (Latimer, 2005). This research proposal will aim to address the gaps in this research by outlining the theoretical framework that backs the ideology that restorative justice may potentially be more beneficial and have a more positive outcome for females than males. Firstly this paper will discuss the current literature, outlining the effectiveness of restorative justice, the research su rrounding the rise in female violent offenders, and the potential success of the two variables in reducing future recidivism. And finally, a research question and hypotheses will be outlined in order to potentially influence future policy change. 3. Literature Review Restorative Justice conferencing has been seen to be successful in reducing recidivism. This method of justice involves the offender(s), victim(s) and/or stakeholders of an offence to meet in a professionally mediated environment to discuss the offence and negotiate an outcome (Tuddenham, 2001). The term â€Å"Restorative Justice†is referred to as practices that are aimed at making the offender aware of the material and psychological damage or harm that has been caused t... .... (2001). Evaluating Restorative Justice. Probation Journal, 48(4), 296. doi:10.1177/026455050104800411 Umbreit, M. S. (1995). Holding Juvenile Offenders Accountable: A Restorative Justice Perspective. Juvenile and Family Court Journal, 46(2), 31. doi:10.1111/j.1755- 6988.1995.tb00815.x Umbreit, M. S., & Armour, M. P. (2011). Restorative Justice and Dialogue: Impact, Opportunities, and Challenges in the Global Community. Journal of Law and Policy, 36(65), 65-89. Verrecchia, P. J. (2009). Female Delinquents and Restorative Justice. Women & Criminal Justice, 19(1), 80. doi:10.1080/08974450802586992 Walgrave, L. (2011). Investigating the Potentials of Restorative Justice Practice.Washington University Journal of Law & Policy, 36(1), 91. Wortley, R. (2011). Development. In Psychological criminology: An integrative approach (pp. 36). New York, USA: Routledge.
Encryption and Decryption Algorithm
Encryption and Decryption algorithm using ASCII values with substitution approach.First Author: M.Shruthi and Second Author: Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Bachupally, Nizampet, I.AbstractThis paper shows the possibility of employing the characteristics of available algorithms with poly-alphabetic substitution techniques in a linear fashion, to produce ASCII values of the typed text and then putting in the translating, transposition techniques in order to get the encrypted text. Before generating the cipher text, the algorithm will result in Message digest of the given text. This algorithm implements the model of symmetric Key cryptography. This algorithm can be implemented in any programming language such as C, C++, Java etc. In poly-alphabetic substitution the plain text's letters are encrypted differently corresponding to their position. The name poly-alphabetic proposes that can be more than one key so we have used two keys combination instead of one, in order that it produces the cipher text. We can also use three or more keys to make the encoding process more complex. In this paper have generated ASCII Codes of the plain text and then we have reversed it say it as reverse ASCII Codes and then we have produced two random keys named K1 and K2. Then these K1 and K2 Keys are alternatively applied on Reverse ASCII codes in order to produce encrypted text. On the other hand Decrypting algorithm is used to generate the plain text again. Our technique generates random cipher text for the same plain text and this is the major asset of our technique.II. IntroductionRelated work:a. IntroductionNow-a-days need of security is essential to make data secure from the unauthorized user to access. Security is needed in many of the organizations like military, budgets of Government, it is also necessary to our general economy and many business applications also. Business application involves the security among the data of the institute in which information about of the employees, manager workers and owner's profit is itself stored and similarly, application i.e, utilised by the user's according to their use also requires security. So security plays an indispensable role in our day to day life. Cryptography is one of the techniques for guarding data.Information Security is a set of thoughts for managing the processes, tools and policies necessary to prevent, detect, document and counter threats to digital and non-digital content. The responsibilities of Information security include launching a set of business processes that will safeguard information assets regardless of how information is formatted or whether it is transit, is being processed or is at rest in storage.Important information or data cannot be sent across the internet without implementing any security mechanism, because this data can be seen by any intermediate person in order to change the message.So the command for Information Security across the networks is expeditiously increasing day-by-day. Every business organisation has a burden to secure their data from being loss or theft. A message digest is a cryptographic hash function which includes a group of digits generated by a hash formula. Message digests are intended to secure the integrity of a piece of data or information to identify changes or alterations to any part of a message. Basic terms for secure communication are:Let us consider two parties that want to communicate secretly, A and B. If A wants to send something to B, some information, we call that information a plaintext. After encrypting the plaintext a cipher text is produced. B knows the encryption method since he is the intended receiver and since he must use the same method together with his secret key to decrypt the cipher text and reveal the plaintext.b. Related Work:1. Avinash Sharma and his team have proposed a technique for encryption and decryption. In this paper they have explained about encryption and decryption techniques using ASCII values and substitution approach. (IJASCSE Vol 1, Issue 3, 2012)2. R.Venkateshwaran in his paper shows the possibility of utilizing the features of Genetic techniques with poly substitution methods in a linear way, to produce ASCII values of the given text and then employ transition, substitution with the features of Cryptography. (International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 3 – No.7, June 2010)3. Sumith Chowdary and his team described about the algorithm in which randomly generated numbers are used with the help of modulus and remainder by making program in any language i.e. c, c++ and java. (IJARCCE Vol. 2, Issue 8, August 2013)III. Basic Mechanism for cryptographyP=Plain text C=Cipher text X= Some Plain text Y=Cipher text of plain text K=Any Random key E(K,X): Encryption of X using key D(K,Y): Decryption of Y using K C=E[K,P] P=D[E,C]IV. History of CryptographyThe art of cryptography is considered to be born along with the art of writing. As civilizations period started, human beings got incorporated in tribes, groups, and kingdoms. This led to outgrowth of ideas such as power, battles, supremacy, and politics. These thoughts further furnished the natural need of people to communicate covertly with discriminative recipient which in turn assured the continuous evolution of cryptography as well. The roots of cryptography are found in Roman and Egyptian civilizations. The word Cryptography has been derived from the Greek word kryptos (hidden) and graphing (writing).Cryptography is the technique with which a plain text can be converted to cipher text so that this cipher text is not understandable by anyone excluding the recipient. Cryptography, the science of encrypting and decrypting information can be traced back all the way to year 2000 BC in Egypt. Here it was first used with the help of the standard hieroglyphics in order to communicate secretly. Julius Caesar (100-44 BC) used a simple substitution cipher which has been named after him today. During the first and the second war the command for confidentiality increased rapidly all kinds of new cryptographic techniques developed.V. Objective of the AlgorithmThe core objective of the research is to safeguard information stealing in what so ever manner it may be, with the use of appropriate technology. To secure information spilling and to provide a high-level integrity and authenticity to data or information using MD5 and Cryptographic algorithm that is sent over the network. Integrity: Ensures that a message is unchanged from the time it sent from the sender and till it is opened by the receiver.Authenticity: It verifies whether the identity of user in the system is a true or genuine user.To check the integration of message/information MAC is verified.VI. Algorithm for EncryptionDecryption and MAC Generation:Algorithm encryption{Generate two random keys k1, K2.Take dataFind ASCII values for each character in the data.Reverse each ASCII value and store it.Add each key alternatively to each reversed ASCII value.//This is the encrypted data.}Algorithm decryption{Take the encrypted data and random numbers.Subtract the keys from the encrypted dataEach alternativelyReverse the obtained values.// The reversed values will be ASCII codes of characters.Print the retrieved ASCII value's corresponding characters.}Algorithm MD5{Firstly append padded bitsThen append lengthInitialise MD BufferLater process message in 16-word blocks.Display the output.}Encryption Process: The above figure (fig 1.1) depicts the procedure of encryption.Let the text be HELLO WORLD.Firstly, generate 2 random keys named k1 and k2. For example let us assumeK1 =1123K2=1452Then translate the each character of message into its corresponding ASCII Code and the we reverse these ASCII codes. (This is shown in table1.1)Next, these keys k1, K2 are added alternatively to reverse ASCII numbers in order to generate cipher text. Table 1.1:Plain text ASCII number Reverse ASCII Number Cipher textH 72 27 1150E 101 101 1553L 108 801 2253L 108 801 1923O 111 111 1563 32 23 1146W 87 78 1530O 111 111 1234R 114 411 1863L 108 801 1923D 100 001 1453Decryption Process: This technique is exactly reverse technique to that of encryption. So in this process, subtract the keys from the obtained cipher text.That is first subtract k1 from first value of encrypted/cipher text and then subtract K2 from second value of cipher text, consecutively. Repeat this step until you reach to the end of the message.Finally we will get the plain text which was sent by user.Following table will depict the process of decryption:Cipher text Reversed ASCII number ASCII code Plain text1150 27 72 H1553 101 101 E2253 801 108 L1923 801 108 L1563 111 111 O1146 23 32 1530 78 87 W1234 111 111 O1863 411 114 R1923 801 108 L1453 001 100 DVII. MAC Generation:The MD5 hashing algorithm is a cryptographic technique that accepts a text of any length as input data and returns as output a constant-length digest parameter to be utilised for authenticating the true message.From past years, there has been exaggerated interest in generating a MAC produced from a Cryptographic hash code, like SHA-1, MD5, etc. Here in this, we have used MD5 algorithm for resulting a 128 bit hash-value. It is employed as a checksum to ascertain data integrity.Ex:1. helloMD5 Hash of your string: 5D41402ABC4B2A76B9719D911017C5922. The attack is at 5 p.m.MD5 Hash of your string: 54759A4BE2031EA6CC8D56B10CD4A9AAVIII. Snap shots of the algorithm implementationHome page: After entering some text: Click on encrypt button: Click on Decrypt button: If the text-box is empty: And if clicked encrypt then it results to a message:IX. Key words and AbbreviationsCryptography: The process of encrypting and decrypting text for securing it.Cryptanalysis: is the art of decoding or obtaining plain text from hidden messages over an insecure channel. It is also known as code cracking.Encryption: The technique of converting plain text into some other format with the help of a key is known as Encryption. Decryption: The technique of altering cipher text or encrypted text into plain (original) text is called as Decryption with the help of same key or other key.Key: An amount of information used for encrypting and decrypting text.Cipher text: The message written in secret code and is not understandable by anyone. Plain text: The original message given by end-user.Encryption Algorithm: An Algorithm for encrypting given text.Decryption Algorithm: An Algorithm for decrypting the encrypted text.MD5 Algorithm: An Algorithm for finding 128 bit Message digest for the given text.Abbreviations used:MAC: Message Authentication CodeASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange.MD5: Message Digest v5X. Future scopeThis algorithm is formulated for the sake of security.There are many future scope of substitution approach employing ASCII value for Encryption & Decryption. Firstly it is certified that any intermediate person don't hack the data between the gap of plain text and cipher text. Secondly receiver receives the encrypted text as it's same as the senders send the plain text. Thirdly in the contemporary world, new technologies ameliorate day by day so we can exaggerate changes in this algorithm according to the requirement. This work can be further improvised upon in the future in many different ways.XI. ConclusionThere are many techniques such as RSA, IDEA, AES, DES, DIFFIE-HELLMAN algorithms and much more that can be utilized to modify a plain text into cipher text to transfer over the network so nobody else than an actual recipient can understand the message. But Substitution and Transposition is the ground for every algorithm as each and every algorithm employs Transposition or Substitution or both of them. In this view we have introduced a new technique that is titled as substitution using ASCII Codes. This new method for text encryption and decryption behaves randomly so grouping of the same cipher text and breaks it by just guessing it becomes more difficult. This technique of combining cryptography and Message digest can lead to new area of research on securing data by other mechanisms. This technique of text encrypts and decrypt employing ASCII algorithm is definitely an impelling process when compared with other cryptographic systems. This algorithm is very meteoric, procure and trust worthy.XII. References:1. Stallings W. Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice, 2/3e Prentice hall, 1999; 30-49.2. Author: Vineet Sukhraliya, Sumit Chaudhary, Sangeeta Solanki, Title: Encryption and Decryption Algorithm using substitution array approach. IJARCCE Vol 2 Issue 8 August 2013.3.Author: Avinash Sharma, Anurag Bhatnagar, Nikhar Tak, Anuradha Sharma, Jitendra Avasthi, Prerna Sharma Title: An Approach Of Substitution Method Based On ASCII Codes In Encryption Technique ,IJASCSE Vol 1, Issue 3, 20124.Author: R. Venkateswaran Dr. V. Sundaram, Title: Text Encryption and Decryption with Poly Substitution Method and Combining the Feat ures of Cryptography. IJCA Vol 3 – No. 7 June 2010. 5. 6.
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