Saturday, August 31, 2019
Impact of Market Revolution Essay
The end of the war of 1812 brought a large amount of pride to the Americans. From then on came about the transportation revolution which brought about many changes. The major shift from an agrarian to an industrial economy introduced various changes not just in politics but at the lives of many americans. The beginning of the market revolution marked the ending of the Federalist presence in the government while introducing a variety of modifications to the jeffersonian-republican party. These economical and political changes gave about notable chances in the status of labor, the class structure ultimately affecting the lives of american families. The market economy introduced many changes to the job industry by giving rise to the industrial worker most notably in new england. The many mills during the early 19th century were composed of women who seeked to better themselves, in part these women had to submit to their bose’s will when it came to their unstable wages. Even so the vast amounts of jobs that were left unfulfilled gave rise to immigration from Europe. The introduction to the Irish and German immigrants gave rise to wage jobs from skilled jobs which erupted many notable riots from the residents around New England. The waged workers were regarded as â€Å"wage slaves†by many riots due to them having a job that consumed most of their time as well as because of the unstable wages. These eventually led up to the creation of various workingmen parties. The most notable change that occurred during the 1820s was the rise of the new middle class which included doctors and teachers just to name a few. and the fall of the artisan class. This gave rise to the merchants in the class structure as they were the most benefited from the market revolution. The classes played a very important role during the market revolution. The difference of sexuality affecting wages still persisted. Even so, the rise of education during the second great awak ening allowed for better opportunities to become a â€Å"self made man†diminishing the dependence of workers on their bosses. The most affected thing during the market revolution was perhaps the life of american families. The role of the wife and the children changed to a certain point. The wife was expected to provide emotional and spiritual to the husband and her children and caring this being what the cult of domesticity promoted. The increasing economic gap between the rich and the poor prevented excessive breeding this being due to the economic burden that children were viewed as. This led to the increase of child labor in industrial factories and mills. The market revolution brought many changes with it these heavily influencing the status of labor, the class structure ultimately impacting american families. The shift from an agrarian republic brought changes such as waged jobs while introducing a great influx of immigrants. The widening gap between the rich and the poor were in it’s part negative but in it’s part was positive when it came to education. The life of american families was perhaps the most affected with the introduction of the cult of domesticity and the ideals that reform movements engraved on married women Planning Status of Labor: People began to work on a timely schedule Received hourly wages Development of industries and factories Seed drill, reaper, cotton gin, steel plow increased production rates and made work easier Samuel Slater’s American Factory System Lowell textile Mills Workforce composed of women Young unmarried women hired Mostly from farms Under the promise of wages ; Unstable Wages Class structure: Artisans were going down the social class Women and children were inferior to men received lower wages than men Wealthy merchants were going up the social class ere heads of industries and factories
Friday, August 30, 2019
Kill the Media
The formation of personal identity in present-day society can be seen as awkward and challenging. Many teenagers gravitate towards the media for direction on how to stay up-to-date and fresh on trends while going through a tumultuous puberty stage. The dominant influence of accepted media affects every individual’s sense of self. Lauren Moak, author of â€Å"Is This What You Really Want? †attempts to explain the effect media portrayal has on a younger audience’s stance on beauty and self-esteem. She states, â€Å"The media sends the same message on every commercial, billboard, and television show out there. If you do not have the perfect shape, clear complexion†¦well, you’re not â€Å"beautiful†. †(Moak). Moak verifies that the mainstream media crafts images that youthful individuals struggle to become. Every day many girls strive to fit the mold the media has created. Girls fixate over thin frames, tan skin, and unattainable facial features. What many fail to realize is that most, if not all, images are airbrushed or photo-shopped to transform the average face of a model to an unrealistic being. Moak further elucidates her point by saying, â€Å"The media says that if we all fail at achieving this â€Å"ideal†body image, we must try harder no matter what the costs. †(Moak). Attempting to assemble an identity in a media-saturated world is nearly impossible. Everything one does is inspiration from the media and what society deems as â€Å"right†. Self-individuality cannot coexist with popular media. Personal identity, as well as gender identity suffers from the media. Many images from popular media exhibit cliched, constricting, and naive perceptions on various issues, most commonly being gender. David Sedaris, author of â€Å"I Like Guys†, explains his self-awareness of his own sexuality and the portrayal of homosexuals by the media and close people around him. Early into his essay, he describes, â€Å"It was my hope to win a contest, cash in the prizes, and use the money to visit a psychiatrist who might cure me of having homosexual thoughts. †(Sedaris). By Sedaris wanting to instantly be cured from homosexual thoughts, it shows that homosexuality is not acceptable in his society. He also explains viewing homosexual men on television and looking down upon them. This is parallel to the gender identity issues in present-day society because the media is yet again forcing their viewpoints onto others and limiting individual’s perception of people. This, in turn, leads to new stereotypes and discrimination against sexes. One should not feel ashamed, but instead entitled to one’s own views and standpoints on issues. Sedaris expresses the immediate shame he felt after an encounter with another boy. He states, â€Å"My jealousy stemmed from the belief that he had been cured. One fistful of my flesh and he had lost all symptoms of the disease†¦why couldn’t I do the same? †(Sedaris). The media’s continuous backlash to painful topics causes gender identity issues to prevail. Judith Ortiz Cofer, author of â€Å"The Myth Of The Latin Woman: I Just Met a Girl Named Maria†attempts to explain the effect media portrayal has on a younger audience’s stance on beauty and self-esteem. She states, â€Å"The media sends the same message on every commercial, billboard, and television show out there. If you do not have the perfect shape, clear complexion†¦well, you’re not â€Å"beautiful†. (Cofer). Moak verifies that the mainstream media crafts images that youthful individuals struggle to become. Every day many girls strive to fit the mold the media has created. Girls fixate over thin frames, tan skin, and unattainable facial features. What many fail to realize is that most, if not all, images are airbrushed or photo- shopped to transform the average face of a model to an unrealistic being. Moak further elucidates her point by saying, â€Å"The media says that if we all fail at achieving this â€Å"ideal†body image, we must try harder no matter what the costs. (Cofer). Attempting to assemble an identity in a media-saturated world is nearly impossible. Everything one does is inspiration from the media and what society deems as â€Å"right†. Self-individuality cannot coexist with popular media. The formation of personal identity in present-day society can be seen as awkward and challenging. Many teenagers gravitate towards the media for direction on how to stay up-to-date and fresh on trends while going through a tumultuous puberty stage. The dominant influence of accepted media affects every individual’s sense of self.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Unnatural Killers Summary
The story is about a young couple that attempts murder twice, committing it once. The story is told by a lawyer that works in a small town in Mississippi. He meets a devout Christian and solid citizen, Mr. Savage. On March 7th, 1995, Sarah and Ben, a young couple on a road trip, entered Mr. Savage’s office and shot and killed Mr. Savage. They took his credit cards and cash. There were no witnesses. The couple made their way down to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. Running low on cash, Sarah entered a convenience store and shot the 35 year old mother that was working that night. She then took the money from the register. The clerk survived but was completely paralyzed. An anonymous informant identified Sarah from the video from the convenience store. Sarah and Ben were sent to trial. Sarah blamed Ben. She said that the movie Natural Born Killers brainwashed them and lead them to work out their â€Å"demons†. She said she didn’t see a 35 year old mother. She said she saw a demon so she shot her. Sarah is likely seeing a life sentence and Ben may see a death sentence. The lawyer from the Mississippi town believes that the maker of the movie is to blame for these crimes. There have been other murders that were linked to people watching the movie. The voice of Grisham is shown towards the end of the story where he calls for the writer of the movie to be tried in court.
Dementia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Dementia - Essay Example Dementia In the case of dementia, the effects have been widely noted and accepted (although the quantity of descriptors may vary from one authority to another): often cited are such symptoms as memory loss, particularly in short-term loadings, confusion, and disorientation in time and place, and personality alterations. Unfortunately, such effects may result from a variety of causes, some of which are treatable and others that are not. Depression is a good example of the former; Alzheimer's of the latter. The prevalence of dementia we see currently is merely the tip of the iceberg at that. There are now some 32 million individuals in this country age 65 and older. That figure is expected to grow to 39 million in less than 20 years. Though there are now an estimated 5 million victims of dementia, the number may increase to more than 17 million in the same time period. . If true, within 20 years, over 40 percent of the elderly will suffer some form of dementia compared to less than 15 percent at the present time. These are staggering figures, and they are only estimates because no statistics are kept by any agency of the exact number of persons diagnosed by physicians as suffering from dementia. In fact, doctors resist any imposition of record keeping that would lead to actual numbers and realistic data.Recent analyses of people with dementia have suggested that a loss of self or a process of "unbecoming" are ascribed to this illness by many clinicians. However, many studies fail to con sider and assess the wide variation in levels of self-awareness across both persons and areas of functioning. That is, there may be extensive individual differences not only in overall level of self-awareness but also in the specific patterns of unawareness across functional areas as well as different types of awareness (Danner & Friesen, 1996). To the degree that those with dementia retain awareness of their deficits across a range of functions, their ability to report on their emotional reactions to their deficits might be preserved. Neglect of the patient perspective in dementia may also reflect the failure to consider premorbid expressive styles when drawing conclusions about a person's internal experience (Cotrell & Schulz, 1993). An understanding of premorbid expressive style can help to bring order and meaning to the apparently random expressions of the demented patient. What appears to be indiscriminate, meaningless emotional behavior might instead represent a distorted attempt to communicate one's feelings and needs to caregivers. The new wave in attempting to understand the subjectivity of dementing illness asserts that the person with dementia clearly has feelings but lacks the ability to express them in some of the usual ways. Informed by the knowledge that the demented person has a longstanding tendency to react strongly and negatively to
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Identify the Japanese tourism's promotional strategies Essay
Identify the Japanese tourism's promotional strategies - Essay Example Other than the government, Japan Tourism Agency, JTA has been instrumental in promoting tourism in the country. The Japan National Tourism Organization, JNTO, a government’s independent institution runs tourist information centers and a website that give information on transportation, accommodation and tourist destinations. Private sector players also collaborate with the government in various ways to boost tourism in the country. Promotional strategies According to JTA’s commissioner, Hompo (3), Japanese strategies to attract tourists from across the globe have been based on three pillars. The overseas promotion encompasses establishing the Japan brand by promoting it as a premium destination based on its diversity. The second pillar involves enhancing the hospitality and accommodation facilities in the country with the aim of satisfying its foreign tourists. The government in this regard ensures effectiveness in the transport system and addresses visa related regulati ons, guide signs and immigration control. The third strategy involves attraction of more international conferences, having been ranked fifth and eighteenth in 2007 and 2006 respectively in this regard. According to the Japan Tourism Agency, JTA 1,000 journalists have been invited to reassure the world of the viability of the country as a viable tourism destination. There have been massive media campaigns and advertisements promoting the country as a tourist destination. Movies have also been produced to promote the culture of the Japanese. The government urged hotel owners to upgrade their facilities, the quality of the tour guides it employed and make proper arrangements for its visitors when visiting critical attraction sites. Indeed, these strategies have been successful with McCurry noting that by August 2011, the number of international visitors visiting the country had rose to 547,000 from 296,000 by the end of the year 2010. Target market The promotional strategies employed b y the government of Japan and relevant tourism agencies and partners aim at attracting foreign tourists across the globe. The Japan Tourism Agency aims at attracting over 20 million tourists from across the globe by the year 2020 (Hompo 3). But Ochterbeck (5) notes that these promotions mostly target visitors from great western powers to prove to them the civilization of the country. The priority markets for Japan according to the Commissioner of the JTA include the United States of America, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, China, France, Hong Kong, Singapore, Germany, Thailand, Taiwan, Thailand and South Korea. Tourist attractions According to the JNTO, the tourist destinations that the government and relevant agencies promote in Japan cluster around Tokyo, the capital city as reported by Schoenberger. This makes the tourism circuit of visitors convenient. These destinations encompass both the traditional and modern sites. Shinjuku, a skyscraper district offers shopping and night life opportunities. The film ‘Lost in Translation’ made Park Hyatt popular providing a penthouse for drinking and having a superb view of the city. Shibuya and Harajuku districts provide tourists with the opportunity to learn Japan’s teen culture. The former capital city Kyoto provides architectural beauty and
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Environmental and Offender Profiling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Environmental and Offender Profiling - Essay Example A combination of scientific disciplines and techniques are used in environmental profiling - e.g. pedology, biology, sedimentology, and geography. (Wiltshire, n.d.) Thus, all the scientific disciplines that compliment (or that are used in) environmental science are of use in environmental profiling. The use of chemistry to analyse soil particles in a laboratory for example, can give clues to the source of soil found at a crime scene and can be useful material evidence in solving crimes. Through the use of biological know how for example, soils from a crime scene may provide materials like insects, amoebae, parasitic worm eggs, and "aquatic organisms like Ostracods and Foraminifera". (Wiltshire, n.d. para. 2.1.2) Certain microscopic plants like diatoms and dinoflagellates may also be found in soil deposited unawares by an offender at a crime scene. These microscopic flora and fauna may not be widespread in location and would thus be only present in restricted areas. An analysis of such material could point investigators to the possible location of an offender. Wiltshire (n.d.) provides a non-exhaustive inventory of materials that can be useful in environmental profiling. ... (para. 3.2) Apart from use such valuable material in building environmental profiles of the crime scene, they also serve as very important evidential material in the building of a case against an offender in the criminal justice system. It must however be noted that very knowledgeable offenders can use some of these otherwise valuable materials as decoys. An intentional depositing of flora and fauna by an offender can easily sway the direction of the investigation to a wrong target, if the investigators 'bite the offender's bait'. Also, in situations where an offender is very 'skilful' in the conduct of crime, very little material may be left behind and this may not be very useful for building an environmental profile for the investigation. Environmental profiling thus to some extent, depends on the offender's level of incompetence. The more knowledgeable an offender is concerning forensic techniques of evidence collection, the less likely he/she is to leave enough material behind. The next segment of the essay considers the various forms of offender profiling. Though offender/criminal profiling has been popularly attributed to the Behavioural Science Unit (BSU) of the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) in the U.S., its use predates the founding of the FBI itself. Petherick (n.d.) states that the first recorded example of offender profiling in the contemporary sense was conducted in the 1880s by Dr. Thomas Bond, in his analysis of the corpse of Mary Kelly, who was the last victim of 'Jack the Ripper'. Bond wrote that: "the corner sheet to the right of the woman's head was much cut and saturated with blood, indicating that the face may have been covered with a sheet
Monday, August 26, 2019
Marketing Research for Mc Donalds Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Marketing Research for Mc Donalds - Case Study Example Donald's provides fast food and has established and maintained its position as a market leader in the food retail business for over a century. Fast food is typically similar in behavior to fast moving consumer products. It is due to this, that Mc. Donald's needs to advertise all the time to generate a top-of the mind recall and to remind people what the brand stands for. The success of Fast food retail business is dependent on the ability of all marketing campaigns to instill a craving for their product offering. History of Business Theme: The business theme of Mc Donald's has evolved with time. However, even though their positioning statement has been varying and has been different for different campaigns, the key elements i.e. "warmth","Everyday slice of life" and "the Mc Donald's Experience", have been retained. This consistency in the theme and campaign has helped in building a clear image of Mc Donald's in the mind of customers. Their positioning statements in the past decades have been as follows: Even though a campaign is usually aimed at the walk in customers and the bottom line is always a boost in sales. However, all the affiliated stakeholders including the employees, suppliers, business partners and stakeholders feel the spillover effects of any advertising. Customers; the customers would always want to purchase food that is convenient and hygienic. However, in the past few years, hygiene consciousness and heath consciousness has increased. Mc Donald's may ace at hygiene maintenance but in the "Health" segment it has to battle the negative image of fast food industry on the whole. The fast food industry carries a universal image that it is fattening food and is thus unhealthy. Suppliers: The suppliers need to know that the vendor management is efficient and fair. The suppliers also benefit from the positive image of Mc Donald's as it adds to their own portfolio of high profile clients that they serve. This helps in building up clientele
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Music of the 1960's Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Music of the 1960's - Essay Example As a result, the participants of war are always in need of encouragement, motivation, hope, and renewed courage to participate and sustain the struggle with a hope of winning at the long end. Music has always sought to provide these needs in parts or in totality. Indeed, music has been in the forefront to incite, condemn, and encourage people to war. Moreover, war music acts as a vehicle to spread propaganda, incite people to participate, and as an incentive to patriotism and enlistment in the ranks (Wells, 2004). However, we also have anti-war songs that discourage participation in war and calls for its end. Indeed, music served as a catalyst to unite people against war and in particular, against the Vietnam War (Anderson, 2006).Hence, the significance of music in addressing the societal problem of war is unquestionable. This paper will address the issue of war using five songs recorded in the 1960s. To achieve this, the paper will analyze the songs for similarities and differenc es in how they address the social issue of war. The songs to consider include â€Å"Masters of War†by Bob Dylan, â€Å"For What It's Worth†by Buffalo Springfield,  â€Å"I Ain't Marching Anymore†by Ochs Phil, Phil Ochs â€Å"What Are You Fighting,†and Ccr â€Å"Bad Moon Rising.†All the five songs, advocate for anti-war activities with the main theme of ending war. Ccr â€Å"Bad Moon rising,†recognizes the fact that there is no need to fight claiming the war brings forth rage and ruin. Indeed, everyday that people go out for war, deaths are registered. Hence, the artist warns that the war front will claim lives. Hence, there is a need to stop the war. This is a roots rock song, whose target audience is the participants of war. English vocabularies feature in the lyrics. A group wrote and sang the song. Phil Ochs â€Å"What Are You Fighting†equally condemns fighting in that though we are fighting, many are jobless, no equalit y in our countries, the leaders are full of lies, the media is also practicing truancy, we are still enslaved, and children are in despair. Hence, before we venture into war we should win our wars at home. This is a folk song, whose target audience is the participants of war. English vocabularies feature in the lyrics. An individual singer wrote and sang the song. â€Å"For What It's Worth†by Buffalo Springfield, notes that a lot we go down if we continue fighting. Children will suffer, masses will die, and Paranoia will strike deep. This is a folk rock song, whose target audience is everybody with war experiences. English vocabularies feature in the lyrics. The band wrote and sang the song. â€Å"I Ain't Marching Anymore†by Ochs Phil, Phil Ochs, sees no need to fight since the old leaders always leads the young to war yet it is always the young that fall. Brothers and sisters have fallen to war, engaging in war for no good reason, enslaving many in war, cities destroyed, counties conquered and yet there is nothing positive to show though the war is still on. Indeed, it is time to stop the war. This is a folk song, whose target audience is nobody in particular. English vocabularies feature in the lyrics. An individual singer wrote and sang the song. â€Å"Masters of War†by Bob Dylan believes the world war will not end. The leaders and the rich lead the young to war and run away. They deceive them that the world war will be won yet millions are dying, property destroyed, children suffer
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Sociology--How is the american workplace responding to the needs of Essay
Sociology--How is the american workplace responding to the needs of working parents - Essay Example Although it is stipulated in the Law that for reasons of illness or arrival of a new child, a parent can take an unpaid leave of up to two weeks. However, not many can take the financial risk of enjoying an unpaid leave. This puts lower income families at a disadvantage. In situations where illness of a child happens, one of the parents would be forced to stay at home with the child and not receive income. Working parents who have young children have more issues than those with children who are already grown-up. For one, daycare centers are relatively expensive and it is the parent’s burden to shoulder the expenses. This problem is compounded by the fact that not all workplaces have daycare facilities. This brings a parent trap wherein the working parent has no choice but to delegate the responsibility of childcare to unreliable daycare centers. Although America is one of the most modern civilization which highly values independence, freedom and humanity, its value system on child rearing is undermined. Unlike its European counterparts, America is not taking childcare seriously. In an article published by the Atlantic, it stated that France’s daycare is heavily subsidized by the government since most of European countries highly respect childcare as a national responsibility ( Kornbluh 2003 ). Children are viewed as economic assets in European countries since the future belongs to them. The main issue for working parents now can be summarized as companies must provide additional benefits to working parents since this contributes to employee productivity. Presently, there are only few companies like JC Penny that allows working parents to trade shifts. Another ideal company is Ikea, as reported by American Prospect : Paid leave, child-care assistance, and other benefits are par for the course at some model companies. Ikea, which offers paid sick days, maternity/paternity leave, and time off for
Friday, August 23, 2019
Population and immigration in relation to hospitality market in the UK Essay
Population and immigration in relation to hospitality market in the UK - Essay Example People1st, the Sector Skills Council (SSC) for the hospitality, leisure, travel, and tourism sector, UK, envisages an additional 15,000 new jobs between 2002 and 2012, in addition to the 846,000 replacement jobs lost through labor turnover. AGCAS also believes industry will require 30,000-35,000 trained people at management and supervisory level year on year until 2010. Meeting labor requirement is a perennial problem in the industry. This essay will examine why this sector is not popular with the British local people and why there are so many immigrants in this industry. The rationale for the labor requirement can partly be attributed to the Olympic Games being held in London in 2012 (People 1st). According to Lockwood and Guernier (1990), Travel and Tourism analysts, hospitality sector in the developed countries are experiencing labor shortages and can expect to face greater shortages in the future (cited by Choi et al, 2000). The world has shrunk due to advanced technologies and hence finding labor round the globe is easier than it used to be. Due to globalization and free market economy, the recruitment strategy too has to undergo change. Migration of labor worldwide in the hospitality industry is very common. According to People 1st, 11 percent employers find it difficult to fill up the vacancies, as there are not enough people interested in the jobs. Not many skilled people can be found in this industry, and this is a customer-driven industry. Customer satisfaction in this industry is vital. This sector traditionally recruits a young workforce yet the biggest challenge that this sector faces is that of skills shortages. Skills in this industry range from the unskilled porter to the highly skilled managers. The majority comprises the unskilled staff including the food and bar service staff, semi-skilled including the commercial and clerical staff and the kitchen staff (Choi et al). While
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Change of sign method Essay Example for Free
Change of sign method Essay I use the same method to keep doing decimal research. to work out a more accurate answer. Take increments in size 0. 1 within the interval [1. 5,1. 6] From the above we can see that must lie between [1. 52,1. 53]. It can be very clear if I use graph. I will do a better research this time by using the same method to prove my result is correct. Now I can find a more accurate result from the research which lies between [1. 521,. 1522]. Here is a graph to prove the interval is right. However, I will take 4 decimal places to improve the accuracy of the interval. Also I will use the same method again. As we can see the root is between [1. 5213,1. 5214] Same again. Autograph is used to prove my solution is right. Error bounds This is the process which check how the accuracy of the roots are. From those 4 decimal search I have done so far, I can say that the answer is between 1. 5213 and 1. 5214. These can be improved the accuracy. Assume X=1. 5213 f(x)=(1. 5213)^3-1. 5213-2=-0. 00047 X=1. 5214 f(x)=(1. 5214)^3-1. 5214-2=0. 000121 Because the answer is -0. 0004700. 000121. So the answer must between 1. 5213 and 1.5214. However , these are not the exact answer so I have to estimate them. In this case, X=1. 5213. 5, so the error bound is . Because this is the middle point between the interval. Fail example by using Exel It is not guaranteed to use this method, because there still has some problems in it. See the graph below: As we can see the curve touches the x axis. The root lies between 0 and 1. I am going to use Exel program to prove it. There is no change of sign of this equation. So we can say that the change of sign method is failed. Newton-Raphson method This is another fixed point estimation method, and as for the previous method it is necessary to use an estimate of the root as a starting point. The process can be repeated to give a sequence of points x2, x3 I am going to use the following equation. As we can see there are 2 roots in this function. The first root lies close to +1. But I will estimate the first root is x1 = +2. I will show it in graphical as +2 is a starting point. There is a technical way to do Newton-Raphson method by using Autograph. I will do it step by step with showing the graph. I click the curve then right click it and chook the Newton Raphson Iteration option. I have entered the value that I estimated, then press the right side button. The solutions appear automatically. The answer that I got is 1. 27202. Error bound Because my solution is 5. bp. So the answer will be x=1. 27202 The numbers that I squared shows how close to the real answer. So we can say there are some error in it. I am going to try another root of the equation. I have estimated the x1 = -2. As I can see from the graph, -1. 27202 is the best answer I can get. Then I will check whether the solutions are correct.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
A research on the effects of birth order on personality family and society Essay Example for Free
A research on the effects of birth order on personality family and society Essay How Does Birth Order Affect Personality, Family, and Society? Introduction This research project will investigate birth order and how it directly affects one’s personality. This project explains why individuals behave differently within the family. According to the systems theory, families adapt in response to changes in internal and external needs and circumstances, including the development of individual family members ( For primary research, opinions from different hierarchical perspectives will be provided through a survey. Depending on ones position in the sibling hierarchy, personalities differ because different stages carry different roles and responsibilities. This research project will look at how each stage affects personality. Method For the primary research, a total of fifteen questions were asked to 6 people. Each of the interviewees was of different levels in the sibling hierarchy, i.e. first born, last born, the middle child, only child, and twins. In between each question, the subjects would have time to properly think about their next answer, this way results would be accurate and as substantial as possible. The first interview was conducted with a set of 20-year-old twins, this interview was the most interesting and had the most answers. The next subject was a 13-year-old girl who is the only child of her family, the interview lasted seven minutes. The third interview was conducted with a 17-year-old girl, a 14-year-old girl and an 11-year-old boy, they were all siblings and would represent each part of the sibling hierarchy. Topics about the personality and how it affects relationship within the home and outside of the home were discussed. The topics covered were: personality traits and parent-child relationships. Results All of the subjects were teenagers specifically because they would be experiencing the effects of their birth order currently as they are still at home with parents. One hundred percent of the interviewed subjects identified with, and agreed upon the following characteristics and stereotypes: First Borns: High achievers Perfectionists Obsessive Responsible Controlling Middle Children: Very Social Generous Diplomatic Mediators Values friendships and relationships Somewhat rebellious Last Borns: Attention seekers Outgoing Selfish Creative Humourous Discussion This study is supported by Alfred Adlers theory of personality development. Alder was influenced and inspired by Charles Darwin’s study of genetic evolution and adaptation. Darwin’s phenomena can help explain why children tend to differentiate their personalities and carry out tasks uniquely based on their own individual approach to life in order to reduce competition and conflict. Children influence most of the relations that happen within the family, they decide for themselves the role they will play in the family, parents only help reinforce those choices (Schafer, 2015). Some might deem themselves as the â€Å"responsible one†, the â€Å"goody-two-shoes†, the â€Å"smarty pants†, the athlete, the persevering etc†¦ Alder, who is a world-renowned psychologist would suggest that children be raised or treated individually; meaning as the unique individuals that they are. The primary socialization in a child’s life is determined by the fa mily. The family helps you gain a sense of who you are (Holloway, 107). If a child is not raised individually, with each of their stereotyped personality traits taken into consideration, it could result in a low self-esteem, conflict and possibly distance within the family. The Theory of Ego development, founded by Jane Loevinger discusses how ego is developed in three stages (Holloway, 105). The second stage of this theory talks about people understanding and accepting their individual differences and through that, distinguishing variations in feelings and emotions that make people unique (Holloway, 105). Most parents might not understand the psychology that is behind a child’s position in the family, which is why many children especially the middle child, might complain of lessened love and misunderstanding. A parent should feel responsible for the well-being of their child, but many of them overlook the importance of understanding the essence of birth order. 2 out of 5 interviewees described their relationship with their parents as normal without any real problems. The other 3 however, agreed upon the fact that their parents do not understand them and in fact treat their siblings and them the same and bringing them up as â€Å"one person†; saying things like â€Å"Be like sibling A†, â€Å"Sibling A gets very high grades, why is it different with you?†. It is a challenge for parents to understand their children and treat them based on their different characters and psyche, which is why most parents don’t even bother. Feelings of neglect and unimportance may arise within certain children when they compare their relationships with their parents to that of their siblings. Sibling relationships are one of the most significant relationships people experience through life. They help define our early social and cognitive skills. The emotional connection and protection that comes from a sibling bond is a great life satisfaction that helps reduce levels of depression. They can teach us about conflict resolution, managing social tensions, conduct friendships and handle ourselves in group situations ( Gender also has a role to play in birth order positions. In the case of the first-born child, oldest males are more of leaders as they tend to take charge. Oldest daughters, on the other side of the spectrum, are more aggressive and confident, sometimes bossy. Middleborns are the Type O blood of relationships: They go with anyone, (Schipani, 2010). Middle children tend to be good at making compromises as they would have bossy older siblings and needy younger siblings. The youngest child of the family is usually treasured an d in many cases treated as babies for much longer than their older siblings. The youngest siblings of the family also tend to stray away from taking charge and might be seen as the shy and quiet sheep of the family. The only children of the family are usually stereotyped to be precious and would be pampered as they have all the attention on them; parents would not have to split attention and in worse cases love between siblings because there is only one child. Many say that only children are more mature for their age because of the amount of time they spend with their parents. My research showed that the 13-year-old girl interviewed who is the only child of the family, considered herself more socially aware than her peers and is very much accustomed to and satisfied with her own company. Symbolic interactionism examples that a child’s self-esteem is determined by the parent’s appraisal of the child’s worth, this occurs during the parent-child interaction. It assumes that supportive parental behavior like nurturance, approval, and love all determine a childs inherent worth (Adkins, 2003). The child will be able to confirm that his parents accept him for who he is and see him as a competent and worthwhile person. The more the parent interact with a child using positive sentiments, the child will positively act upon not just her immediate family but the environment around her. The theory states that if parent-child relationships are spread across equally amongst all children, all the children within the family will have an equal self-esteem.  Conclusion As proven by Alfred Adlers theory, birth order does have an effect on one’s personality. As well as individualistically, a child’s position in the family can reflect on his immediate family, meaning sibling and parent relationships as well as how they relate to the outside world. If parents dont learn to properly care for their children individualistically, conflict and feelings of incompetence could arise within the family. Citations Adkins, K. L. (2003, May). Predicting Self-Esteem Based on Perceived Parental Favoritism and Birth Order. In Tennessee State University Graduate Studies. Retrieved from Schafer, A. (2015, May 5). Birth Order Theory. In HUFF POST PARENTS CANADA. Retrieved from Schipani, D. (2010, May 28). How Does Birth Order Affect Relationships? In Womens Day. Retrieved from White, James Martin., and Margaret Holloway. Families in Canada: Social Contexts, Continuities, And Changes. Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005. Print. Whiteman SD, McHale SM, Soli A. Theoretical perspectives on sibling relationships. J Fam Theory Rev. 2011;3:124–139. What Does Birth Order Say About You (n.d.). In International School Parent. Retrieved from
Why Are Ethics So Important In The Field Of Accounting Accounting Essay
Why Are Ethics So Important In The Field Of Accounting Accounting Essay Based on what you know about accounting, what role do you see it playing in business operations? How dependent do you think a business is on its accounting department? Why? I think that accounting plays a very large role in business operations because it is needed to show the financial status of that business. It is also necessary to know what the status is in order to be able to make important decisions involving expenses and money transactions. I think that a business is extremely dependant on its accounting department for these reasons. The accounting department could almost be considered the back bone of a business in terms of the companys financial success. Without reliable financial reporting a business could incur losses, possibly get audited and possibly even cause a business to go bankrupt. WEEK 1 DQ 2 Why are ethics so important in the field of accounting? Accounting ethics are important because a business relies on the reported financial status to make its business decisions. A business must have accurate reports and know that the business has sufficient funds to continue to operate and be able to pay rent and other bills, pay employees, and to continue producing products and/or offering services. Accountants have acces to inside information and assets that could be detrimental to a business should it enter into the wrong hands. A business needs to be able to rely on competent and ethical professionals with confidence that the finances are being accurately handled and reported. WEEK 3 DQ 1 When reviewing a financial report, why should information be reliable, relevant, consistent, and comparable? In other words, why are these accounting characteristics important? What kinds of problems could be created if a financial report is not reliable, relevant, consistent, or comparable? Information in a financial report needs to be reliable, relevant, consistent, and comparable because many people rely heavily on this information in order to make important business decisions. The report is useless to stockholders, managers, employees, and creditors if the information is not accurate and able to give them the information that they need to make certain business, lending, buying and/or selling decisions. The information must be relevant in order to make a difference in the decisions people make regarding the company and its future. The information should be verifiable so that users know it can be relied on. It needs to be comparable so that different companies can compare performance. The reports should be consistent so that a company can easily refer back to the information if needed in the future. If the information is not reliable, users could make wrong decisions based on inaccurate information and could potentially lose a lot of money doing so. If the report is not relevant, users will not have the information needed to make important business decisions. If the report is not consistent, a company may have a hard time tracking financial results to compare with other years. WEEK 3 DQ 2 How does information from financial reports influence business decisions? Why is it important for business managers to understand the information found on financial reports? Information from financial reports can influence business decisions by offering its user a prediction of what the business future may look like based on how the company has done in the past. If these reports show that the company has done well over the last two periods, then decisions can be made based on the projections that the company may continue to do well in the next period. For example, and investor may see this information and decide to put money into the company because he/she believes that the company will continue to make profits as it has been doing recently. A creditor may decide to lend money to expand the company because it see in the reports that the company has been doing well and should be able to repay the debt. Managers need to be able to understand the information on financial reports because they need to make important business decisions for the future the company based on the companys expenditures, production, and profits or losses. WEEK 5 DQ 1 How would you describe the difference between financial and managerial accounting? What are the distinguishing features of managerial accounting? The main difference between financial and managerial accounting is that managerial accounting is for internal users such as officers and managers. Financial accounting, on the other hand, is for the needs of external users such as stockholders, creditors, and regulators. Though each field of accounting deals with the economic events of a business, managerial accounting is done with the purpose for making specific decisions in regards to the company. The distinguishing features of managerial accounting are that internal reports are produced as often as needed, they are very detailed, and there are no independent audits done on these reports. WEEK 5 DQ 2 Select a management function (planning, directing and motivating, or controlling) and explain how that function relates to business as a whole. Next, select a different function listed by a classmate. Discuss with your classmate how the functions you each selected complement each other. Directing and motivating is a management function that is important in any business. It is essential to any company to make sure that all business operations are running smoothly. This involves implementing planned objectives and providing necessary incentives for employees as well as selecting executives, appointing managers and supervisors, and hiring and training employees. I worked at Circuit City for four years and I can share now from experience just how important motivating employees is and how badly a company can suffer without proper motivation and incentives. This is something that this company really lacked on (at least the one I worked at did) and now it has gone out of business. I am sure that there were many other reasons involved for why it went out of business, but I never felt in my fours years there that me or any other employee was ever really motivated by management and there was really no extra incentives to being a good worker. The company had an very high turn around rate for employees and managers and they were never trained well. I pretty much had to figure everything out on my own when I first started working there. I had probably about seven different managers in those four years and some I dont think ever even knew my name! WEEK 7 DQ 1 You know how important it is to create budgets for your household. How does budgeting help management make good business decisions? Budgeting can help management make good business decisions that will help them to maintain enough cash to pay the companys creditors, to have sufficient raw materials to meet production requirements, and to have adequate finished goods to meet expected sales. Budgeting is important for management to be able to plan ahead and to be able to help the company to reach its financial goals. Good budgeting also provides and early warning system for any potential problems so that action can be taken beforehand. Budgeting also helps management make good decisions because they are likely to be more motivated to reach goals if the companys objectives are laid out before them. WEEK 7 DQ 2 What are some of the different types of budgets? Describe in detail one type of budget covered in the text. Describe what the budget is used for and what information it provides a business. Then, as you respond to your classmates, discuss how the budget you described relates to the budget they described. Discuss how a business benefits from each of the budgets. Some of the different types of budgets are the sales budget, production budget, direct materials budget, and the direct labor budget. The sales budget is the first budget that is prepared and is especially important because each of the other budgets depends on it. The sales budget is made from managements best estimate of anticipated sales revenue for that budget period. The sales budget can affect net income if the projections are not accurate. This budget is relied heavily upon to determine how much inventory is needed to meet the sale demands in the budget period. This budget shows the expected unit sales volume and its anticipated unit price. These expected unit sales volume and the anticipated unit price are multiplied together to determine what the total sales budget will be for the year. CAPSTONE DISCUSSION QUESTION Think back over what you have studied and learned in this course. Do you have a new perception of or appreciation for the field of accounting and how it contributes to business? Explain. I can honestly say that I have a new appreciation for the field of accounting. I had no idea how important accounting was to a business. Accurate accounting is important not only to the business as a whole, but also to the managers, the investors and the creditors. Financial statements, budgets and record keeping are far more complicating than I thought they would be. A person could go on all day and still not cover every aspect of accounting; profits and losses, assets and liabilities, partnerships and corporations, contribution margins, and audits- just to name some. I also now see why ethics are so important in accounting too. Good or bad ethics in accounting can either make or break a company.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Dale Earnhardt Essay -- Biography Biographies Bio
Dale Earnhardt grew up in automotive racing. Ever since he was a kid that is what his family did, and now his family carries on that legacy. Dale Earnhardt grew up in Kannapolis, North Carolina, a textile mill town. His father, Ralph Earnhardt, was known as "Iron heart" on the short-track racing circuit, and he taught Dale how to drive stock cars and work with engines. His father had converted a barn behind the family home into a garage, and he was well known for his skill with engines. Earnhardt's earliest memory is of watching his father race. Dale dropped out of high school after the eighth grade because he tried ninth grade twice and just couldn't do it. After he dropped out, Dale worked odd jobs, drove dirt tracks, and also argued with his father, which wanted him to complete high school. Dale became most famous with his black Monte Carlo with a dominate # 3 in white on it, but his first dirt track car was a 1956 hot-pink ford Sedan, which his neighbors gave to him, David and Ray Oliver. His father Ralph had built the engine, and some other friends, Frank and Wayne Dayvault and their cousin Gregg, tuned it. They int ended to paint the car avocado green, but a paint mishap resulted in the car being pink. They could not afford to repaint it, and Dale raced the pink car on dirt tracks around Charlotte, North Carolina. Dale married for the first time at 17, and at age 18 had a son, Kerry. Dale divorced his first wife at 19 and married a second time to Brenda. This marriage would last five years before he divorced again. Dale had two children with his second wife, a daughter, Kelley, and a son, Dale Jr., who would both followed him into racing. While Dale was at the age of twenty two his father died from a heart attack. Earn... ...nto the steering column of the car. Dale's legions of fans mourned his loss deeply, creating shrines and memorials all over the country, particularly in his hometown of Mooresville. Bechtel quoted long-time friend H.A. Wheeler, who said, "Here's a kid who came from the bottom, worked hard for everything he got and didn't have any airs about him . . .. Truck drivers, dockworkers, welders and shrimp-boat captains loved that. He was everything they dreamed about being." I believe that Dale Earnhardt was the greatest stock car driver there was and ever will be. He was down to earth and didn't let money or fame stop him from connecting with his fans. Dale has done many great things with his life, and also great things with the community and the people that followed him thought his racing career. Dale was a role model to many and other drivers looked up, and respected him.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Araby(loss Of Innocence) Essay -- essays research papers
Loss Of Innocence In James Joyce’s Araby the boys loss of innocence may be confusing and even painful but at the same time it is important . It begins his journey into adulthood . The boy in Araby is experiencing something all young men experience , the first crush . It is a time in his life where he is having new feelings, and trying to express those feelings to the object of his affection is next to impossible . Even the simple act of watching Mangan’s sister brings up emotions in the boy . To say the least the boy is overcome when Mangan’s sister actually speaks to him . He is in fact so overcome that he doesn’t even know how heanswered the girl . To think a girl he has secretly watched every day and shyly followed from a distance while he walked to school is actually showing him some attention .Unfortunately for the boy the attention is mistaken for something more than it is. As the boy waits for the day he can go to the bazaar , he thinks of nothing exceptMangan’s sister. The boy sees her when he is going to sleep , when he wakes , and in school in his papers. The boy wants nothing more than to see Mangan’s sister again , but ,in his mind for him to do that he needs to get her something from Araby. The boy is so charged from his encounter that he says he wishes to annihilate the days separating him from going to Araby and ultimately Mangan’s sister . Finally when the day has arrived that he can go to Araby he has to wait for Uncle to get home . To the boys dismay his ...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Racial Discrimination Essay -- English Literature
Racial Discrimination Racial discrimination is shown through out the book, To kill a mockingbird. During discrimination, many certain people got hurt during the times of the depression. In this book, Tom Robinson was teased of and discriminated against because he was black. Scout Finch is the narrator of the book. Jem is her brother, and the father is Atticus Finch, the dad and the city knowing lawyer. This book is set during the depression, so it is kind of hard for people to live with going through this time period. Many people are very hurt and very badly beaten because of the time that people usually did not like blacks and some times they did not even like whites at times. The author of To kill a mockingbird, is Harper lee, whose book shows the hard times of companionship and leadership throughout to kill a mockingbird, which shows how people are treated and how they act about being beat up. She also tries to show how people have so bad ideas that would just be painful to someone else but they still think it is cool because they know that they should not be living with a black person or a white person. Most of the prejudice that happen in this book revolves around the Tom Robinson rape case. This book is set in Maycomb, Alabama. Racial discrimination becomes a big factor in to kill a mockingbird. " People said that he existed but jem and I had never seen him". " There are four kinds of folks in this world", Blacks, Ewells, Cunningham's, and the finches and the neighbors. Miss Caroline says to scout that, " your father does not know how to teach". That is discrimination by just guessing that scouts dad doesn't know how to be a teacher. Tom Robinson knew that he was innocent and so did Atticus but ... ... a very hard job because most of the people in maycomb county and the county's all believe that blacks are bad and they should be punished for their race. This is true because people in the city believe that blacks are bad for the community and they should have to be put in jail if they are accused and they might not be guilty, but they are still thrown in jail because of the outside appearance color of their skin. Telling people in maycomb sometimes shows racial jokes while blacks are selfish people, and they should just be put in jail for being selfish. I would hate to always be picked on because what color of my skin I was, or if people to make racial comments that maybe I am small, or like they don't like my racial background. I still believe that people all over the world should just come together and share what they know about racial discrimination.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
“Anthem For A Doomed Youth†By Wilfred Owen Essay
â€Å"Anthem for Doomed Youth†is an elegy in which Wilfred Owen conveys his heart felt sadness and disgust for the loss of life in World War I. This poem shatters the fantasized images of war by juxtaposing the opposite worlds of reality and the romanticized rhetoric that distorts it. He writes about the true experience of military death, and effectively expresses these powerful sentiments in only fourteen lines by use of a somewhat violent imagery that is compounded by the constant comparison of reality to myth. The poem is intriguingly entitled, â€Å"Anthem for Doomed Youth.†Beginning with the title, Owen places his words into a context that contrasts with his message. An anthem is usually a patriotic song of a group of people, country, or nation as a means to honor it, such as in the National Anthem. An anthem is a song that is supposed to conjure up feelings of chauvinism, and love for one’s country or group. Here in America, our National Anthem especially reminds us of the soldier, who is constantly juxtaposed with the image of the†Star Spangled Banner†. The National Anthem is thought to be something that is synonymous with praise for one’s country and support of its troops. For Owen to name his poem â€Å"Anthem for Doomed Youth†implies that those Doomed Youth have no other anthem to honor them. Owen is saying that the experience of the dying youth is not the one that is conveyed in the National Anthem. His argument is that his poem expresses the true sentiment of the dying youth of war. In the first sentence, Owen begins describing what he views as the authentic image of war by use of an eye-catching analogy. This analogy postulates that the youth who are being massacred are dying like cattle. This is such a striking phrase because cattle live and die the worst of lives. Cattle are bred only for mass slaughter, and death is inevitable for them. They are kept in confined places, often surrounded by fences and barbed wire. Cattle are also considered to have no purpose in life except to serve and nourish others. It is clear that this comparison of dying soldiers to cattle is not a flattering one, and it is a comparison that would not be given by an advocate of war. It is in direct opposition to the description of valor and honor that comes forward from the romanticized description of soldiers. Owen places this striking analogy at the end of a rhetorical question that he himself answers in the next few lines. The question that Owen asks is, â€Å"What passing bells for these who die as cattle?†The passing bells refer to the bells that are tolled after someone’s death to announce that death to the world. Owen says that unlike a funeral procession the only things that announce the death of these soldiers are the sounds of the instruments that killed them. He answers his opening question by saying that the only bells that are tolled are the indelible sounds of war and death. When describing those sounds of war, Owen projects upon the reader the evil pastimes of war through words like â€Å"monstrous,†â€Å"anger,†and â€Å"rattle.†These are words that give the reader a taste of fear, and a sense of echoing loneliness. The second stanza continues in its comparing of the sounds and images of a funeral procession to the sounds and images of a battlefield. He uses vivid words to show the harshness of war in this stanza just as he did in the first stanza. However, in the second stanza, Owen focuses on imagery of sadness and remorse rather than evil and horror. Owen seems to be sequentially describing the problems with the war in the first eight lines. First, he ingrains on the reader the sights and sounds of the battlefield. Then, he expresses the after effects of sorrow and sadness. For example, the second stanza contains the words â€Å"mourning,†â€Å"wailing,†â€Å"bugles,†â€Å"sad,†and â€Å"shires,†all signs and descriptions of remorse. The concluding sestet brakes off greatly from the rest of the poem. The first two stanzas use heavy imagery to illustrate the horrors of war, and the loneliness that accompanies it. The stanzas lament over the fact that the soldiers die a death of vanity, and are not remembered. The words that are used are very harsh and acidic in that they leave the reader with a feeling of the bloodshed and loss. The last stanza is more melancholy and reflective in its words than the previous two. And unlike the first two stanzas, the question that introduces them is answered in a way that leaves the reader with some type of solace. This feeling of hope in the sestet is culminated in the last lines of the stanza, showing that the boys will be remembered by some. Owen’s sobering imagery is greatly empowered through his juxtaposition of conflicting ideas of war. Another example of this is his formatting the poem into a sonnet. Sonnets are normally written about themes of love and romance. Owen wrote about death and disenfranchisement. The use of the word â€Å"anthem†in the title adds to this style as well. An anthem is usually a superficial, upbeat, sappy song. This anthem is sad, gloomy, and somber. This usage of irony gives the poem a shocking effect by packaging the text of the poem in the form of a sonnet and anthem while the poem has a message that is antithetical to those two genres. This seemingly paradoxical approach makes the reader feel the power of Owen’s concepts because those concepts are so strongly contrasted by conflicting images.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Napoleon and Modern Society Essay
Benjamin Franklin once said â€Å"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. †I could not agree more with this quote. There have been so many countries that have fought for their freedom, including the U. S. and France, but the question is how quickly these countries would be able to sacrifice those hard fought liberties for their safety. When comparing France under Napoleons reign and the U. S. after September 11th you find that one thing they have in common was that the people were in a state of uncertainty and confusion. Both countries had lost loved ones, both countries felt unsafe and scared. In that situation, the people turn to the government for help just as a small child turns to their parent when they feel scared. What a lot of people don’t realize is that you can trust your government to help you, but even the best of people can be corrupted by power. Napoleon Bonaparte, the greatest military genius of his time, came to power in France in 1799. The people of France were sick of the bloodshed of war, and hated their government. They were in limbo, stuck and unsure what to do next. That’s when Napoleon caught their eye. He was a young commander and chief of all the French forces, and he won every fight. He was someone who displayed strong leadership skills, and the people were drawn to him. One thing about Napoleon that holds true is that he knew that he was a â€Å"military genius†. He pushed his luck multiple times especially when he convinced the Directory (France’s Government) that he could cut off British trade to Asia by occupying Egypt. He ended up being defeated, but when he slipped away to France he made sure that that loss was wiped clean of his record. With the help of the people he overthrew the French Government; he established a consulate of three men to govern France. Of course he was the First Consul, who held all the power. But like many corrupt leaders of the past, Napoleon started getting influence by power. He did many helpful things like modernizing the government; he founded the bank of France, and reorganized higher education. But what some people don’t notice when reading about these things is that in the new school system, the children were taught respect and discipline, they were being brainwashed to a certain extent to respect their government. Napoleon established something called the Napoleonic Code. It was established in 1804, and the code forbade privileges based on birth, allowed freedom of religion, and specified that government jobs go to the most â€Å"qualified†. The people of France followed Napoleons lead because he showed that promise of being a good leader in the beginning. He gave the people hope that they would see better days, and they did to a certain extent. But one mistake they made was giving up their freedoms to do so. They wanted change so badly that they were willing to sacrifice their freedoms! Now I understand that the French people had been through the worst of worst, and Napoleon took advantage of that to a certain extent. French history shows that without law as the foundation, a society is compelled to use means of violence to bring human freedom. More bloodshed was the last thing France needed, but returning one of my first thoughts, they were in a state of uncertainty and confusion. Now in America, we all know about how we fought for our freedoms in the revolutionary war. Freedom in America is why all kinds of people immigrated over. America was a â€Å"Safe†place. I think for all of us, September 11th came a huge shock. My generation is one of the last that are able to remember that day. Never had there been something like this before, never had America suffered through a National Crises. The once safe place was not safe anymore. The American people entered into the same uncertainty and confusion the French had been in. We turned to our government for help; no matter what we had to sacrifice we wanted our safety to be returned. That was a big mistake. A poll was taken in 2011 for the anniversary of September 11, regarding our freedoms. 76% percent of people believed that our country is headed in the wrong direction. When asked how much confidence they have in the people in charge, only 14% had a great deal of confidence in our Executive Branch of Government and only 5% percent in our congress. Not surprisingly 65% have a great deal of confidence in our military. I think the most surprising of all would be when asked the question â€Å"if someone from another country were to ask you to make a list of specific rights and freedoms you have as a resident of the United States, what would be the first think you would put on the list? †48% of people answered freedom of speech/expression/opinions, basically the 1st amendment. 6% of people didn’t even know. When I considered which is worse; a domineering government or the attitudes of the people who will allow themselves to be dominate, I have to say that I think the second one is the worst. The people of the domineering government know what they are getting into, they know they don’t have a lot of freedom, but what is terrible is people having these freedoms and giving them up. If America stays on the path that is on, we are headed into a dark future. People need to open their eyes and see that counties like France who fought over and over again for freedom and then simply gave it up, ended up in a place we don’t want to be in. We have the freedoms so many people die for every day, and we are willing to sacrifice that for safety. Safety is important, but what is even worse is not being able to choose.
Memorable Movements
The enjoyable event I would like to talk here is the spring outing activity that happened on my middle school stage. At that time, my classmates and me were most about twelve or thirteen years old, not more than fourteen. We had our spring outing on one sunny saturday. Accompanyed by laughters and singings, we marched towards our destination on bikes. The destination was located on a foot of a mountain, where there were a lot of tall trees and a river pass by. We caught several fishes from the river, and picked up some branches from the small grove. Besides that, we also constructed oursleves cooking stove. There were so many joyful things happening, that I can not tell you all of them. One thing I remember deeply is the simple noodle cooking. Several classmates with me took charge of cooking noodle; unfortunately, we are all not good cooks at that age, we even do not know the correct order to cook a bowl of noodle. So we put all the vegetables and noodles as well as some beefs into the water together before it boiled. After that we also try to stir it just like our parents did at home. When all our work finished, our classmates began to enjoy our food. Can you imagine the scene, green noodles,over-fried fishes, luckily, the taste were not bad, even we could say fairly tasty. Apart from that, we still had some sweet potatoes being well cooked. All of the food were eaten out quickly, including our green noodles. Even nowadays when I cook noodles it will remind me of this spring outing, I think the reason why I remember it deeply is probably it is the first time I cooked food, while it received an unexpected welcome. Moreover, personally, I believe the green noodles are quite attractive visually. I enjoy my time at school greatly, there are my best friends, my lovely teachers, and interesting knowlege. Each holiday I can not help expecting the coming of the new semester. I would be willing to introudce it to others, as it indeed is a good place for studing and living. In fact, it is so famous and popular in our local area that almost everyone knows it and eagers to be admitted by it without any others' recommendation. Nowadays, the competition to enter it is more ane more intense.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Development of Political Theories Essay
This paper seeks to discuss what two philosophers say about feminism and the importance of what they have said or the effect of their ideas to the policy of life. The two persons are Mary Wollstonecraft and Simone de Beauvoir. Mary Wollstonecraft states that unwilling submission to any person, institution, or custom is not good to women as the same could limit, degrade and destroy the person. The philosopher in effect believes in reason so that she further asserts that infallible and God-given reason should control all human thought and action (Philosophy Professor, 2008a). In support for having reason, she further argues that women must have the freedom to cultivate reason, which she believes be to the key to self-improvement and social change. Wollstonecraft has also her strong belief in environment and education which shape character and morality. In support of her belief, she forwards that idea that education is the right of all humankind, including women, so that through education women can gain independence and equality (Philosophy Professor, 2008a). The ideas of Mary Wollstonecraft are very important to making policies on life particularly or equality of humankind regardless of gender because unwilling submission connotes lack of freedom and necessarily of reason. That education is important is beyond question since the same opens up the minds of people to knowledge about the truth that would lead them to perform their roles according to the dictates of said truth and reason. Her dream to have independence and equality is consistent with basic human rights. Simone de Beauvoir, on the other hand, believes that human beings tragically live under an ambiguous condition but still they must assume responsibility for the direction of their lives. She also believes that every person is originally free and that women have been compelled by men to be the second sex (Philosophy Professor, 2008b). Implying loss of freedom of women, there is strong basis for her assertion that historical and cultural conditions under which women have been oppressed should not stop these women from assuming their human dignity as free and independent persons (Philosophy Professor, 2008b). In other words, losing the freedom need not be a hopeless for she believes that not doing anything to restore that lost freedom that will lead these women to become free and independent indeed is an abject of failure for in the end fate is still a matter of choice. The philosopher’s position is important for it reasserts responsibility of humankind, not only women to whatever is happening to them. It can be concluded that each thinker had a part in having promoted the cause of feminism which basically include equality, freedom and independence. Mary Wollstonecraft may have put it more dramatically by describing what is not to have freedom by making an unwilling submission while Simone de Beauvoir essentially has pointed responsibility for lost freedom– that is if women suffer their fate, it was because of their failure to assume responsibility in invoking that lost freedom. While Wollstonecraft states the importance of education that would lead to opening up the minds of women to knowledge, truth and dictates of reason, Simone de Beauvoir was still assuming a freedom of choice to be reasserted by women because of her premise of human beings having to live tragically under an ambiguous condition. It could be deduced that both thinkers have their own followers who are led to the common objective of women to get what they deserved as human beings. References: Philosophy Professor (2008a) Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797){www document} URL http://www. philosophyprofessor. com/philosophers/mary-wollstonecraft. php, Accessed November 30, 2008 Philosophy Professor (2008b) Simone de Beauvoir (1908-1986) {www document} URL http://www. philosophyprofessor. com/philosophers/simone-de-beauvoir. php, Accessed November 30, 2008
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Psychology and Nursing Essay
Psychology plays a part (whether it be big or small) in every single industry. It has become very important to study the human mind for the better outcome of operations carried out on a daily basis. Nursing and psychology are in some aspects polar opposites, but in the same sense they are interconnected. The main focus in nursing is helping individuals overcome/deal with minor to severe illnesses, while psychologists focus almost entirely on treating the psychological issues of people. That being said, nurses must have a basic understanding of psychology in order to help their patients through a quick and easy recovery. To help one better comprehend how psychology is used in nursing, one must first discuss a few of the different types of nurses, as well as the tasks they may have to complete on any given day. Three of the most psychologically involved nursing fields are addiction nurses, critical care nurses, and rehabilitation nurses (Collingwood J. The Relationship between Mental and Physical Health.). Although the average work day of these three professions consists of quite a few differences, they all must perform some of the same tasks, such as observing patients/recording observations, administering medicine and treatments, teaching patients and families how to manage illness and injuries, and explaining what to do once at home and out of their care (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014-15). After reading the preceding paragraphs you may be wondering â€Å"what is the importance of psychology in those three career fields?†and the answer to this is quite simple. Nurses must take care of patients during severe health conditions and deal with their moods and behaviors. When evaluating a patient’s condition, nurses not only consider the severity of the illness or the level of pain or discomfort, but they also examine the patient’s response. Some patients, for example, remain optimistic no matter how sick they are or how bleak their prognosis. They may also cope well with pain or other symptoms accompanying their illnesses. Other patients, though, may respond by becoming angry or despondent, sometimes withdrawing or lashing out at hospital staff and even their families. They may also have more difficulty handling their symptoms and may report greater pain or discomfort than other patients. Nurses must recognize these mental and emotional issues and in clude them as part of the patient’s evaluation (Ellie Williams, â€Å"How is Nursing Related to Psychology?†). Nurses must consider the entire patient, both physical and mental health, when creating treatment plans. A patient suffering anxiety over his illness, for example, may refuse to get out of bed, which could cause secondary complications such as respiratory infection or pneumonia. If a nurse suspects a patient won’t participate in his recovery, she’ll need to provide emotional support and encouragement while adapting his treatment plan to his psychological health. For example, she may set short-term goals that are easy for the patient to achieve, such as getting out of bed three times a day or sitting in a chair at least 15 minutes a day (Williams). Psychology can help nurses adapt how they interact with patients based on factors such as age and personality. For example, when caring for pediatric patients, nurses must consider that younger patients may be more frightened than adults and may have more difficulty understanding their situations.Nurses with knowledge of child development or psychology will better understand how to relate to patients in a way that eases their fears and alleviates their confusion. Psychology can improve their relationships with patients, making it more likely that patients will communicate openly with them about their symptoms. Nurses also rely on psychology to encourage patients to trust them, increasing the chances patients will follow the nurse’s instructions and take more active roles in their own care (Williams). As a result of this care, patients start to rely on nurses who try to lessen their mental stress as well as lower the amount of pain they are in. It has been observed in many cases that physical illness can contribute to mental disturbance, at this stage nurses have to be compassionate and understanding. Nurses are trained so that they can support patients emotionally by addressing the mental changes. (Collingwood J. The Relationship between Mental and Physical Health.) Nurses must also have an understanding of biological psychology so that they can help patients who may have hormonal changes and neurological reactions. The study of psychodynamic psychology done by nurses is used solely to spread optimism among patients. It has been scientifically proven that positive thoughts affect the overall health of a person which results in strong immune system (McLeod, S. A. Psychodynamic Approach). As you can probably imagine, America isn’t the only country that utilizes psychology in the nursing field. In Germany, for example, every university hospital has a psychiatric clinic in which a professor teaches students how to recognize and treat mental phenomena which deviate from the normal (Psychology and Nursing by Mary Cloud Bean, RN). Bean also states that to be of greatest value in our work we should know the basic principles of mind action and be able to recognize even slight deviation from normal (Psychology and Nursing by Mary Cloud Bean, RN).
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Marketing Communications in McDonalds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Marketing Communications in McDonalds - Essay Example The company that is the subject of this research is McDonald’s as a global retailer in the food services category that operates based on 35,000 different retail outlets spanning across different international regions, A large number of outlets of the company contributes in serving the needs of around 70 million consumers spanning across 100 nations. The company aims at generating a place where consumers can effectively visit for eating and drinking activities. McDonald’s aims to entice the customers through the provision of quality foods and services such that the same help in meeting the parameters of quality, cleanliness and value addition to the customers. The meeting of the above parameters is taken to rightly contribute to generating effective customer experiences such that the same encourages in making the customers to gain frequent visits to the stores. McDonald’s aims to expand along different countries through the development of franchisees in that the s ame contribute to helping the company to effectively blend its corporate culture with the national culture of the region. The company operates based on serving the needs of both its internal and external stakeholders like employees and customers respectively through working based on needed integrity and ethics. It also works in the meeting of sustainable objectives pertaining to taking care of natural and social environment where it tends to conduct its business operations. Marketing Communication activities are conducted by the business organizations with its targeted customers, both existent and of potential nature along different stages relating to pre-sales, sales and finally relating to the post-sales stage. Marketing Communication activities are conducted by a company in an integrated fashion such that different types of promotional and communication tools are utilized to rightly communicate with targeted individuals, and other potential groups and interested communities. Diff erent types of marketing and promotional tools like the use of advertising through the use of print, broadcasting and online mediums, direct marketing activities, sales promotion, personal selling and also through the use of publicity campaigning can be effectively integrated to generate considerable awareness among the targeted consumers relating to the products and services marketed.
Monday, August 12, 2019
Economic Impact of Peacekeeping Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Economic Impact of Peacekeeping - Essay Example The topic gives me a chance to highlight the importance of peace in economic development. Any country at war its economy grows backward and investors will not invest in that country thus leading to high level of unemployment. What does a peacekeeping mission help in the economy of the country? What are the challenges associated with the peacekeeping missions across the world? The peacekeeping mission is an activity that provides peace and security in a country affected by conflict. Peacekeeping missions have helped countries like Kosovo, Timor Leste, Sierra Leone, Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Liberia, Burundi, and Ivory Coast restore stability (Garnahan, Durch & Gilmore, 2006). The peacekeeping mission is crucial for the propriety of the continent. According to Nibishaka, â€Å"When it brings about peace in the continent, it creates an environment that is conducive to reconstruction and development in our region and possibilities of faster economic development" (Nibishaka, 2011.p.2). Despite the positive role played by peacekeeping missions towards the growth of the economy, it is faced with various challenges. Some of the challenges include the operations of peacekeeping missions sometimes canno t be sustained by the developing country, and a mission sometimes takes policies without understanding their impact on the local economy. Finally, there is the uneven distribution of economic impact by the geographic area or ethnic groups (Garnahan, Durch & Gilmore, 2006). Consequently, the questions raised above are critical to the fact that peacekeeping play a crucial role in the growth of any economy. The economy determines the many things including the living status of the concerned citizens. If stability is not in a country, the life will be difficult in that country. In my opinion, nobody likes war and from my perspective, stability is only to economic development of any country.
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Women in Chinese society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Women in Chinese society - Essay Example The influence of Chinese women of the Later Empire depended on their knowledge of collective ethos and their ability to appeal to the power of the communities. The changes made by women often could have affected their individual lives or those of their close relatives only indirectly, through the mediation of the institutes of the society. The most significant example is widows who ended their lives for the societal ideals, so that the relatives of such women could have been rewarded3. Even without equality with men, Chinese women occupied a significant place in the ethical system of the country. They could have had influence when they accepted the existing laws. However, sometimes they dared to oppose laws or use them cunningly against more powerful members of the society. Thus, the firstsection of this paper deals with the consequences of acceptance of women’s place in the Chinese social system; the second section is dedicated to the means to empowerment in rare cases of women’s resistance to dominant ethical norms. The title comes from the story of Widow Wu from the section â€Å"Women and the Problems They Create†4 about a woman rewarded for her chastity, hard work, and humble behavior. It is remarkable that this was the supreme spiritual authority that rewarded widow Wu, not the society. The widow was just supported, not given extra money for pleasure; her private life also did not change at all. Still, she had more significant achievement: namely, she reached the ethical ideal which was relevant for the representatives of all genders and social classes. In Chinese society, neither women nor men were treated as independent subjects valuable for their individuality, like it would be in Western countries. It follows from â€Å"Family instructions†that young girls and boys were equally part of territorial and generational unity; they had to be loyal to family and performed irreplaceable
Saturday, August 10, 2019
An examination of employee perception of womens adoption of Essay - 1
An examination of employee perception of womens adoption of stereotypically male leadership styles in traditionally male dominated organisational positions in the 21st century - Essay Example Other studies have been done, but the root cause of the problem in Arabian countries is yet to be identified. This research proposal thus will examine a myriad of factors that hinder the progress of women towards CEO positions in traditionally male dominated organizational positions even in the 21st Century. Womens unequal status has been contributed by various factors such as their absence from managerial and leadership positions. A lack of cultural consensus probably plays the most basic role in determining the lengths at which women can stretch their ambition and this vacuum is itself part of the problem and as it is, as a social concern to development in the 21st century. Corporate management and organizational leadership has been a domain of men. Statics in various organizations have shown that the number of men in leadership and management is far much above that of women (Stephan 145). However, the difference in number of women and men in leadership varies from country to country depending on a countries culture, religion, and population demographics among other factors (Kottke, Janet and Mark 191). A conglomeration of committees, consultancies, commissions, conferences etc have been assembled over the last few decades in an attempt to address womens underrepresentation in positions of power. However, it is still remains a dispiriting distance in the quest for providing solutions to this problem (Gary and Laura, 25). Case in point, Arabian countries have fewer women in corporate management and organizational leadership. This has been caused by a variety of factors that will be investigated by this research. Previous studies have been done, but the root cause of the problem in Arabian countries is yet to be identified. This research will employ different methodologies such as questionnaires and interviews in order to come up with the relevant data to answer the research questions. From a theoretical perspective, this research paper criticizes
Interracial Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Interracial Marriage - Essay Example As such, religiously, some groups approve of interracial marriages, where they concern themselves with acceptance and their conception of divinity and spiritual leaders. In reference to this issue of religion, certain groups encourage interracial marriages as they are viewed as propagation of the world’s population, which can be found in the bible (Christian Answers, n.d.). Other religions, however, are against these marriages as they are viewed to be in contradiction of the pure religious bred of believers or of a spiritual group. This is because the group is fully dedicated to purity and restricts its members to people of a certain color only, thus seeing excommunicating people who breach their regulations. In relation to the overall benefits and disadvantages of interracial marriages, a lot can be said, or even deduced, where these two aspects of interracial marriages cover a large scope. Following the merits, interracial marriages see personal growth in both parties involved and even their close associates, as it offers a unique environment. In this environment, one gets to comprehend the challenges that a spouse faces in an attempt to fit into a new culture, and due to racial differences (Landry, 2009). This is in relation to feeling left out, which allows spouses to develop a new level of racial empathy and acceptance, as well as identity for difficult situations. Consequently, spouses also learn the concept of dispelling stereotypes against the other race as one gets to know the spouse. This can be seen in cases where there are misconceptions about other races, and these can easily be eradicated by interracial marriages as they give room for interaction. This also means that inter racial marriages create a crucial opportunity to end social segregation as all parties and their misconception of one another can be dispelled, and acceptance
Friday, August 9, 2019
Why did political parties form in the US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Why did political parties form in the US - Essay Example As Hamilton once said, â€Å"Its not tyranny we desire; its a just, limited, federal government.†The idea had support, but also had a lot of opposition. Many Americans felt that the creation of federal parties would make the U.S. like the U.K. which the hated. It is part of a question that has troubled billions of people since the dawn of time: how should a society construct itself to maximize justice and opportunity? Is a strong central government necessary to do so? There are as many theories as there are grains of sand on the beach, but some ideas over the years have been more popular than others. Some people believe in socialism and that everyone must be made equal by a very powerful central government, the tall cut down and the short pulled up; others believe in a meritocracy where those people who have talent and work hard are rewarded for their labours. These people believe the government should get out of the way. Considering how developed the U.S. is today, the latte r view should prevail. Thomas Hobbes is most famous for his book Leviathan. In it he argued that a â€Å"war of all against all†existed in nature and that people were mostly motivated by fear and distrust and that peoples’ motivations all conflicted with each other. The only way for order to prevail, Hobbes argued, would be through an absolute sovereign or strong central government. While there is certainly some truth to what Hobbes says regarding human beings, other political thinkers have questioned elements of his vision. Indeed there are several flaws in this theory, but it shows us that it is not possible for people to effectively work as a commune. That does not mean we need a dictator to control things, but it does mean we need a strong rule of law to protect individual freedoms. The rule of law is effectively the latter-day sovereign. It serves the same purpose: it protects contracts and business and
Thursday, August 8, 2019
ASIAN HUMANITIES RESEARCH PAPER Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
ASIAN HUMANITIES - Research Paper Example This reinforced Guru Nanak’s conviction in the importance of man and his fate rather than any metaphysical doctrine which classified and segregated people according to a caste system. In the early casteless Sikh community, lower caste Hindus and those considered as â€Å"untouchable†, euphemistically termed as Harijans or God’s people were allowed to become members of the Sikh community (Kapoor 5109). However, over time, through the influence of other already- existing religions such as Hinduism where a rigid caste system prevailed, Sikhs became differentiated into castes and sects. Thesis Statement: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the claim that there is no caste system in Sikhism. Caste differentiations in Britain, the existence of lower caste Sikh communities, and the discriminations they have to face will be identified and examined to prove that caste system does exist among the Sikhs. In the early centuries of its evolution, Sikhism had no differentiation into a hierarchy of caste groups. During the first two hundred years of the Sikh religion beginning from the mid-fifteenth century, a line of Gurus or preceptors guided the community. The tenth in line, Guru Gobind Singh (1666-1708), dissolved the position of the personal Guru, and vested the Gurus’ authority both in the Adi Granth or original book of Sikh scripture, as well as in the Panth or community (Mann 2001). Gradually differentiation into various caste groups emerged in the Punjab in India, the home state of the Sikhs and other Punjabis, and persisted among Sikh communities living in other parts of the world. At the sub-identity level today, caste forms a major divisive factor in Sikhism. However, the majority of Gurudwaras or Sikh places of worship in Britain belong to the Sikh mainstream composed of Jats, they do not discriminate between
Wednesday, August 7, 2019
The Greatest Movie Ever Sold Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Greatest Ever Sold - Movie Review Example It was a bold movie because Morgan Spurlock is actually making a movie that shows how prevalent advertising and product placements in our daily lives are. The movie started showing how ubiquitous brand messages are in our lives. That from the day we wake up until we sleep, we are bombarded with advertising messages. But basically I know this already that advertising are everywhere. It was however a prelude, or a case build up, of Mr. Spurlocks intention to create a movie that will show the flip flop of advertising and yet, make companies pay for it. I am not sure if it was deliberate or a coincidence with how the film evolved that Mr. Spurlock had an initial difficulty of selling his idea to companies. During the first phase of the film, his meeting with advertising executives was met with hesitance and fear. It illustrated the normal reaction of companies to be anxious about being included in a film that they do not know how will they be perceived by the audience. These brands spent millions if not billions of dollars to build their image to become what they are today and it is normal that they are going to be protective of their brands. At one point, an executive told Mr. Spurlock to turn the camera off and I thought he already had a deal that was actually documented. All the while, as told by Mr. Spurlock himself, that they do not want to be a part of it. I already expected this part of the movie. Of course companies are going to be worried that they might make a fool of themselves in a movie that will feature how offensive advertising are getting now. Moreso, that they are going to pay for it. It is like frying themselves with their own oil if the film actually negatively projects them. As the film progresses in this part, I was wondering how Mr. Spurlock is going to convince advertisers to actually pay for his film that will show how much these companies are bombarding the consumers with its advertisements. But the lessons actually starts here which I myse lf learned a lot. After this initial failure, Mr. Spurlock asked around on how is he going to get advertisers pay for his film. It was not only a tutorial to him but also to the audience especially to students like me. During this process of asking around, I understood what brand collateral really meant when it was applied in real world marketing. Of all the things that has been said about it, it just meant â€Å"what do you bring on the table?†or â€Å"what are you offering?†I also learned what brand personality was when Mr. Spurlock consulted what brands will most likely support him. He met with an Analyst (I think she was a pyschoanalyst) and from there he realized what kind of brand Mr. Spurlock is. He is playful and risk taker which is quite unusual. Because typically people are fearful of the unknown which is part of human nature. Both Mr. Spurlock embraces risk and adventure as part of his personality. He was advised that the brands that will most likely to su pport him are brands that shares his personality. Armed with this new set knowledge, his previous research seemed to work. He had a meeting with Ban deodorant whom he struck a conditional agreement that if he convinces 15 others to be a part of his film, then they are in. I was smiling in this part of the movie thinking that hard work really pays and knowing how to do things really pays off. I also had the feeling that Mr. Spurlock’s moment that his break is already coming in when he
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Directing Hamlet Essay Example for Free
Directing Hamlet Essay If I were to have the pleasure of directing Hamlet I would first think about how and where the scene would be set. I would have the scene set in the suburbs of Italy where the gangsters are, because the portrayal of gangster Italy, on television (which the audience may be familiar with) is like the situation in Hamlet. Where revenge must be taken by the son, also upholding the family honour and such family situations. Also the portrayal of Italians is that they are very religious and that they tend to be Catholics, so the religious aspect of this scene (trying to pray and having the need to be forgiven by god) would fit in with my version and Shakespeares. I would have this scene set in a Roman Catholic Church to support the fact that Claudius wishes to pray here and that he is Catholic. I would like the church to echo the voices to show that Claudius heart must be empty for him to have committed this evil crime, so all he hears is the voices of his head, telling him what he thinks is the right thing to do, for example to pray for forgiveness. However his heart would be telling him to give up the things that he killed for, which Claudius himself mentions, since I am still possessd of those effects for which I did the murder. I would like the lighting to be an orangey afternoon colour, like when the sun sets. I imagine churches to be empty around early sunset time and if Claudius really felt guilty he would not want people o see that he is unable to pray I would not have any sound effects as the church would echo and I would like the audience to focus on what the actors were saying. Also silence between lines tends to create a sense of atmosphere. It would make the audience feel tense as though something was about to happen. I would like Claudius to look into the mirror when he is talking to himself throughout most of the scene. Except when it is inappropriate, for instance when he goes to pray. I would like the audience to feel more relaxed by this, as Claudius does not seem to be very emotionally at thins. I would like the audience to feel quite angry with Claudius. I would like them to feel this as they can see that he is not mentally disturbed by the goings on. However when Hamlet goes to talk to himself I would like to have him talking to the audience to show that although Hamlet said in an earlier scene that he would pretend to go mad, How strange or odd someer I bear myself-As perchance hereafter shall think meet to put an antic disposition on all the frustration about getting revenge and his fathers murder may have actually driven him mad. I feel that having Hamlet talk to the audience shows this, as the other members of the play do not seem to be able to see the audience (King Claudius talking to himself in the mirror). I would like the audience to be shocked, by this and feel on edge as this scene is all about whether Hamlet will kill the king or not which is very tense. Since Claudius is a King in Shakespeares Hamlet I would like him to play someone of high importance, so I would have him being played as a gangster leader. The outfit I would like him to wear would be a grey Armani suit, a waistcoat, blue collared shirt, and patent leather shoes. I would like him to have square framed glasses and for him to wear lots of gold jewellery, but especially a gold signant ring to symbolise that he is the leader of a gang, which has resemblance to the fact that he is a king (monarchs wear a ring to show that they are married to their country). I would like Hamlet to be wearing rather informal clothes to show that he may have gone slightly mad. I would have him wearing a plain black shirt, which would be reasonably tight. I would then have him wearing a black Hawaiian shirt with a thatched pattern on it. I would also like him to be wearing dark blue jeans. The dark clothes would be symbolising that Hamlet is still in mourning for his fathers death. I would like Hamlet to be wearing a silver Saint Christopher around his neck, to show that Hamlet may need guidance for the revenge of his fathers death. I would like to keep the language the same as I feel that if the text were to be converted into modern language the impact of the rhythm and words would be lost. Such as when Claudius says, It hath the primal eldest curse upont, means Its like when the first murder happened in the bible. These words do not have nearly as much effect as the original line. The original line provides some atmosphere. The word curse suggests evil, as witches were thought in Shakespeares time to send curses. Also as people were more religious in Shakespeares time the fact that Claudius has committed the worst sin n the bible they may have been horrified by Claudius crime. This wouldnt have as much effect on a modern day audience however I feel that the words too tend to portray that Claudius shows disgust towards himself. Some of the words in this scene are quite difficult to interpret so I would have to make some sort of gesture in order to make it more obvious what the two actors mean. I think that obvious hand or body gestures would make it more obvious. For example when Hamlet says, Up, sword, and know thou a more horrid hent I think that Hamlet should, lift his sword and then approach Claudius. This would make the true meaning of the sentence clearer. A few lines in this scene make it so enjoyable to watch, but it all depends on the actors interpretation and delivery of the line. When Claudius says, O, my offence is rank This line needs to be emphasised as it shows that Claudius may be feeling regret for what he did. So he could show this by shouting the line, which displays the anger that he may be feeling with himself. Also a brothers murder must be emphasised as this is the reason to Claudius guilt, and why he is so angry with himself. He could portray this to the audience by saying it slowly, and going into an audible whisper as if someone may hear. Claudius should also emphasise when he says, Forgive me my foul murder! as this shows that maybe he does truly repent and feel guilt. He could shout this line to the ceiling as if he were talking to god. When Claudius talks of the things he does not wish to give up, My crown, mine own ambition, and my queen. The should be said in a low husky tone, to show that Claudius although in this scene he may seem to be wanting forgiveness, he does not truly want it as he would give up these items that he killed his brother for. When Claudius is describing how in the criminal world he can buy himself out of trouble, In the corrupted currents of this world. This line and the following three lines should also be delivered in the same low husky tone to show that Claudius is still evil as to mix himself with criminals, who were also known as sinners in Shakespeares time. Also when Claudius talks to his knees, telling them to, Bow stubborn knees he should speak softly as though here were speaking to a child. This would emphasise the line and show that Claudius is encouraging himself to pray; just a children are encouraged when spoken to in a soft voice. The line he says, All may be well should also be softly as he trying to convince himself that everything will be all right. It is the final two lines that should be emphasised the most as this show the true irony of the whole scene. Hamlet decides not to kill Claudius, as he believes that Claudius is praying and would go straight to heaven. Here when Claudius says, My words fly up, my thoughts remain below. Words without thought never to heaven go. We learn that he was unable to pray anyway so Hamlet could have killed Claudius, only Hamlet did not know this. His line could be emphasised with pauses in between up and my, and in-between thought and never. When Hamlet says And now Ill do it. I think here the actor should raise his sword above his head and increase the volume of his voice to a shout. Hamlet should then approach Claudius and let out a war like cry to emphasise this line. This I feel is effective as it emphasises this line and the silence that would follow would also emphasise the next line, and so a goes to heaven. I think that those two lines are very important as they show that Hamlet is about to kill Claudius until he decides that hell wait. I also think that when Hamlet is talking about the death of his father, A took my father grossly, he should speak through his teeth, in a low tone. I feel that Hamlet would be feeling very angry, as he cannot yet revenge his fathers death. So I feel that that talking through his teeth would portray that anger to the audience. This also emphasises the line as the audience would listen to what he was saying as him talking through his teeth would be obvious to them. Hamlet, however should speak with joy when he talks about what kind if thing Claudius will be doing when Hamlet could kill him, When he is drunk asleep, or in rage; Or in th incestuous pleasure of his bed; At game, a-swearing, or about some act. I feel that Hamlet would be imagining Claudius being killed and going straight to hell, which would make him very happy. I then think that when Hamlet delivers this last line, this physic but prolongs thy sickly days. It must be emphasised as Hamlet would be feeling quite sad and angry that he has Claudius in very vulnerable position yet he feels that he cannot kill him, as that would not give him true revenge. I feel that sadness and anger can be portrayed by Hamlet having a pause between physic and but. Also the actor should speak in a low tone to get the audience attention as this line displays the irony as Claudius is unable to pray. This scene is only effective because the audience knows what happened in the previous scene. They know that Claudius has portrayed his true guilt to Hamlet, confirming Hamlets beliefs that Claudius killed his father. The way in which he did show his guilt, (When the players put on a play with a murder committed the same way that he killed his brother) would be more effective in Shakespeares time as then all people who committed murder were believed to go mad, and be affected by the site of their crime. When Claudius views his crime he horrified by himself and feels the need to be forgiven which explains his sudden desperate need to pray. I feel that this scene gives Hamlet its edge of tenseness. The rest of the play is an unwinding tale leaving the audience wondering right until the last scene, will Hamlet kill Claudius?
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