Friday, May 31, 2019
Ghost Story of the Motel Murders :: Ghost Stories Urban Legends
Prophetic Dreams of the Motel MurdersThis particular ghost story was told to me by one of the members of my gymnastics troupe. We had become friends over the course of the season, and she was telling me this story in an informal setting in my dorm room on a Friday night. She is twenty years old and grew up in a very conservativist Catholic family in New Jersey. Later on, as I attempted to find more people who would have heard a similar story, I ran into an separate friend who had heard a variation of the same plot. This was a Jewish Caucasian male, nineteen years old, who grew up in North Carolina. He told me this story as we were eating lunch at a sandwich place in College ParkBack home, a couple of students from some other school came to Rowan University to visit some friends from high school or just party. Two of the people that came were dating and they got in a big fight. They didnt want to have to sleep together at their friends dorm, so the guy went to stay at a local hotel t o think things over. In the middle of the night, the girl had this horrible ambition that her boyfriend was crying out for help because the owner of the hotel was trying to kill him. The dream was really horrifying so the girl woke up in sweat unless then realized it was just a dream and went back to bed. But then she saw some other dream where her boyfriend was yelling at her to call the police because he had just been killed by the owner and his body is hidden in white new wave. So the girl got her friends together and went over to the hotel to see what was going on. She didnt find him in the room he checked into, so she called the cops, and when they came she pointed out the only van in the parking lot. Sure enough the guys body was in there all bloody.And this is a variation of the same storyA couple of guys from some frat back home were traveling away to some Greek chapter meeting. They were all supposed to stay at the same motel, but they didnt coordinate it very well and two guys had to stay at a different motel than the rest of the frat. So then one guy had this dream that the two in a different motel were being chased by the manager and he was trying to kill them.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Picks Disease Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers
Picks DiseasePicks disease is a form of alienation characterized by a progressive and irreversible deterioration of social skills and changes in personality, along with impairment of intellect, memory, and language. In 1892 Arnold Pick, a German neurologist studied a uncomplaining who in his life had dementia and lost of speech. When the patient died, his brain shrunk, with the brain mobile phones having died (atrophied) in the specific areas of the brain. In Picks disease, the frontal and laic lobes of the brain are most affected. Changes conk in the cerebral cortex (which is how the frontal lobe is affected.) Picks disease affects the worldly lobes of the brain in 25%, frontal lobes in 25% and both frontal and temporal lobes in 50% of cases (1). Damage to the frontal lobes leads to alterations in personality and behavior, changes in the way a person feels and expresses emotion, and loss of judgment. On a microscopic level, at that place is severe neuron damage in the cerebr al cortex. The brain cells in these areas are found to be abnormal and swollen. These abnormal cells define Picks disease and are called Picks cells. Picks disease is often confused with Alzheimers disease where the degeneration generally affects mostly the temporal and the parietal lobes of the brain (2). When such typical cells are not seen on post-mortem examination but the same areas of the brain are affected by cell death the case may be described as Picks syndrome (3). In the early stages of Picks disease, unlike Alzheimers in its early stages, the patient can recognize people and places. Usually, an infected person is diagnosed with probable Alzheimers, it is later discovered that the patient has Picks disease (2). There are three stages of the d... ...s exist as an inherited disease in some families. The majority of case studies show that the patients affected have no family history of the disease. The valuate of progression varies enormously between people ranging from a duration from 2-15 years (2). The death is usually caused by infection. Medication can be used to hatch some of the behavioral problems. Picks disease alone is a very mentally and physically draining disease but along with medication, it maybe almost impossible for patients to continue a normal life once they are diagnosed with the disease and begin treatment. Sources1)Frontal Lobe Dementia and Picks Disease, http// Disease from Alzheimers Outreach, http// Fact Sheets, http//
Paul Bernardo :: essays research papers
Paul Bernardo The urge shot through the mans body, uncontrollable, like sharks in a nutrition frenzy. He could only quench his feverish desires by carrying outunspeakable devilish acts. The victim didnt matter, no thought was given toany implications of the satanic rituals. several(prenominal) times Bernardo resorted todefecating of human beings in order to satisfy his sick and abnormal urges.Paul Bernardos lustful and diverted internal desires sprouted from the influenceof pornography. Pornography caused him to gear up on anal intercourse, andviolent, dominant sex. Pornography also played a large role in his lust foryounger virgins, and the ever apparent satomasifism as seen on tape. Paul Bernardo, during his teenage old age became slowly infatuated withwomen mostly because of his obsession with porn films. At the time film wasenough to feed his development desire for kinky sex. He was content to just watchand not act out what he s aw on the videos. Through the steady fast of grotesquevideos he became of aware of the type of women he wanted through what he saw.He lusted a women who was submissive and eager to please. This was thebeginning of his abnormal sexual carriage. One year out of high school, Paul began his journey into the world ofsexual control were he dated a sixteen year rare high school student. This girlperfectly fit the description of Pauls ideal in being naive and unsophisticated.Over the three and one half years Paul was with her he used her like hispersonal sex toy. Throughout the entire relationship he convinced her that whatthey were doing was acceptable behavior. An example of his acceptable behaviorwas wrapping a piece of twine around her neck while he sodomized her. The twineonly satisfied Bernardo for a time. Later, a knife became give out of his "kit."These mercenary acts were all influenced by porno films. Paul became arousedwith the power to be the master in his sexual acts and he couldnt get enough. One night in October of 1993 Paul seemed to be a magnet to Karla Homoka.The minute the two met, there relationship set off like a missile. Karlasuffered love at first sight, with his looks, charm and maturity she couldnt gowrong. Karla was just the type of women Bernardo desired. She was good-looking,had a great body was naive and trusting, someone he could control, dominate anduse as his personal sex toy. There sex life fired into action and the two wereconstantly searching for new adventures. The pair began having anal sex with
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Negative Effects of High Fructose Corn Syrup and Potential Replacements
The Negative Effects of High Fructose Corn Syrup and the Potential Alternatives that Can Replace ItAbstract High fruit sugar give syrup (HFCS), like many early(a) unhealthy constituents that are used in foods, is cheap and retains the taste of the natural products it emulates, possibly even surpassing them in many areas. However, experiments hand over shown that fructose is not an ideal sugar for human consumption, not to mention the fact that the use of GM ingredients can be dangerous. In order to prevent the continued consumption of this noxious sugar, food producers should use healthy alternative sweeteners to prevent the further dependence on HFCS in our foods and drinks.With dental, digestive, and other corporal problems such as diabetes and obesity proliferating in the United States, the public is becoming increasingly aware of the dangers of unhealthy foods. Some ingredients that had previously been deemed harmless and have been in use for decades have recently been proved to be harmful and even potentially lethal. Thus, scientists, nutritionists, and food manufacturers are becoming more concerned virtually detrimental eating habits originating from the consumption of damaging ingredients that are copious in foods. A greater concern, however, is that these ingredients can still be found in a variety of food products and have yet to be withdrawn from grocery shelves. It is difficult to conceive that such toxic ingredients as high fructose corn whisky syrup can still be found in a plethora of foods and drinks, even after multiple experiments that have proven that high fructose corn syrup is severely detrimental to the human body and the usage of HFCS, instead of diminishing, has dramatically augmented over the decades. It is undesira... ..., and Peter Saunders. MRC Acknowledges GM Food Risks. 12 Oct. 2000 Institute of Science for Society. 23 Jul. 2007 .Howard, Denise. loot Alternatives. BellaOnline. 23 Jul. 2007 .Organic and Non-GMO Report . Many no n-GM alternatives to high fructose corn syrup are available. 23 Jul. 2007 .Reynolds, Coriena . Sugar Alternatives, Not So honied. James Madison University. 23 Jul. 2007 . Riley, Sylvia. The 1 Sugar Alternative Healthy, Natural and Sweet - The Ultimate Substitute. 28 May 2006 SearchWarp. 23 Jul. 2007 .Smith, Thomas. Sweet And Deadly. 9 Sep. 2005 Healing Matters. 23 Jul. 2007 .
Macbeth - Symbols :: essays research papers
Throughout Shakespeares Macbeth, numerous symbols are used. Many of these depict characters actions and appearances, emotions, and events that carry happened previously in the play. Although there are many symbols used all through the play, there are three important groups of symbols that are used to the highest degree regularly. These are blood, sleep and animals, which all have different representations.Blood is an important symbol that is used continuously in the play. In the beginning of the play, blood is something which represents fearlessness and bravery. Those who fought and created blood were thought to be heroic. However, towards the end of the play, blood has become something which everyone fears, it is evil, and symbolises guilt and assassinate. An example of this can be found in act three, scene four, showtime at line one hundred and twenty-threeMacbethIt depart have blood, they say blood will have blood.Stones have been known to move and trees to declareAugures a nd understood relations haveBy maggot-pies and choughs and rooks brought forthThe secretst man of blood. What is the night?The first line signifies that those who are involved in bloody crimes, will someday become victims of them. It is saying that people are always punished at some time in their lives for their wrong doings. The statement also signifies that murder and violence are something that Macbeth is very familiar with. Using blood as a symbol in this passage makes it somehow more emotional and gets its speckle across while making the viewer or reader think. The symbol of blood is used extremely well all throughout the play.Sleep is another(prenominal) of the important symbols used in the play. Sleep signifies the nature and essence of a person, and is something which is very peaceful and innocent. Sleep begins in this way in Macbeth, but as the play progresses, it becomes something that people fear. The characters dont feel safe to sleep, as they are afraid that they will become victims of death if they do. An example that demonstrates this can be found in act two, scene two, from line thirty-four onwardsMacbethMethought I heard a voice cry Sleep no moreMacbeth does murder sleep the innocent sleep,Sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care,The death of each days life, sore labors bath,Balm of hurt minds, prominent natures second course,Chief nourisher in lifes feast ---Lady MacWhat do you mean?MacbethStill it cried Sleep no more to all the house
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Impact of Revolution on women and slavery Essay -- essays research pap
The the Statesn Revolution caused a change in America that was far greater than just the forming of an independent nation. In the years after the revolution, a government had to be set in place. The new nation was greatly influenced by models of previous governments, including Great Britain and ancient Greece and Rome. Despite the great change in political structure, aspects of social culture were influenced by the revolution as well, especially in the areas of slavery and the status of women.The ideology of the revolution can be looked at as a positive step in the area of slavery. The years following the revolution saw a larger opposition towards the whole principal of slavery. The North during the late 1700s saw a slow diminish in slavery, to the point where it was being ended. Vermont was the first colony to fully abolish slavery in 1777, and Massachusetts soon followed. Emancipation laws were implemented by pappa and New Jersey as well, and in New Hampshire no slaves were pre sent by 1810. The South did not show as much generosity to the thin of slavery, however many colonies did change laws that restricted a slave owners right to free their slaves. The only colonies that refused to implement these laws were South Carolina and Georgia. The years resultant to the revolution saw a large jump in the number of free African-Americans. Despite all these advancements for African-Americans, whites still did not recognize them as equals. In th...
Impact of Revolution on women and slavery Essay -- essays research pap
The American Revolution caused a transmute in America that was far greater than honourable the forming of an independent nation. In the years after the revolution, a government had to be set in place. The new nation was greatly influenced by models of previous governments, including bang-up Britain and ancient Greece and Rome. Despite the great change in political structure, aspects of social culture were influenced by the revolution as well, especially in the areas of slavery and the stipulation of women.The ideology of the revolution can be looked at as a positive step in the area of slavery. The years following the revolution saying a larger opposition towards the whole principal of slavery. The North during the late 1700s saw a slow decline in slavery, to the point where it was universe ended. Vermont was the first colony to fully abolish slavery in 1777, and Massachusetts soon followed. Emancipation laws were implemented by Pennsylvania and New Jersey as well, and in New Hampshire no slaves were present by 1810. The South did not show as much generosity to the issue of slavery, however many colonies did change laws that restricted a slave owners right to free their slaves. The only colonies that refused to implement these laws were South Carolina and Georgia. The years subsequent to the revolution saw a large jump in the number of free African-Americans. Despite all these advancements for African-Americans, whites still did not recognize them as equals. In th...
Monday, May 27, 2019
It331 Documentation
Infinet Infinet is a company that has been providing cyberspaceing and selective information communications answers for companies since 1994. Infinet has throughout the years stayed on top of up-to-date networking trends and technologies to ensure reliability and extensive network lifetimes for Infinets customers. Our clients range all across the southern and southwestern give ins of the U. S. Infinets mission to its customers is to provide them a network resolution that suits their pauperisms and budget with the highest reliability that current technology can offer.Infinet has many different teams working within the company to main(prenominal)tain positive dealing and to provide the highest level of customer service. Technical Sup fashion Infinet offers its clients technical support 24 hours a solar day, 7 days a week. Technical support is visible(prenominal) to help troubleshoot with clients to attempt to r from for each one one a resolution as soon as possible. Sales T eam Infinets sales representatives work with our potential customers to bound the customers ask and forward the information they gather to Infinets design team.Design Team The design team at Infinet is primarily responsible for the culture of a shed envision, diagrams, and the implementation of the project plan. The design team is hence responsible for the presentation of their proposal to the client in a way that is flabby for the client to understand. communicateing Team once a deal has been made with a client the project is then handed to the networking team. The networking team at Infinet is responsible for the trigger of all hardware, software, cabling, and any other type of twirl to be installed.The networking module at Infinet is the most crucial part of Infinet. instruct for client employees is also provided by the networking team. TTIs Proposal The following is a list of TTIs major needs as stated in our documentation that Infinet received. Network Design TT I must(prenominal) stay within the regulations regarding network design to remain in compliance with various regulations. The network must be separated into two networks, Curriculum and Administrator, and not entrust access from the Curriculum Network to any figurers or legions on the Administrator network. A maximum of 200 workstations volition be deployed at each campus for the Curriculum network and a maximum of 50 computers for the disposal network. The network must facilitate 100x growth in LAN throughput, 2x growth in make it come out throughput, and a 10x growth in the main campus earnings connection. It must also remain functional for a minimum of 5 years. The four new civilizes must connect via the ISPs internal network into a central device at headquarters and forward any lucre requests through the headquarters internet connection. Each campus go away subscribe to a MDF room where selective information ordain be sent and forwarded as compulsory.The Houston West campus lead include an MDF as well up as an IDF on the second floor to forward entropy to the MDF. Each school has four labs that require 31 connections. There needs to be 3 runs of cabling to the 30 computers on the Curriculum network and 1 run of cable to terminate at the instructors computer on the Administrator network. all in all computers on the Administration network go away have their ip addresses set statically and all computers on the Curriculum network result obtain their ip addresses mechanically from a DHCP boniface. DHCP legion Each campus impart have a DHCP server to hand out ip addresses to nodes on the Curriculum network.DNS and E-Mail DNS and e-mail servers will be implemented in a hierarchical manner with all services located on the master server at the main campus. alone DNS and e-mail servers will be capable to communicate with each other in the event that the master server becomes un on tap(predicate). Administrative Server TTI will need to have an Administration server at each school site to interface with the DBMS at headquarters for student tracking, grades, attendance, and other functions The Administration server must not be accessible by any students or the Curriculum network. Web Server TTI will need a web server to host its virtual(prenominal) library which will reside an online library for curricular research and give students access to several online databases. Application Server on the whole computer applications will be housed on a server at each school location to provide the IT staff with an easy solution to upgrading applications. FTP Server An FTP server will be setup to provide TTI staff with a quick way to recover missing or corrupt files. executive director Summary Infinet has recently received a request from TTI to implement a network plan to meet the addition of four new campuses within the state of Texas.We believe that we have come up with the most reliable and secure plan to meet your needs at a r easonably low price. In our plan we have included many options to provide TTI with our personal recommendations as well as options lower in cost to suit TTIs monetary obligations. Infinet will take on all responsibility of hardware and software installations as well as an effective training plan to give the IT staff at TTI the tools they need to monitor and maintain their network. Assumptions and Constraints The following list is a few assumptions that Infinet has made based the information TTI has presented. TTI has already laid down the cabling or has done so with the construction of the building. TTI will remain responsible for any carnal security of network components and servers. Proper cooling will be available in the MDF and IDF rooms. TTI is needs new workstations to be purchased and installed. If we are wrong with any of our assumptions we have made a few possible solutions. Infinet has the staff and resources to lay down any cabling if need be. Infinet has included the o ption to omit any costs for new workstations if TTI has no desire to upgrade their current workstations.Deliverables Based upon the previous information, Infinet has come up with what we plan to bring to the table. Infinet will propose hardware and costs with several options for TTI to better suit their budget and needs. Infinet will provide a project schedule and implementation timeline to clarify each phase of the project. Infinet will identify the network topology and layout. Our main highlights will include the following. o4 T1 data lines for point-to-point connectivity and 1 T1-speed data frame relay to connect all sites to the Internet. Fiber optic-multi mode backbone. oSegment LAN at each site into two networks, administrator and curriculum. oSuccessful network connectivity with campuses to the main campus as well as Internet connectivity. oEstablishment of MDFs at each location as well as an IDF at the Houston location on the second floor. oImplementation of an IP subnet cap able to meet current needs and to facilitate growth. oDHCP configuration with student network and static IP addresses assigned to the administrator network. oInstallation of DHCP, DNS, and Application servers at each site.Each location will have a separate Administration server that will directly communicate with the DBMS at the main campus. oThe main campus will include the main DNS server, DNS, IIS, active agent Directory, Exchange, Web, Application, and FTP servers. Infinet will provide a comprehensive second-stringer solution for data and power. Infinet will ensure security to the Administration LAN as well as a firewall to deny access from any device outside the TTI network. Infinet will present a training plan for the IT support staff for TTI to give them the necessary knowledge and tools to monitor and maintain the network. Infinet will have a prototype for display to demonstrate our ability to effectively separate the Curriculum and Administration networks. Project Plan I mplementation and Timeline There are going to be 7 major steps to complete the project. 1. call locations Verify the current setup and identify the requirements that TTI needs to accomplish before installation takes place. Also to identify the location of the new hardware and verify what is needed. Jason Dallas, Scott Houston, troy San Antonio, Tyson Austin An estimated 4. 5 days will be needed to complete the inspection of all sites. 2. Purchasing and DeliveryAll hardware that has been deemed necessary will be order and delivered to each site. During this time, Technicians will be coordinated at each site to prepare for hardware installation. An estimated 18. 5 days will be needed to complete purchasing and delivery of all sites. 3. Hardware Installation All hardware will be installed and setup at each location. This includes all Workstations, Servers, Networking Equipment and Cabling. An estimated 11. 5 days will be needed to complete hardware installation of all sites. 4. Softw are Installation All software and server services will be setup and implemented at all locations.Routers, switches and firewalls will be configured and optimized for network communication between sites. Workstations will be setup with their sequester network configuration. An estimated 4. 5 days will be needed to complete software installation of all sites. 5. Finish Installation and Network Testing All hardware and software installation will be finished and network setup will be verified and tested for problems. Security policies and double firewall will be tested for weaknesses from outside Internet connectivity. Backup solution will be tested and verified with a complete disaster recovery plan.An estimated 11. 5 days will be needed to complete the finish Installation and network-testing phase of all sites. 6. Training Training for the TTI administration and IT staff, so that they will be fully capable of maintaining and monitoring the network using SNMP standards. An estimated 5 days training will be needed for training. 7. Support Period 10 day on call support. Any problems detected during this 10 day accomplishment will be corrected by Infinet. Project Details Network network topology TTI Network Overview All campuses will be connected through the ISPs internal network.Internet access from the campuses will be forwarded to the Houston Headquarters and then out to the internet through Houstons T3 or Frame Relay connection. Houston Headquarters Campus The Houston Main Campus will house the main DBMS server and the master complement server. The application, main DNS, DHCP, and Active Directory servers will also be located in the MDF. Each of the other four campuses internet connections will be forwarded to the Houston campus router, lake herring 7204 VXR, which will then forward internet connectivity through the Houston campus T3 or ISDN connection.The T3 or ISDN connection will be guarded by a PIX515e firewall that will block all ingress requests exce pt those for web and e-mail traffic. Houston West Campus The Houston West campus has the same setup as the other campuses, minus Houston Headquarters, except that cable runs will come from the MDF to a switch on the second floor that computers on that floor will connect to. It hosts local anaesthetic DNS, E-Mail, DHCP, and application servers as well. Dallas, San Antonio, and Austin Campuses These campuses will host local DNS, DHCP, application, E-Mail, and FTP servers and have T1 connections.Project Details IP Schema The IP addressing scheme we chose is designed to make administering the network easier. Each IP address will allow TTIs IT staff to identify if it belongs on the student or administrator network and what its physical campus location is. The chart below provides the details. HoustonHouston WestAustinDallasSan Antonio Student Network10. 1. 5. 0/2410. 1. 15. 0/2410. 1. 25. 0/2410. 1. 35. 0/2410. 1. 45. 0/24 Admin Network10. 1. 10. 0/2510. 1. 20. 0/2510. 1. 30. 0/2510. 1. 40. 0/2510. 1. 50. 0/25 Student Range10. 1. 5. 2 10. 1. 5. 25410. 1. 5. 2 10. 1. 15. 25410. 1. 25. 2 10. 1. 25. 254 10. 1. 35. 2 10. 1. 35. 25410. 1. 45. 2 10. 1. 45. 254 Admin Range10. 1. 10. 2 10. 1. 10. 12610. 1. 20. 2 10. 1. 20. 12610. 1. 30. 2 10. 1. 30. 12610. 1. 40. 2 10. 1. 40. 12610. 1. 50. 2 10. 1. 50. 126 Student Gateway10. 1. 5. 110. 1. 15. 110. 1. 25. 110. 1. 35. 110. 1. 45. 1 Admin Gateway10. 1. 10. 110. 1. 20. 110. 1. 30. 110. 1. 40. 110. 1. 50. 1 Student Broadcast10. 1. 5. 25510. 1. 15. 25510. 1. 25. 25510. 1. 35. 25510. 1. 45. 255 Admin Broadcast10. 1. 10. 12710. 1. 20. 12710. 1. 30. 12710. 1. 40. 2710. 1. 50. 127 Project Details Security Security readying for the internal and external TTI network should be as follows. A nominal amount of training with the staff will have to be done with regards to physical and logical security. Logical security should be setup using the firewall for external use and ACLs, managed switches, and password security for inte rnal security. Using monitoring programs to the benefit of the school and to see where problems may rise. Monitoring tools for service availability and bandwidth management. oNagios oMRTG oEmail NotificationActive Directory Structure TTI. EDU Training and Maintenance Plan Once the project has been completed, Infinet will begin the training of Network and System Administrator personnel at each TTI location. The training will be for the length of 5 days from 8 A. M to 12 P. M. and 1 P. M. to 5 P. M. for a total of 40 hours. Each site will be trained simultaneously from Infinets design team. TTIs IT staff will be trained on the router and switch configurations, IP addressing schemes, all servers and their configurations, troubleshooting techniques, and client node configurations.TTI will also be provided with contact information regarding their sick(p) connections. Once training has been completed a support period will begin. This support period will last for 10 business days, Monday through Friday. During this period TTI will be responsible for digging into their network to find any bugs or potential problems. Upon the discovery of any problem TTI can contact Infinets customer support to work out a resolution. All warranty information on hardware will be held by Infinet until the expiration of the support period at which time TTI will be solely responsible.One item to keep in mind is that although we will discontinue responsibility after the support period, Infinet is perpetually willing to listen to clients problems and give suggestions to help the client reach a solution. Risk Analysis The following table addresses particular events that may delay the completion of the project. RiskImpactProbabilityResponse Late arrival of connectivity equipmentLHPush all servers to a plug-n-play state to minimize schedule interference. Cable interferenceHMLocate the source of interference and terminate it or insulate the cabling.Damaged server or wrong server hardwareMMSe nd equipment back and obtain new equipment Late arrival of serversMMSend equipment back and obtain new equipment ISP problemsMMDepending on response time of ISP, possibly find a new ISP. VPN connectivity problemsMMDiagnose the source and implement solution. Natural disasterHLResolution depends on the effects of the disaster. Sudden increase in the pricing of resourcesMLConsult with TTI. Perhaps find an alternative solution in the case of drastic changes. Poor attendance during training phaseMLHold multiple sessions or commute to certain locations for additional training if necessary.Complications when migrating existing dataMLPerform any conversions or third party support. SQL connectivity problemsMLDiagnose the source and implement solution. Wrong equipment or damaged equipmentLMSend equipment back and obtain new equipment Backup Strategy Hardware The Houston campus will house the main backup server. The type of device will be either dell military forceVault 110T LTO-2-L, a tape d rive solution, or Iomega StorCenter Pro 200d, a device that uses random access rather than sequential. The choice of device will be up to TTI. Each campus except for headquarters will use Bytecc 40GB 3. 5 LANDisk NAS for data backups.This networked attached storage device utilizes a 100-BaseTX networking interface and a Western Digital 40GB hard drive. Each campus will have a UPS system. The device we have selected, APC Back-UPS RS 1500VA, has an internal alarm, hot swappable batteries, connects via USB or serial, a 110 minute blackout run time, and a $150,000 lifetime equipment protection plan. Strategy The main campus backup device will run a routine scheduled backup nightly that will pull the data from each individual NAS drive. Along with this data, it will backup Active Directory and the Microsoft Exchange email databases.These are items that we have deemed required for backup and any remaining items are to be discussed and implemented into the daily backup schedule. The latest copy of the data will be taken home by the administrator each day so that there is always an off-site duplicate of the backup. price Analysis Infinet has worked hard to make an effective solution for TTI. One difference that you will find with our company is that we prefer to provide our clients with options. In our costs proposal we have given TTI options such as the client workstations, backup solutions, and wan connections.Each option has been analyzed and determined to fit TTIs needs within the RFP we received. Infinet bids a range of $1,769,487. 96 to $2,425,751. 26 to give TTI the option to weigh their cost versus their needs. Infinet cannot determine what will be the best solution for TTI as it is TTI itself that knows what is best. If TTI has any suggestions regarding hardware, software, or disgusted connections Infinet will be readily available to share ideas and work firmly to meet TTIs demands as a customer. For select details on the costs breakdown please refer to c ecal appendage A and for hardware descriptions please see Appendix B.Appendix Appendix A Cost Analysis Breakdown. 23 Appendix B Hardware27 Appendix A Cost Analysis Recommended Cost Sheet Hardware criterionUnit Cost full(a) Cost balance 9150 Desktop1250$1,411. 30$1,764,125. 00 Cisco 7204 VXR1$3,958. 90$3,958. 90 PA-MC-8T1 (WIC)1$2,198. 90$2,198. 90 Cisco 2600 XM4$3,376. 99$13,507. 96 Dell PowerEdge 285011$3,291. 20$36,203. 20 Cisco Secure PIX 515E1$2,823. 70$2,823. 70 Cisco Catalyst 2948G Switch40$4,677. 19$187,087. 56 NAS Network Attached Storage4$153. 99$615. 96 APC APWBR15005$383. 90$1,919. 50 23 Equipment Racks 5$143. 0$715. 00 REVStorCenter Pro 200d Series (HQ Backup Server)1$1,978. 90$1,978. 90 Total $2,015,134. 57 Software measurementUnit CostTotal Cost Server 2003 Enterprise CALS (25)2$571. 95$1,143. 89 Microsoft Office Pro 2003 (Open License)1$492. 80$492. 80 Total $1,636. 69 WANTotal MonthsMonthly CostTotal 5 form Cost 5 Year on T1 (Per Site)60$852. 50$51,150. 00 5 Year on T1 (Per Site)60$852. 50$51,150. 00 5 Year on T1 (Per Site)60$852. 50$51,150. 00 5 Year on T1 (Per Site)60$852. 50$51,150. 00 5 Year on T3 (Headquarters)60$825. 00$49,500. 00 Total Internet Cost $254,100. 00Labor and TrainingHoursRateTotal Cost Team Member (5 Employees)1600$27. 50$44,000. 00 Hardware Technicians (24 Employees)3840$16. 50$63,360. 00 Software Technicians (24 Employees)2880$16. 50$47,520. 00 Total $154,880. 00 Total Project Cost $2,425,751. 26 Low Cost Sheet Hardware beatUnit CostTotal Cost Dimension 9150 Desktops1250$910. 80$1,138,500. 00 Cisco 7204 VXR1$3,958. 90$3,958. 90 PA-MC-8T1 (WIC)1$2,198. 90$2,198. 90 Dell PowerEdge 285011$3,291. 20$36,203. 20 Cisco Secure PIX 515E FireWall1$2,823. 70$2,823. 70 Cisco Catalyst 2948G Switch40$4,677. 19$187,087. 56 Cisco 2600XM4$3,376. 9$13,507. 96 NAS Network Attached Storage4$153. 99$615. 96 APC APWBR15005$383. 90$1,919. 50 23 Equipment Rack5$143. 00$715. 00 PowerVault 110T LTO-2-L(HQ Back-up Server)1$1,538. 90$1,538. 90 Tot al $1,389,069. 57 SoftwareQuantityUnit CostTotal Cost Server 2003 Enterprise CALS (25)2$571. 95$1,143. 89 Microsoft Office Pro 2003 (Open License)1$492. 80$492. 80 Total $1,636. 69 WANTotal MonthsMonthly CostTotal 5 Year Cost 5 Year T160$852. 50$51,150. 00 5 Year T160$852. 50$51,150. 00 5 Year T160$852. 50$51,150. 00 ISDN60$852. 50$51,150. 00 Frame Relay (5PDC 5 Year)60$307. 40$18,443. 70Frame Relay Installation (Per Site)1$858. 00$858. 00 Total Internet Cost $223,901. 70 Labor and TrainingHours periodic RateTotal Cost Team Member (5 Employees)1600$27. 50$44,000. 00 Hardware Technicians (24 Employees)3840$16. 50$63,360. 00 Software Technicians (24 Employees)2880$16. 50$47,520. 00 Total $154,880. 00 Total Project Cost $1,769,487. 96 Cost Options Breakdown Hardware Options worth Selected Price ?Dimension 9150 Desktop ( shape upd)$1,764,125. 00 + oror ?Dimension 9150 Desktops$1,138,500. 00 + ?REVStorCenter Pro 200d Series (HQ Backup Server)$1,978. 90 + oror PowerVault 110T LTO-2-L (HQ Back-up Server)$1,538. 90 + Total Internet OptionsPrice Selected Price ?Houston West T1 Connection$51,150. 00 + oror ?Houston West Frame Relay including Installation$19,301. 70 + ?Houston Headquarters T1 Connection$51,150. 00 + oror ?Houston Headquarters ISDN Connection$51,150. 00 + Total Set Costs Total Price Non-Optional Hardware$249,030. 67 Other Campus Internet Connections$153,450. 00 Software$1,636. 69 Labor$154,880. 00 Set Costs Subtotal$558,997. 36 Total Project Cost Appendix B Hardware Cisco PIX 515EThe Cisco PIX 515E Firewall is an enhanced version of the widely popular Cisco PIX 515 platform, providing industry-leading firewall and IP Security (IPSec) virtual private networking (VPN) services. Designed for small and medium businesses, as well as enterprise remote offices, the Cisco PIX 515E features increased processing power and integrated, hardware-based IPSec quickening (certain models) delivering even more robust performance for high throughput security requirements. Performance Summary Cleartext throughput 188 Mbps 168-bit 3DES IPsec VPN throughput 63 Mbps Simultaneous VPN tunnels 2,000 Dimensions and Weight Height 1. 2 in. (4. 37 cm), 1 RU Width 16. 82 in. (42. 72 cm), Standard 19-in. rack mountable Depth 11. 8 in. (29. 97 cm) Weight (one power supply) 11 lbs (4. 11 kg) Expansion PCI mess Two 32-bit/33-MHz PCI Random Access Memory Two 168-pin DIMM slots (64 MB maximum supported by Cisco PIX OS) Dimension 9150 central processor Pentium D Processor 940 with Dual Core Technology (3. 20GHz, 800FSB) Operating System Genuine Windows XP Home Edition Memory 2GB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 533MHz- 2DIMMs Hard Drives 320GB Serial ATA 3Gb/s Hard Drive (7200RPM) w/ 16MB cache Optical Drive Single Drive 16x DVD+/-RW with double layer write capability MonitorsFree Upgrade from E196 parallel Flat Panel to 1907FP Digital Flat Panel Video Cards 128MB PCI Express x16 (DVI/VGA/TV-out) ATI Radeon X300 SE HyperMemory Keyboard Dell USB Keyboard Mouse Dell 2-but ton USB mouse Dimension 9150 Processor Pentium D Processor 805 w/Dual Core Technology (2. 660GHz,533FSB) Operating System Genuine Windows XP Pro Memory 512MB Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM at 533MHz 2DIMMs Hard Drives FREE UPGRADE 250GB Serial ATA Hard Drive (7200RPM) Optical Drive Single Drive 48x CD-RW / DVD-ROM Combo Drive Monitors Free Upgrade from E196 Analog Flat Panel to 1907FP Digital Flat Panel Video Cards 28MB PCI Express x16 (DVI/VGA/TV-out) ATI Radeon X300 SE HyperMemory Dell Service Support Plans 1 Year on-the-spot(prenominal) Economy Plan Adobe Software Adobe Acrobat Reader 6. 0 CISCO 7200 VXR SERIES ROUTER WAN edge-Award-winning quality-of-service (QoS) feature performance Broadband aggregation-Up to 16,000 Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) sessions per cast Multiprotocol Label Switching provider edge (MPLS PE)-Number one choice for provider edge deployment today Voice/video/data integration-Time-division multiplexer (TDM)-enabled VXR chassis and voice port adapters IP- to-IP Gateway Support-Direct IP-interconnections IP Security virtual private networking (IPSec VPN)-Scalable to 5,000 tunnels per chassis High-End Customer Premises Equipment (CPE)-For managed WAN services saving equipment, transport and administrative cost The Cisco 7200 VXR addresses these solution requirements by integrating functions previously performed by separate devices into a single platform. Through this integration, the Cisco 7200 VXR provides a single, cost-effective platform that supports High-density LAN and WAN interfaces Broadband subscriber services aggregation, including PPP, RFC 1483 termination, and grade 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) tunneling Digital T1/E1 TDM trunk termination for voice, video, and data High-density multichannel T3/E3 and T1/E1 with integrated channel service unit/data service unit (CSU/DSU) ATM, Packet over SONET (POS), and Dynamic Packet Transport (DPT) connectivity ATM IMA (Inverse Multiplexing over ATM) for voice, video, and data Dir ect IBM mainframe channel connectivity Light-density Layer 2 Ethernet switch PowerEdge 2850Processor Intel Xeon Processor at 2. 8GHz/2MB Cache, 800MHz FSB Additional Processor Single Processor only Memory 1GB DDR2 400MHz (2X512MB), Single Ranked DIMMs Chassis frame No Rails Included Operating System Windows Server 2003 R2, Standard Edition, Includes 5 CALs Hard Drive Configuration Drives attached to embedded SCSI controller, No RAID Riser Card Riser with PCI-X Support and Embedded Raid (ROMB) Support Hard Drive Backplane 16 Hard Drive Backplane,PE2850 Bezel Active ID Bezel Option Primary Hard Drive 73GB 10K RPM Ultra 320 SCSI Hard DriveNetwork Adapter Dual On-Board NICs CD/DVD Drive 24X IDE CD-ROM Power Supply Non-Redundant Power Supply Tape Backup Software CommVault 1-Touch Recovery Client License Key Documentation Electronic Documentation and OpenManage CD fit out Hardware Support Services 3Yr BASIC NBD L1 Hardware Queue, Next Business Day Onsite, M-F 8am-6pm Catalyst 2948G Th e Catalyst 2948G is a dedicated Ethernet switch featuring high-performance Layer 2 switching for the wiring closet, with low cost per port and advanced and proven software capable of supporting a wide variety of switching features.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Coffee from Ampalaya Seeds
COFFEE FROM AMPALAYA SEEDS (Momordica Charantia) TABLE OF CONTENTS A. Background Of The Study3 B. Statement Of The caper And Objectives Of The Study4 C. Signifi kittyce Of The Study6 D. stove And Limitations6 E. Operational Definition Of Terms7 Chapter II8 Review Of Related Literature8 Chapter III11 Methodology11 A. Research Design11 B. Type Of Study12 C. independent And Dependent Variable12 D. intercessions Of The Study13 E. Subjects / Samples13 F. Replications Per interposition14 G. Methodology Proper14 H. Statistical Treatment For Data Analysis17 Chapter IV18Results And Discussions18 Chapter V30 Summary, Conclusion And Recommendations30 vermiform process32 Appendix A32 Appendix B34 BIBLIOGRAPHY36 References36 CHAPTER I Introduction A. Background Of The Study Coffee alternatives have been famous since the last two decades due to economic crisis and experimentations for health and medical benefits. Any seminal fluids that ar edible when powdered stool be animal(prenominal ) exercised as an alternative source for deep brown. The difference of the generic burnt umber bean bean from the seeds of the coffee plant from those of the alternatives is that it has a upright amount of caffeine content.The similarity you brook find in the alternatives and those of the original is that seeds contain carbohydrates which cause the aroma in roast coffee 4, 5, and 6. Ampalaya, on the another(prenominal)(prenominal) hand, is a crawling vine that grows mostly on tropical countries worry the Philippines. It is said to be comfortable in iron, potassium, beta-carotene and other nutrients. It is also famous in treating diabetes because of its properties like polypeptide-P a plant insulin that sewer pooh-pooh blood sugar levels.Many questiones on agricultural food chemistry convey that it provides nutritionally significant amounts of nutrients, minerals and amino acids that are compulsioned for life 1, 2, and 3. Ampalaya seeds when used as an alternative coff ee lead act as a stimulant, an herbal drink and at the same m can increase its additional properties like source for insulin and other nutrients set in motion on Momordica charantia. Ampalaya seeds when used as dry powders have clearly demonstrate hypoglycemic activity 3.The seekers decided to process Ampalaya seeds the same routine on how the coffee bean is processed into a deglutition beverage and test its receptive qualities using sampling techniques. B. Statement Of The Problem And Objectives Of The Study Main Problem * Can Ampalaya Seeds (Momordica charantia) be make into coffee? Sub-Problems * Does the coffee out of Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia) Seeds have a good quality in terms of adjudicate? saturation? odor? texture? * What are the sensory qualities of the incompatible treatments in terms of taste? color? odor? texture? * Which of the groups/set-ups are acceptable in terms of its overall acceptability?A. entertain (Pure Ampalaya Coffee) B. manoeuvre (Pure te chnical Coffee) C. Treatment A (75% Ampalaya Coffee, 25% Commercial Coffee) D. Treatment B (50% Ampalaya Coffee, 50% Commercial Coffee) E. Treatment C (25% Ampalaya Coffee, 75% Commercial Coffee) General Objectives * This study primarily aims to larn if Ampalaya Seeds (Momordica charantia) can be made into coffee. Specific Objectives * To determine the quality of coffee out of Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) Seeds in terms of taste, color, odor and texture. * To identify the sensory qualities of the unalike treatments in terms of taste, color, odor and texture. To determine which of the groups/set-ups are acceptable in terms of its overall acceptability. A. Control (Pure Ampalaya Coffee) B. Control (Pure Commercial Coffee) C. Treatment A (75% Ampalaya Coffee, 25% Commercial Coffee) D. Treatment B (50% Ampalaya Coffee, 50% Commercial Coffee) E. Treatment C (25% Ampalaya Coffee, 75% Commercial Coffee) C. Significance Of The Study This research can suffer a significant role in regen erate the generic coffees market place cost for affordability and its medical benefits for various types of diseases/sickness like diabetes and anemia.It can also conserve sassy or to-be-thrown absent seeds of Ampalaya and use it for a better cause. According to the study of YumikoYasui, its seeds have linoleic acid that canprevent coloncancer. It also contains polypeptide-Pa plant insulin that helps diabetic patients. D. Scope And Limitations This research will be conducted on JulyAugust 2012 at Paraiso Cmpd. Baybay City, Leyte. This study focuses on how to make Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) seeds into coffee. The whole fruit is not included in making the product, sole(prenominal) the seeds are used to make coffee.The researchers are not focusing on the nutrient value that they can get in the Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) seeds nor will they include it in their research. Instead, the researchers are focusing in making coffee out of Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) seeds and in the sensory qualities (taste, color, and odor) of Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) coffeein comparison to the moneymaking(prenominal) coffee. E. Operational Definition Of Terms * Momordica charantia * scientific name of the Ampalaya or Bitter Melon * polypeptide-P * a plant insulin found only in the Ampalaya * potentiate insulin is an alternative cancer treatment using insulin to carry on low-dose chemotherapy or mandelonitrite * caffeine * is a boutter, white crystalline xanthine alkaloid that acts as a stimulant drug and a reversible acetylcholihesterase inhi boutor * is found in varying quantities in the seeds, leaves, and fruits of some plants, where it acts as a natural pesticide that paralyzes and kills certain insects feeding on the plants * genus Coffea Arabica * is a species of coffea originally indigenous to the mountains of Yemen in the Arabian * Coffea canephora is a variety of coffea which has its origin in central and western sub-Saharan Africa * Hemileia vastatrix * severe symptoms of leaf rust * is a fungus of the edict uredenales that causes coffee rust, a disease that is devastating to coffee plantations Chapter II Review Of Related Literature Coffee alternatives can be a solution to the serious need for a very economical, nutritious and medicinal coffee. It is very economical in the sense that its cost would be near to costless. It is nutritious that it has additional properties, vitamins and minerals that is very essential in the bodys growth and development.It is medicinal in a way that the coffee can cure several diseases more than ordinary commercial coffees can 7. Ampalaya seeds are a good alternative for making coffee because it has more similar properties to coffee beans like carbohydrate and its bitterness. It is also good for dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea, provides daily need of iron in the body, and is good for people with diabetes. Ampalaya powdered seeds contain iron and folic acid which helps in the toil of red blood cells and formation of myoglobin and hemoglobin.It is also rich in antioxidants that helps flushing out harmful toxins in the body and regulates the blood flow well. It also has been found out that this alternative may discourage people to use commercial coffee that has no nutritional value compared to coffee made from Ampalaya seeds 3, 7, and 8. In the study conducted by Ma. Liza Lamanilao and Venus Sejalbo, empower Make/ qualification Ampalaya Seed Coffee and Polvoron, in which their main objective is to make coffee and polvoron from unused ampalaya seeds that are being thrown away.They also specifically aims to develop this research to answer the serious need for a very economical, nutritious and a medicinal coffee. During the experiment in making coffee, they collected ampalaya seeds, remove the shells, toasted the seeds until the seeds will turn brown and finally, pound them to produce fine powdered coffee and a caffeine free coffee. They also make nutritious polvoron by browning again the granules together with milk and sugar. After the experiment, they have found out the nutritional value we could get in Ampalaya Seeds.It contains iron and folic acid or Vitamin B12 which helped the production of red blood cells and formation of myoglobin and hemoglobin. They also found out that Ampalaya Seeds is good for dysmenorrheal and amenorrhea and it provides the daily need of iron in the body and good for diabetics. It has been found out that the discovery may discourage the people to use the commercial coffee that has no nutritive value compared to coffee made from ampalaya seeds. Ampalaya Seeds is also a good substitute in making coffee based on nutritive value present in seeds. (http//www. foodrecap. net/recipe/ampaya-coffee-pulvoron/)In the research entitled Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee and tea leaf Consumption in Relation to Incident Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus which was conducted by Rachel Huxley, Dphil, et al. The study primarily aims to identify the relation between the Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee, and tea Consumption and the Incident of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. The data from 18 studies with information on 457 922 particigenus Pants reported on the association between coffee consumption and diabetes. sise (N=225,516) and 7 studies (N=286,701) also reported estimates of the association between decaffeinated coffee and tea with diabetes respectively.The putative protective effects of these beverages warrant further investigation in randomised trials. on that point was inverse log-linear relationship between coffee consumption and subsequent hazard of diabetes such that every additional cup of coffee consumed in a twenty-four hour period was associated with a 7% reduction in the excess risk of diabetes relative risk, 0. 93 (95% confidence interval, 0. 91-0. 95) after adjustment for potential confounders. Based on the results, the researchers owe to the presence of of small study bias represented an overestimate of the true magnitude of th e association.The researchers concluded that high intakes of coffee, decaffeinated coffee and tea consumption can reduce risk of diabetes. (http//archinte. jamanetwork. com/article. aspx? articleid=773949) According to Rachel Huxley, DPhil and colleagues in the Archives of Internal Medicine during December 14, 2009 they conducted a study about Every Cup of Coffee per twenty-four hours Lowers Risk of Type 2 Diabetes by 7%. This study was conducted at the George Institute for International Health, University of Sydney, Australia. The researchers stated that there are several studies to prove that drinking coffee may lower the risk of create type 2 Diabetes.During the study, the researchers resolved information from 18 studies on coffee and diabetes. They also analyzed another 13 studies that includes data on decaffeinated coffee, tea drinking and diabetes. When all the information, from each study was combined, they out that each additional cup of coffee drunk per day was accompani ed with a 7% lower risk of diabetes. People who drunk three to four cups of coffee per day had about a 25% lower risk than those who didnt drank two r fewer cups per day while people who drank decaffeinated coffee more than three to four cups per day had about a ne-third lower risk of having type 2 diabetes. The study shows that if tea drinkers drank more than three to four cups of tea per day had about one-fifth lower risk of diabetes. In a nutshell, the results shows that people who drank more cups of coffee, whether its decaffeinated or regular or tea will have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Therefore, the researchers conclude that they will advise the patients who are most at risk for diabetes mellitus should increase to consume a coffee and tea in addition to increase their levels of weight loss and physical activity. (http//diabetes. webmd. om/news/20091214/coffee-tea-may-stall-diabetes) Chapter III Methodology A. Research Design The researchers will join unused Ampalaya seeds from clean market sites and homes. They will wash and dry it up under the heat of the sun for 2-3 sunny days. Then, they will peel off its seed coat, roast it for 25 proceeding and grind it to powder form. After it is powdered, it will be brewed and distributed to different controls and treatments. Then it will be ready for sensory evaluations for different sampling techniques and rate its acceptability. Problem Can Ampalaya seeds (Momordica charantia) be made into coffee?Hypothesis Ho There is no difference between the commercial coffee and the Ampalaya seeds made into coffee. HA There is a significant difference between the commercial coffee and the Ampalaya seeds made into coffee. B. Type Of Study This research study is quasi-experimental which focuses in making coffee from Ampalaya seeds. C. Independent And Dependent Variable The independent variable in this study is the Ampalaya seeds (Momordica charantia) coffee and the dependent variable is the sensory qualitie s of coffee (taste, color, odor, and texture). D. Treatments Of The Study + Control Control TreatmentA TreatmentB TreatmentC Ampalaya coffee (tsp. ) 1 None ? ? ? Commercial coffee (tsp. ) None 1 ? ? ? Sugar (tsp. ) ? ? ? ? ? Water (cup) 1 1 1 1 1 Table 1- several(predicate) Treatments of Powdered Ampalaya Seeds This study has 2 treatments for control set-up (positive control 100% Ampalaya coffee, negative control 100% commercial coffee) and 3 treatments for the quasi-experimental set-up (TA 75% Ampalaya coffee, 25% commercial coffee TB 50% Ampalaya coffee, 50% commercial coffee TC 25% Ampalaya coffee, 75% commercial coffee).E. Subjects / Samples This research study involves ESEP curriculum students from Grade 7 to quaternate year. The researchers take only 30 respondents / samples from the whole population of ESEP curriculum. F. Replications Per Treatment There were 5 treatments in this study (positive and negative control, treatment A, B, and C) and in every trea tment, there were 30 replicates. G. Methodology Proper Table 2 Process Flow Of The Conducted Study Preparation of Ingredients and Materials and Roasting of Seeds for 25 Minutes Heat the frying pan in preparation for the roasting of seeds.Then, repair the bowl and the mortar and pestle. Wash the seeds until it is free from dirt and other physical elements aside from the seeds. Lastly, prepare the heater for the boil of hot water and the 5 plastic cups. Then, roast the washed, dried seeds in the pan for 25 minutes. Then cool it off. Drying of Ampalaya Seeds and Removing of Seed Coat The researchers will prepare the seeds which were pull together on the cleaner side of the market and will not be used by the vendors. The researchers wash the seeds, put it in a main office and placed it under the heat of the sun for 2 to 3 sunny days.Then, peel of the seed coat of the seeds with bare hands. Grinding of Seeds After the seeds were cooled off, place the roasted seeds in the mortar then grind it using the pestle until all of the seeds are powdered. Treatment Distribution for Ampalaya and Commercial Coffee In each of the sort out teacups for the five samples, each teacup is distributed based on the data in Table 1. Sensory Evaluation The researchers conducted the evaluation through sensory qualities (taste, color, odor, and texture) and its acceptability. The treatments A to E are presented to the respondents for the evaluation based on the data on Table 3.Image 1Sample Questionnaire H. Statistical Treatment For Data Analysis The researchers used Chi-square Test in order to find the significant differences between treatments. They also used the mean in order to compute the average rating of sensory qualities (taste, color, odor, and texture) in every treatment. Chapter IV Results And Discussions This research study primarily aims to determine if Ampalaya Seeds (Momordica charantia) can be made into coffee. Based on our experiment, researchers can answer their obje ctives. The data gathered were tabulated and evaluated as shown below. interpret 1 Total Respondents Per valuation Of Overall acceptability For The absolute Control This graphical record is skewed to the left. That means that the respondents rate the pure Ampalaya coffee a little bit lowly. On the brighter side, the majority was clustered in the average part of the graph hence it can be treated as acceptable. Rating Sensory Qualities experiment Color fragrance texture 1 1 0 6 4 2 8 18 3 14 3 2 8 12 2 4 17 4 7 7 5 12 0 2 3 30. 33 37. 33 10. 33 15. 67 Table 3 Total Respondents Per Rating Per Sensory Quality Of The Positive ControlGraph 2 Total Respondents Per Rating Per Sensory Quality Of The Positive Control The table and graph above shows the relationship of the number of respondents and the rating they rate based on the coffee of the positive control. The graph conveys that the curve of the taste have the best rating results and color shows a more degrading result compar ed to the other variables. The solution performing the Chi-square Test of the Positive Control values for each of the sensory quality can be found at Appendix A. Comparing these results, we can evaluate With the good number of respondents, n = 30, total data groups for the rating, k = 5, ? 0. 05, and d. f. = k 1 = 5 1 = 4, then the x? 0. 05= 9. 49. * Since x? taste(30. 33) ? 0. 05(9. 49), then the rating dissemination for the taste is significantly different to each other. The curve of the taste variable is positively skewed in which the respondents have taken the like to the taste of the Ampalaya coffee. * Since x? color(10. 33) ? 0. 05(9. 49), then the rating distribution for the color is significantly different to each other. The curve of the color variable is negatively skewed in which the respondents may not have taken the liking to the color of the Ampalaya coffee. Since x? odor(37. 33) ? 0. 05(9. 49), then the rating distribution for the color is significantly differe nt to each other. The curve of the odor variable is concentrated more on the average side of the rating. Maybe the Ampalaya coffee is more of an odorless beverage because unlike the commercial coffee, it has an aroma because of carbohydrates which may be a little bit of lacking on the Ampalaya seeds. * Since x? texture(15. 67) ? 0. 05(9. 49), then the rating distribution for the texture is significantly different to each other. The curve of the texture variable is negatively skewed.Maybe the physical appearance of the ground Ampalaya coffee powder is a lot different than the commercial coffee because of the differences of the type of fruit they produce, in which the coffee is a berry fruits so its color is a lot concentrated compared to the gourd family of Ampalaya which has a larger fruit. Rating Taste + Control Control Ta Tb Tc 1 1 4 0 2 1 2 8 7 9 8 12 3 2 2 6 5 4 4 17 7 8 9 8 5 2 10 7 6 5 nasty 3. 37 3. 4 3. 43 3. 30 3. 13 Table 4 Total Respondents Per Rating Per Treatment F or The Taste Graph 3 fee-tail Rating For The Taste Per TreatmentGraph 4 Mean Rating For The Taste Per Treatment The graph above shows that the treatment that garnered the highest rating for the taste is TA, coffee of 75% Ampalaya coffee and 25% of the commercial coffee. Though the results were preferably unexpected, the nearness of the rating between the pure commercial coffee and pure Ampalaya coffee is the most focused in this study so, we can say that Ampalaya coffee can be an alternative to a commercial coffee on the fundament of its taste. Rating Color + Control Control Ta Tb Tc 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 18 7 10 6 11 3 8 8 9 12 7 4 4 13 10 9 12 0 2 0 2 0 Mean 2. 53 3. 33 2. 93 3. 17 3. 03 Table 5 Total Respondents Per Rating Per Treatment For The Color Graph 4 Mean Rating For The Color Per Treatment The graph above shows that the treatment that garnered the highest rating for the color is the negative control, 100% commercial coffee. Though the results were quite expected, it m eans that the Ampalaya coffee can always be distinguished visually from the commercial coffee. Rating Odor + Control Control Ta Tb Tc 1 6 0 5 6 3 2 3 1 9 5 7 3 12 6 8 10 10 4 7 15 8 3 7 5 2 8 0 6 3 Mean 2. 87 4. 00 2. 3 2. 93 3. 00 Table 6 Total Respondents Per Rating Per Treatment For The Odor Graph 5 Mean Rating For The Odor Per Treatment The graph above shows that the treatment that garnered the highest rating for the odor is the negative control, 100% commercial coffee. If the graph is analyzed, you can hypothesize that an amount of the Ampalaya coffee can greatly diminish the good aroma the commercial coffee currently has. Rating Texture + Control Control Ta Tb Tc 1 4 1 7 2 1 2 14 3 8 4 5 3 2 0 5 7 7 4 7 12 9 14 11 5 3 13 1 3 6 Mean 2. 70 4. 17 2. 63 3. 40 3. 53Table 7 Total Respondents Per Rating Per Treatment For The Texture Graph 6 Mean Rating For The Texture Per Treatment The graph above shows that the treatment that garnered the highest rating for the texture is st ill the negative control, 100% commercial coffee. Though the results are quite expected, if the graph is analyzed, there is a really much big difference on the texture dealt on the brewing of an Ampalaya coffee and those results are not quite on the liking of the respondents, hence this data might become one of the reasons on why Ampalaya seeds might not be a good alternative of the commercial coffee.But on the other hand, it might become another beverage like a medicinal tea. Rating Control Quasi-experimental + Control Control TA TB TC 1 4 2 6 5 5 2 12 4 9 5 6 3 10 9 9 12 8 4 3 14 4 5 10 5 1 1 2 3 1 Table 8-Total Respondents Per Rating Per Treatment For Overall Acceptability Graph 7- Total Respondents Per Rating Per Treatment For Overall Acceptability With all the results obtained, expectedly, the commercial coffee achieved the highest overall acceptability among the different treatments.If the curves are trend lined, Graph 8 Trend Lines For The Total Respondents Per Rating Per Treatment For Overall Acceptability In this graph, it is clearly shown that the positive control has the lowest slope among the treatments, hence Ampalaya seeds may not be a good alternative for the commercial coffee on the basis of overall acceptability of the respondents. Chapter V Summary, Conclusion And Recommendations SUMMARY Coffee alternatives have been famous last two decades due to economic crisis and experimentations for health and medical benefits.Ampalaya is a crawling vine that grows mostly on tropical countries like Philippines. It is said to be rich in iron, potassium, beta-carotene and other nutrients. Any seeds that are edible when powdered can be used as an alternative source for coffee. The general objective of the study is to determine if Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia) seeds can be made into coffee. This research can play a significant role in replacing the generic coffees market cost to affordability and medical benefits. It can also conserve unused or to-be-thr own away seeds of Ampalaya.The researchers focus in making coffee out of Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia) seeds and in the sensory qualities (taste, color, odor and texture) of Ampalaya coffee in comparison to commercial coffee. First, the researchers gathered unused Ampalaya seeds from clean market sites and homes. They will wash and dry it up under the heat of the sun for 2-3 sunny days. Then, they will peel off its seed coat, roast it for 25 minutes and grind it to powder form. After it is powdered, it will be brewed and distributed to different controls and treatments.Then it will be ready for sensory evaluation for different sampling technique and rate its acceptability. CONCLUSION Therefore the researchers conclude that * The overall acceptability of Ampalaya coffee is slightly acceptable. * There are significant difference in every treatment in terms of taste, color, odor and texture. In taste, the positive control (Ampalaya Coffee) got the highest mean rating among the 5 treat ments while in color, odor and texture the negative control (Commercial Coffee) got the highest mean rating. * In overall acceptability of groups or set-ups, the negative control is the highest among the 5 treatments.RECOMMENDATIONS If the researchers were given a chance to remake this research, the researchers should gather the Ampalaya seeds at the same plantation, same stem and at the same age. After the researchers have gathered the seed, it should be simultaneously placed it in a coat and dried under the heat of the sun for 2-3 days. The Ampalaya seeds should also be roasted together for 25 minutes. And the researchers hoped that they have a machine in grinding the Ampalaya seeds so that the Ampalaya coffee will have a tiny particle. Appendix Appendix A Taste x2=i=0n(fo-fe)2fe x2=1-626+8-626+2-626+(17-6)26+(2-6)26 2=(-5)26+(2)26+(-4)26+(11)26+(-4)26 x2=25+4+16+121+166 x2=30. 33 Color x2=i=0n(fo-fe)2fe x2=(0-6)26+(18-6)26+(8-6)26+(4-6)26+(0-6)26 x2=(-6)26+(12)26+(2)26+(-2)26+(- 6)26 x2=36+144+4+4+366 x2=37. 33 Odor x2=i=0n(fo-fe)2fe x2=(6-6)26+(3-6)26+(12-6)26+(7-6)26+(2-6)26 x2=(0)26+(-3)26+(6)26+(1)26+(-4)26 x2=0+9+36+1+166 x2=10. 33 Texture x2=i=0n(fo-fe)2fe x2=(4-6)26+(14-6)26+(2-6)26+(7-6)26+(3-6)26 x2=(4)26+(64)26+(16)26+(1)26+(9)26 x2=4+64+16+1+96 x2=15. 67 Appendix B Taste + Control X= i=0nXin X= 10130 X=3. 37 Control X= i=0nXin X= 10230 X=3. 40 Treatment A X= i=0nXin X= 10330 X=3. 3 Treatment B X= i=0nXin X= 9930 X=3. 30 Treatment C X= i=0nXin X= 9430 X=3. 13 Color + Control X= i=0nXin X= 7630 X=2. 53 Control X= i=0nXin X= 10030 X=3. 33 Treatment A X= i=0nXin X= 8830 X=2. 93 Treatment B X= i=0nXin X= 9530 X=3. 17 Treatment C X= i=0nXin X= 9130 X=3. 03 Odor + Control X= i=0nXin X= 8630 X=2. 87 Control X= i=0nXin X= 12030 X=4. 00 Treatment A X= i=0nXin X= 7930 X=2. 63 Treatment B X= i=0nXin X= 8830 X=2. 93 Treatment C X= i=0nXin X= 9030 X=3. 00 Texture + Control X= i=0nXin X= 8130 X=2. 70 Control X= i=0nXin X= 12530 X=4. 17 Treatment A X= i=0nXi n X= 7930X=2. 63 Treatment B X= i=0nXin X= 10230 X=3. 40 Treatment C X= i=0nXin X= 10630 X=3. 53 BIBLIOGRAPHY * Lamanilao, Ma. Liza and Sejalbo, Venus. Make/Making Ampalaya Seed Coffee and Polvoron, <http//www. foodrecap. net/recipe/ampaya-coffee-pulvoron/>. * Huxley, Rachel and Dphil, et al. Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee and Tea Consumption in Relation to Incident Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus <http//archinte. jamanetwork. com/article. aspx? articleid=773949>. * Huxley, Rachel, DPhil. Every Cup of Coffee per Day Lowers Risk of Type 2 Diabetes by 7% <http//diabetes. webmd. om/news/20091214/coffee-tea-may-stall-diabetes>. References 1 http//www. charantia. com/about-ampalaya/ 2 http//www. livestrong. com/article/292220-properties-of-ampalaya-sticky-extract/ixzz1zWJX6zfP 3 http//www. agribusinessweek. com/ampalaya-bitter-gourd-natural-weapon-against-disease/ 4 http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Coffee 5 http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Health_effects_of_coffee 6 http//www. blurtit. com/ q709932. html 7 http//www. foodrecap. net/recipe/ampaya-coffee-pulvoron/ 8 http//diabetes. webmd. com/news/20091214/coffee-tea-may-stall-diabetes
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Instruction on how to Write an Essay (Two Possible Career Choices)
In this assignment, students will analyze two possible career choices of their choosing, and then write a testicle analytical report effectively presenting a suggestation to pursue one of the careers. This project has two parts Part one, the Table of Contents and foregoing Section, is due at the end of calendar week 6. Part two, the report in its total, is due at the end of week 8. Students are encouraged to begin work on this project no after than week 5, reading the project directions, reading Chapters 13, 14, and 15, and, if time permits, doing preliminary research. egg chronicle Topic This assignment is based on you choosing two possible career choices you would recommend to an employee, client or professional contact. Heres the situation You are to choose two possible career choices. Your report should include the following data and background about your two career choices. Research from at least half-dozen credible sources to inform your audience and to support the reco mmendation(s) APA citations for all researched information (in-text incident citations and a reference list at the end of the report) Formal report formattingYou will need to conduct outside research and cite your sources using APA citations. resolve the formal report by making recommendations to your audience. Your report MUST be formatted as a formal report.Part One (Due Week 6) Table of Contents and presentation Your assignment this week is to write your formal reports table of contents and introduction, using formal formatting. To complete this assignment, you will need to have a good plan in place for your formal report. I encourage you to use the three-step process weve been studying this session. (Theformal report is due in its entirety at the end of week 8. In week 6, only the table of contents and introduction are due.)In week 6, your assignment should include the followingA table of contents using formal report formatting. (Note that page numbers are not necessary this w eek, as you will not have compose the actual report yet. Page numbers should be added next week, though, when you complete the report.) The table of contents should include first- and second-level headings, like the example on page 437 in chapter 15. Include an introductory section featuring the following four parts (see page 439 in chapter 15 for an example.IntroductionPurpose, Scope, and Limitations Sources and Methods Report Organization Identify at least six credible sources you will use in your proposal in the Sources and Methods section. Use formal report formatting. Be free of grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.Part Two (Due Week 8) Formal Report in Full In week 6, you planned the formal report and wrote the Table of Contents and Introduction. In week 8, you will complete the formal report. (You may need to revise the Table of Contents and Introduction, based on the feedback you receive from your instructor.) In week 8, your assignment should verify the followingBe f ormatted as a formal report, following the guidelines for formal reports in the text (including the guidelines for headings and subheadings found on pages 435-448) Include appropriate prefatory, text, and supplemental parts (The formal report should digest appropriate prefatory, text, and supplemental parts, including the following a cover and/or title page a letter of transmittal a table of contents the four-part Introductory Section from week 6 appropriately labeled body sections and appendices, such as the client interview and list of references. Your report does notneed to contain all of these parts, but should contain most of them.) Fully answer the question of what career would you recommend to an employee, client or professional contact.The word count for the intro, body, and expiration should be 1250-1750 words) Use at least six credible researched sources appropriately and effectively Include proper documentation using APA style (both in-text and end-of-text citationsplea se get your work using and Be free of spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.Note Visual aids are entirely appropriate for this kind of report, but they are not required. If you patch up to use visual aids, be certain to adhere to the standards we have studied previously in this course.How the Formal Report Assignment is Graded The Formal Report Assignment will be graded according to the criteria set forth in the Rubrics for weeks 6 and 7/8, located in Doc Sharing.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Bruce Beresford’s “Black Robe”: A Movie About Religious Conversion
Alexander Bermeo February 25, 2013 WHO 2001 U01 Black Robe Although throughout the film it was evident that other Indian tribes, such as the Iroquois and Algonquin, did not want to convert to Christianity because it went against their have got beliefs, the Hurons were able to go against their belief and strike Christianity.Despite the Hurons disapproval of the godliness because of their own beliefs they eventu eithery accept the religion base on the perception of father LaForgue and his humbleness when he arrives to the stoppage, the Hurons respective chauvinism changes and begins to tolerate the religion as time goes by when the settlement accepts Christianity and the honesty LaForgue gives off, and a cultural rapprochement is evident when the Huron settlement accept Christianity when father LaForgue is there and becomes the priest of the settlement.The film Black Robe generates that there was a successful convergence of the religion the Hurons had to Christianity. Throughout the film all the tribes did not like father LaForgue, as well as LaForgues assistant, Daniel. It is bear the Indians do not like father LaForgue because they discriminate him by referring to him as black robe and not by his actual name. (Black Robe) Also, when the Algonquins cast off LaForgue Daniel continues with the Indian tribe and they do not like it nor do they like him succeeding(a) them.For example, one member of the tribe attempts to murder Daniel as he is following the tribe. (Black Robe) However, despite all these things that have occurred father LaForgue remains humble and when he finally reaches the Huron settlement he respects the tribe and tells them that he loves them even though the other Indians tortured him and put him through a tough journey. During father LaForgues journey to the Huron settlement it is clear that each Indian tribe show a strong chauvinistic view on their respective religions. For example, even though LaForgue goes through many trials and ribu lations with the Algonquin tribe, he is still with the chief as he is dying and still refuses LaForgues request to convert, and the chief even tells his daughter to abandon LaForgue because he witnessed it in his dream. (Black Robe) However, when LaForgue finally reaches the Hurons it is evident that they too were strong in their faith. It is clear that they did not want to accept Christianity because they murdered one of the French inhabitants that were there in the beginning. (Black Robe) Despite the Hurons resistance, they eventually veritable father LaForgue and Christianity because he was honest and loving towards the Hurons.LaForgue was able to reveal the previous inhabitants lie to the Hurons that baptism will cure their disease by saying it wouldnt and be honest to the Hurons to gain their respect, as well as their trust. Throughout the film there is always tension between the Indians and father LaForgue based on his ethnicity and more importantly his religion. However, a cultural rapprochement is reached between LaForgue and the Hurons towards the end of the movie. This is evident when LaForgue finally reaches the settlement and sees that the Hurons are doomed and hopeless because they are slowly dying due to disease.Seeing how weak they are, LaForgue is asked by the Hurons many questions to solidify his presence in the settlement. LaForgue eventually tells them the truth nearly the baptizing and that he loves all of them, even though he was mistreated and abandoned by the other Indians. When LaForgue is asked the question if he loves them, he flashes back on all the faces of the Indians he encountered on his voyage and he also reaches a cultural rapprochement with the Hurons, and all the other Indians, by saying he loves them. With that response, the Hurons accept LaForgue, and Christianity, and are baptized at the end of the film. (Black Robe)Although throughout the film it is evident that the Indians, such as the Iroquois and Algonquin, reject C hristianity because it goes against their own beliefs, the Hurons were able to go against their own beliefs and accept Christianity. The Hurons were able to accept Christianity because of the perception father LaForgue gave off and his humbleness he evokes in the settlement, the Hurons respective chauvinism begins to change as they forego their own religion and accept Christianity through father LaForgue, and a cultural rapprochement is evident when father LaForgue arrives at the settlement and baptizes the Hurons.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
How does the writer make you sympathize with one of the following characters in the Yellow wallpaper? Essay
In the story, The Yellow Wall Paper, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, a woman tells her story. It is told by a fibber in first person who we do not know the name. She has been diagnosed with a temporary nervous depression. The setting is around the early 1900s in a colonial mansion that the narrator and her husband have rented. She spends most of her time in her bedroom, writing, where in that respect is also a mysterious wallpaper. In this story, thither are many points where I would feel sympathy for the narrator which I will now bring to light.First of all, back then in mincing times, the relationship between men and women were very different compared to present time. Today, most women desire equality with their partner. The claimer never even learns the name of the narrator, possibly to kick the bucket the illusion that she could be any woman. On the very first page, Gilman illustrates the male dominating society and relationship. It was normal for men to think that they were th e gender who knew when, what, how and why to do things. The narrators husband, John is a doctor whos words and actions reflect the stereotype I previously menti atomic number 53d John laughs at me, of course, but one expects that in marriage. This statement illustrates the way gender, at that time, was relevant. This makes me feel pity for the narrator who is oppressed by the circumstances of that time making her illness find oneself worse.Another factor is that John doesnt believe that his wife is sick, while she is really suffering from her illness. He neglects to listen to his wife about her thoughts, feelings and health. According to him, there is not anything wrong with his wife except for the temporary illness, which should not be serious. The narrator says that the house Is quite alone, standing well back from the road. It is an isolation which John is having her to suffer. By closing her off from the rest of the world, he is taking her away from things that are important t o her mental state, such as her ability to read and write, her need for human interaction and to make her own decisions. All of these are important to people. This also makes me feel sympathy towards the narrator who is not given the mighty to live the way she should.John treats her like a child and infantilises everything. The windows are barred and also when John says What is it little girl? Dont go walking about like that youll get cold. are both quotes which show this child-like way of treating the narrator. This makes me feel again pity for her because it is as if John was superior to everything and that crying, for a girl in those times, was a sign of weakness.Throughout the beginning of the story, the narrator tends to follow the idea that men are always right It is so impregnable to talk to John about my case, because he is so wise and because he loves me so. In a good relationship, each partner should be able to articulate ones own thoughts and feelings. In this case th ough, the narrator feels that she can not tell him what she feels so as not to upset him and make him mad. When the narrator does attempt to have a discussion with John, she ends up crying and not being able to express herself. This shows how at that time, men were supposed to be regard and that women were somehow considered useless. This is very upsetting and irritating, making the reader want to change the story.This is a few ways that the writer makes me sympathise with the narrator. The period she is living in and especially her husband highly contribute to this. You notice that they are not a really good couple and that John is careless with her.
Eddie Mabo Speech Essay
History SpeechGood Morning Ms Sparks and class. Today I will be doing my presentation on the Mabo Decision. A termination that was very significant in giving a massive boost to the struggle for the realization of Aboriginal land rights.The Mabo decision was a sub judice case held in 1992 and is short for Mabo and others v Queensland (No 2) (1992). On June 3rd 1992, the high court of Australia delivered its landmark Mabo decision and rewrote the Australian common law. The High Court is the highest court in Australias judicial system. The Mabo decision in the High Court was the culmination of a legal battle started ten years earlier by a group of plaintiffs from the tiny Torres pass island of Mer to establish their traditional ownership of the Murray Islands. The Mabo decision was named after Eddie Mabo, the macrocosm who challenged the Australian legal system and fought for intelligence of the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the traditional owners of t heir land.Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples occupied Australia for 40,000 to 60,000 years beforehand the British arrived in 1788. They spoke their own languages and had their own laws and customs. They also had a strong connection to country the Australian land. When the British arrived, they declared that Australia was terra nullius (empty land or land that belongs to nobody. As a result, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples occupation of and unique connection with the land were not prize, and the British took the land without agreement or payment. The Mer Islanders decided they would be the unmatcheds to challenge the legal principle of terra nullius in the High Court and that Eddie Mabo would be the one to lead that action.Eddie Koiki Mabo (29 June 1936 to 21 January 1992) was an Australian man from the Torres Strait Islands. Mabos love for his homeland drove the proud Torres Strait Islander to undertake a 10- year legal battle that rewrote Australias hi story. In 1981, Eddie Mabo make a speech at James Cook University in Queensland, where he explained his peoples beliefs about the ownership and inheritance of land on Mer. A lawyer heard the speech andasked Eddie if he would like to challenge the Australian Government in the court system, to decide who the true owner of land on Mer was his people of the Australian Government. And this is exactly what Eddie Mabo did.The Mabo case ran for 10 years. On 3 June 1992, the High Court of Australia decided that terra nullius should not have been applied to Australia. This decision recognised that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have rights to the land rights that existed before the British arrived and can still exist today. The Mabo decision was a turning point for the recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples rights, because it acknowledged their unique connection with the land. It also led to the Australian Parliament passing the Native Title Act in 1993. Sadly, Eddie Mabo never found out the result of his legal case. He died in January 1992, just five months before the High Court made its decision.Mabo Day occurs per annum on June 3rd to commemorate Eddie Mabo and his incredible achievement to campaign for indigenous land rights led to a landmark decision of the High Court of Australia that turn the legal fiction of terra nullius on June 3rd 1992. Eddie Mabo Jnr, on behalf of the Mabo family, said We believe that a public holiday would be fitting to honour and recognise the plowshare to the High Court decision of not only my and his co-plaintiffs, James Rice, Father Dave Passi, Sam Passi and Celuia Salee, but also to acknowledge all indigenous Australians who have appoint and inspired each other.Eddie Mabo made the incredibly brave decision to stand for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Land Rights which turned out to be one of the best decisions for Australias Indigenous people. Thank-you for listening.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Is Chivalry Dead
Is Chivalry Dead? What do you think of when you hear the word chivalry? I cant speak for every peerless but I know most of us, when we hear or think about the word chivalry, automatically we testify images of such figures as the legendary King Arthur and his Knights of the circuit Table, Prince Charming, Gawain and The Green Knight, castles, and images of heavily armor knights saving princess or the cliche-ic damsels in distress. Though myths and fairytales illustrate this picture of chivalry, this in fact is a result of what the world has come to mean.Originally, the word chivalry had a disparate meaning. During the middle ages, the individuals who lived during this time use chivalry as a code of claim. This code of conduct was put in place help the society become better by organizing it. People who lived during the center of attention Ages supported the code of conduct because they felt it may help control the nation and help it stool more power. With any society, if chaos arises something is put into place for it to be demolished.For example, laws are created to provide a society with some type of order. Therefore, chivalry was created to control a society. Chivalry wasnt only to regulate the disorganisation within a society but it also provided individuals at the type of the social ladder to be viewed with high esteem, particularly knight. In order for a knight to make a surname for himself or be recognized as honorable, he had to follow the behavioral code of chivalry.In modern society, one might speculate if chivalry has influence other people from across the globe. Although it pretty safe to presuppose that in our society, chivalry has not fully impact us as a society, neither socially or culturally. Therefore providing truth to the saying that chivalry is dead. In medieval times, power in atomic number 63 was dispersed to the people of hierarchy. The people of great nobility, such as the king, had control of people who were viewed as inferio r, such as the peasants.The earliest way for the nobles to protect themselves and land is through feudalism. Feudalism is a social arrangement based on a hierarchy which consists of social, political, and economic systems. The purpose of the feudalism system was to give the nobles a chance to have power over lands and people. This control would be so successful that it would provide a way for the king to give knights things such as gold or land in commutation for their loyalty and service to the kingdom. This was the bases for the code of conduct.
Monday, May 20, 2019
A study of Neanderthal ‘homo neanderthalensis’ morphology in terms of Bergman’s rule and Allen’s rule
Carl Bergman, a 19th cytosine German biologist, give tongue to that in a warm-blooded, polytypic, wide-ranging animal species, the personate size of the members of each geographic group varies with the mean(a) out environmental temperature.According to this principle, warm-blooded animals living in cold climates would tend to gradually compose larger than animals of the similar species living in warmer climates.J.A.Allen however said that animals adapted to cold retain unforesightfuler limbs and protrude automobile trunk parts.Taking these two rules together we could expect those living in cold, northernmostern climates to have short limbs, protruding body parts and be larger than those living in warmer places.It is believed that adult male neanderthalis came North out of Africa 600,000 old age ago. After that period there was an increase in their cranial capacity. They populated atomic number 63 from about 130,000 until 28,000 long time ago when they either became exti nct, or were so absorbed by homo sapiens as to function invisible. Fossils finds, associated with various cold adapted creatures such as reindeer.They had brow and jaw ridges and protruding faces. Palmer tuberosities and tools found testify that they probably had twice the strength of modern man. According to muscle attachment points and raise deepnesses it seems that they were more stout than modern man, but also that they were more sedentary. Homo sapiens ranged far and wide, whereas Neanderthals tended to stay in northern climes. Body mass increased in time, until they were about 30% larger than the worldwide average harmonize to John Kappelman.McDonald makes the point that they lacked the culture to protect themselves from the elements and so adapted genetically with short, massively beardown(prenominal) limbs, thick torso, prominent central face etc. Limb proportions are close to those of modern daytime thoroughgoing northern peoples such as the Inuit or Lapps. This fit s in with the rules quoted earlier.ReferencesAllen, J.A. The influence of Physical conditions in the contemporaries of species. ascendent Review, 1877, 1 108-140.Bergman,C. quoted inhttp// retrieved seventeenth October 2007Kappelman, J., They Might be Giants, Nature, vol. 387 (May 8, 1997), pp. 126-127.Neanderthals found at http// retrieved 17th October 2007McDonald, D.S., 1996, Neanderthal morphology found at http// retrieved 17th October 2007A study of Neanderthal homo neanderthalensis morphology in terms of Bergmans rule and Allens ruleCarl Bergman, a 19th century German biologist, stated that in a warm-blooded, polytypic, wide-ranging animal species, the body size of the members of each geographic group varies with the average environmental temperature.According to this principle, warm-blooded animals living in cold climates would tend to gradually bec ome larger than animals of the same species living in warmer climates.J.A.Allen however said that animals adapted to cold have shorter limbs and protruding body parts.Taking these two rules together we could expect those living in cold, Northern climates to have short limbs, protruding body parts and be larger than those living in warmer places.It is believed that homo neanderthalis came North out of Africa 600,000 years ago. After that period there was an increase in their cranial capacity. They populated Europe from about 130,000 until 28,000 years ago when they either became extinct, or were so absorbed by homo sapiens as to become invisible.Fossils finds, associated with various cold adapted creatures such as reindeer. They had brow and jaw ridges and protruding faces. Palmer tuberosities and tools found show that they probably had twice the strength of modern man. According to muscle attachment points and bone thicknesses it seems that they were more robust than modern man, but also that they were more sedentary.Homo sapiens ranged far and wide, whereas Neanderthals tended to stay in northern climes. Body mass increased in time, until they were about 30% larger than the worldwide average according to John Kappelman.McDonald makes the point that they lacked the culture to protect themselves from the elements and so adapted genetically with short, massively strong limbs, thick torso, prominent central face etc. Limb proportions are close to those of modern day extreme northern peoples such as the Inuit or Lapps. This fits in with the rules quoted earlier.ReferencesAllen, J.A. The influence of Physical conditions in the genesis of species. Radical Review, 1877, 1 108-140.Bergman,C. quoted in http// retrieved 17th October 2007Kappelman, J., They Might be Giants, Nature, vol. 387 (May 8, 1997), pp. 126-127.Neanderthals found at http// retrieved 17th October 2007McDonald, D.S., 1996, Neandert hal morphology found at http// retrieved 17th October 2007
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Pest Essay
Hong Kong is politically stable, at that place would rarely be any political factors that will interrupt and slow down the accompanys growth. Hong Kong doesnt have goods and services tax so this allows McDonalds to have lower expenses and they can maximize their profit. The world(prenominal) operations of Mcdonalds are highly influenced by the individual state policies enforced by apiece government. Economic- The economic collapse has caused Hong Kong to enter the recession stage in the economic cycle.Therefore the demands for low toll food increase tremendously and this benefited McDonald, since the foods are cheap and the quality is guaranteed. Inflation has caused McDonald to raise meal price, in long term, as inflation raised to a point that it will be too overpriced and McDonald will lose its large customer base. But still Mcdonalds is still a merchandise leader and it got a very (high)large target market. low cost more incomes. The rate at which the economic system of that particular state grows determines the purchasing power of the consumers in that country.Social- McDonald is a unfluctuating food restaurant company so they can perform their services in a briefly period of time and this fits with the fast paced lifestyle in Hong Kong. In the past few years Hong Kong people are more aware(predicate) of healthy eating, so they stay away from high calories and high cholesterol food. McDonald tries to prevent the loss of customer by adding healthier food in the menu such as salads sweet corn. Working inside many social groups. Increase employments. Technology- Hong Kong has a well developed transportation system, especially the airport that has airlines that connects to several(predicate) part of the world.Their food supplies can be delivered from all around the world in a short period. Computers and smart cashiers are used by the employees so they would not get confused and they are provided with customized database anxiety system. They also have Wifi provide in every McDonalds also, its very convenient for people that is employ laptop. Quality packing and standards. Advanced technology development. Local manufacture using foreign supplies. Strength industrial-strength brand name, image and reputation- Clean environment and play areas for children (bday party provided)- 24 hours- Customer intimacy-Product innovation- supplier integration Weaknesses High staff turnover (food going to waste)- Unhealthy food image- Low depth and breadth of product- Unbalanced meals (mostly meat, amount of fruit or vegetable not much) Opportunities Expand into gradation 2 and Tier 3 cities- Growth of the fast-food assiduity- Worldwide deregulation- Low cost menu that will attract the customers- Freebies and discounts- Can rotate up online service for customers Growing health trend (fresh burger or healthy dessert) Threats Increase competition from local anaesthetic fast food outlets- Mcdonalds competitors threatened market sh are of the company both internationally and domestically- health issues Health professionals and consumer activities accuse Mcdonalds of contributing to the countrys health issue of high cholesterol, heart attacks, diabetes and obesity- Lack of choices (customers will change their taste anyday)- Global recession and fluctuating foreign currencies- Fast-food chain industry is expected to struggle to meet the expectations of the customers towards health and environmental issues
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Poetry Essay on The Cord, My Life, and Bike Ride With Older Boys Essay
In the three poems My Life by Joe Wenderoth, hertz Ride With Older Boys by Laura Kasischke and The Cord by Leanne OSullivan the theme of adolescence is developed through the dustup techniques these writers gravel used. A disparate belief of adolescence is represented in each poem which explains the troubles we can name through adolescence such as the problems we obligate to eccentric and accept, decision do and how mothers are so evasive of their shaverren growing up.These reports are shown through the language techniques of both illustrations and extended metaphors, punctuation, personification, and alliteration. The poem My Life by Joe Wenderoth explores how we have to face problems and accept them during adolescence. My Life is about(predicate) a boy finding an animal in his dwell and raising it up by himself unless to find out later that it can quite slow kill him and it eventually will. The animal is explained through the extended metaphor I called the animal My Life this is grave the reader that the animal is himself, it is his inner self. my Lief is an animal, it is alive and has a mind of its own, uncontroll qualified-bodied, which lies within himself. he tries to tame it, which you cannot do to a wild animal, controlling the animal and change his fate until he realises that it will kill him and zipper will change that. the use of alliteration of i stopped singing it to stop explains how he has given up on taming it, little by little. He is trying to use one shot front he alliteration to make it soothing as though the writer has given up on the animal but it is slowly pulling away and accepting the truth of My Life.A Metaphor of I no longer make My Life do tricks is used. This citation is the writer only letting go of My Life and accepting the truth, we all live to travel. My Life was his inner which is would kill him in the end no matter how much he cared or tamed it because we are born to die and nothing can change that. This metaphor explains the writers acceptance, at the beginning he was so hopeful and excite of the animal making it do do tricks but this quote near the end explains the development of the idea throughout the poem how he just lets go and accepts the idea.During Adolescence we are often faced with many problems and spiritedness lessons and whether we want to or not, we have to accept them because the outcome wont change we will have to and learn to adapt to them. Decision making is a big part of adolescence, we have to start making decisions that we may or may not regret later, the poem Bike Ride With older Boys By Laura Kasischke explains and develops thisidea.This poem is about a 13 year old girl who makes the decision not to consider up with two older boys at the stop and go, later regretting this decision as a bored housewife. She questions her decision and whether it could have turned out to be a highlight or the biggest mistake of her life, this is back up with the use of punct uation and a metaphor in the quote I have been given a little cave in-.The hyphen used at the end of the line represents a pause, letting us and herself think, is it actually a little Gift? She plays over the idea of whether its a good idea to accept the gift comparing the pros and cons of the situation. The quote knowing the girl i was again uses punctuation expressing how naive the girl is. Kasischlke uses the ellipsis to support this and representing a pause as she plays over the idea of whether she should go on the bike depend upon or not. What would that make her as a person though, because she doesnt usually do things same this but does that mean its a bad thing? It could be the most exciting thing that ever happens in her life.. or it could be the worst.The writer describes to herself what could happen, what it would be like as though she is tricking herself into going as nothing bad would actually happen but in that location is still a small part of her knowing that it could all go wrong. Punctuation in the quote Two cute and older boys pedalling beside me respectful and awe show this to the reader. The hyphen is explains a pause in which she acts as though she is unsure of the boys, if they really will only go for a bike call down and that theyll treat her well.Her decision was initially was not to go but looking back on it nothing bad could have actually happened, could it? She regrets her decision of not going on the bike ride even though she is unsure of what actually would have happened. During adolescence we make decisions which we think is the right choice at the time, our opinions and outlook on the decisions we make may change over time but we cant change them. That is just all about growing up. Parents, Mothers especially, are highly evasive of their children growing up, give their children enough space for them to go out while still keeping them close being able to pull them towards them when theyre in trouble.The Cord by Leanne OS ullivan explores this idea throughout the poem. The poem is about a lady friend on the phone constantly to her friends in her room while her Mother sits in another room not complaining as she doesnt mind because her missy is in effect(p) at home. The extended metaphor of The Cord is presentthroughout the poem. The Cord is suggested as being an umbilical cord, the tie-up between a Mother and child through the development of the child. The umbilical cord gives everything a child needs for growth and gets rid of anything unneeded, the phone cord acts as like this in the poem.The mother is large her daughter everything she wants, space, conversation, as a person in adolescence wants while she still keeps her daughter close and safe at home, My Mother never complained about the phone bill shows how you cant put a price on your childs safety. She(Mother) will feed her daughter whatever she wants to keep her daughter safe at home away from any trouble. A metaphor of Perhaps thats the o nly way she thought she could reach me, sending me to the snake pit, shows the daughters understanding of her mothers doing.That her Mother is plentiful her a taste of the deep, dark, lost souls world so she can see what it is like and enjoy it without losing herself to the underworld completely, turning rebellious. Personification of watching the cord stretch its muscle away from her reflects upon the extended metaphor of the umbilical cord. This quote is explaining the daughter creating as much space between herself and her mother as she is able to but the connection between them is still there as the cord can only go so far before it is torn. The Mother has given her space and left her alone until she is called upon by her daughter for some help.During adolescence we just want space and freedom although parents, especially Mothers, can be highly protective giving us what we want while still giving us room to grow up and become ourselves. This idea was developed throughout this text to show the theme of adolescence through language techniques. In conclusion, the theme of adolescence was presented in all three poems of My Life by Joe Wenderoth, Bike Ride With Older Boys by Laura Kasischke and The Cord by Leanne OSullivan through the use of language techniques enforcing different ideas of adolescence.These ideas include problems we have to face and accept, decision making, and how Mothers especially can be so protective of their children growing up. Language techniques used included both metaphors and extended metaphors, punctuation, personification, and alliteration. Adolescence was developed throughout these texts as the ideas in each poem presented a different part of adolescence which helps us understand this more easily.
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